Cisco 3750 Switch Ios Download For Gns3vault
GNS3Vault is offering you Cisco labs and scenarios that you can download and use with the GNS3 / Dynamips software. My goal is to have a full range of labs to study for CCNA, CCNP and even CCIE.
- Jan 15, 2013 Hi frnds, I have two 3750 spare switches in my company.I think gns3 cant emulate L3 devices. So i wanna connect my real 3750 switches using it po 50634.
- Hi, I am going through CCNA study and I am working with c3550 switches. The IOS on the device is older c3550-i9q312-mz.121-19.eA1c, and I have identified th 112797.
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1365194406.0,91,self.ccna,1br9lm,Passed CCNA this morning!,102,11,23,,'Got a 930 on my first shot! I needed a passing score of 825, and I had 45 questions. Got my CCENT 2 weeks ago, and now I can finally take a break. Enjoying a nice beer and killing those brain cells off. |
For those of you that are currently studying: don't give up, don't be nervous, and don't have a life until you pass. :-) |
*Edit*: As expected, I've gotten a bunch of messages, so I'll post the links on here when I get back tonight. |
*EDIT 2:* Check comments for notes, and a sim!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1365646094.0,True,t3_1br9lm,, |
1364224471.0,63,,1az5r2,What 6 months looks like - But totally worth it because I finally have my CCNA :),75,12,21,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1az5r2,, |
1352756709.0,69,self.ccna,13323l,'Today I scored 937 and 944 on back-to-back ICND1 and ICND2 tests, first attempt. Here's how:',79,10,33,,'Today I scored 937 and 944 on back-to-back ICND1 and ICND2 tests, first attempt. Here's how: |
Since my local testing center recently had some sort of falling out with Pearson VUE, I had to catch a 2-hour flight (cost: $200!) to get certified. This encouraged me to prepare extra-thoroughly, in order to one-shot my CCNA and avoid the cost of multiple round-trips to another city. |
Here's an important disclaimer: I built my study plan around my own particular circumstances, and so your mileage will inevitably vary. For context, here's a bit on my educational background: I've had to put my undergraduate degree in Cognitive Science on hold during my fourth year, thanks to recession-induced financial collapse. I earned my A+ and Network+ certs back in 2003, and since then have accumulated what's perhaps the equivalent of 3 full-time years of semi-relevant work experience. I knew enough, for example, about ping, tracert and ipconfig, but hardly anything about subnets, switching or routing. |
There are two more important details. By the time I began to prepare for my CCNA, I'd had the good fortune of landing a marginally-acceptable job. For this reason, while I had (and still have) a profound yearning for a better life, I wasn't in an un(der)employment-fueled mad rush. Also, I decided to go the two-exam route to 'bank' my intellectual investment, so to speak. That said, here is the plan I settled on: |
Phase 1: I read Lammle's study guide. Specifically, I did nothing but read the guide, cover to cover. I didn't take notes or do review exercises, or even spend much time lost in thought about unfamiliar topics. This wasn't skimming, per se; instead, I truly read the entire book, and only stopped to re-read parts when basic reading comprehension eluded me (i.e. upon encountering poorly-worded sections or sleep-induced idiocy). The take-home message here is not to stress over parts that seem strange. Instead, just let them stew. |
Phase 2: I re-read Lammle's study guide. This time, however, I took notes and completed all written labs and review exercises. Unlike my last time through the book, I also read the hands-on labs. However, my sheer infantile impatience and motivatonal inertia prevented me from actually doing them, despite having already installed Cisco Packet Tracer. |
Here's the gist of my note-taking strategy: I produced a summary of Lammle's book that doesn't contain Lammle's 'bonus commentary'. I was left with fairly cut-and-dry facts and IOS commands that were much easier to use as reference material. |
Phase 3: I compiled every IOS command mentioned in Lammle's study guide into a handy-dandy reference hierarchy (tree structure). The tree's root was 'USER EXEC MODE', which is what you'd encounter on a freshly-rebooted router or switch. This would branch out into other modes (like 'PRIVELIGED EXEC MODE') and commands (like 'enable'). Instead of adding multi-keyword commands like 'show ip interface brief' as a single entry in the tree, I represented them as a network of branches and leaves, so that, for example, both ['ip' -> 'interface' -> 'brief'] and ['cdp' -> 'neighbors'] would branch off of the 'show' node. The upshot: it's easier to remember interrelated pathways that traverse concisely-named nodes than long and perhaps seemingly-unrelated commands. I used MindJet, my favorite mapping program, but there's no reason why you can't do this with any other mind-mapping program, or indentations in any text editor, or paper and pen. |
Phase 4: I watched Jeremy Cioara's CBT Nuggets videos for ICND1 and ICND2. While sticklers for grammar, diction and brevity might find it difficult to sit through hour upon hour of this material, it's still a great resource. It's more 'visual' than a textbook, which helps, and it fills many of the lacunae left by Lammle. Highly recommended. |
Phase 5: I experimented with simulators and emulators. I found Cisco Packet Tracer easier to use than GNS3, even though is omits some IOS functionality. Learning switching with GNS3 was too problematic for me, and this became a key reason for choosing CPT over GNS3. After testing a few different approaches to simulation, I found one that worked best for me. I would start with two hosts attached to one switch and configure a functional LAN. This covered base configurations, followed by IP addressing and VLANS. I then moved up to a router-on-a-stick by adding one router, and then added more routers to practice routing and WAN technologies. While I enjoyed this 'bottom-up' approach more than a 'top-down' sequence (starting from a pair of routers connected point-to-point), do what feels right to you. |
Phase 6: I attempted all the practice questions I could get my hands on. While nearly all of them were multiple-choice questions, they certainly helped. It is crucial that you attempt each question before you check the answer: Cognitive Science studies (e.g. Siefert et al 1995) show that reaching an impasse greatly facilitates problem solving ability. Reading the answer right away is far less useful. In any case, save the practice question marathon for the very end, after you've gained a strong understanding of more basic principles and theory. It's your exam-prep dessert, and not an appetizer like Phase 1 was. |
The result: over 93% on both tests, with 40 and 7 minutes to spare respectively. |
And now for some much-needed shut-eye.. |
Edit: In response to popular demand, [here's my mind map](',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1352789759.0,True,t3_13323l,, |
1361856752.0,61,self.ccna,198scs,Made Myself A Study Guide,65,4,19,,'I've been studying for my test for a loong time and I'm finally getting close to comfortable. I've begun taking many practice tests and along the way have created a list of information that I found on the tests, especially on questions I got wrong. This guide doesn't have every single detail included and leaves out things that I personally found as common knowledge. I'll be reading this guide over and over until I know all of it; then I'll feel prepared to take the test. I figured I'd share for others to benefit from, and maybe get some feedback or see if I made any errors. |',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_198scs,, |
1364951449.0,53,,1bk1og,'I'm running a Kickstarter to produce a CCNA video training series, and release it for free for everyone!',66,13,16,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1bk1og,, |
1373692398.0,53,,1i7c8p,You know your either an IT nerd or have been doing too much Subnetting when..,80,27,14,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1i7c8p,, |
1367446789.0,52,,1dievi,Cisco Is Easy - A very useful resource covering everything CCNA.,52,0,2,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1dievi,, |
1360524296.0,52,self.ccna,189d0f,Full CCNA Practice LAB,60,8,22,,'Made a CCNA practice lab which includes most topics that need hands on configuring. I'm only studying for CCNA so it's probably laid out terribly and nothing like a real network but it saves all the clicking involved in setting up a practice lab so i thought someone could use it. |
Made on packet tracer 5.3.3 |',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1367854727.0,True,t3_189d0f,, |
1366994910.0,50,,1d5vt3,Go home Cisco you're drunk.,66,16,10,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1d5vt3,, |
1363113864.0,49,self.ccna,1a5ukc,'In this moment, I am euphoric. Today I have finally become a CCNA!',58,9,37,,'Thanks for all the help guys. I couldn't have done it without you guys. |
I took the 2 test route and I really think the ICND1 was harder, but that's just me. |
Best of luck on all of your studies! If I can do it, anyone can!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1a5ukc,, |
1354832666.0,45,,14epr6,Graph I made which allows me to answer any question in under 30 seconds.,54,9,14,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_14epr6,, |
1376865990.0,45,,1kmpi9,CCNA/Networking Salary Guide Roundup 2013,52,7,24,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1kmpi9,, |
1366225872.0,44,self.ccna,1cjve7,Passed CCNA Today 920/1000,51,7,18,,'Ask me anything, I will help as much as possible.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1cjve7,, |
1361642166.0,43,,1935sg,Just finished my CCNA course. Someone brought cake.,51,8,11,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1935sg,, |
1349962550.0,45,self.ccna,11b3mk,Annnnnnd I passed!,49,4,15,,'828/1000. Close one! |
Any questions, anyone?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_11b3mk,, |
1366156579.0,43,,1chwyj,'Awesome resource on Security, Win server, CCNA, network basics, IP basics',47,4,6,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1chwyj,, |
1359573505.0,39,self.ccna,17kshe,I am now a Cisco Certified Network Administrator,53,14,20,,'I just passed my ICND2 today. I almost ran out of time, rushed the last 15-20 questions. Finished with 3 minutes left. |
Score: 888 |
Breakdown: |
Config, verify and troubleshoot a switch with VLANS and interswitch communications: 93% |
Implement an IP addressing scheme and IP Services to meet network requirements in a medium-size Enterprise branch office network: 88% |
Configure and troubleshoot basic operation and routing on Cisco devices: 73% |
Implement, verify, and troubleshoot NAT and ACLs in a medium-size Enterprise branch office network: 67% |
Implement and verify WAN links: 100% |
Impressions: |
I will admit, I did spend the least amount of time on NAT and ACLs in my studying. If I had another month, I'd of done more NAT, ACLs, and study IPV6, although there isn't much IPV6 on the exam at all, it still cost me. (My IPV6 studying consisted of me watching a video on the basics the night before the exam) |
I thought I would have enough time on the exam by just taking my time and thinking through the questions deliberately, but I was very wrong, I came very close to not finishing on time if I hadn't picked up my pace during the end. |
I noticed a lot of OSPF on the exam. |
In conclusion: w00t. Now off to take a break from Cisco and do some peer2peer socket programming. |
If you have any questions ask away.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_17kshe,, |
1352059789.0,39,self.ccna,12mkaw,'CCNA ROUTING STUDY GUIDES (EIGRP, OSPF, RIP/RIPv2, IP ROUTING BASICS',49,10,6,,'OSPF - |
RIP/RIPv2 - |
IP Routing Basics - |
I posted the EIGRP guide I made last week but the formatting was awful, so pastebin was suggested as an alternative. I took most of the information from Lammle 7th ed. as well as some other notes and study guides I picked up online. I highly recommend Lammle, very readable, almost too in-depth in some parts but a very good intro to the material for someone who has a few years of networking background but not from a Cisco perspective. I bolded important terms/sections during re-reading these guides after I made them which did not translate when I posted them, but that said the main benefit to me was making these as it forced me to comprehend and organize all the information logically. I would recommend highlighting sections that you find important as you go through these. |
Still a few weeks away from taking my test (composite exam) so any tips or info others find/found helpful please don't hesitate to share. Good luck to all in your studies.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_12mkaw,, |
1358275203.0,40,self.ccna,16mqrb, New website dedicated to assisting in the CCNA exam,47,7,18,,'Hello /r/CCNA! |
Recently I started working on a website dedicated to the CCNA exam. This site is a way for me to expand my knowledge and assist others in their journey to becoming CCNA certified. Currently the site has a lot of material on it, but it is a work in progress. For now I'm asking for your assistance. If you have the time, please check the site out and give me your honest opinions. This is my first attempt at anything like this so getting some feedback would be greatly appreciated. |
The website can be found here - [network-helper]( |
Please check out the CCNA section, as well as the GNS3 labs. There is a section under GNS3 labs to submit user made labs, so if you have any labs you've created that are relevant to the CCNA and you would like to share them then feel free to send them via the website. |
There are plans to add practice tests, audio study material, and video study material to the website in the future. |
Thank you, and if you happen to find the site useful then please share it with others that have an interest in the CCNA.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_16mqrb,, |
1340042196.0,41,self.ccna,v8f8a,Finally. Today I passed the ICND2 and am now a CCNA! ,43,2,28,,'Now for my next step on the IT journey. |
I was going to take the CCNA Security class at my local college but it's not offered this fall. So I'm between CCNP routing and Firewall/VPN security. |
Any thoughts?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_v8f8a,, |
1376316368.0,35,self.ccna,1k7gew,Passed CCNP switching with 1000/1000 today,47,12,10,,'So happy to score full mark after passing [CCNA]( |
Now gonna prepare for CCNP Routing :)',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1k7gew,, |
1374193718.0,38,self.ccna,1ilkkl,Whoo! Just passed the CCENT,41,3,12,,'Hey all, this was my post last week: |
I would like to thank you all for your helpful suggestions! It was very encouraging and helped kept me motivated when I was doubting myself. |
Here's what I used to pass: |
*Lammle's 7th edition CCNA book |
*CBTnuggets (first half of the series) |
* |
* |
*Cisco Packet Tracer |
I didn't pass with the score I expected to but I'm still happy that I passed. As a college student that spent $150 for the test and a whole month of his summer break at a Starbucks studying for 6-8 hours a day, it feels great! |
As this was my first certification test ever, it was different from what I expected. I didn't have to make any configurations at all. No ip addressing, no rip configs, dhcp, dns, none of that. Just mainly show commands. Know what config does though. |
KNOW YOUR SUBNETTING. Seriously. I spend 3 minutes on a question wondering why a router wasn't able to ping another router until I figured out they were on two different subnets that were next to each other. |
Now onto the ICND2! Anymore tips?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ilkkl,, |
1363622178.0,39,self.ccna,1aj2kq,Passed ICND2 This morning!!!,47,8,16,,'Thank God, the study paid off! I am now an official CCNA!!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1aj2kq,, |
1368645959.0,36,self.ccna,1eegen,Passed CCNA 640-802 Today!,44,8,16,,'It was a tad close with a score of 867. This is my first ever IT cert and first attempt, so I think the close score is justified :) |
The learning began when I purchased the book and lab equipment a little less than 12 weeks ago. |
* CCNA Study Guide 7th Edition - ISBN 9780470901076 |
* CBTNuggets ICND1 / ICND2 Video Series |
* [CCNA Lab Kit from eBay]( off of eBay |
**Some highlights of my experience:** |
The book and video series mentioned above were great resources in learning all the objectives. I recommend them highly. |
I believe having working lab equipment is a must! Over these last few months, my idea of a fun Friday night was rounding up all the routers I had to see how many hops I can create between 2 PCs. |
About midway through my studies, when the lab work became more intensive, I went out to an office supply store and spent 30 bucks on a whiteboard. I found that to be the best way to draw out my [network diagrams]( They are colorful, erasable, and big enough to see it from my desk and [rack]( when making the cable connections.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1eegen,, |
1367972765.0,40,self.ccna,1dwdn6,Passed 640-802 a week ago.I wanted to post up my subnetting cheat sheet incase it can help anybody.,44,4,14,,'So I passed this pain in the *ss exam with a 945/1000 and I would say a big help in this was my cheat sheet. Though on the 640-802 there was limited actual subnetting questions it was extremely nice to be able to cross out bogus answers by quickly eliminating them with this. This was paramount on questions with network diagrams, 6-7 multiple choice questions and several of them being pcA is on the wrong subnet, or routerA is addressed incorrectly. |
So here it is [Cheat Sheet]( |
Yes its hand drawn, i got it down to about a minute :) |
The main factor I wanted with a cheat sheet was that I only wanted to remember a very small group of things going in. I knew I was going to be nervous and I didn't want to be trying to recall to much and stumbling out of the gate. |
**So to create it all I needed to know was the following:** |
1)How to divide 128 by 2 then take its result and divide by 2 again. Honestly going into these exams you will know this step forwards and backwards :) |
2)Take 255 and start subtracting it in reverse order 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 from it. That gives you all that jazz. ex 255 - 1 = 254..254 - 2 = 252..252 - 4 = 248..and so on |
3) Fill in your 1s and 0s. You will remember how it should look. |
4)Your 3 mnemonic phrase |
-All People Seem To Need Data Processing |
-tcp in A TIN cup (A TIN is what you care about) |
-Did Sally Pack For Bermuda |
5)Powers. |
Quick Note..All of this is simple but DO NOT RUSH simple mistake in your powers table like a 1048 instead of 1024 will cause you grief. Also keep it neat as you dont want to be second guessing things on it. |
**How to use it.** |
This chart represents a starting point of a class C, imagine Classes B and A to the left of it, they would look the same. |
Ex1) What is the broadcast for |
-Scroll down the left hand column until you find 224 move over to the right until the last '1' in the row and lookup. You got 32, 0-32 is the range 31 is the Broadcast. |
Ex2) What valid host range is the ip address a part of?? |
-For this one you start counting from left to right from 17 (Everything 16 and less is on the imaginary chart to your left). Since a /20 falls on 16 you know the range you just need remember to exclude the first and last ( and For Class B start counting from 17, Class C start counting from 25. Itll make sense once you do it a few times. |
Ex3) How many subnets and hosts per subnet can you get from the network |
-Scroll down the left hand column until you find 240 now scroll right until you hit a 0, count all the zeros in this row all the way over to the right and now since this is a Class B imagine in your head this chart extending to the right you would just keep counting (another 8 0s). So 12 0s dont do the math just look at your power chart and find 2^12 = 4096 then subtract -2 (because were looking for hosts) and blammo 4094. The same thing goes for for the subnets counts the 1s going towards the left and then look at your power table. You will get 4094. |
Hopefully it helps someone |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1dwdn6,, |
1356961538.0,35,,15q11p,Wanted to rack my lab but needed access to console ports,40,5,20,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_15q11p,, |
1354718451.0,34,self.ccna,14bnld,'OP DELIVERS!! [About 6 months ago someone posted an aptitude test for people considering the field of networking. It tested problem solving skills, among other things. Can anyone recall what site that may be? we all took it and compared scores.]',41,7,46,,'Here is the thread from last March to give you an idea of the discussion | |
Here is the quiz! |',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_14bnld,, |
1364329428.0,32,,1b2aiu,CCENT/CCNA programs redesign official,35,3,16,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1b2aiu,, |
1371313690.0,35,self.ccna,1gelqi,'Passed the 640-802, my study info inside',42,7,6,,'>[Proof]( |
Introduction |
>First off, thanks for all the tips, tricks, and practice info submitted by the faithful redditors here. Though I've never posted, I troll /r/ccna a every day, and your thoughts definitely contributed to my passing this exam. Know this, 2 months ago my knowledge of networking was zilch. I knew absolutely nothing. This test can be overcome by people with little to no understanding in networking, it just takes practice. The advantages I had were the fact that I work Help Desk and have two very talented network engineers guiding me through the cert/learning/understanding process. Also, I had access to older Cisco routers they weren't using. |
Materials and Software I used |
>I used Lammle's book exclusively for theory. For lab setup I bought the 841 without wireless just to familiarize myself with the CLI, then I used an image from a router at work to set up all the routing/acl/nat examples using GNS3 (you can google for an IOS image if you don't own one, though I'm not sure as to the legality there). I didn't download packet tracer until the end, and it showed in my knowledge of switching. I had to review STP, VTP, and port security an awful lot the last week before my test. The genetics lottery did bless me with a decent memory though, and I find that memory is a core component of the CCNA. Networking is a contrived concept, it is a series of standards, protocols, specifications, and software/hardware developed by human beings. It is important to recognize that a lot of things in networking were simply decided that way. My math professor used to call this the White House rule. The White House is white because it's white. Or something like that.. |
Cisco commands |
>I recommend keeping a google doc or a notebook filled with the most vital cisco commands you come across, and commit them to memory. Know the output of show cdp neighbor and show cdp neighbor detail like the back of your hand, for the love of God. These commands allowed me to do very well on my sims. Some other common ones are: |
ip address //used frequently, assigns ip addresses to interfaces |
show ip route // good to verify your routing setup |
show run //just use this all the time, any time you're stuck |
copy run start //save your changes to nvram when you're done! |
Know everything? |
> |
Everybody says, 'Know everything'. I didn't want to believe that was true going into the exam, but it really is. They ask you the most random assortment of questions (I mean, Frame Relay? WTF) It's ridiculous how broad this exam really is. I'm glad they're changing it, because the 640-802 covers so much. And my survey responses reflected that ;) |
Is subnetting really that important? |
>As far as the most important topic to know? The obvious answer is subnetting. But most people stop right there, and may not tell you why. Lammle likes to say two things about subnetting. 1) Every question is a subnetting question, and 2) Know subnetting: know CCNA, no subnetting: no CCNA. The reason he says these things is because so many topics and, consequently, questions on the 640-802 stem from your understanding of proper IP addressing, and subnetting is at the core of IP addressing. |
Tips and tricks for subnetting? |
>Know them in your head, really. Don't do that binary thing unless you're absolutely stuck. Know that /28 means a mask of, has a block size of 16, and has a corresponding wildcard of Know the difference between a wildcard and a mask. Know that the amount of usable IP addressing is block size - 2. Here's my little tip for Class B subnetting: I don't know how to explain this well, but, here goes. Ok. So say you're given the subnetwork /20, and you want to find the last usable address in this subnet. I found the best way to do this in my head was to add 8 to the prefix-length, giving us 28. So the block size for the third octect will be the block size that would be in the fourth octet with a /28 prefix on a class C address. So the last usable IP address in the subnetwork /20 is (remember that the last IP address is the broadcast address. See what I did there? I added 16 to the third octect and subtracted 2 from the last octet to account for the network address of the next subnetwork and the broadcast address of this subnetwork. If that makes no sense whatsoever, and I'm sure it may not, PM and I can further explain it. I find that the best prefixes to commit to memory are /28 and /24. Know /28's block size is 16. That way, if you're asked about a /29 prefix. You just divide 16 by 2 and you have 8. Or if you're given a /27 you just multiply by 2 and you have 32. Then use your respective block sizes to find the mask. There's no reason to memorize masks, just subtract the block size of any given subnet from 256 and you'll get your mask. For instance, /28 is a block size of 16, 256 - 16 = 240, therefore the mask is Know that wildcards are just 1 less than the block size associated with the subnet. Know that the last ip address in a subnetwork is the broadcast address. Cisco loves to test your knowledge of this by frequently applying broadcast addresses to interfaces and then ask you why it's not working. Cisco also loves to trick you up with the first IP address in a subnetwork. The first IP address is reserved for the subnetwork address, therefore it is not valid for host addressing. Why commit /24 to memory? Just so you know that is where the class c and class b subnetting is differentiated., block size 256. Subnetting is easy, just practice it a lot, and it will come. I didn't know a thing about subnetting two weeks ago, and I didn't miss a single ip addressing question on the exam. |
Non technical related tips and tricks |
>If you're self studying, schedule your exam. This was the best piece of advice given to me, if I had not scheduled my exam, I would not be a CCNA right now. Also, bring two forms of ID to the test. I almost forgot to do this, I was lucky they accepted a credit card as the second form of ID. |
Other thoughts |
>Besides knowing subnetting, you should know your weaknesses. I had two big weaknesses going into the test. 1) I didn't know switching as well as I should, and 2) I didn't know ACL's as well as I should. I recognized my weakness in these topics last week and spent a good portion of my review time studying them just to make sure I'd be ready. And it paid off, I had to apply my knowledge of ACL in a sim. You never know what Cisco will throw at you. Know your subnetting, know your weakness, study hard, study early, study often, and you'll pass the CCNA. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1gelqi,, |
1349651546.0,35,,113xrw,Answer D is the only obvious answer to this ICND1 question..,41,6,13,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_113xrw,, |
1364486376.0,34,self.ccna,1b6li1,Live chat with Jeremy Cioara about the new CCNA exams (Today 10am PST),38,4,31,,We're sitting down (on air/YouTube) with Jeremy Cioara at 10am to answer your questions about the new CCNA exams. The broadcast will be available after it airs as well. Ask us your questions or tune in live. We'll be taking questions from the audience (via social media). Link to come!,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1b6li1,, |
1360936877.0,34,self.ccna,18kwoo,Passed ICND1!!,40,6,15,,'I passed my ICND1! I was stressed out big time, studied hard but was just doubting myself. Scored an 850. Now I'll take a week off and start for ICND2.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_18kwoo,, |
1340946036.0,32,self.ccna,vs5d8,'Today, I am a CCNA',33,1,17,,'Finally! I took my first CCNA classes like 4 years ago, and liked it but never certified. Well, today I conquered ICND2. |
ICND1 Score: 937/1000 |
ICND2 Score: 818/1000, 888/1000 (took two tries :/)',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_vs5d8,, |
1370074237.0,31,self.ccna,1fgfa4,'How I self studied for my CCNA, and you can too.',44,13,21,,'There are many ways to learn the material covered in the CCNA exam. I taught myself. There are many ways to go about doing that, here is what I did: |
1. Started watching a video series. CBT NUggets - Jeremy Ciara |
I like CBT because the videos are all under an hour and Jeremy is a good teacher. I was not happy with TrainSignal, Chris Bryant. It is hard to explain but Jeremy makes you wish you were having as much fun as he is when he explains everything, Chris made me feel like he was as bored teaching as I was watching. Whatever series you choose, there are others,I recommend watching a sample before you buy. |
2. Get some practice tests. I used testkingworld and it was exactly like what I saw during the real test. By taking practice tests you are ready for the types of questions asked on the exam. For example: you may be able to subnet but can you look at a network diagram with 8 devices and quickly tell which one is not on the same subnet as everything else? |
3. Home lab. Home labs are nice but not essential to passing, IMHO. That being said, it was nice to work on real equipment and to really set up a WAN connection. If you are going to get a lab I recommend buying one switch (2950's are like $50 on ebay) first, configure it, make VLAN's, have fun. If you feel that you need more, then buy everything else. |
Here is what I would buy(ebay ebay ebay) for a complete home CCNA lab: two 2950's and three 2961's. Don't spend more than $60 on each device. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fgfa4,, |
1367341099.0,33,,1df5rd,This guy taught me as much as my instructors. Thank you,39,6,6,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1df5rd,, |
1367242538.0,32,self.ccna,1dc4cc,Passed ICND1 100-101 today.,35,3,7,,'892/1000 |
I read the 640-822 book in January, watched the CBT Nuggets videos, and read the new 100-101 cert guide again in April. |
There's one thing you need to know really well: Subnetting, Subnetting, Subnetting. |
I didn't have a single IPv6 question in the test. |
Everything went fine, I'm happy, now I'm going for the ICND2. |
Good luck to everyone who has yet to do it! ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1dc4cc,, |
1351709539.0,30,self.ccna,12ev51,I too got a 937 on my ICND1 exam today,34,4,7,,'Had 41 minutes left on the clock when I finished |
Study method that worked for me: |
- Watched cbtnuggets videos to get a quick understanding of what material would be covered |
- read through the odom book to further ingrain concepts |
- used lammle's subnetting method per google |
- ran through the labs on packettracernetwork a few times |
- watched the cbtnuggets videos a few more times at 2x speed (using vlc), taking a fresh set of notes each time on the information I didn't know off the top of my head until I had all the information memorized. |
How I verified that I was ready to take the exam: |
- I could do all questions on |
- I got a 95% on |
- I was getting ~85% of the questions correct on the .vce exams I found online |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_12ev51,, |
1338400111.0,30,self.ccna,ucedt,Just Passed ICND1 with a 925/1000!! I'm freaking stoked!,35,5,12,,'Sorry, don't mean to be braggadocios, but I am just super excited! Now it's prep time for ICND2, that one is about two more months away. IMO, the combination of the Cisco Press books w/ Net Sim, CBT Nuggets (especially for subnetting explanations), Content Appendices L,M, and J from ICND 1 Book CD, and the Cisco Learning Network Modules were excellent prep for the ICND1. Best of luck to anyone out there planning on this exam!! =]',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ucedt,, |
1370761742.0,30,self.ccna,1fyzk0,Passed ICND1 last week. Links to all the resources I used. Thanks guys!,37,7,17,,'640-822 Btw. For anyone wondering I am currently in my 4th and final class of the Cisco Networking Academy. I was going to take the ICND1 later but once i heard about the new test and that they were going to retire the old one I had to pick up on studying. My experience with that test went well, it was way better than what I expected. I almost was not able to take my test because of a stupid mistake I made. The test itself went well, I could use TAB and '?' for most simulations. I had 3 sims, as everyone says make sure you know your subnetting. I got a 921/1000 with 30 minutes to spare. Here is everything I used to help me study and prepare. |
[Valley College Subnetting Practice]( | | | | |
Packet Tracer Labs [(Download)](!QhdxQKyI!BR-KCSIdmunI3G2Z2RQzHFUafFcX45ru-HqLK4xS7Bg) Picture of what's in the download | |
I also used CBTnuggets and Wendell Odoms ICND1 Official Cert Guide. |
ANother site that really helped me was but for some reason it is not there anymore. Which saddens me because they had really good GNS3 labs. If anyone knows what happened to that site or has the labs from it that would be awesome. Good Luck on your future studies guys! I'll ask any questions!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fyzk0,, |
1366810481.0,26,self.ccna,1d0as9,Has your CCENT/CCNA lead to a job in networking?,33,7,44,,'The market seems to be flooded with CCENT/CCNA's. how many of you are finding work as a result of getting this certification? |
If you found work, is it directly related to your certification or did you get a help desk job somewhere that never uses the skills you studied so hard to learn?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1366811661.0,True,t3_1d0as9,, |
1366433403.0,30,self.ccna,1cq4gu,Passed the CCENT today.,34,4,19,,'Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who helped me out by answering my questions on here. I spent a lot of time configuring switches and routers in preparation for the exam, I didn't have to configure anything from a command line. If anyone has any questions about it, holler and I'll do my best to help - as those on here that did the same for me. |
Materials used: |
CBT nuggets, |
The bryant advantage, |
/r/ccna, |
packettracer',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1cq4gu,, |
1357947364.0,32,,16ep8n,And so begins my journey..,35,3,4,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_16ep8n,, |
1376744609.0,29,self.ccna,1kjq3i,Passed CCNA,33,4,12,,I passed my ICND 1 on Wednesday and the ICND2 yesterday. I dont post much but I did lurk and read. Thanks to all the people who post prolifically and answer questions. I take the CCNA Security test tomorrow.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1kjq3i,, |
1370986917.0,29,self.ccna,1g5gwy,I can't find any IT job even after getting my CCNA. Need advice.,35,6,40,,'I got a degree in an unrelated field two years ago and since I've only worked a retail job. I know I screwed up in the past to not have prepared for the real world and now I just want to have an actual career so I signed up for NetAcademy. I got my CCNA over a month ago and since have applied to help desk, data centers, contracting agencies and internships. No one would even humor me with an interview. I'm in the Bay Area if that matters. |
Some internships like this one require 3 years of experience. |
I'm planning to take my comptia a+ this week and see if that helps as I see a lot of the help desk jobs prefer the A+. I've always been a computer geek so I should be able to pass easily. |
I also have a Vsphere lab that I use to play around with Microsoft, Linux, SAN and other related technologies. |
Is there anything else I should do or should I just give up?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1g5gwy,, |
1350072742.0,32,,11drto,Jumbo the Frame,36,4,9,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_11drto,, |
1345499885.0,29,,yjo2z,Does anyone else use this subnet cheat sheet?,33,4,17,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_yjo2z,, |
1374153059.0,31,self.ccna,1ik1kd,Passed CCNA new Syllabus 200-120 with 1000/1000 today,36,5,16,,'After 6 years of writing CCNA 640-801,Today i rewrite new CCNA 200-120 and got full mark ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ik1kd,, |
1362423014.0,26,self.ccna,19nhrm,Heads up! CCNA changes coming this summer.,33,7,16,,'Just an FYI for all you folks prepping for the exam; I am sitting in an ICND2 class right now and the instructor has told us that exam updates are in the works and will likely drop in June or July. |
Frame relay will go away and a butt-ton of IPv6 will be added. He also said the new exam will be '40% more difficult', hmmm. |
Good Luck!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_19nhrm,, |
1361563298.0,29,self.ccna,191f5e,ICND1 Pass!,34,5,14,,'Hey guys, |
I felt the need to post on here as I have been reading these forums for the past month in final preparation for my test. I took the CCENT (ICND1) yesterday and passed with a scrore of 937/1000. The test was very straight forward with little intent to trick me with fancy wording. The test is difficult, but I will say I was completely prepared for it. |
My studying resouces are listed below (By priority): |
1- CCENT/ICND1 Third edition. (Wendell Obom) |
2- Cisco Press Simulators that correspond with the book above (This helped me out big time) |
3- ICND1 series from CBT Nuggets with Jeremy C. (This stuff is golden) |
4- Packet Tracer |
5- - Free Subnetting Questions and Answers Randomly Generated Online Make this your best friend. |
I would also like to note that the practice tests that come with the Cisco Press book are amazing and completely prepare you to use the correct troubleshooting to solve the problems. |
On to the ICND2! Please feel free to ask any questions! ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_191f5e,, |
1353981213.0,29,self.ccna,13uj7z,CCENT in the house!,31,2,17,,I failed the composite exam twice and started on the two exam track. I passed 801 today! I'm a Cisco-Certified-Something!,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_13uj7z,, |
1347226090.0,27,self.ccna,zmbgq,Passed ICND2,28,1,3,,'Hey, |
Guess I can put that CCNA on my resume now. |
Passed the test with 944/1000. Honestly didn't feel as good on this one as the ICND1 going into it or during the test. Spent a lot of time double guessing myself. 43 questions, most of mine seemed focused on VTP, VLANs, Trunking, and ACLs. Very little OSPF, EIGRP, and routing in general. Which is funny, cause I studied the other way around. |
I got really lucky and reviewed some VTP configuration notes last night that saved me today. |
I used Wendell Odom's ICND2 book, GSN3, and a coworker lent me Todd Lammle's CCNA book. Borrowed a Cisco switch at work from a senior engineer to practice switch configuration, that was an insane help. |
I ordered the Cisco Press books for CCNP, I actually have training at work this week for Carrier Ethernet Associate. So once I complete that I'll get back into Cisco stuff. Maybe take a week off, not positive yet. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_zmbgq,, |
1376413734.0,26,self.ccna,1kaef5,Passed ICND1 today..,33,7,14,,'I'm pretty confused about the situation, I studied for a solid month for the ICND1 and passed with 40 minutes left on the clock. The only part I did poorly on (50%) is the simulations, but that was only because they blocked most of the major commands. I don't understand the actual point of blocking commands like show running-config, etc. I get the idea of them wanting you to know more commands than the standard ones.. but why.. |
Anyways, passed. Test was a lot easier then I anticipated. Test I took was the 640-822. |
I used Wendell Odom, along with Chris Bryant series. |
There is a lot of subnetting involved, but now it is almost a reflex of mine. I don't even need to do math. |
Here are websites I used for that; You will need to use the video method on the test to quickly get the answers. | |
This site is an explanation of subnetting. | |
This site has you practice questions; | |
Good luck to everyone else, don't stress out. Read the questions carefully and focus.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1376971521.0,True,t3_1kaef5,, |
1371794700.0,28,,1gs39e,Almost there.,34,6,29,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1gs39e,, |
1367261576.0,24,self.ccna,1dcs6l,'Avoid the book 'CCENT Study Guide' by Walker and Walker',30,6,0,,'This book is *full* of errors. I found math errors (lots of '2n' instead of '2^n') and test errors (test answers that don't correspond to the letter number of the correct answer) and more. If I didn't already know this stuff, it would have tripped me up majorly. Stay away.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1dcs6l,, |
1360656450.0,24,self.ccna,18d99h,'Signed up for wrong exam. No idea where to turn, just looking for help/advice',31,7,32,,'Let me preface this by admitting one thing: I was never a brilliant man, and that fact resonates with me now. If this doesn't belong in this subreddit, let me know and I'll remove it. |
I signed up for a CCIE exam (Routing and Switching), and only just now realized this. My exam appointment is 8 hours from now. I am at a complete and total loss as to what my options are. Looking at the rescheduling/cancellation policies, I am royally screwed and will loose my entire exam fee. That's $350 that is quickly spiraling down the drain. |
My question is this: has anyone been in a similar situation? If so, what did you do? I am in complete panic mode now. I'm calling the testing center/Pearson Vue customer support as soon as they open to see if there is ANY way I can schedule the correct exam without having to eat the $350 for the CCIE and then paying for the CCNA, but I'm not optimistic. Any advice?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_18d99h,, |
1359685215.0,26,self.ccna,17o4oh,CBT Nuggets now available in one month subscription lengths.,27,1,22,,'It's $99 for one month of single user access to their video library. Still steep, but you get what you pay for. |
For those of you unfamiliar with the company, they offer really high quality IT training videos. Jeremy Cioara's CCNA series in particular is really awesome. I highly recommend them to anyone studying for the exam. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_17o4oh,, |
1358457387.0,26,self.ccna,16rvtf,Show us your rack!,29,3,21,,'I'm curious as to what those of us who have a home lab have built and are testing off of. So, post your setup! |
I'll start, I'm running with a 1721 router with a WIC card, two 2610 routers and two 24 port 2950 switches. It's compact but does the job well. |
Image -',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_16rvtf,, |
1356090682.0,28,self.ccna,1581ut,Just passed the 640-802 exam with 867/1000 on my first try! I'm pumped!,31,3,9,,'Boy, oh boy was I nervous about that one. Today was the result of over a year worth of spending several hours a day studying for my CCNA certification using the online NetAcademy of Cisco. As my company also didn't cover any of the fees, I had to pay the entire thing including the certification exam out of my own pocket (which makes me so much more glad not having to retake it) |
[](/scootaplease) The first 15-20 questions and simlets were extremely hard - I was down half of my time and I felt like I didn't do really good on those. Especially the ACL one gave me trouble - I can never quite figure out what kind of ACL Cisco wants /exactly/. Needless to say I felt like I was not going to pass it. |
The questions got easier and easier towards the end though, and I was able to do the last 25 questions in about 10-15 minutes. |
I couldn't believe I passed at the end, and it still feels quite unreal. I felt unprepared, especially after a friend asked me a few questions out of the 'CCNA Flash Cards and Exam Practice Pack' he had and which I never used before. Some of the questions there were extremely deep in theory grounds and I was sure I wouldn't pass after I messed up quite a few questions with that. |
[](/scootaderp-in)Yet here I am! |
I think I will still get the Flash Cards pack as it successfully showed some areas in which I still feel weak. |
For my future I have ambitious plans! My instructor gave me the ability to go to join a Cisco Academy of an university nearby to do my CCNA Security and my CCNP - I plan on finishing both in the course of next year. |
Anyway, I just felt like sharing this with everyone, as I am quite happy.[](/rscootacheer)',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1356091031.0,True,t3_1581ut,, |
1376178093.0,26,self.ccna,1k46qo,Obligatory passed my CCNA today!,32,6,9,,'Today I passed my CCNA (640-802) with a 881. I got caught up on an EIGRP simulation with 20 min (and 5 questions) remaining, so I rushed trough it and bailed before I could complete it. Overall the test was very nerve racking. I felt like I did really well up until the simulation. |
I attended the Cisco Academy at my local community college. I now honestly know I should have done more studying apart from school. |
I am very excited, as this is my first certification. I am currently taking CCNP classes at the same college. I completed my SWITCH class last month and will be starting ROUTE later this month. |
Congratulations to all others who have passed and good luck to everyone preparing! |
Off to the CCNP sub!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1k46qo,, |
1374150090.0,27,,1ijyx6,My first network(packet tracer).,29,2,15,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1ijyx6,, |
1373739811.0,27,self.ccna,1i89e8,Just Passed CCNA 640-802..Thanks!,29,2,1,,'Thanks everyone on /r/ccna for all you help and suggestions. |
Materials Used |
Cisco Press - Odom |
Took ICND1 a month ago, got 750/1000, required 804. Thought I was close and failed because I messed up on a sim. |
So went ahead and prepared for 640-802. About 3 hours a day everyday for 5 weeks. Passed today with 960/1000, required 825. |
Thanks again for all your help!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1i89e8,, |
1364423739.0,25,self.ccna,1b51nh,Passed my CCNA Voice today,31,6,15,,'Scored a 930, 70 questions. |
Good stuff, on to my CCNP. :) ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1b51nh,, |
1362070298.0,25,self.ccna,19ejfl,Passed 640-822 ICND1 with a 925/1000 ,30,5,13,,'Almost forgot, the exam was today.. rushed to the test center and passed!!!! On to ICND2',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_19ejfl,, |
1361320777.0,24,self.ccna,18uqwm,Passed ICND2 with a 916. CCNA Certified!,40,16,16,,'I passed my exam last Friday. For those of you who were asking before, the help subtext *is* available on the Sims. :) |
Now then, do I do CCNA Voice or start up on CCNP?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_18uqwm,, |
1359472407.0,24,self.ccna,17hxw8,Just passed the CCNA Security yesterday. ,31,7,11,,I passed yesterday with a 940. Posting this in case someone has a question about it or wants some input. ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_17hxw8,, |
1349910336.0,25,,11a0zb,Subnetting Practice,28,3,3,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_11a0zb,, |
1349139434.0,27,self.ccna,10siv9,Achievement Unlocked: Cisco Certified Entry Network Technician. Thank you /r/CCNA! ,31,4,9,,'Passed my first attempt with a preliminary 925. I was really stressed going in as I had not spent enough time on NAT implementation. |
Used the CBTNuggets Videos and the ODOM ICND1 Book! |
Highly recommended the Boson exam system, but only when you feel you're ready to test. I would recommend starting this after you've finished the Videos, Books, and whatever other study material you're utilizing. |
I cannot recommend Anki enough. This is one that of the best flash card utilities around. Syncs with Android and IOS too! |
I just want to thank everyone in this SubReddit for all the help and support. On to ICND2!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_10siv9,, |
1346795313.0,25,,zcvzb,While studying for my CCNA and hearing for the ump-teenth time how terrible automatic config actions are in the Cisco world.. It came to me.,41,16,1,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_zcvzb,, |
1327094031.0,25,self.ccna,opcm7,Just passed my CCNA 640-802 today!! :D,29,4,34,,I just wanted to post this to thank everyone in this subreddit that gave me advice on how to pass this exam!! Thank you all!! w000000t!!!! A+++++++++,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_opcm7,, |
1374813405.0,23,,1j2ty7,This subnet calculator is great! It creates a random IP which I can use to practice my subnetting.,29,6,1,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1j2ty7,, |
1371480934.0,24,self.ccna,1ginuj,Passed ICND2 this morning!,28,4,16,,'Feels weird to be able to say I'm a CCNA :) |
Resources used: |
* Wendell Odom's Official Exam Certification Guide |
* Chris Bryant's video CCNA series |
* Todd Lammle's CCNA Guide |
* Ex-Sim MAX Practice tests from |
* GNS3 |
Additionally I built a small home lab with Cisco 1760 routers. I probably could have gotten by with GNS3 and saved money on the lab; but it will probably come in useful if I go for the CCNP. |
Thanks /r/ccna for the resources and motivation! I only decided to try for the CCNA late last year after spotting Odom's certification guide in a used book store for $6. If I can do it, you can do it! |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ginuj,, |
1369884371.0,22,self.ccna,1fbc8w,'CBT nuggets, worth the hype?',26,4,23,,'Are people really having this much success with their tutorials? I'm really close to pulling the trigger, but 100 bucks could get me a couple of books or something if it might be better. I do see it listed in almost every post of someone boasting new certification though, so I don't know if this is an elaborate marketing scheme with /r/ccna being secretly moderated by Jeremy himself, or if they're just that good. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fbc8w,, |
1366965426.0,24,,1d56bq,Access control list practice site,26,2,7,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1d56bq,, |
1364545308.0,23,,1b8dqf,'New CCNA exams, chat with Jeremy Cioara',32,9,7,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1b8dqf,, |
1362614492.0,24,,19t5tw,[verified] CCNA Being updated in June,29,5,22,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_19t5tw,, |
1369968970.0,22,,1fdqkv,Free online CCNA Study Guide,26,4,6,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1fdqkv,, |
1365805270.0,25,self.ccna,1c8hxg,Passed ICND2 today,30,5,16,,'Thanks to this subreddit, the cisco learning network store, and todd lammle's ccna study book. It wasn't as hard as I had expected, but still challenging. For those of you studying for it currently, keep at it. I can't suggest the icnd2 practice exam on the learning store enough.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1c8hxg,, |
1365474580.0,21,,1byp2p,All you have to know about VLANs for the Cisco CCNA Exam (Part 1),28,7,1,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1byp2p,, |
1364307188.0,23,,1b1iam,Cisco Cert News (if you trust Lammle),27,4,11,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1b1iam,, |
1361482186.0,21,self.ccna,18z8ie,Passed ICND1 :),29,8,11,,'So yeah, passed with 850. Very unsure I'd studied enough before I went in but some of it must have sunk in. For anyone taking it soon, make sure you know what happens to MAC and IP addresses as they move through L2 and L3 network devices.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_18z8ie,, |
1353518723.0,23,,13korr,DHCP Meme helper,27,4,2,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_13korr,, |
1353181828.0,22,self.ccna,13d3uk,930 on the ICND2. Today I am a CCNA!,25,3,14,,'My lowest scoring section was ACL's, despite a lot of practice. I also heard that the largest reason for failing was running out of time. I completed the test with 28mins left on the clock. Practice SUBNETTING. I can tell you the increment, network and broadcast addresses for most questions in less than 10 seconds in my head. Subnetting questions should be the easiest part of the exam, allowing you to take your time with the simlets. The exam was mostly unsurprising, although it went a little deeper into OSPF than I expected, I still knew the answer thanks to Odom's ICND2 book. |
Thank you /r/CCNA. Today I'm celebrating, tomorrow I begin my journey to CCNP. |
Cheers!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_13d3uk,, |
1347066840.0,23,self.ccna,zjaim,Passed ICND2 Today,25,2,5,,First 10 questions were a bear and I only got an 860 but it feels good to have it.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_zjaim,, |
1334685616.0,24,self.ccna,sej71,Just passed ICND2!,25,1,33,,'The entire time throughout the exam I thought I was going to fail. It is a **tough** exam. I ended up killing it - I got a 972 (825 is passing). If I had one piece of advice to give anyone, it would be to watch your time. I started out at a slower pace, making sure I had eliminated all possible incorrect answers and selected the correct one. With the ICND1, I was rushing through it and finished in 1/2 hour. With this one, I was halfway through and realized that at the pace I was going, I would surely run out of time. So for the second half of the exam I had to speed it up a LOT. I finished with 5 minutes left. The questions require a lot more thought; it's more application of the knowledge and troubleshooting as opposed to ICND1 where it's mostly theory. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask - obviously considering the NDA.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_sej71,, |
1325030859.0,23,self.ccna,nswl1,I just passed the icnd2!!,26,3,29,,Woot! I just passed the icnd2 exam.. it was way easier than people make it out to be! ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_nswl1,, |
1372105733.0,22,self.ccna,1gzp46,PSA: Don't skimp on IPv6. I failed today because of it.,28,6,33,,'Hey Guys, |
First time posting here but I wanted to give people a heads up. I took the test for the first time today and I failed by 10 points. I had a score of 815. It hurts to miss it by so few points but you live and learn. |
I had 6 or 7 IPv6 questions that I had no clue how to answer. They included IPv6 routing, Multicast, Unicast and characteristics of IPv6. I failed to study IPv6 heavily and it came back to bite me. If you're testing sometime very soon please look over it. |
Sorry if this breaks the rules of the subreddit. I'll change the post if it does. |
**Edit:** I passed on my second attempt with a 867! Thanks /u/Skrp for recommending Keith Barker's IPv6 videos. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1373024545.0,True,t3_1gzp46,, |
1365963037.0,21,,1cc4dq,I failed the CCENT (775). Here is an image of my exam results. I could use some help translating what I should specifically focus my studying on to ensure I pass.,26,5,18,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1cc4dq,, |
1362192101.0,23,,19i3eu,Problems understand STP? Check this out.,27,4,3,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_19i3eu,, |
1361033453.0,22,self.ccna,18n5rh,I GET IT!,25,3,10,,'I have been going through my ccent640-822 and on chapter 13 subnetting I was having difficulties grasping the information. I did the practices for converting subnet masks probably 10 times in a row,and now I can do it without any help of graphs of the book! YAY ME!!!!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_18n5rh,, |
1359647071.0,22,,17msw7,If you need help on Sub-netting than check this out..,32,10,1,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_17msw7,, |
1339691869.0,22,self.ccna,v1v04,Anyone want to SERIOUSLY start 31 Days to CCNA book with me?,29,7,8,,Looking to start in the next couple days. I just finished the academy at my community college and I am going to start my final push to cert by following the 31 Days book. Preferably you would have gone to the academy also and have the companion series as 31 Days outlines those books. I also have the Odom series I will be using too as recommended in the 31 Days book. Just looking for a serious study partner that we can Skype once a week and bounce material off each other to help prepare. ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_v1v04,, |
1335886910.0,23,self.ccna,t1lmd,Just passed 640-802 this morning!,24,1,9,,'Wendell Odom's book and included network lab sims, packet tracer labs, but most important of all - CBT nugget videos. |
Know your routing protocols and switching protocols, as well as access-lists. The labs involve these. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_t1lmd,, |
1333466370.0,22,self.ccna,rr9jx,Passed ICND1 Yesterday!,23,1,13,,'Scraped by. Required 804, passed 812. I am actually a junior network engineer by trade, but we're an Enterasys shop, so some of the syntax I wasn't really familiar with. |
To prepare, I just read Wendell Odom's (Cisco Press) ICND1 book and took notes over the course of about 2 weeks. |
Advice: |
- Know your CLI syntax, especially related to security. You should be very comfortable with how to set up remote access (telnet/ssh) and secure your config. This is an area where Enterasys equipment differs *substantially* from Cisco. |
- Know CDP. This is good advice for any network exam or situation. |
- This is a given, but KNOW HOW TO SUBNET. Every testing resource ever will tell you this, but Wendell Odom does NOT do a good job of connecting the dots on subnetting. Odom will tell you how to do it, but doesn't provide a good context for it. |
- Know your L2, L3, and L4 protocols and what they are used for. |
- This is more of a general 'test taking' tip, but applies especially to the ICND1 multiple-choice and 'choose x of the following' questions: instead of looking for the correct answer right away, eliminate the answers that you *know* cannot possibly be true. |
- Eat breakfast! |
edit: One more piece of advice - go to a somewhat well-known or controlled testing facility (like a community college) if you can. I arrived at the testing..facility (Network Technology Academy in Somerville, MA) about 20 minutes beforehand for a 9:00 AM test as recommended by Pearson Vue, and the guy who ran the business was 20 minutes late getting to his shop, so I had to start the test at 930 and stressed out the entire time about my meter running out. He then took me to a computer lab and closed the door with no formal procedural introduction, so in theory, it was an environment where someone could've easily put a 'cheat sheet' or test materials in their pocket or wallet and just carried it in. The entire experience was *incredibly* unprofessional, and that's just one more thing you don't need right before you take the ICND1. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,True,True,t3_rr9jx,, |
1332119749.0,22,self.ccna,r2rr1,Packet Tracer Labs,25,3,22,,'Hey all, |
I've gotten a lot of useful information out of this subreddit so I wanted to give something back by sharing some awesome Packet Tracer labs I came across today on the Cisco Learning Network forum. It had a bunch of separate links for labs, so I download them all and made them into a .rar and uploaded them. |
These labs don't walk you through it like the ones do on the discs in the back of the CCNA Exploration books. There are instructions on what you need to do, but you are left to your own devices to figure out *how* to do it. I like this because it really tests whether you know what you're doing, and forces you to research the answer rather than explaining everything for you. There *is* a folder with the solutions in them, but I recommend against using that. I don't think that's going to help in really learning the subject. |
[Here]( is the link to the labs to download; feel free to check it for viruses. If you're curious, I found them [here]( |
I think anyone pursuing the CCNA would benefit from these. Packet Tracer is a wonderful tool and while it might not give you hands-on experience, it's a great supplement and will suffice for the exam. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_r2rr1,, |
1329849869.0,21,self.ccna,pzn08,Just passed ICND1!,22,1,19,,'Well, I had a crappy day leading up to the exam. My battery on my car was dead because I left a light on last night and I had no one to give me a jump, and it was now an hour before the exam was set to begin. I was determined to take the exam today so I called a taxi. The taxi driver said he'd be at my house in 5-10 minutes, and he doesn't show up until 25 minutes later. I got to my local community college where the exam was taken and went to the wrong building. Eventually, I made it to the right place at exactly 12:00, when the exam was supposed to start. Of all the days that my battery could have died, today was the worst. Nonetheless, I was excited to take the test. |
The test was pretty much what I expected. With all the hype, it was actually easier than I had expected. I scored an 899 with over 30 minutes left at the end of the test. I was worried about time throughout the exam so kept moving fast, and ended up having a bunch of time left over. |
I went through the Cisco Networking Academy and finished over a year ago. I was working 52 hours a week at the time while taking 5 classes and I didn't get as much from the courses as I should have. A couple months ago I decided to start studying for the exam, having forgotten a lot of things from the courses. I used CBT Nuggets, which is amazing. Back at my community college, the teacher was boring and I became almost uninterested in computer networking. CBT Nuggets rejuvenated my interest in it; Jeremy is an awesome guy. I also used the books I had left over from the courses (4 of them) and most recently I got the Todd Lamle 640-802 book. I used packet tracer a lot. I got a couple routers and a switch from Ebay but admittedly I've only messed around on the 2950 switch so far. |
As others have said time and time again, know subnetting very well. I had a lot of questions that required you to know subnetting. I wrote a subnet chart out on my whiteboard as soon as I started the test, but I've gotten to the point where I can subnet fast enough in my head that it wasn't necessary. Either way, it's definitely a good idea to have it there; it only takes a few minutes to write it out at the beginning of the exam. I didn't write it during the tutorial because I was too afraid that I'd get in trouble for it since the actual exam hadn't started (I found that people have had mixed experiences with this depending on the location). |
Good luck to anyone who plans to take the exam. Tomorrow I'll begin studying for the ICND2, which will probably require a lot more studying. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_pzn08,, |
1375120283.0,21,self.ccna,1jafti,Passed ICND2 (640-816) today,23,2,4,,'Passed (832) I have taken Cisco classes at a community college ( 1,2,3 not 4) and used the Bryant training videos as well as tips and tricks from others in this subreddit. I will definitely say to anyone who is looking to pass having some time on either physical equipment or Packet Tracers is a GREAT thing to work on. While I can't say EXACTLY what was on the simulators on the exam I will say having prior experience with the IOS environment helped. Using packet tracers is probably IMO better as you will not have physical access to the devices in the training center. |
My [previous post]( also has some information from /u/mr1337 and /u/AnreteaXul that was very helpful, Time management is KEY. Now its time to set my sites on a Career and what ever certs I may need moving forward. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jafti,, |
1373129147.0,21,self.ccna,1hr6ec,'Passed the 640-802 today, Thank you /r/CCNA!',27,6,9,,This was also my second attempt.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,1373129395.0,True,t3_1hr6ec,, |
1372502808.0,23,self.ccna,1hb02i,'Thanks /r/CCNA, I passed ICND1!',29,6,9,,'Took and passed 640-822 with an 899 today thanks to you guys. I’ve been lurking around here since I thought about getting my CCNA in Feb and I got a lot of great study advice and materials here. |
What I did to pass: |
1) Booked my test. This for me was the most important step. Like I said above, I’ve been thinking about getting my CCNA since Feb, but I didn’t get serious until around mid-May when I booked my exam. If you’re thinking about getting your CCENT/CCNA, do it. Book it today. |
2) Watched Jeremy’s CBT Nuggets videos. |
3) Read Odom’s CCENT/CCNA ICND 1 Prep Book, did subnetting problems from, and labs from The labs from are well-worth the 12 bucks and I plan on getting the lab book for ICND2. |
4) Did the practice tests that came with Odom’s book. These tests are quite the humbling experience. Seriously, these practice tests were quite a bit harder than the actual exam for me. |
5) Hit Wikipedia/Google and looked up any concepts I was still fuzzy on. |
6) Re-watched key CBT videos (WAN Connectivity, Subnetting, etc). |
7) Ate a well-balanced breakfast. |
On a side note, I'm an American expat living in Japan and if anyone else is in the Kansai region, I highly recommend the WAVE Osaka-Eki Mae testing center for IT testing. Really easy to get to from Umeda Station, English-speaking staff, and really well-run. |
If I had to do it all over again, I would use the same materials, but I would spend more time on labs and sims. You **really** need to know your 'show' commands. Thanks for your help, guys and on to ICND2!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1hb02i,, |
1372176884.0,20,self.ccna,1h1mey,'So guys, I just won a battle, 899xp starting, +930xp. leveled up to CCNA!',34,14,13,,'So, i just passed my ICND2 with a 930/1000. This is how I feel right now: |
It feels great to finally be a CCNA! So if you guys have any questions/comments, I'd be more than happy to field them. Thank you all for your support and comments to help me get to this point.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1h1mey,, |
1366642293.0,22,self.ccna,1cv671,'CCENT down, CCNA here I come',26,4,16,,'It was hard, probably the hardest exam I have ever taken. |
The wireless questions it asked me were just way out of scope from anything I studies, so I did bad there. Everything else was pretty straight forward. |
I had a bit of CLI configuration in the sims, which I thought was the easiest part. |
Know your CDP! |
I used the Cisco Press materials, Cisco Labs, Cisco Practice tests, MeasureUp practice exams, and the Pearson Lab simulator. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1cv671,, |
1364963552.0,19,,1bkh9q,CCNA Notes from my CCNAX Class,22,3,4,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1bkh9q,, |
1364914203.0,20,,1bimx3,New CCNA (200-120) Syllabus,26,6,18,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1bimx3,, |
1364060971.0,21,,1av9od,Free Computer Networking course - Coupon LCNFREE,24,3,21,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1av9od,, |
1363929504.0,20,self.ccna,1as8u9,About damn time! CCNA Passed!,23,3,8,,'Passed the ICND2 finally after taking my CCENT back in May '12. |
I passed this one as my 3rd attempt. Glad to have it as my employer also rewarded me for it. Taking a bit of a studying hiatus for now and will be starting my NP soon!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1as8u9,, |
1361386414.0,21,self.ccna,18wfug,'After 4 tries, finally got it!',27,6,10,,'I feel like I need to vent a little after the last few months. I've been in enterprise networking for about 4 years now, but the first 2 have been a lot of on-the-job training and learn-as-you-go stuff, so I never really got a chance to see the theory behind this stuff, and how/why it worked in the background. In studying for the exam (took the unified test) I felt like there was just a ton of material, and in trying to digest one portion then being comfortable enough to take the test, I would do worse someplace else.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_18wfug,, |
1356641339.0,21,self.ccna,15jax2,Passed with a 912!,23,2,4,,Hey everyone this is an update to my previous post regarding my 799 score. I resat the exam and hit a home run. I studied all week and actually read the Sybex book back to back and gained a lot of little things the CBT Nuggets may have glossed over or didn't pick up during my viewing sessions. Happy to have my first non Microsoft certification under my belt. ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_15jax2,, |
1350755206.0,20,self.ccna,11t042,ICND1 Complete with a 937,23,3,5,,'Completed with 40mins left on the clock. This would not have been possible if it wasn't for the people here on /r/CCNA Thank you all. I started with CBT Nuggets and read Wendel Odom's ICDN1 book. The practice questions on the included DVD were (alone) worth the $26 I paid for the book. I used Packet Tracer extensively and downloaded and completed the practice labs on |
Surprises: |
3 subnetting questions total. I wished there were more since I praticed so much. |
TCP/IP model questions instead of OSI. I really know the OSI but only brushed over the TCP/IP layers. |
Lost points: |
A router simlet with disabled commands. Seemed like every command I tried was disabled. Had to take a guess on this one. |
Ordering Odom's ICDN2 now! |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_11t042,, |
1347649613.0,20,self.ccna,zw274,Cisco certified. Thanks go out to reddit community for filling in a lot of the blanks.,23,3,5,,'920 on the composite exam, feeling good, looking for a new job. Used Lammle predominantly, GNS3, home lab of 3 old 2500s & 2 2950s, and the moral/intellectual support of redditors. I just wanted to send some thanks out for that last part.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_zw274,, |
1344385772.0,22,self.ccna,xuqfb,Passed 640-802 with 920 today,23,1,10,,'Did my Net+ and Sec+ in June, then studied for the 640-802 in my free time in July with zero Cisco knowledge. (working 52 hrs a week). Read the Lammle book, watched a ton of videos that were given to me by a professor at my local college, and did any and all practice labs that I could get my hands on. |
The multiple choice questions were cake, but the labs were a bit annoying. |
Overall, it wasn't bad and I've got an interview for an entry level technician job in a Network Security Operations Center on Friday and got that before I passed, so hopefully this will help me out a lot.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_xuqfb,, |
1332537842.0,21,self.ccna,rajxm,Eat it shitty grocery store cashier job!,21,0,14,,'Passed my ICND2 with an 832 and needed an 825! I think I got the lowest possible passing score, but I don't care. I read my score as an 823 and screamed 'fuck!' rather loudly in the testing room, then read it again and promptly let out a sigh of relief and left as quickly as possible. Got my resume together and started applying around. Thanks for the help guys. |
For studying, I used CBTNuggets and Todd Lammle's book, plus a lot of Reddit.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_rajxm,, |
1376936384.0,21,self.ccna,1kogte,Passed! Thanks!,22,1,5,,'Thank you for answering my questions, they were very helpful. I passed with 947/1000.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1kogte,, |
1376756644.0,22,self.ccna,1kk042,I'm now a CCNA!,27,5,4,,'As is common on this subreddit, I just wanted to say that I just passed my ICND1 about a month ago and ICND2 on Tuesday. Like many others, I primarily used CBT Nuggets and the Odom books, but I'd also like to put it out there that I did all four CCNA prep Cisco Netacad classes and thought they were more or less worthless, then did a CCNA 'review' type class at my local community class, also a waste of time and money. I also watched all of the INE CCNA R&S videos which were useful, but somewhat dry. To be fair, I didn't necessarily need to take all those classes, but I did anyway, and would just like to say that the CBT Nuggets with Jeremy were by far the most useful and engaging material that I've come across, supplemented by Odom's books for little more depth into any areas that I felt like I needed more reinforcement or greater detail. |
Anyway, yay for me! On to CCNA Voice and Wireless!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1kk042,, |
1369722811.0,19,self.ccna,1f6pmx,Full time career and studying. Is it realistic that I shoot for CCNA prior to the Sept 30th switch?,24,5,21,,' Heya folks. I'm looking to get CCNA certified hopefully before the changes made in September (largely due to there still not being any preparation books for the new test available). I get a reasonable amount of free time with which to study, but it's broken up into a couple of large chunks but once or twice a week, instead of daily. Any input, pointers, etc are much appreciated.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1f6pmx,, |
1368554184.0,19,,1ebsy0,Anyone know any quick tricks for these type of subnetting questions? It's hard for me to calculate both hosts and subnets,21,2,10,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1ebsy0,, |
1366066880.0,22,self.ccna,1cf7a9,I need to get my CCNA,30,8,31,,I need to get my CCNA next month. What do you recommend for me to achieve this. I have some experience but not a lot anything will help. ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1cf7a9,, |
1361199021.0,18,self.ccna,18r2uy,Useful acronyms,27,9,19,,'Post your easy to remember acronyms here. |
I remember reading on here a very useful acronym for OSI model |
1. A (Application) |
2. Pussy (Presentation) |
3. So (Session) |
4. Tight (Transport) |
5. No (Network) |
6. Dick (Datalink) |
7. Penetrates (Physical) |
& I've never forgotten :D',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_18r2uy,, |
1359672883.0,19,self.ccna,17npj4,Passed my ICND1!,22,3,4,,'Got an 887. Weakest area was definitely WAN as I didn't study the protocols and types enough. Using GNS3, CBT Nuggets, and the Odom book were invaluable, along with subnetting practice online. I've never had job experience with any Cisco gear so I'm happy with my performance. CCNA here I come!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_17npj4,, |
1356125276.0,19,self.ccna,158xop,Failed CCENT with 799,24,5,16,,'Failed my CCENT with a 799 WAN being my weakest area and subneting well being one of my top. Regardless I know what to expect and going to try and sit the exam in a week after the required waiting period is up. Any ideas on how to practice WAN only scored 40% |
12/26 Edit: Got my exam reset for tomorrow hoping to write back with a positive result. Thank you everyone for your comments and words of encouragement. I've been studying a lot and feel very confident on my weak areas. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1356570195.0,True,t3_158xop,, |
1355692494.0,19,self.ccna,14yh63,'If I could get one other sub $350 certification |
to supplement my CCNA, what would it be?',26,7,43,,'So I have been studying furiously for the CCNA. I aim to pass it with flying colors. |
Aside from jumping into a basic help desk job to gain my first bits of real world experience, what one certification should I get to supplement my CCNA? |
Security+, Network+, or a Microsoft Cert? |
At this point I do not have a specific specialty in mind, so I am simply looking for a cert something that will perhaps open up one or two more HR doors. I want to make my resume slightly more attractive for my first entry-level job in the field. |
Getting my CCNP later on is a given. Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_14yh63,, |
1333652488.0,21,self.ccna,rv1ij,Passed CCNA Composite Today : 640-802,22,1,7,,'Hey guys, |
It was tough, I studied for a good 3-4 months and had classes previously to that. I wasn't feeling good about it about half way in, however, I ended up with a 900. You need an 825 to pass, I think that may have been increased recently. |
Anyway, if you guys have any questions about how I studied or the materials I used, feel free! |
If I can do it, anyone can. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_rv1ij,, |
1330718404.0,20,self.ccna,qevu9,Passed my ICND1 today,20,0,7,,'I got a 937 with an 804 as the passing grade today. I understand it changes constantly? I finished with about 30mins left but I felt good going into it and was ready. |
As was stated in another post, subnetting is a major portion. Show commands and CDP commands. I haven't gotten the WLAN specs memorized yet so I got a 0% on that section and I got a 50% on identifying security threats and mitigating those threats. |
I took the Cisco Academy class last year and attempted my CCNA exam in January but failed miserably. I went back and watched all the CBT Nugget videos, most of which were just review but I did learn a few new things. I also have been reading the Lammle book and doing all the labs and test in there along the way. I was hoping to get my CCNA by March 18th so I could sign up for the CCNA Security course at my local Academy, but I don't see that happening. It's my self-imposed restriction that I won't take another class until I've gotten my certification. |
Thank you guys for all the discussions on here. Now it's back to the books for the ICND2',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_qevu9,, |
1374506541.0,18,self.ccna,1itebg,'Something that every class, book, lecture seems to skip over that can make your life much easier',23,5,1,,'I am a NOC tech for an ISP. Frequently, I ping from source to spot check circuits and routing. From some reason in all my studying I've never seen anyone talk about this small issue that would cause any novice network tech a lot of grief. |
If you try to ping from source on any ethernet interface that is Up/Down you'll get the following output. (Obviously all the IPs have been changed to stuff I made up and not actually in production.) |
router#sh int descript |
Interface Status Protocol Description |
Fa0/0 up up WAN |
Fa0/1 up down LAN |
router#ping source |
Type escape sequence to abort. |
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: |
Packet sent with a source address of |
... |
Success rate is 0 percent (0/5) |
**************************** |
Which makes it look like there is either a routing issue or a circuit issue. But with a simple 'no keepalive' command on the ethernet interface the pings will complete. |
**************************** |
router#config t |
router(config)#int fa0/1 |
router(config-if)#no keepalive |
router(config-if)#end |
router#ping source |
Type escape sequence to abort. |
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: |
Packet sent with a source address of |
!!!!! |
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 8/8/8 ms |
**************************** |
It may take a moment for the port status to change to up/up depending on the Cisco hardware you are using. And don't forget to put it back to the way it was when you're done. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1374521353.0,True,t3_1itebg,, |
1367613956.0,18,self.ccna,1dn3m6,Passed the ICND1 640-822 today.,22,4,4,,'Studied for exactly 26 days. |
Strictly used Odom's book for reading material and for practice/sims. |
Broke down chapters in the book to one per day. |
Left 1 week of free study before test. |
My score was very average. Passed with 50 points above minimum. |
I do have a background in networking but not with Cisco devices. Mainly firewall administration. |
Looking forward to ICND2 very soon. Thank you to everyone on here. Good luck to all.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1dn3m6,, |
1365007358.0,18,,1blhf6,'Can someone explain what the 5 indicates in this question, please?',21,3,16,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1blhf6,, |
1363468441.0,20,,1affmx,'[Freeware] ICND1 Study Tool I wrote to help myself, based on cisco.learningnetwork questions.',25,5,11,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1affmx,!jcBWkTSZ!FrJxAiAJr06xPH1zz3ahGjnoZc1gppuhjTTuAdky7wo, |
1355376566.0,18,self.ccna,14rrq8,Subnetting,25,7,14,,'Hey everyone, |
I'm looking to sit my CCENT on the 21st. I understand IOS I can setup a switch and router in my sleep and I'm very confident with the IOS and networking parts but subnetting is kicking my ass. |
I've always been horrible at math I understand the binary and all that jazz and I've gotten down to the point that the 'magic number' method really works for me. When its Class C its a breeze but class A and B are much more challenging. I'm also having a problem where it asks 'What is the first valid host on this subnet' |
Then its just a random number and I can figure out how to find the incrementing number but how do I quickly do it for exam purposes? same goes with 'How many hosts and subnets does X address have?' |
I'm understanding the fundamentals of subnetting and getting it when it comes to class C networks but B and A are so much tougher can you please provide any advice? I've been using for practice. |
Sorry if its long winded thank you again. |
EDIT: You guys rock thank you for all the feedback going to keep practicing and nail this.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1355460917.0,True,t3_14rrq8,, |
1353942047.0,19,self.ccna,13tbem,A simple Cisco wallpaper,24,5,5,,'I couldn't find a nice Cisco wallpaper to ~~make me feel guilty for procrastinating~~ remind me to study and practice, so I made one. The size is 2560x1440, downscales to 1920x1080 nicely. |
[imgur link]( |
**EDIT:** Added a few more, redirected the link to the album.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1353952545.0,True,t3_13tbem,, |
1314652024.0,19,self.ccna,jycdk,Passed ICND1!!!,19,0,12,,'Passed ICND1 on my first attempt today with a score of 912 and I am very excited to begin studying for ICND2. I am planning on using Todd Lammle's book and PacketTracer for the most of my studies. If any of you CCNA's out there have any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_jycdk,, |
1376970797.0,19,,1kpnub,'GNS3Vault offers free Cisco labs for CCNA,CCNP and CCIE students.',24,5,1,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1kpnub,, |
1376600551.0,16,self.ccna,1kfzy7,'Passed 640-802 with 907! But before I retire from studying for awhile, a question:',18,2,9,,'I am eager to learn more about what future CCNA tests will require. I'm sure we all know the next version will be more IPv6 based, but what else? I've also heard it will contain multi-area OSPF stuff. |
I'd like to keep a slow, but steady study regime for the time being. All I need is a little guidance to know what I should focus on. |
Thanks /r/ccna! You've been a big help!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1kfzy7,, |
1374419845.0,19,self.ccna,1ir40f,'Real world scenario: 'write' vs. 'copy run start'',20,1,8,,'The other day at work, my boss was walking me through some stuff over the phone, while watching my console session remotely. |
He told me to save the config, so I typed 'wr <enter>' like I normally do. He said, 'whoa what are you doing?? That's the old way, we don't do that anymore! Always do copy run start!' |
My question is: is there any good reason for this, or is it just personal preference? For me, typing two characters is a lot easier. I know that on the exam, the proper way is 'copy run start', but I'm curious about real-world scenarios.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ir40f,, |
1374078875.0,18,self.ccna,1ihtgy,Do not forget copy run start!,20,2,28,,'I feel like this wasn't made obvious enough, so a warning to test takers; don't forget to save your configurations. They DO require it. |
Not sure if forgetting to do it will mark the whole sim as wrong, but you will definitely lose points.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ihtgy,, |
1373564868.0,17,self.ccna,1i3em2,Free CCNA video training course through,20,3,3,,'I am new to this sub (CCNA test scheduled for next month), so please forgive me if this is already known. |
Anyway, I stumbled across this free CCNA video series and thought I would share: | |
You just need to register to access it. 24 hours of content. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1i3em2,, |
1371069479.0,18,self.ccna,1g7y40,Just passed ICND-2,20,2,10,,'The exam wasn't as challenging as I expected, although I did only get around an ~830. I expected a lot more IPv6 and Frame Relay. |
The next step, CCNP or CCNA Security. Hmm.. |
EDIT: I booked the exam expecting to have time at work to study. Of course we have been busy ever since. Thankfully I had read the odom book, watched the CBTs, took the classes, and completed the packet tracer assignments from my classes. My goal was to work on my EIGRP and OSPF configuration skills and IPv6. But that material wasn't a big part of the exam, thankfully. |
I prepared better for the ICND 1 and got in the 930 range.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1371073870.0,True,t3_1g7y40,, |
1367719370.0,19,self.ccna,1dplxb,Just passed 640-816 (ICND2) Score: 888,24,5,11,,'Yet another 'I passed' post here. |
My CCENT expires on May 12, so I knew several months ahead of time that I needed to pass the ICND2 test before then in order to save a lot of time & money studying for both tests (or the one test option.) |
Here's my study path: |
* Last week of January, sat in a 40-hour classroom course sponsored by my employer for ICND1. |
* Last week of February, sat in a 40 hour classroom course sponsored by my employer for ICND2. |
* Watched CBTNuggets over the course of the next month and a half. (Yea, slacking off.) |
* Ordered [Odem's guide]( from Amazon, took the practice test included with the book to identify my weak areas. |
I do a lot of switching stuff at work, but absolutely no routing. The practice test will break out what % of which subjects you got right. This helped tremendously by allowing me to work only on my weak spots. |
Studied the book and re-took the practice tests for 3 weeks, major cramming over the past week. |
Leading up to the test, I was not 100% confident in my ability to pass, but I wanted to give it a shot. If I failed today, I would have one more chance to take it before my CCENT expired on the 12th. (Because you can re-take a test on the 6th day after failing it.) |
Luckily, that wasn't needed, and I passed with a 888/1000 (passing score is 825) I had about 12 minutes to spare when I finished. |
Feel free to ask me any questions, I'll answer anything that I'm able to (and without breaching contract - no specifics about questions.) |
My biggest piece of advice - as you may already know - is to KNOW SUBNETTING! You need to be able to find the decimal subnet mask (or CIDR prefix), network id, broadcast IP and where the next subnet starts of any IP address and mask/prefix within 20 seconds. If you need help speeding this up, let me know and I can either find some resources to help you out, or I'll share with you the method I use.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1367719625.0,True,t3_1dplxb,, |
1366715721.0,18,self.ccna,1cxg9s,Failed my CCNA 640-802 today (First Attempt),21,3,26,,'What have I Learned? |
Time management is very important. I lost time in one simulaton question and didn't have enough time to do other questions. |
When Practising questions, practise with timer on. |
Practise simulation question more. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1cxg9s,, |
1364842981.0,17,self.ccna,1bfwrx,Best way to find jobs in my area for CCNA?,19,2,8,,I am close to completing my studies and will be sitting for the exam soon. What's the best way to find a job? If this helps for any reason I live about 30 minutes outside of NYC in New York.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1bfwrx,, |
1359065574.0,19,self.ccna,177se9,How to study after a full days work,24,5,26,,'I have a full time IT job and when I come home from work I play with my kid, help put her to bed, clean up a bit, hang out with the wife and then usually relax for awhile. What I'm trying to figure out is how to change the relaxing time into work time to study. I have a bunch of study material but I find I can't focus in the evening because I'm basically fried from the whole day. Does anyone have any tricks that don't involve stimulants(I still want to sleep).',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_177se9,, |
1344547836.0,19,self.ccna,xym4e,Just passed the 640-802,19,0,4,,'This was my second attempt. The first time around it really took me by surprise and wasn't what I expected. I ended up getting 933 this time. I've been studying for about two weeks for my second go at it, but didn't do any actual labs this time, with my physical equipment or otherwise. Last time I focused too much on that and other than the simulations, the test wasn't as focused on actual configuration so much and I had a lot of problems remembering the theory side of things. I also probably would have been fine with just using GNS3 and saving my money since I got plenty of hands-on time in my Cisco classes in school.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_xym4e,, |
1333410149.0,17,self.ccna,rqb7j,Passed my ICND1 today!,19,2,4,,'Passed with an 837 needing an 804. I used the Cisco Press books, CBT videos and the testing software that came with the books. I have to say that it was much easier than I thought it would be. As most have said the majority was subnetting. I really thought there would be more than just a couple sims. |
The best part was I set up the test last night at about 11pm for this afternoon. This was after my boss sent me a text and we switched shifts for today. I figured why the hell not and went for it. I can't wait to start my studies for ICND2!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_rqb7j,, |
1369238795.0,16,,1eua23,'The answer for this question and explanation are conflicting, right? It's not just me?',21,5,13,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1eua23,, |
1365602486.0,16,,1c29pe,Top 5 IOS CLI Speed Tips,28,12,1,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1c29pe,, |
1363808573.0,17,self.ccna,1aol6p,Passed the ICND1 today!! 850 meh :(,18,1,15,,'I figured I would post my experiences as I have been using this subreddit for help/info throughout my studies. I graduated college in 2010 and have since been kicking around the Odom books promising myself I would get certified. After realizing how much interest I took in networking (and reading lots of the posts in /r/networking) I finally hunkered down and took the test. |
Studying: First thing I did was read Odom's book cover to cover. I admit his materials are VERY dry and read much like a manual. The first couple times reading through his book I lost interest mid chapter and often had to reread whole sections before it started to sink in. I eventually bought a sub to the CBT nuggets videos and reach each chapter in correspondence with the CBT nuggets videos to reinforce the info. By the time I was ready for the test I could open any chapter and be able to answer the 'Do you already know this' questions and skim the chapter and know exactly what each section referred to. |
Test: I had a somewhat unique experience with the test I hope no one has to go through, but my testing computer froze on the last question upon submitting it. I grabbed the proctor immediately and we filled out an incident report. After some nerve wracking 20 minutes she said all my answers were saved and that I would be allowed to continue with the time I had left when the test froze. As soon as we got the test back up I submitted my test without reviewing any of my answers (dumb). |
Also, I don't know if due to my technical issues I didn't see the opportunity but I was never able to go back and review my answers. On other certification exams I have taken I could, from any question, hit back and return to previous questions to review. If I had a chance to review I might have been able to score higher, but again due to my technical difficulties I might have just simply missed the chance at the end of the test. |
The part that killed my score were the SIM questions, I ended up studying with practice exams so thoroughly the SIM questions threw me off every time they came up. Study your show commands and if you have the time look into how the SIM questions work on the test so you aren't as thrown off as me. |
ICND2 Studying: My plan is to give my brain a week of rest and schedule the ICND2 a month from now. For me it's a lot harder to procrastinate studying when I know I have the test date looming. Odom book/CBT nuggets will be how I study for the second test. |
I hope my experience gives you all insight and wish you all the best of luck!!! |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1aol6p,, |
1360033722.0,18,,17wrz4,Can someone please explain this answer to me?,19,1,16,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_17wrz4,, |
1354681788.0,15,self.ccna,14b06b,'About 6(?) months ago someone posted an aptitude test for people considering the field of networking. It tested problem solving skills, among other things. Can anyone recall what site that may be? we all took it and compared scores. ',21,6,6,,'I've been active here for about a 18+ months but recently changed handles and I'd have to dig incredibly deep to find the post. I can't remember if it was a Cisco sponsored quiz, I've been googling and will continue to google until I find it. I'll deliver if I can. |
EDIT: It may have been in the /r/networking subreddit but if you guys are like me you split time between subreddits so hopefully someone will have the link by morning, goodnight for now! |
EDIT: I'm back, I'll keep looking. |
**FOUND IT** |
Upvote so people can see it, thanks.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1354719089.0,True,t3_14b06b,, |
1354126964.0,17,self.ccna,13y13v,My local community college is offering Cisco Networking Academy Courses. Are they worth it on the path to getting CCNA certified?,21,4,12,,'Hello /r/ccna, |
I little background. I've been working in tech support for a year and a half now. I have basic Tier 1 networking knowledge and have recently decided to make a push into getting my CCNA. |
I recently purchased Lammle's CCNA Study Guide, I have all the CBT nuggets downloaded, and I have packet tracer (Though I don't know how to use it yet) |
My question is that my local community college is offering the four course Cisco Academy program that takes you through various networking fundamentals. |
I.) Network Fundamentals, Routing Protocols, Advanced Switching and LAN Switching & Wireless. |
I guess I'm wondering if anyone has taken any of these courses and if they're worth the cost. I'm probably looking at about at least 600 dollars a course, without the cost of reading materials. Are they worth the hands on experience or should I focus on studying with the materials I already have?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_13y13v,, |
1353533424.0,17,self.ccna,13l58e,How come I can ping with a higher datagram size thean my MTU?,22,5,4,,'If I have an HDLC serial link with IP MTU of 1500, I can send a ping with a datagram size of 18024 from one router to the other. Why is this allowed?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_13l58e,, |
1351617863.0,18,self.ccna,12ci2y,EIGRP Study Guide (CCNA Prep),21,3,8,,'I'm currently prepping for my CCNA, read Lammle 7th edition and reviewed online videos and study guides ad nauseam for past 6 months. I have and had a good grasp of networking basics but am not a Cisco guy and have had trouble organizing the volume of more advanced material. Finally making the push to dedicate time to synthesize all the info and make the final push (thanks, Sandy!!!) |
I put together the following as part of my learning process. If others find it helpful I will post more as I go. Additions/corrections/criticisms welcome. |
-AD = 90 (External EIGRP AD = 170) |
-Hybrid (Cisco defines as distance vector) |
-Proprietary |
-Composite Metric determines best routes - Bandwidth, Delay, Reliability, Load |
-AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS (AS) organization |
-Diffusing Update Algorithm (DUAL) - Allows for backup route determination, support of VLSMs, Dynamic Route Recoveries, Queries for alternate route if no Feasible Successor can be found |
-Reliable Transport Protocal (RTP) - Proprietary, uses multicast class D address, then follows with 16 unicast attempts before declaring neighbor dead (reliable multicast) |
-Supports multiple network layer protocols via Protocol Dependent Modules (PDMs) |
-Neighbor/adjacency based on: |
-Hellos received |
-AS Number Match |
-Identical K Value Metrics |
-Only advertises complete information when new neighbor is discovered and adjacency is formed via hello packet exchange |
-After adjacency is formed only changes to routing table are propagated |
-Topology Table - Stored in RAM, populated by PDMs, acted upon by DUAL, contains all destinations advertised by neighbors, holds each destination address, neighbors which advertised the destination and its metric. |
-Routes should show as P (Passive), which means everything is functioning normally and the path is known. A (Active) means searching for replacement route |
-Each entry indicates FD, AD and next-hop neighbor, and also includes the best Feasible Successor (backup) route |
Successor - Best route, stored in routing table |
Feasible Successor - Backup route, up to 16, best is viewable in topology table (in order to be a FS, AD must eq less than FD of successor) |
-Stores neighbor updates, contains all known routes from all known neighbors |
-Selects best routes and places in routing table |
-Feasible Distance (FD) - best metric, includes distance to reporting neighbor, lowest FD=Routing Table |
-Reported/Advertised Distance(AD) - Reported distance by neighbor, routing table metric of said neighbor, displayed next to FD in topology table |
-Raw material from which routes are selected |
-Neighbor Table - stored in RAM, contains adjacency info including address and interface, 1 table per PDM, uses sequence #'s to match ack's with update packets |
-H field indicates order of neighbor discovery |
-Hold is how long the router will wait for a hello packet for that specific neighbor -Uptime is how long adjacency has been up |
-SRRT=Smooth Round-Trip timer - time for round trip to and from that neighbor (expected receipt of multicast reply, if not received, will go to unicast) |
-RTO=Retransmission Time Out - time to wait before retransmitting a packet from the retransmission queue to a neighbor |
-Q field is messages in queue, large value mean no good |
-Seq field indicated sequence number of last update from that neighbor, used to maintain synchronization |
-Supports large network by using multiple AS's, External EIGRP (170 AD) represents any route originated outside the AS, whether another EIGRP AS or an OSPF route, all appear the same when redistributed by EIGRP |
-Supports VLSM, thus allows for summarization and discontiguous networking (not by default, like OSPF) |
-Equal Cost Load Balancing on up to 4 links by default, 16 if the maximum-paths command is used |
-variance command allows unequal cost load-balancing (1=equal cost, 2= 2 lt or eq to 2x successor route) |
-Default hop count of 100, up to 255 if the metric maximum-hops command is used |
-Routes in routing table market with D designation for DUAL |
Router{config}#router eigrp [AS#1-65535] |
Router{config-router}#network [network #] |
Router{config-router}#passive-interface [interface] - sets and interface to passive, means EIGRP will not work, (no hellos, no adjacencies) |
Router{config-router}#no auto-summary - turns of auto-summarization, allows support for discontiguous networks |
Router{config-router}#maximum-paths [1-16] - allows load balancing across up to 16 links, default 4 |
Router{config-router}#metric maximum-hops [1-255] - allows hop count increase or decrease, default 100 |
show ip route - Shows whole routing table |
show ip protocols - Shows routing protocols configuration (AS#s and Metric Weights [K-values], also hop count and variance [load balancing]) |
show ip route eigrp - Shows EIGRP routes only |
show ip eigrp neighbors - Shows all EIGRP neighbors (neighbor table) |
show ip eigrp topology - Shows entries in topology table |
debug eigrp packet- Shows hello packets sent/received between adjacent routers |
debug ip eigrp events - Shows EIGRP updates in real time |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_12ci2y,, |
1351086460.0,18,self.ccna,1206ol,Studying techniques,19,1,3,,'What is your personal studying technique? |
Highlighting/rewriting/classical music? |
Do you guys know what techniques are more effective? What have you had success with? |
Thank you',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1206ol,, |
1341887438.0,19,,wb1bj,[Cisco Aspire CCNA Edition] Cisco's real world CCNA level video game.,19,0,6,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_wb1bj,, |
1338602070.0,15,self.ccna,ugkwv,Passed My ICND2!,17,2,5,,I passed with a 902! I am still grinning with joy. ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ugkwv,, |
1374605600.0,17,self.ccna,1iwgyl,Passed 640-822 Today,18,1,9,,'Got an 899! |
Not as hard as I thought it would be overall, but some questions on topics that I haven't seen yet in either the Cisco Network Academy classes or Odom's books. |
The practice test from Cisco and Pearson Vue was a good judge of knowledge and how the test questions would be asked. Had one question that was the exact same on the practice tests as it was in the real test. Answers were phrased differently though. |
I'm open for questions if anybody has some. Reading though other peoples questions and answers helped me out so I figure I'll give back.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1iwgyl,, |
1373590383.0,16,self.ccna,1i4e3c,CCENT scheduled for next week! Would like some advice/tips,17,1,20,,'Hey all, I'm a college student that decided to not waste his summer on reddit (again) and earn his CCNA. I've been studying the past month by using the Lammle 7th edition CCNA book, CBTnuggets video, Cisco Packet Tracer and whatever resources I can find online like, using Lammle's bonus material(Packet tracer files) and whatever I can get my hands on. |
I have a bit of networking experience because I took a network security class which taught how us configure routers, and ASA firewalls using GNS3. (nothing on switches or the basics of networking though) |
I've already read the chapters Lammle recommended for CCENT and watched over the whole first series of CBTnuggets. I can finally subnet in my head and I'm currently rereading/rewatching Lammle's book and cbt nuggets respectively. I plan to go through these chapters and videos 2-3 times before I take test. |
Last night, I finally decided to sign up for the CCENT exam for next week and I'm wondering what else can I do to prepare? How much of the exam is based on WAN/NAT because even though they're supposed to be in ICND2, I've heard people have those questions in ICND1.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1373590614.0,True,t3_1i4e3c,, |
1371228089.0,17,self.ccna,1gci21,Clarification on a portion of NAT/PAT,20,3,9,,'So, one think I would say I am weak in for my prep of the 640-816 is an easy way to remember Local Inside, Local Outside, Global Inside, and Global Outside. I can configure NAT and PAT in IOS but the identification of those based on a topology without messing with the NAT router. I always get slipped up. So, do you guys have any tips/suggestions to remember this easier?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1gci21,, |
1371150360.0,16,self.ccna,1gabha,Please tell me the answer is backwards. I have my CCNA exam in an hour,19,3,17,,' |
I'm starting to stress out. Thanks.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1gabha,, |
1370496310.0,15,self.ccna,1frvdg,Passed the ICND1v2 100-101 yesterday. Here are some insights.,18,3,11,,'Disclosure- I am what you might call an 'intermediate level' network engineer with 2 years experience that works at a service provider and deals primarily with Carrier/metro Ethernet. Not a networking noob by any means, but before I started studying for this last week i had never touched a device that runs IOS. |
Overall the exam was way easier than I expected from reading the prep materials. Here is what happened on the test (ymmv): |
-TONS of subnetting questions and questions that required subnetting - be quick on these. |
-Dispiste the description of materials covered by the new ICND1 there were no mention of OSPF or routing protocols at all on the test |
-Nary a mention of ipv6 despite my study (i was disappointed really). |
-More than a few quesstions that simply required knowledge of what happens to mac addresses as they get forwareded thru network. |
-Static routing |
-Basic security stuff - like how to encrypt passwords protect telnet etc. |
-Some very general NAT questions. |
-very basic yet trickily worded questions about access lists (know your extended lists too) |
The only question that really f-ed me up was about troubleshooting a serial interface on a router!!! Seriously Cisco, ethernet rules the metro space and TDM shit is going the way of the Dodo very very quickly. Who even uses T1s anymore lol! |
Anyways AMA if you have any questions (as long as aren't about specific questions on the test).',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1370496688.0,True,t3_1frvdg,, |
1364583479.0,16,self.ccna,1b9afr,What is the last valid host on the subnetwork,21,5,7,,'This one is tripping me up. |
The answer is Where does the 159 come from? |
I got ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1b9afr,, |
1364240289.0,18,,1azpqd,'Just noticed the last test dates for ICND1 (840-822), ICND2 (640-816) and CCNA (640-802) are Sept. 30, 2013',21,3,18,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1azpqd,, |
1360304209.0,14,,1849v1,Please help me with the order in which I should study these newly acquired books.,19,5,21,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1849v1,, |
1355319366.0,16,self.ccna,14q2wx,Is the Official Cert Guide enough?,16,0,12,,'I'm taking ICND1 tomorrow. I've done a bunch of studying, some lab stuff. I generally pick up on stuff quickly and I feel I'm ready for the test. |
I'm very curious even though I used multiple sources for my studies. |
**Are Odom's books alone (plus some labbing) enough to pass ICND1? How about ICND2?**',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_14q2wx,, |
1345484709.0,16,self.ccna,yj77q,640-802 Failed...,16,0,21,,683... feel like crap because I have been working really hard on this. Feel like double crap because the job posting for my dream job was yanked and no call from the employer about my resume. Sulking. Will feel better later.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_yj77q,, |
1344619374.0,14,self.ccna,y07q3,Passed ICND1 Today,19,5,8,,'Passed with 912. Spent last six weeks studying from Lammle book, CBT nuggets, train signal and a home lab. I was freaked out going in but got comfortable quick. Phew. On to CCNA.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_y07q3,, |
1341523695.0,16,self.ccna,w3h19,Passed ICND1,20,4,9,,'Hey folks, |
Wanted to say thank you for all the help you've given in this. Just got back from the testing site and passed ICND1 with a score of 937. I think the biggest thing this subreddit provides is an expectation of the experiences and moral support. I always built the whole certification process up and it helped tremendously to hear what other folks went through. |
As for training material I used both the Sybex and Cisco Press ICND1 books. Also watched the CBT Nuggets, ComStar videos, and used GSN3 for the simulations. |
A colleague lent me his copy of the Sybex CCNA book but I've also ordered the Cisco Press books. While I find Odom's book dry and way too in depth verse Lammle, it still a good book and I like having two different sources of information. But if I had to choose one, I'd go with Lammle. Just easier to read and teaches more to the test. |
Hoping to take the ICND2 in August, I actually work in networking now and have a training course coming up for JCNIA in a couple weeks and am a bit unsure how to proceed. Next couple months are going to have me dreaming of configurations and diagrams. |
Thank you again!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1341723268.0,True,t3_w3h19,, |
1337393908.0,16,,tu6vt,Got these off of Ebay how'd I do?,17,1,12,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_tu6vt,, |
1333544134.0,18,self.ccna,rsspk,Passed ICND2 today!,18,0,23,,'Passed ICND1 in June 2009. Had to pass ICND2 by June 2012 or lose the CCNA. 3 months of study paid off. I used Wendell Odom ICND2 book, CBT Nuggets videos, CCNA Flash Card book, CCNA Portable Command Guide. |
Tough exam but well worth it!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_rsspk,, |
1314799505.0,16,,k06sd,One of the best OSI model explanations I've seen so far. This is video 1 that starts with an overview.,16,0,1,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_k06sd,, |
1376323977.0,15,,1k7pd6,Chris Bryant's CCNA Security course is on sale for $22 for the next few days,19,4,6,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1k7pd6,, |
1375729374.0,15,self.ccna,1jraae,Just passed ICND2!,22,7,8,,'I have to say they really up their Jedi mind trickery with the wording in these questions, made me second guess myself constantly. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jraae,, |
1375420249.0,14,self.ccna,1jjpki,Passed the 640-802 today,18,4,7,,'Training used: CBT Nuggets video, Packet Tracer, and Networking Academy at my local community college, and the Cisco Press books by Wendell Odom. To my knowledge I am the only person (from my class) who has taken and passed the 640-802 on the first try. |
Score: 928/1000',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1375420831.0,True,t3_1jjpki,, |
1373906826.0,17,,1icke8,Subnet & Wildcard Reference,22,5,3,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1icke8,, |
1373664291.0,13,self.ccna,1i6if6,Just passed CCENT!!,20,7,12,,'first of all, a big thanks to all the people that collaborate adding new useful content to this subreddit and other forums, seriously you are awesome. |
I couldnt sleep well yesterday and I was really worried just before the test started, but as the questions passed I felt good and with energy! |
Stuff I used: |
* ICND1 official cert guide |
* CBT nuggets videos |
* Trainsignal videos |
* Techexams forum |
* [All in one ICND1 for dummies]( |
and a lot of random questions and posts in random blogs around the web. Just search for 'ICND1' on google. |
Software for simulations: |
* GNS3 |
* Boson NetSim |
Time: 3 months aprox, studying 3-4 days per week for 2 hours. Also took some weekends to read the cert guide.. is A LOT to read and understand. |
this weekend is to celebrate, but on monday I start with the ICND2 material |
and if you havent take the test yet, good luck!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1i6if6,, |
1372346632.0,16,self.ccna,1h6l7z,CCNA Security?,19,3,11,,Can anyone give some insight to the CCNA Security? Is it as hard as the CCNA? I just finished my CCNA 200-120 and thought about going for another.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1h6l7z,, |
1369959077.0,15,self.ccna,1fdf14,Passed my CCNA (640-802)!,20,5,9,,'Just a little background: |
I went to school this past year for Computer Networking so I was fortunate enough have a whole year of school focused on the four sections, CCNA Exploration. Having the ability to use real, up to date routers and switches definitely helped. I recentely finished my course at the beginning of May and have been studying to take it since, usually about 3-4 hours per day. |
Study Material: |
31 days to your CCNA exam, |
Sybex CCNA Study Guide, 7th Edition, |
CBT Nuggets (Briefly to look over some concepts) and |
Packet Tracer, lots and lots of Packet Tracer. |
If you have any questions feel free to ask. Also I have one question and that is where do I go from here? I've recently been hired on as Help Desk, and start my training soon.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1370300919.0,True,t3_1fdf14,, |
1369855997.0,16,self.ccna,1factr,'Will the old CCNA be 'outdated' after the new one is released?',18,2,6,,'I've been studying for the CCNA and I planned on taking it early this summer. Now, I'm afraid it will be 'outdated' immediately after I pass it due to the new one being released. I'm very close to taking this and have been studying the current test material. I wanted to pass this before my current job review as extra leverage, so waiting doesn't seem logical. Thoughts?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1factr,, |
1369504860.0,15,self.ccna,1f1f3k,Finding work?,19,4,8,,'Just curious, once someone passes their CCNA.. where is the best place to look for jobs (in and around NYC)? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1f1f3k,, |
1369075814.0,15,self.ccna,1epkou,'Obligatory 'I passed the ICND2 today' post!',20,5,17,,'Hey guys, I took the ICND1 in January and just passed the ICND2 today with a 930! |
I used Odom's ICND2 book, Lammle's Study Guide, and CBT Nuggets. Test was (for me) a lot easier than ICND1. A lot less recalling random facts and more about how the routing protocols actually function. |
Anyone, I'll gladly answer questions that anyone has within NDA.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1epkou,, |
1367524914.0,17,self.ccna,1dklr5,'Looking for ICND2 'Study Buddy' - Seattle',20,3,0,,'Hello r/ccna, |
I recently moved to Seattle for an IT job after graduating from a community college with a basic Computer Network Administration degree. I work in a NOC, but it's more of a Linux systems operations center, so I have been learning Linux stuff, and forgetting the Cisco. It's been a while now since I've done any real networking labs or anything, and I'm getting rusty. I recently took the 640-822 and passed with flying colors, but as I study up for the 640-816, I realize I have lost a lot of what I learned. I would love to meet somebody in the same boat (you don't need ICND1, just the drive to finish) so we can form some sort of study group. It can be in person or online or a combination of both. I don't care where you are along the CCNA track, as long as you intend to finish.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1dklr5,, |
1364858037.0,13,self.ccna,1bgxoe,started a google hangout study group a few weeks ago..,15,2,3,,'we're on our second or third week now. i would love for more people to join. i created a subreddit for it; r/ccnastudygroup. look for updates, invites, and how to join in there if interested.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1bgxoe,, |
1363855152.0,15,self.ccna,1aq17w,Learning Subnetting,16,1,7,,'Hey Reddit, |
I've been working my way through the ICND1 mainly with a CBT nuggets sub and the official Cisco book. |
I found subnetting a little confusing until I found this video on youtube. Now I've watched it, I'm finally able to understand the process and tackle the Subnetting questions pretty quickly. |
*Edit - I forgot the link, doh! | |
Hopefully some of my fellow students will find it useful. |
*If any experienced subnetters can find any issues with the way the video teaches subnetting, please let me know as it'll be good to know.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1363856816.0,True,t3_1aq17w,, |
1362686809.0,16,self.ccna,19v4o3,CCNA Changes + Exam Timing?,17,1,9,,'So with rather strong rumors circulating that Cisco will be making significant changes to the CCNA exam this summer.. |
it seems that there are 2 strategies those of us who are studying now could use to deal with this. |
But neither strategy sounds ideal to me: |
________ |
In the first strategy we could just rush and try to do the current 2 CCNA exams now, since that's what we're studying for now (and spending all our free time, energy and money getting ready for). |
But the problem I see with that approach, is that I would be short changing myself with important networking knowledge. |
Obviously if Cisco is going to change the exam, they must feel this new knowledge is important! |
So if I rush to do the current exams, then I'll be missing out on that new knowledge. |
Also 'rushing' through the knowledge and studying process now, just so that I can take the current exams, might mean that I come away with a less deep overall understanding of the material. |
________ |
So instead of killing ourselves, and rushing rapidly through the current study material, we could just wait for the new material to come out. |
But 'delaying' and 'waiting' and waffling too much is usually never a good approach to accomplishing important life goals! |
So while I do want to take my time to properly absorb and learn the material (and also learn the new exam material) I also don't want to go to the other extreme of delaying things too far into the future. |
________ |
Finally.. another problem with 'waiting' and 'delaying' is that we don't know how long it will take for authors, writers, and course-curriculum planners, to come up with new material that covers the new exam in a very good way. |
So for example if I say, 'Ok, I'll wait for the new material,' and Cisco announces their changes in the summer, but it takes authors and curriculum planners until the fall/end of the year to adequately cover the changes, then I've put off my dreams/future for yet another year! |
________ |
It's never an easy thing to get caught in the middle of a transition like this. |
It kinda sucks, and it's frustrating! |
But at some point Cisco has to update the exam, in order for the Cisco certifications to remain valuable. (But it just sucks getting caught in that transition.) |
I think the only strategy I can really use is just to keep pushing forward, by learning the knowledge in all the CCNA books I bought now, absorb that knowledge in a deep and meaningful way (so I can become a great networking professional) and then take it one day at a time. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1362687074.0,True,t3_19v4o3,, |
1360773565.0,16,self.ccna,18ga41,vlan question,17,1,15,,'I'm a bit confused on the concept of native vlans and trunks. Would a trunk always be considered a member of the native vlan? Also, if the native vlan is for untagged traffic why does itself have a vlan ID??',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_18ga41,, |
1359404697.0,14,self.ccna,17g5cd,937 and 916! Thanks for all your help and info.,17,3,6,,That is all.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_17g5cd,, |
1358354626.0,17,self.ccna,16owob,Sitting the ICND1 at 2:00 EST today!,18,1,26,,'Really nervous. First time taking a technical cert exam and I suspect my years of HS and College exam taking didn't prepare me. Right now I am reading over show commands and just looking at random facts and details like the ethernet cabling types, and wireless stuff. I've got subnetting nailed. Any last minute tips redditors. I'm going to regret this post if I don't pass. lol.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_16owob,, |
1354325300.0,14,self.ccna,142z9q,Passed 640-802 today.,17,3,5,,'Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has posted here and the mods for this subreddit. Looking through posts, both passes and failures, gave me an idea of what to look at. The failures I think made me nervous enough to keep studying when my eyes and head were exhausted. The resources to the right were extremely helpful, along with the CBTNugget videos. I work as an admin but haven't worked on Cisco equipment in a few years. For those about to take the ICND 1 and 2 or the 640-802, look through this forum to get an idea of what needs to be studied. |
On to the CCNP.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_142z9q,, |
1352887941.0,16,self.ccna,136bn4,3 months until ICND1 is this enough time?,19,3,10,,'Story goes like this, both myself and a friend are going looking at getting a CCNA. He's is studying for exams at end of January through his current employer so at the minute he's won't be doing no studying on the ICND1. |
I want to wait for him so we can both study together and help each other out. |
When end of January comes I'm going to book my ICND1 exam for end of April and just wondering is 3 months worth of study enough time for the first exam?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_136bn4,, |
1342513194.0,15,self.ccna,woy79,Passed CCNA yesterday and CISCO confirmed my certification late last night..,19,4,11,,'.. and I am ecstatic! |
Barely passed with 841 (825 to pass). I can't say it's as good a grade as everyone else I've seen on here (usually 900+) but I am happy considering I passed it on the first try and it's my first ever certification :) + the fact that it was the whole CCNA exam, not split into ICND1 and 2. |
What I wished I've studied more: WAN's, especially Frame-Relay. I kind of blanked out during the exam and it wasn't good. WLAN's was my strong point apparently, I got 100% on that. Got about 5 simulation questions and I finished the exam with only 1 minute to spare. It is a bloody hard exam I can tell you that much. |
Any questions feel free to ask! Good luck to everyone else!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_woy79,, |
1341963537.0,15,self.ccna,wctkd,Passed ICND1 Today (914/1000),16,1,19,,'Took the ICND1 Test today and passed with a 914/1000. |
For those looking for advice on what to study: |
I used CBTNuggets video, I took notes the whole time I watched it. This gave a very basic idea of the fundamentals, but using it alone you will not pass. (The subnetting section was very very well explained.) |
I went through the ICND1 Review questions on the Cisco website, twice. ( |
*I used my handy dandy notebook to record questions that I missed and then used the internet to beef up on those topics.* |
I also used the ICND1 section of *edited* as practice questions to test myself further, and again wrote down the questions I got wrong to study further on the topics. |
During the test there were a couple of questions I knew that I missed, and it got me worried, but don't let it shake you! I still passed with a 912 and with proper studying you can too!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1342027800.0,True,t3_wctkd,, |
1334069992.0,13,,s2llv,Free CCNA Workbook,16,3,1,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_s2llv,, |
1331757999.0,14,self.ccna,qwpj9,Passed ICND1 -- with lots of help,18,4,7,,'Got 937/1000. I used a lot of help. Took me 170 hours total over a span of 3.5 weeks. But I'm not working so it wasn't hard to put in the time. A breakdown of what I did: I watched CBT Nuggests twice, Train Signal once, Read Wendell Odom ICND1 Book once, took the Boson Test (paid-for version), and read Exam Cram sheet/book, CCENT App for Iphone, ICND 640 822 app for Iphone. |
My background is that I have a bit of support background but mostly on desktops. I've also done some low voltage cabling work, but nothing actually working with Cisco. I'm actually trying to get away from the sales world, I've been stuck in for the last 10 years and move into IT. |
Of the exam tools I used, the highlights are: |
- Boson: The layout and interface of the Boson tests are very similar to the real thing. The questions themselves are more difficult than the actual test. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,True,True,t3_qwpj9,, |
1309541771.0,16,self.ccna,iedbe,'Free CCNA resources/study materials. [Disclaimer: I have not tested all of these, and I do not know the legal 'status' of some of these either. Discretion is yours.]',16,0,5,,'- [Cisco's Learning Network]( - I would look here no matter what you do. Categories are on the left. |
- [SemSim Study Guides]( |
- [SemSim Practice Questions]( - Note: Direct link to ZIP file. |
- [Good resources with lots of CCNA-related links.]( |
- [Internetwork Training CCNA Practice Quiz]( - I like this one; a lot of good questions. |
Last Update: July 01, 2011 . 12:35PM (CT)',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_iedbe,,moderator |
1376365533.0,15,self.ccna,1k9809,Obligatory CCNA post 947 of 1000,19,4,20,,'Thank you Jeremy Cioara, and Wendel Odom for amazing study material. Personally I think their ICDN2 2013 study material is better than the old ICND2 study materials. Good luck everyone studying for their CCNA!!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1k9809,, |
1375556051.0,14,self.ccna,1jn04t,'Starting a CCNA resource site, what legitimate study aids would you like to see?',21,7,5,,'Hey all, I'm researching starting up a CCNA resource page since I've noticed there isn't really any amazing all-in-one (free) resource site out there. The idea is to make it pretty comprehensive and professional so that it kind of becomes the authority of free CCNA study material. What are some things that would help you guys out? |
So far, I'm planning to have: |
--What is a CCNA |
--Study guides |
--Practice exams |
--Forums |
--CCNA Salary Guide |
--'Classes' where you can join a study group planning to take the exam and collaborate / study together ('class of fall 2013', 'class of winter 2013' etc.) |
Looking to hear any good ideas about what content you would like to see or what is missing from other resources.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jn04t,, |
1374683440.0,13,self.ccna,1iyq3w,'taking the ICND2 640-816 next monday; Tips, Tricks, Last minute focus topics?',14,1,10,,'I passed the ICND1 640-822 with a 925 last month. I've been studying using the Udemy classes the 'CCNA 2013 On-The-Go Video Boot Camp' via Chris Bryant. After getting a pretty respectable score I felt like I 'd have an easy time with the ICND2 (and also trying to get certified before the test is dropped) anyone have any last minute tips or things I should try to focus more on?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1iyq3w,, |
1374541618.0,13,self.ccna,1iuq7y,Subnetting Quickly,14,1,12,,'Hi guys. Just a quick question here. Gearing up for another go and I am wondering if you guys have any brilliant ideas on tackling problems like this: |
>Which subnet does host belong to? |
So this one, is there any quicker way to do this than having the multiples of 8 memorized? |
Thanks! ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1iuq7y,, |
1373394618.0,13,self.ccna,1hy8gh,Failed ICND2 twice now. What could I be doing wrong?,17,4,16,,'I got scores of 706 (first attempt) and 776 (second) out of a passing score of 825. Is this close enough to warrant a retake immediately, or should I take a break and really study up on the material? I'm really not sure what I could do to study. I've gone through the CBTNugget videos, Cisco's networking academy material (exploration 2, 3, and 4), and most of the packet tracer labs. I think I am maybe 2 or 3 questions away from passing. My lowest scores according to the printout was 60% on both switching and routing. Any suggestions on what type of exercices I can do to increase my chances?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1hy8gh,, |
1372804437.0,13,self.ccna,1hj0p6,IPv6 Prefixes. A little help?,15,2,4,,'I'm mostly confused about the 2000::/3 range. In v4, the /3 would represent the first 3 bits being network bits, 11100000. In v6, it's the same but the quartets are confusing me. For 2000::/3, the /3 is represented in the hex 2, correct? But 2 in binary is 0010, and I read this range represents anything beginning with a 2 or a 3. How is that possible? Is the right-most zero dropped? Could I then have a range of 8000::/1 ?? Would that mean that the network would only be 8, and it can go up to 8FFF? I'm so confused. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1hj0p6,, |
1371666086.0,14,self.ccna,1go5g8,Named/Extended ACL Src/Dest Question,15,1,10,,'I'm studying for my CCNA, and I have a question regarding ACLS. Everything I have read with extended named ACLs shows the syntax that source address is listed first and destination address is listed second. On my switch, the ACLs are all applied at the vlan interface as inbound rule, but it appears the source/destination is flipped. |
I wanted to create a rule that would allow VLAN3 ( to connect to a single host on VLAN2 ( over port 80. My thinking is that I would need to show a source address of and a destination of However, when i went to apply the rules, it would only work if I flipped the entries. I'm curious as to why this is? I cannot seem to find documentation on it. |
I thought this would work: |
10 permit tcp host eq www |
However, this does not work. It does work, however when i enter the following: |
10 permit tcp host eq www |
I'm curious why this is. The direction of all ACLs edited are inbound, and applied at the destination vlan. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1go5g8,, |
1370700498.0,13,self.ccna,1fxcl7,Is there a site that will tell me the details of what is in the commands I enter on the CLI?,15,2,3,,'For instance, if I do a show controllers or show running config, is there somewhere that will tell me what all if that information is? I know somethings, But I would like to know what everything else is. Thanks! ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fxcl7,, |
1370574364.0,13,,1fu79p,Am I over paying for this home lab?,14,1,18,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1fu79p,, |
1370375341.0,14,self.ccna,1fo7gj,Should I take the 1 and done method test or the two version test for the CCNA?,17,3,12,,Just curious what I should take on. I have my A+(child's play I know) but I was curious which method do y'all think will be the easiest? The single 640-802 or the two version test : 640-882; 640-816?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fo7gj,, |
1370263229.0,15,self.ccna,1fksqi,Anyone taken a Cisco Boot Camp class ?,16,1,19,,'Anyone have success taking a CCNA & CCNP course, one of the month long courses, and successfully passing those tests ? |
Background: I've taken networking classes in college, purchased and read through the offical CCNA Cisco books, and watched some videos covering the CCNA material. I just don't feel comfortable that myself study is enough, I'm so used to the structured classroom environment. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fksqi,, |
1369355915.0,16,self.ccna,1exv1z,Where do I start in becoming CCNA certified with no experience?,17,1,21,,'I am brand new to this but have a lot of interest in it. When I say brand new, I mean no experience whatsoever. I was wondering if anyone knows the best place to start, i.e. books, certs. I'm having trouble finding the exact starting point but want to order my first book this weekend so I can start immediately. |
Also wondering what would be the best job/place to start to gain experience?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1exv1z,, |
1369178875.0,14,self.ccna,1esqfe,Almost 10 years cisco experience but never gotten certified. Please point me in the right direction.,15,1,11,,'Guys |
I've been working with Cisco products for nearly 10 years, but never gotten certified. Now I'm wanting to find a new job and not having any certs seems to be a pretty big roadblock for me, so I'm thinking about trying for my CCNA (and possibly more who knows). With all the different tests they have now, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed figuring out how to go about it. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1esqfe,, |
1368471060.0,13,self.ccna,1e9e4i,I have also passed the ICND1 today.,18,5,5,,'950/1000. Now onto ICND2, which from what I learned with my experience from INCD1, I will not wait as long to schedule.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1e9e4i,, |
1367707556.0,15,self.ccna,1dpah9,How has Cisco Certs helped you get a job?,23,8,30,,How has studying and passing the ccent + ccna helped find a job? What area did you get a job in? Network Admin,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1dpah9,, |
1367254902.0,13,self.ccna,1dcj2c,Passed ICND1 Today! Thanks Reddit,17,4,5,,'Passed my exam today, going to start cramming for ICND2. Never been so nervous in my life. Thanks for all the great info in this /r. Lots of great stuff here. Looking forward to the next and hopefully being able to help contribute to the info from here on out.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1dcj2c,, |
1365725082.0,15,self.ccna,1c67d9,'If I take ICND1 before Sept 30 2013 , and ICND2 after will ICDN1 still count ?',19,4,9,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1c67d9,, |
1365550887.0,20,,1c0xt1,Found a site with animated explanations of various protocols.,25,5,3,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1c0xt1,, |
1365524948.0,12,self.ccna,1bzx4f,Subnetting Question,18,6,9,,'I'm getting better at subnetting, but questions like this one are still warping my brain. |
Question: What is the broadcast address of the network |
Answer: |
I get that the subnets should be in increments of 16, correct? |
How do they arrive at that broadcast address. |
Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1bzx4f,, |
1363966602.0,15,self.ccna,1asxky,Question for those of you who have passed ccent.,16,1,15,,'Were there any areas on the ccent exam that you were surprised to see? Also, which areas do you wish you would have studied more? |
Thanks',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1asxky,, |
1357314981.0,13,self.ccna,15ydgo,Just about ready to take the CCENT.. I think?,17,4,5,,'So I have been studying the official Cisco ICND1 book. I feel comfortable with all of it. I can pass the practice test that came with the book. I can subnet fast and I even have my own lab set up and going that I play with and have run through a lot of the setting including updating the IOS with a tftp server and so on. How ready am I for the test. I plan to take it the start of the week following next. But I was wondering if you guys had any other suggestions for ways I can practice (preferably free/cheap ways), especially when it comes to simlet questions. Also, what is the test going to be like? How many questions and how much time do I get? Is there more of one or a couple kinds of questions and less of others? I am sure it varies by test but I just want as much info about what to expect as I can get before I walk in. I almost feel TOO confident right now.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_15ydgo,, |
1345073544.0,13,self.ccna,yafw7,CCNAnxiety,16,3,5,,'Hey guys, |
So I've gone right through my MCSE, which was a nerve wracking experience to say the least. I'm approaching the end of my study and am looking to take the exam in the next few weeks, however one thing always ruins me on exams. Anxiety. |
I'm a fairly anxious person normally, however with exams, I usually cant sleep or eat for days before hand, I have a tendency to go into the exams and forget everything because I'm so tired/scared. |
I guess I'm wondering if anyone else goes through this and if they have any tips to calm down? |
Part of it is, that I have gear, and the study guide, but at the end of the day, I'm not sure if that's enough. I've gone into exams before after comprehending all the 'study material' and been thrown off with a topic I've not heard before. |
Anyway, is there any check list or something that I can go through so I can tell if I'm ready? How do you know when you're ready to go?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_yafw7,, |
1344099570.0,13,self.ccna,xocp9,Going for the 640-802 on Monday,14,1,10,,'In the last few days everything seemed to click. The practice questions and flash cards became easy and repetitive. I'm going to do a few more labs today and tomorrow; but otherwise I feel ready. |
No real point to this post..I just had to tell someone, I guess!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_xocp9,, |
1340684723.0,14,self.ccna,vm382,Passed my ICND1 today! 950/1000,16,2,6,,'feeling pretty good about it :D I was caught a little off guard by a question relating to the setup of SSH. |
Got the ICND2 test on wednesday, need to cram some more before then. wish me luck! :D',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_vm382,, |
1335910287.0,16,self.ccna,t27li,Reddit! Guide me as I embark my CCNA Studies! ,16,0,11,,'I've recently decided on taking on the Cisco CCNA certification track. I have been doing my research and I am finally ready to sit down and get this done. |
I found this subreddit to be the most helpful, from reading over previous posts and raking in as much information from past redditor tactics they used to pass ICND1. |
I snagged [This]( book from my previous community college and decided that this will be my physical CCNA study guide bible. I am also using CBTNuggets as my training video. |
The plan is to attack 1-2 videos a day using my book to jot down notes! ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_t27li,, |
1330014560.0,13,self.ccna,q2n7j,Who wants jobs?,17,4,21,,'I'm a recruiter and I get quite a few jobs that require a CCNA certification. They're all contract or contract to hire. Usually ranging from 1 to 3 years. |
If you are looking to get your foot in the door or are just interested in seeing what else is out there, you should send me an email and add me on linkedin. |
email: |
linkedin: |
Or the other linkedin: |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,True,True,t3_q2n7j,, |
1329708844.0,13,self.ccna,pxaau,Just Passed ICND1 this past Friday!,14,1,19,,'Thanks for all your help and i can answer any questions new comers might have. |
Greatest feeling ever!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_pxaau,, |
1375960757.0,14,self.ccna,1jy6qe,CCNA without a degree?,15,1,20,,'If I just want to get certifications instead of getting a degree will I be able to get a job or is it pointless? |
If it matters I live in Massachusetts.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jy6qe,, |
1375878800.0,15,,1jvnvg,Thoughts on Cisco VIRL?,16,1,6,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1jvnvg,, |
1375650901.0,13,self.ccna,1jp7nt,CCNA Help - Cisco Boot Process And Related Commands,16,3,4,,'Been coming here for awhile asking random questions. Today on my practice exam I missed a bunch of questions like: |
If the config file in NVRAM is corrupted, what does the router do? |
What happens if you run the register-config command? |
What happens when you boot a router, list in order? |
I'm checking back over my Odom books and can't find any sections with this info. Google searching has turned up random forum questions only. Does anyone know where this info is located on the CBT Nuggets videos or in the Odom books? Or can provide some good links for studying this info? |
Thanks! |
EDIT: I found it in the Odom book right as I posted this.. Still, are there any external resources you know of? For reference it's Chapter 19 Page 502 in 640-822 book.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1375651290.0,True,t3_1jp7nt,, |
1375555297.0,15,self.ccna,1jmzcr,BAM! Cleaned up that ICND1!,17,2,15,,'640-822 |
It was easier than I thought! I used Odom and CBT videos, primarily, along with Googling for when something wasn't clear from those two. I made notes in Google Drive so I could read them on my phone, iPad, laptop, wherever. I got to the point where I was so familiar with my notes that I was sick and tired of going over them and after awhile didn't see the point anymore, because I knew all the answers on them already. In fact, I don't think I studied at all in the last few days leading up to the exam. |
Almost all questions were fair.There was one question on a command I had *never* heard of in all my studies. And of course, as I expected, I did poorly in wireless standards, *even though I concentrated on that because I knew I was weak!* I don't know what it is about wireless standards that make them so hard to remember. Probably cause its learning by rote something that I would Google and would never bother to memorize in real life. |
I'm using the Sept 30th deadline as pressure to motivate me to get on to ICND2! |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jmzcr,, |
1375414084.0,15,self.ccna,1jjj75,Passed ICND1 640-822 Today,15,0,18,,'Training used: CBT Nuggets Videos, Cisco Official Cert Guide by Odom (very dry and boring to read but full of info), practice test that came with the book, and Packet Tracers and equipment around the office. |
Stoked to pass, scored 962/1000. I have worked for 8 years now in IT and never sat down to study for my Cisco certs. I clammed up at the beginning of the test and stumbled through most of the test due to my nerves. Time management is key and I know they harp on that in CBT Nuggets (I finished with 8 mins left, due to my reading and re-reading of the questions) |
I personally liked CBT Nuggets but dont think that alone could get anyone to pass the test. Personally I needed the PT sims and the book, even though it was dry. With these tools I felt I got a well rounded view of what was needed to succeed. Let me know if you have any questions. Time to study for 640-816 and pass that before September 30th',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jjj75,, |
1374766232.0,12,self.ccna,1j163p,Subnetting? Easy. Configuration? Simple. But THIS is kicking my ass..,14,2,18,,'I laugh at subnetting. Probably a bit slower than I should be, but I feel totally comfortable with it and usually ace most questions thrown at me. How LANs work? Entirely sensible. Configuration of switches and routers? Pretty easy, especially for ICND1. |
*But these goddamn standards for WAN and wireless..* |
Fuck, man. Just an endless barrage of acronyms, numbers, and utterly uncreative names. Trying to read Lammle on WANs now: 'IUERJIF can run on BVNVHDFJKDJFKJ unless it's 2394857.4234 and the second Tuesday of the fifth month, in which case NVNVNS and ROIEUOWIR and OEIUOIU and EORIUWOIUR, unless of course you are using VNXMCNMN with WOUIR'. |
That's the way it reads to me. |
I mean. I get it. Leased lines vs circuit and packet switching. PPP and HDLC on leased lines, Frame Relay on packet. Configuration is a cinch. The *basics* I get. The *configuration* I get. |
Nonetheless, if I fail my upcoming ICND1, it's going to be because of some nitpicky question about a very specific piece of one header of one version of PPP. Or about which group, WiFi Alliance, IEEE, etc, is responsible for X rather than Y. |
/rant',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1j163p,, |
1374602509.0,11,self.ccna,1iwcdf,Passed ICND 100-101 Today!,15,4,5,,'Scored an 881 which makes me really happy (especially considering I work in an HP/Brocade shop). I was really surprised, like a few others here, that the test was totally devoid of IPv6 questions. |
I was thinking about signing up for CBT Nuggets in preparation of the 200-101; anyone used them for the ICNDv2?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1iwcdf,, |
1369323268.0,12,self.ccna,1ewp2o,Question: Split Horizon with Poison Reverse,14,2,2,,'I understand the purpose of split horizon, route poisoning and triggered updates however I'm having a hard time getting my head around why split horizon with poison reverse is useful. |
Here is my current understanding for a network with two connected RIPv2 routers. |
If a route off RouterA fails: |
1. RouterA removes the route from its routing table |
2. RouterA sends a triggered update to RouterB for the failed route with a metric of 16 |
3. RouterB updates its routing table for the failed route |
4. RouterB suspends it's split horizon rules and sends a triggered update back to RouterA |
5. RouterA updates its routing table for the failed route |
6. The route is removed from both routers once there respective timers expire |
Writing down those steps has given me a thought: |
Is split hoizon with poison reverse useful to account for the fact that RouterA has removed the failed route from it's routing table thereby exposing it to a routing update from say RouterC which would have a route to the failed route? So the poison reverse is to make sure the RouterA has a metric 16 entry in it's routing table as soon as possible? But then again RouterC would also have received a triggered update so wouldn't have any reason to advertise the route.. |
What am I missing?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ewp2o,, |
1369146900.0,13,self.ccna,1erkap,CCENT/CCNA Practice test.,13,0,15,,'I'm studying for the CCENT and will be taking it next week. I took it once before and learned at least 1 thing. The Pearson Practice test that came with the book is very different from the actual practice test. Are there any practice test, even one I need to pay for, that do a good job of simulating the actual test format?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1erkap,, |
1368839937.0,14,self.ccna,1ejxwa,Passed ICDN1 today,18,4,11,,'scored 812 with 804 needed. My heart dropped to my stomach when I saw how close the score was but I was so happy that I passed. I've worked hard for this. How long does it generally take for the Cisco Certification Tracking site to receive it? I'd like to get the credentials published. |
Anyways, time to hit the books for ICDN2! Wish me luck?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ejxwa,, |
1368726770.0,13,self.ccna,1egoy7,'Taking ICND1 tomorrow, any last minute pointers/hints?',14,1,12,,'I've been told MANY times to make sure I've got my subnetting down. Pretty sure I do, PLEASE link the video that you thought most helpful for this. |
Edit: or link a pic of the paper dump you did when you walked into the test.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1368726962.0,True,t3_1egoy7,, |
1368238009.0,13,self.ccna,1e3vbo,CCNA: Data Center 640-911 Passed!,15,2,1,,'Hey all, |
Since there's not really an active CCNA: DC subreddit, I wanted to give you all my impression of the first part of the two exams. I passed today with a 968/1000 (818 to pass.) The 640-911 is very basic stuff for the most part. If you guys have your CCENT, it's worth looking into. A few questions about MDS's and Nexus 5k/7k devices and most of the rest of the material covered is straightforward CCNA-level stuff. I found the questions to be written more concise and easier to comprehend. |
For study material, it was mostly previous knowledge from the past CCNA and I went through the objectives listed [here]( Since there is no official book out, I went through the objectives and read about them in my past book and googled the concepts I was weak on. |
I do have 3 1/2 years of network experience (currently a Network Engineer,) CCNA, and CCNA: Voice. |
Now onto the 640-916 to complete the pair of tests for the cert! This one looks a little more rough.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1e3vbo,, |
1367517167.0,13,self.ccna,1dkb6z,Just passed 640-802 - AMA,19,6,19,,'Just walked out of the testing center and am now back at work. I'll answer what I can without violating the agreement. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1dkb6z,, |
1366658892.0,14,self.ccna,1cvrn3,'Passed the ICND2 today, 916/1000.',15,1,12,,'Thank you to anyone who ever gave me any advice or tips here. |
Study material: Wendell Odom's ICND2 book, CBT Nuggets, VTC Videos,,, and a website full of practice tests. not sure if it would be considered a braindump so I'm not going to post it here. I also made flash cards for myself.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1cvrn3,, |
1366394850.0,13,self.ccna,1cosxs,RIP routing question,15,2,6,,'Correct me if I'm wrong, but if if a router running RIP recieves 2 advertisements about the same destination network from 2 different routers, it will use only the route with the lowest hop count and ignore the other until the shortest hop route goes down (for whatever reason). So what does a router do it if receives 2 advertisements from 2 different routers which lists the same hop count? I assume it just puts both routes in its routing table but not sure. |
Edit: Below is a link with the answer for the people who were also wondering. The router will load balance. | |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1366402550.0,True,t3_1cosxs,, |
1364896443.0,11,self.ccna,1bi918,'Is it a waste of time to study the current CCNA books and materials, if I plan to take the NEW CCNA exam later this year?',15,4,11,,'As many of you know, the current exam will be phased out/obsolete by Sept 30th. |
But personally, I don't think I'll be ready to take the current version of the CCNA exam, before Sept 30th of this year. |
Also, as bad luck would have it, I just recently bought several hundreds of dollars worth of books for the CURRENT (soon to be OLD) version of the CCNA exam! |
:( |
Do these current (soon to be OLD/OUTDATED) books still cover a good portion of the material that will be on the new exam later this year? |
For example would you estimate that about 60 to 70 percent of the material I read in these current (soon to be old) books, will still be on the new exam? |
If yes, then I'll just keep studying these current (soon to be OLD) books, and then when the new books come out, I'll buy them, and switch over. |
Or should I just stop studying these CURRENT (soon to be OLD) books, and wait for the new books to be released? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1bi918,, |
1364596684.0,12,self.ccna,1b9qiv,'Now that it's been announced that knowledge of IOS 15 will be required, what's a good model of router to build a lab around?',15,3,3,,'Best meaning best priced. Also, will there be an issue because IOS 15 needs to be 'Activated'? |
Any and all suggestions welcome!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1b9qiv,, |
1362663631.0,14,,19udzz,Found some good information about studying for the CCENT and figured I would share for all the new people like myself.,15,1,7,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_19udzz,, |
1362430625.0,12,self.ccna,19nrp3,My experience taking the ICND1 this afternoon..,13,1,9,,'Firstly, I failed it the first time with a 799 about two weeks ago. Retook it today. The receptionist is extremely attractive at the testing center. I walked in, strike up conversation as I'm signing all the documents, things were good, I handed her one of the sheets of paper and it gave me a papercut when I went to grab it. It stung, but nothing major. So she puts the dry erase board and marker on the desk counter for me. I reach over to grab them both and drop the marker and it slides across the desk. I reach over to grab it and my hand hit's a firm plastic paper filer that is holding hand outs. It starts to fall off of the desk. I reach for it, except I miss! This sends it flying through the air and crashing onto the hard wood floor making the loudest noise I think I've ever heard. She just stands there and watches it and I'm looking at her watch. I can just hear the voice in here head, 'This guy is an idiot'. Papers go flying everywhere. I just put my head down and let out a huge sigh. I apologize and walk over to pick it and the papers up. I place them onto the counter and I look down. As I went to grab the filer, it cut my hand, except this was no minor paper cut. Blood was running down my hand because it took a huge chunk of skin out. I had to go to the bathroom and try to get it to stop bleeding while she waited. |
TL;DR - Made an ass of myself, passed with 840. Sigh.. Yay!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_19nrp3,, |
1360274491.0,14,self.ccna,183a2h,Is CBT Nuggets still a good investment? Any other material you'd recommend for someone who didn't pass their first two attempts?,14,0,16,,'I missed the cut my first two times taking the CCNA composite exam. I don't want to give up so I'm wondering if anyone could recommend a service that got you over the hump, so to speak if you weren't successful the first time around?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_183a2h,, |
1359412749.0,15,self.ccna,17gg4f,'Crazy Idea, why not create our own class seminars, tutorial vids, etc? People wouldn't have to pay for expensive classes or books and could get our questions answered faster. ',20,5,15,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_17gg4f,, |
1358045558.0,11,self.ccna,16gzab,Very poor college grad looking to get CCNA certified.,14,3,18,,'I got lucky and bought the Odom book set a while back for a great price off amazon and I'm about to dive into them. I was just wondering where else I should be looking to get better hands on experience. |
Are there any free programs I can use, or video resources that are free? |
Seriously though, I can barely pay for the test as is and I'd like to do more than just read through the texts and bank on my IT degree..',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_16gzab,, |
1354585507.0,12,self.ccna,148i8s,Im studying for my Cisco CCNA certification. But I am having a REALLY tough time learning the Cisco Internetworking Operating System (IOS). Could anyone help me?,14,2,19,,'When it comes to pretty much any command line thing, I get intimidated. I'm not afraid to try and learn it though. I guess I am just having a hard time learning from my ebook. I checked youtube and couldn't find anything specifically helpful so I thought I should ask [1] /r/CCNA here. Thanks for any support in advance!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_148i8s,, |
1351022548.0,12,self.ccna,11ypoy,'CCNA's of reddit, where were you prior and where are you now?',16,4,15,,'How much or how little has this certification helped your career? |
Wish me luck for my retake of the ICND1 this Thursday :)',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_11ypoy,, |
1350366293.0,12,self.ccna,11k34o,Anybody hear of IT University Online? Cisco certification bundle is 97% off on groupon. ,20,8,18,,'Saw this [Groupon]( and was wondering if anyone has any experience with this site. $3,295 value for $99 seems a little too good to be true. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_11k34o,, |
1349726545.0,11,self.ccna,115k2m,Packet Tracer practice labs for CCENT only?,14,3,7,,'The labs I'm finding online all seem to be for the CCNA composite exam, which is fine but I would like to specifically study for the CCENT exam to use my time effectively. Does anyone have any links for labs specific to the CCENT exam? Or if not, which lab concepts specifically should I be looking for?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_115k2m,, |
1346876203.0,14,self.ccna,zes1b,Has anyone else failed the CCNA twice?,16,2,28,,'I'm just feeling like an idiot. I did improve my score somewhat on the second try, but still missed passing by 80 points. I had two vouchers, so it didn't cost me anything to take it twice, but it will from now on. Anyone else failed it before passing?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_zes1b,, |
1345512996.0,14,self.ccna,yk1ph,Passed ICND2!,15,1,8,,'I was incredibly nervous leading up to the test and thought I was going to fail for sure. Passed with a 874/100, so not the best but a pass is a pass right? It was a very hard test and I can finally breathe easy with it behind me. |
My study material was Lammle’s book and CBTNuggets ICND2. I also made flash cards of the things I deemed to be noteworthy and studied them any chance I could. I did purchase some lab eq, a few switches and a 871 router, but that was before I found Packet Tracer. If I would have known about it before, I wouldn’t have spent the money. It’s really all you need. |
Was also very nice to have found this subreddit and hear stories and testimonials of fellow test takers who are going through the exact same thing I am. Thanks Redditors! |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_yk1ph,, |
1343777883.0,15,self.ccna,xh5uv,Will a CCNA get me a job?,18,3,21,,I am currently in community college and I want to study MIS. So far I am completing the associate in business degree at my college and when I am ready to transfer and I will take more technical classes in my upper division. I have space in my schedule to take an intro to networking that prepares me for the first CCNA. Would just this cert and one class be enough to get me a entry level job in networking. The college i'm transferring to will be outside Portland Oregon if that makes any difference. ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_xh5uv,, |
1343662956.0,13,self.ccna,xe8kg,Is it smart to skip the CCENT and go for the CCNA?,15,2,23,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_xe8kg,, |
1334188107.0,13,self.ccna,s58tp,640-816 passed,15,2,8,,'Finally got around to finishing this cert. I have had my CCENT cert for just under 3 years and it was about to expire. I decided to simply finish up the CCNA and renew it. Not really going to help me out in the field, but definitely assist as ammo for more money.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,True,True,t3_s58tp,, |
1331316464.0,15,self.ccna,qp5k9,Failed ICND1 today..,15,0,14,,'Got a 750 and the passing mark was 804, I really thought I was going to pass. I don't really know where I went wrong which sucks even more. I think I panicked a bit and made a few stupid mistakes because I was quite nervous. |
I watched the whole CBT nuggets video series twice and read the whole icnd1 for dummies book. I thought I had pretty much everything from those down. |
Any tips on where I can go from here? I'm booking my test for next week some time. |
It's also my real life birthday today, so..happy birthday me :(.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_qp5k9,, |
1329922412.0,13,self.ccna,q0xzx,Passed ICND 2 02/17/2012,14,1,19,,'The week before I had made the attempt and failed. [link]( |
I had run out of time with several questions left. So I went into this one with different attitude. And I was able to pass! |
43 Questions I took 73 of the 75 minutes and got a mark of 846. I'm very relieved to have finally passed. |
If anyone is planning on taking it and has any questions give me a shout! |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_q0xzx,, |
1326951210.0,14,,omv12,Doing our first lab for the CCNP curriculum of the Cisco Networking Academy,20,6,25,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_omv12,, |
1320784769.0,13,self.ccna,m57hu,Passed 640-802 today!,13,0,11,,'I passed my 640-802 today with 933/1000. Needless to say I'm very happy. |
I'm curious, for those of you that have you CCNA's already, how long does it take before you receive the hard-copy of your diploma?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_m57hu,, |
1376752270.0,11,self.ccna,1kjvu5,Passed the new 200-120 CCNA composite 945/1000,15,4,10,,'I spent about a month and a half prepping. Used Odom books,CBT nuggets, and packet tracer labs. Test was mainly ospf,eigrp,acls, and subnetting. Now the long trek to NP begins',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1kjvu5,, |
1375984467.0,10,self.ccna,1jywv6,CCNA Voice Labs,14,4,0,,'Hello all. I'm currently working on my CCNA voice, and will be testing next week. I'm to a point where I need practice going through menus in CUCM. I have previous CUCM experience but it is limited to adding new phones. I don't have access to the software and I don't need a full on lab I just want to go through the different menus and add phones, hunt groups, dial-peers, etc. Is anyone aware of a paid for service online where I can accomplish this? Thanks.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jywv6,, |
1375262665.0,11,self.ccna,1jetqw,'studying for the CCNA, need help with subnetting..',15,4,17,,'I'm currently studying for my CCNA exam, but I'm far to slow with all the IP addressing questions. |
Would somebody give me a hint how to speed up the process. |
basically I'll need something like this: |
additionally have the number of networks available, but in my brain. |
I'm really grateful for any advice!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jetqw,, |
1374967865.0,12,self.ccna,1j6rg9,'Can you use 2007 CCNA material (i.e, 640-802, or 640-822 & 640-816) to study for the new exam?',16,4,5,,I own Lammle and Odom's books for the test that will expire on September 30th. Can they be used for the new test?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1j6rg9,, |
1374951444.0,13,self.ccna,1j68v5,Passed the CCNA today!!,17,4,11,,'I used the CBT nugget videos, ranet labs, and books from a CCNAx training class, and lots of help reading r/CCNA :) |
Passed by the skin of my teeth, I spent too much time on the multiple choice and ran out of time for one of the sims so I had to speed through it. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1j68v5,, |
1370280006.0,12,self.ccna,1flbc1,I need some advice,13,1,6,,'I've attempted 640-802 once and I came away with a 744. I attempted 640-822 (ICND1) and I missed it by 5 points. I have a working knowledge of routing and switching - I could probably build a small enterprise network from the ground up. I think I am just bad at memorizing all the minute details for tests. I've bought ExamForce products (kinda scammed on that one) and recently Wendell's Cert Library (primarily for practice tests). |
**Now my dilemma is this:** I've spent over 1000$ so far trying to get the CCNA and I NEED some success this next attempt - should I try for the ICND1 again or should I go for the full CCNA exam? How far out should I schedule each option? I work 40 hours a week currently, but I have a good 2-3 hours to study in the morning. I thank you in advance for your replies. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1flbc1,, |
1368909938.0,12,self.ccna,1elf40,I thought I was ready for the exam but..,15,3,24,,'So I have finished Odoms ICND1 book and also the CBT nuggets CCENT series and feel very well off to take the test! I thought to myself, alright I'm pretty spiffy at this stuff now let's take a practice test that came with Odom's book and then call to schedule my ICND1 test. Well I failed the practice test and got only a 30% I think. I am now feeling really small and feel like my confidence has left me. I am a jr. network admin so this is really important to me. Did anyone else hit this brick wall when preparing? What did you do to pass the test? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1elf40,, |
1368726803.0,13,self.ccna,1egozk,I'm a complete newbie; any advice?,13,0,7,,'I'm a complete newbie to networking. I'm looking to get started learning and was wondering if anyone could recommend me a good path to take? |
In the long run I would like to get the CCNA and more. I really don't know where to start. I have found some helpful videos already on this subreddit. I'm mainly looking for some books that I should start reading. |
Any advice would be highly appreciated. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1egozk,, |
1368588364.0,13,self.ccna,1ed0to,Question about switching,14,1,7,,'Hello. I'm retaking my CCNA tomorrow and I'm having trouble with one of the questions that I was stumped with last exam. It was one of the simlet questions where the network had multiple switches up and running. One of the questions asked to find the MAC address of the switch connected to fa0/2. Which command would you use to figure this out? |
Cheers',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ed0to,, |
1367508368.0,12,self.ccna,1djzw4,Building a lab,13,1,7,,'I have 2 2600 series routers and 2 catalyst 2950 switches and I want to build a lab for students to get some good hands on. Are there any free lab guides out there that will let me build a lab with this? |
EDIT: Forgot to mention they're 2610 Routers with Serial interfaces.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1367510280.0,True,t3_1djzw4,, |
1365368580.0,12,self.ccna,1bvghf,I'd like to share a bundle of .pkt files for icnd 2 study (816). Is that allowed?,14,2,12,,'EDIT: link in comment below. |
These aren't from a cisco exam of any kind. Its exercises from the classes I took in the net academy. Packet tracer isn't being shared. just pkt files |
I make no claims that they're enough for the new icnd 2. but they do cover the 'old' icnd 2, 640-816 exam',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1365465845.0,True,t3_1bvghf,, |
1364309435.0,10,self.ccna,1b1kma,So now what?,13,3,15,,'Preliminary pass on my results of taking the ICDN2 this morning. Once it is validated I'll be awarded a CCNA. It has been such a long journey of stopping, back tracking, quitting, and deciding that it wasn't worth my time. I feel very accomplished to be have completed the exam. The free CCNA course on was very helpful along with Cisco's Packet Tracer. |
What have some of you done after completing the CCNA? CCNP or taken more CCNA exams like Security, Voice or Wireless? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1b1kma,, |
1363285239.0,14,self.ccna,1aaqum,CCNA Practice Exams,16,2,6,,'I've just finish reading through Lammle's CCNA study guide. I'm now in test review mode and would like to know if anyone can suggest some good practice exams. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1aaqum,, |
1362350801.0,12,self.ccna,19lneo,Q: What valid host range is the IP address a part of?,15,3,6,,'ive been going the cbt nuggets subnetting stuff and started on |
I broke the 128 subnet down to 2 ranges and got | - 127 |
.128 - 255 |
So the answer is the 2nd range..however |
Subnettingquestions gives me a different range and says the answer is |
Answer: through to |
so i turn to you reddit.what is the correct answer? Which would be the valid answer for the CCNA (Assuming both options turn up) |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_19lneo,, |
1361900686.0,11,self.ccna,199ppc,'Originally earned my CCNA in 2005, never renewed it. Decided to get off my butt and scheduled my ICND1 this morning.',17,6,8,,'March 21st, giving me just over 3 weeks to study. I've learned most of this before, just never put much into practice (I'm a voice guy and only work on Cisco gear very occasionally and it's low-level stuff). I bought the Sem-Sim bundle and found a few free study apps for my phone. Any tips for someone who's been through this before but is rusty at it? My goal is to earn the CCNA Voice and see what doors that opens up for me.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_199ppc,, |
1361828776.0,10,,197sm0,Handy tricks for parsing input from the show commands,14,4,5,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_197sm0,, |
1360618160.0,12,self.ccna,18bzcd,'Is it better to take the one CCNA exam, or the ICND 1 then ICND 2?',14,2,8,,'I have taken and successfully completed the first 3 cisco classes (intro, switching and routing) and I am currently in the WAN class. After the WAN is over I can take the CCNA. Just wondering what you guys think is better!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_18bzcd,, |
1360455706.0,12,self.ccna,187y1f,What material do you recommend for studying,12,0,12,,'I'm currently working towards my CCENT/CCNA certificates. I've been looking around and found quite a few resources on this subreddit. As of now, I'm only using packet tracer and CBTNuggets video tutorials. I was wondering if you guys recommend other types of studying material that I may have overlooked. I am looking for something more hands-on. I was thinking of purchasing a few routers and switches, but due to my budget, that can't be done at this time. As for books , I find it hard for me to focus which is why I rely more on videos. |
All help is greatly appreciated.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_187y1f,, |
1360190302.0,12,self.ccna,180zb4,Do I need to know SDM?,15,3,6,,It appears as though it is EOL and not available for download. Are there any questions about it on the current exams?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_180zb4,, |
1360088984.0,11,self.ccna,17y1jj,Packet tracer alternative,15,4,12,,'I've been using packet tracer to study CLI. I've noticed that it does not have available many of the commands that an actual router/switch has, like the command. Is there any other tools I can use that will have all the commands I would find on a physical machine?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_17y1jj,, |
1360073369.0,12,self.ccna,17xkry,Can someone explain why this ACL doesn't work?,16,4,9,,'I have a network that looks like this: |
Router <> Switch <> Host PCs |
I'm trying to block all pings to one of the PCs ( from any host. My ACL is: |
access-list 100 deny icmp any host echo-reply |
I have tried applying it in and out to the routers interface. Pings still get through |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_17xkry,, |
1359049626.0,12,self.ccna,1777nw,CCENT 962/1000,19,7,11,,'I successfully passed the ICND1 today. Now onto ICND2. |
It's nice to be making progress towards the CCNA and hopefully be able to land a NOC job soon after I obtain the CCNA. |
Anyone recently in the market with a CCNA? What kind of jobs did you find? Did you get hired and what position?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1777nw,, |
1357972606.0,12,self.ccna,16fdl2,'So what's next, after CCNA? ',12,0,7,,'Is it common to branch out into other CCNA-level topics or go straight for NP? I'm considering the CCNA-S just because I have no idea at this point how to configure firewalls or anything, but would like to go ahead and get started on CCNP. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_16fdl2,, |
1357947200.0,10,self.ccna,16ep23,Cheat Sheets Networking - Packet Life,13,3,2,,'a friend of mine showed me this great library of pdf's. |
we are learning for the CCNA and i think this is a great help |
thats why i want to share this with you |
Awesome work was done there. |
all is well summarized on 1 page (or 2 ) :) |
And its for free ! |
What do you think? |
[Download]( |
Include : |
**Protocols** |
v2.1 (2 pages) |
v2.1 (1 page) |
First Hop Redundancy |
v2.0 (1 page) |
IEEE 802.11 WLAN |
v2.2 (2 pages) |
IEEE 802.1X |
v2.0 (1 page) |
IPsec |
v2.0 (1 page) |
IPv4 Multicast |
v2.0 (1 page) |
IPv6 |
v2.0 (1 page) |
v2.0 (2 pages) |
v2.1 (2 pages) |
v1.2 (1 page) |
v1.1 (1 page) |
Spanning Tree |
v2.0 (2 pages) |
**Applications** |
scapy |
v1.0 (1 page) |
tcpdump |
v2.0 (1 page) |
Wireshark Display Filters |
v2.0 (2 pages) |
**Reference** |
Common Ports |
v1.1 (1 page) |
IOS IPv4 Access Lists |
v2.0 (1 page) |
IPv4 Subnetting |
v2.0 (1 page) |
**Syntax** |
Markdown |
v2.0 (1 page) |
MediaWiki |
v2.1 (1 page) |
**Technologies** |
Frame Mode MPLS |
v2.0 (1 page) |
IOS Zone-Based Firewall |
v1.0 (1 page) |
v1.0 (1 page) |
QoS |
v2.0 (2 pages) |
v2.0 (1 page) |
**Voice** |
VOIP Basics |
v1.0 (1 page) |
**Miscellaneous** |
Cisco IOS Versions |
v2.0 (1 page) |
Physical Terminations |
v1.1 (1 page) |
Source :',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1357989116.0,True,t3_16ep23,, |
1357242689.0,10,self.ccna,15wkbi,Is there value in a CCNA while working for a company that doesn't use any Cisco equipment?,13,3,7,,'I have an unrelated to IT degree but working in IT support for a company that does a range of services from support to maintaining and building networks/servers. |
I want to move up so to speak and looking at certificates to study. I have looked over some certs like A+ and Network+ but the syllabus seems so basic and doesn't seem worth spending money on. |
I am looking to study and get a certificate in networking that has good value in knowledge and recognition but wondering if CCNA is what I am looking for if the company i work for doesn't use any Cisco equipment?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_15wkbi,, |
1357173466.0,12,self.ccna,15uvsi,The Geto Boys were wrong,17,5,11,,'It actually feels much better to be a CCNA, which I am, as of today. |
Now I'm ready to never think about Cisco again.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_15uvsi,, |
1355136260.0,11,self.ccna,14lkt9,'Career swith, I want into networking',15,4,12,,'So I'm coming from a completely different field and I'm about to turn 30 years old. I have project management experience in an automation systems company and data analysis experience within the health insurance industry. I also have a BA with honors in Economics and an MBA. |
I'm looking for a change and I love IT, networking, and computers in general. I did a sales gig for an IT services firm and found myself not liking the sales aspect, but trying to understand more than I really needed to about the actual equipment we were installing and maintaining. What is the best way for me to get my foot in the door and what is the best way to get my CCNA? Should I apply for a NOC job or a helpdesk position? When going for a CCNA is self study a good method or should I take the 4 classes a community college offers? I also see a 2 part program that is $1400 ($2800 total) a part leading to a CCENT and then a CCNA. |
I think I'd be a good fit for this career since I'm incredibly analytical, but I got bored running data analysis all day long in Excel and SAS. I also love messing with hardware. Tips and advice would be greatly appreciated, I'm also in the NC market if anyone needs a hardworking entry level guy! |
*I realize I misspelled switch in the title, but I'm not allowed to edit that part of the post.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1355136956.0,True,t3_14lkt9,, |
1354868078.0,12,self.ccna,14fou7,'Going to start studying for my CCNA today and want to take it in 3 months, any supporting words and tips you guys can give me?',18,6,19,,'[I bought this book]( to help study from and have a friend who is studying and taking the test with me. |
I plan on taking it in 3 months time and I'm planning on doing it in 3 parts. I'm really banking on this because I can't finish school. |
Anything you guys can help me with (already read a lot of the stuff in the sidebar!) would be awesome. |
I'm nervous to even start learning this!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_14fou7,, |
1354684441.0,10,self.ccna,14b2yj,'Just passed ICND1! A question, and some unsolicited advice.',12,2,7,,'I scored over 960 with 1 hour left on the test. How much harder is the ICND2 test? |
Some takeaways from the test.. |
There is a lot of build up that may wrack your nerves. Try not to worry, worry is your worst enemy here. Be confident. Know that you know the answers, and that you may have to dig into your brain a little to produce them, but you know them. If you have studied adequately, you'll know it. |
SUBNET IN YOUR HEAD, and quickly. I have seen every question from [this site]( at least 10 times over. It helped me immensely. |
Cisco will try to 'psyche you out'. Expect it, and don't be fazed by it when it happens. Just take your time, breathe, and knock the question out. READ THE QUESTIONS SLOWLY AND CAREFULLY. They are sometimes worded in a way that can throw you off, using the words 'best' or 'fastest'. |
I had 2 questions on wireless, and about 3 on WAN stuff. The rest was SUBNETTING and application thereof, along with about 3 simple discovery simlets. There is no configuration, only show commands are necessary in the simulations. There are multiple choice questions with configuration options, though. |
I am terrible at concentrating - if I am in my native home environment, I will procrastinate and distract myself ad infinitum. I detached myself from that environment and went somewhere I could not 'play' or talk to anyone else for a couple of days before the test. If I can do it, you can too!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1354685558.0,True,t3_14b2yj,, |
1353717862.0,12,self.ccna,13oxfr,Can someone clear up an extended ACL question,17,5,2,,'So I know the standard format for an extended ACL would be this: |
**access-list 100 permit tcp any any eq www** |
That allows WWW traffic from any to any. |
But on a simulation exam I came across an example ACL that had the 'eq' part specified after the Source, not the destionation. Like this: |
**access-list 100 permit tcp any eq www any** |
My question: why are you allowed to specify the port that way? How is it different from specifiying it at the end? Finally, what if I specified two different ports, like this: |
**access-list 100 permit tcp any eq www any eq ftp** |
What would the above command do? |
I can't seem to find any documentation on formatting the command that way. A link to a source or examples would be great! |
Thanks.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_13oxfr,, |
1353350345.0,12,self.ccna,13gn2a,'I became CCNA certified a year ago, need suggestions on next Cisco certification to get.',16,4,8,,'I became CCNA certified a year ago and would like suggestions on the next cert I should get. I would like to go for the CCNP. I understand it's several exams, so I would like to know which exam is the easiest to start with. I haven't really used my CCNA so I would like to transition into it.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_13gn2a,, |
1348076101.0,11,self.ccna,10592t,Let's form a study group for the ICND2,16,5,12,,'Hello all, I am like one of you, attempting to get my complete CCNA. I've already completed my ICND1 about a year and a half ago and moved on to my first career out of school as a level 2 network technician for a small ISP. I sit in Cisco 2400 series routers all day and troubleshoot customer connectivity issues. I'm looking to begin studying for my ICND2 and would like to see if anyone else would be interested in joining a study group perhaps on Skype or something else. |
Edit: Sorry for the late response.I'd hope we'd self-organize a bit better, I am by no means the leader of this operation, this is a Peer 2 Peer operation. |
In any event.. |
IRC Server: Freenode @ reddit-ccna |
Skype address: internaut. |
Please join one or both, since this is an older post I may have to repost since all fo you now think this is dead.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1349924461.0,True,t3_10592t,, |
1346962088.0,10,self.ccna,zgsl5,'CBTNuggets says # of subnets is 2^x, Lammle says it's 2^x-2. Which is right? Why is there discrepancy? ',14,4,18,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_zgsl5,, |
1346180376.0,12,self.ccna,yz4pp,CCENT in 2 days!! (freaking out),13,1,9,,I have been using the cisco press books and CBT nuggets recently. Any tips to help prepare would be useful.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_yz4pp,, |
1346002558.0,10,self.ccna,yuysd,Start my CCNA class tomorrow!!! Job prospects?,14,4,5,,'Hello, |
After a long battle on wait-list with my local community college's semester long CCNA prep course I finally got in. I'm extremely excited to begin. We have 4 hours a week in class on Wednesdays + tons of online work + I work full-time + I also go to school full-time. I currently work at a small firm mainly in facilities, but my supervisor is an IT guy and I help out in IT a lot as well. Do you think that will increase my chances at all at getting a new job once I get my CCNA? 11$/hr is a little rough to live on right now. |
Our CIO said he would be willing to have the guys get me some hands on experience on equipment and what not while I take the course, but at the end of the day it largely depends on whether or not they have time or if it is convenient for them or not (it is often not). |
Thanks for your input!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_yuysd,, |
1341421908.0,10,self.ccna,w1dxk,Will the CCNA allow me to work and travel?,12,2,18,,'**TL;DR:** I want to travel internationally, and I am wondering if there are any remote CCNA jobs available. |
**Background:** I have taken the Cisco Net-Acad classes for 2 years in Highschool, but did not take the exam then because I had no money. I have an Assoc. in Computer Networking from ITT Tech. |
I feel that with 1-2 months mildly intense study, I could pass the CCNA, or the ICND1/2. I just want to know, if I commit to studying for the CCNA, will I be able to work abroad, either for foreign companies or remotely for domestic ones. I am just wondering if anyone else has used the CCNA to enable remote work, or if the general consensus is the CCNA gets you a steady desk job.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_w1dxk,, |
1340844156.0,10,self.ccna,vpqza,I have been unemployed for the last 15 months and the opportunity to take a CCNA boot camp and take the test has been given to me. Please help me pass this!,14,4,13,,As the title says I have been unemployed for the last 15 months and I have been given the opportunity to attend a CCNA boot camp free of charge and take the test free of charge. I have also been told that I have guaranteed work if I can obtain this certification. I have a month before the class is supposed to start please help me pass the test and get this certification I and my family need this desperately. If anyone here can direct me to the best resources/ books /websites that I can study so I can go into this prepared I would appreciate it.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_vpqza,, |
1340302860.0,11,self.ccna,ve5sy,Taking ICND1 Tomorrow,14,3,12,,'I have already scheduled it. I read through CCENT for dummies, Exam Cram and also watched the CBT Nuggets and Train signal videos. Scored 91% on []( and missed 4 questions due to stupid errors on the first practice test that came with the exam cram book. |
Am I ready for this test? I feel like I am but suggestions and comments would be greatly appreciated so I can gauge where I am a little more accurately.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ve5sy,, |
1331133637.0,11,self.ccna,qlsoo,'I've done help desk to the point I'm burned out and hating IT in general, what's the day of someone with a CCNA like?',14,3,34,,'I took a CCNA course at 17, right when I started finding out that I was pretty good with computers, but due to a young happy go lucky instructor and a lack of self discipline, we pretty much just surfed the web and played counter strike all class, and when it came time to take the actual exam, I bombed. 8 years later, I have my MCP, have done a junior sys. admin type position and a helpdesk position, and feel burnt out. I hated the help desk politics of being held personally responsible when the users found out something they weren't supposed to know about something being down and it was supposed to be secret, but I looked at the rest of the IT dept. and they were all stressed, over weight, and depressed, and I didn't see anywhere I actually wanted to go (their network guy had actually just left to go to another position). |
TL;DR - How different from help desk are network type positions that require a CCNA? What is your typical day like? |
**EDIT** - Thanks for all the responses, this is really helping me deal with things. A couple of points I guess I should clarify. I currently only have an MCP/MCTS: Configuring Windows Vista. Is CCNA the best cert to try and get a foot in networking basics like deployments, or do those not usually require CCNA? Also, I've already put in my two weeks notice and left the employer I mentioned. The burnout and antagonizing over frying over politics ate at me to the point where I couldn't see a future in IT at all, I just hated it all. After some soul searching and other reddit posts, nothing has jumped out at me, but browsing job listings I keep going back to IT. |
**EDIT**-Spelling',False,self,t5_2qjhh,True,True,t3_qlsoo,, |
1330877622.0,12,self.ccna,qh8wl,PASSED ICND1! Job interview! HELP?!!!,14,2,5,,'I just got my CCENT (Cisco Certified Entry Level Networking Technician) and have a job interview on Monday at an IT firm that provides networking solutions. I would be starting in the service department and would be working with systems like blackberry enterprise and wireless networks to name a couple. Currently I am not the most knowledgeable person but want and have the ability to learn. |
What are the most key things an IT person needs to know working in a position similar to the one just described? I have Network+ (older), CompTIA A+ Essentials and Technician (both more modern) books. I am going to go into the interview humble and honest. I would greatly any advice.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_qh8wl,, |
1330202613.0,13,self.ccna,q5tkt,CCNA Certified,15,2,21,,'Killed it! Everything is awesome! If anybody wants any help, I can answer questions! |
See you guys at /r/ccnp, thanks for all the help!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_q5tkt,, |
1329549804.0,11,self.ccna,pv0vx,'Just passed my CCNA, but have no experience. What kind of job should I look for that can get me some?',13,2,14,,'As the title says, I just got my CCNA the other day (woot!). I also have an A.S. degree in CSci. I'll be starting school for my B.S. in the fall, but what kind of position should I look for/ what will the CCNA qualify me for? I want to get my foot into the field, and I know I can't get anywhere without having experience first. Thanks guys!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_pv0vx,, |
1328676293.0,14,,pftdx,My professor linked me to a ton of free Cisco books. [x-post from /r/networking],14,0,4,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_pftdx,, |
1322577146.0,13,self.ccna,mtciq,Lots of changes to the Cisco Subreddits! Please read! :),13,0,4,,'This message will be posted in both [/r/ccna](/r/ccna) and [/r/ccnp](/r/ccnp) since those have the most viewers. |
I'd like to announce the creation of the 'Reddit Cisco Ring'. By itself, its just a combination of words that mean 'a bunch of Cisco-certificate oriented subs linked together'. What it means to me, though, is a growing community of friendly, knowledgeable individuals looking to improve both themselves and other technicians around them. |
I haven't been running these subs for long, but I've already seen a quickly growing community willing to help each other out. Please keep it up! |
**Additions** |
- Created [/r/ccda](/r/ccda) |
- Created [/r/ccdp](/r/ccdp) |
- Officially created the 'Reddit Cisco Ring' (RCR) |
**Changes** |
- Changed the side-bar on all subreddits to reflect the additional subs created |
- Standardized the header images on all the RCR subs. |
**To-Do** |
- Create more subs! |
- Expand the RCR |
- Spread the word out about the RCR to other subs to gather more knowledgeable individuals and provide assistance to those who need it |
- Expand the sidebar on each RCR sub with more resource links and a few other notes |
If anyone has any feedback, please feel free to let me know. Again, thank you guys for being an awesome community. |
Note: In the Cisco subreddits, the spam filter seems to catch a fair number of submissions. I try to check it often enough, but if I don't catch something and you don't see your post show up, please shoot me a mod message and I'll take care of it as soon as I can.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_mtciq,,moderator |
1322359221.0,12,,mqf2h,Cisco animation describing Spanning Tree Protocol election processes,12,0,4,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_mqf2h,, |
1321077743.0,11,self.ccna,m9kcp,Finally did my 640-802. PASSED!,12,1,7,,'So after about 2 or 3 months of learning and another 3 weeks of just reviewing notes and getting everything in order, I finally booked my exam yesterday, took it today, and passed! Feels good. I don't know what feels better; passing the exam, or finally being able to clear my stack of about 60 page notes off my desk. Good luck to all future CCNAs!! :)',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_m9kcp,, |
1318063528.0,10,,l4zht,A little CCIE home lab.. what the fuck ?,12,2,13,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_l4zht,, |
1311316128.0,12,self.ccna,iwljm,CCNA worth it by itself? Looking to change/advance careers,13,1,9,,'So, I've been debating wether or not to try and get some networking certs to advance myself career-wise. It seems to me though that most people who get CCNA's have a some sort of bachelor degree in the tech sector and I definitely do not. |
I do, however, run a network for the small business I work for already and grasp the basic things like DHCP, subnets (to a certain degree), and most other consumer routing protocols. Not that I know a ton, but it's something that makes sense to me and is fun. |
So, would it even be worth it to get certified? Assuming that it might Be the only cert I'd have. Do businesses even hire just CCNA's?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_iwljm,, |
1373333650.0,9,self.ccna,1hwlm4,'Any recommendations for studying in the car? Audio books, podcasts, anything?',12,3,8,,'I recently started studying networking with the intention of taking the Network+ exam and then, a little farther down the road, the CCNA exam. I only have an hour or two to study Monday through Friday but I spend 2+ hours in the car commuting to work. |
I'm looking to utilize this time to augment my at-home studying. If anyone could recommend some good resources to listen to in the car I would really appreciate it! |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1hwlm4,, |
1373218874.0,11,self.ccna,1ht7hj,How can I ssh using a 3550 switch?,15,4,8,,'I'm still new to this and I have a 3550 cisco switch, I was trying to set up ssh while following a cbtnuggets video but the switch I have didn't have the commands needed to completely set it up so I wanted to know if there was somerthing I had to do or if my switch can even use ssh. Thanks.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ht7hj,, |
1372773056.0,11,self.ccna,1hhvgv,Is there another high quality self training course for CCENT than CBTNuggets?,15,4,22,,'I'm trying to go through the CBT Nuggets course for ICND1 100-101, but honestly I cannot stand this guy's teaching style. The videos could generally be 20 minutes shorter if he didn't get caught up on some random tangents and babble about something completely off topic from what he's focused on, yet at the same time there's so much stuff to be covered I have to focus on his inane ramblings because at some point he might possibly say something of value. |
Does anyone have any recommendations for another quality self-training course where they don't do this sort of rambling and gets straight to the point?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1hhvgv,, |
1372260109.0,10,self.ccna,1h41un,Getting into the world of networking,12,2,7,,'While I have some computer tech experience, I am far from a network engineer (very far). I decided to change that. I'm currently taking the [Coursera Networking class offered by the University of WA](, and also picked up a Networking+ and Security+ book (hope to get these before the end of the year). After that is finished, I hope to start up on obtaining my CCNA. The thing is this - I try visiting places like /r/networking or /r/netsec to review, and the language is just foreign to me..even so in the class. Must I be a computer scientist to become a good network engineer? I see posts discussing that I should really know Linux or be able to write networking programs. It could be that I'm just looking at this from the entry point, but it all seems very overwhelming. Did anyone else feel like this? I wish I could just get a position where I could shadow a networking engineer..learn the trade while studying. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1h41un,, |
1369997654.0,11,self.ccna,1feb83,Home lab for CCNA v2,13,2,15,,'Hey everyone, I'm looking for some advice on what I should be looking at getting to put together a basic home lab for getting through the new versions of the ICND exams. |
I'm just starting out, but I did do some CCNA stuff many years ago as part of a college course. It would have been about 8 years ago now, and never resulted in getting certification as that was external to the course and I didn't see the point back then (oh how I regret that decision). As i've basically lost most of the knowledge at this point, I'm goign to go in from scratch. |
I know it is doable using the online resources, but on the course we had a lab we could use, and I definitely found it helped a lot with getting my head around some of the problems, so with home study I think it is worth getting a basic home lab. I probably have somewhere in the region of 200 Euros budget, which might be stretched if its worth it. |
I've seen recommendations on places like the CBT Nuggets youtube channel, and some googling, which suggest getting a couple of 2950's and 2621's. What I haven't been able to find is suggestions for the new versions of the certification. |
Any advice you could offer would be greatly appreciated.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1feb83,, |
1369931243.0,10,self.ccna,1fcemp,User-enabled flair added to /r/ccna!,13,3,10,,'After receiving numerous requests, I've decided to allow users to add their own flair to /r/ccna. This is so that you can add your own certification level ([CCNA]. [CCNP], etc). Flair DOES NOT have to be limited to Cisco tags only, but I'd prefer it if flair was used to show certifications or relevant experience. I won't ban anyone over flair unless it is obscene, rude, etc. |
As we (the mods) are not individually verify each flair from now on, we ask that users take advice with appropriate credulity. Do not trust one user over another simply because they added '[CCIE]' as their flair. |
With that said, enjoy your new flair!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fcemp,,moderator |
1367466173.0,12,self.ccna,1dj3qp,'For CCNA/CCNPs out there, is there anything you think you should've learned when you were starting your careers.',12,0,3,,I got My CCNA not long ago and been trying to decide what should I learn next. I've been doing desktop support for quite sometime now but want to branch out to networking.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1dj3qp,, |
1366921553.0,11,self.ccna,1d3u2f,Have a lab final on tues and completely lost on practice handout.,11,0,6,,'I am currently in CNT 120 and my lab final deals with creating an addressing scheme. I thought this would be easy since i passed the last lab final with flying colors and it dealt with subnetting. I had a friend help me in class but i dont think im doing it right. Im worried i wont be ready by tuesday. |
The practice handout wants us to create an addressing scheme using the network then assign the last usable IP address of each subnet to each PC. I have attached two photos of both parts of the practice. The other side requires i use EIGRP in packet tracer but ill leave that for another time. | |
I hope this doesnt count as a 'brain dump'. So sorry if i broke any rules. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1d3u2f,, |
1366603511.0,11,self.ccna,1cuee1,'If switches are layer 2 devices, how can you telnet to them?',16,5,8,,Stupid question but doesn't that mean a switch has to examine IP packets?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1cuee1,, |
1366220087.0,11,self.ccna,1cjn43,Just passed ICND1 this morning!!! Here is how I did it,14,3,5,,'I decided I wanted to start the Cisco track in early March of this year. It took me a month and a half of study. It could have been less, but I was busy at some points(at one point I went 5 days straight without study). |
This is all for the 640-822 exam, which you still have plenty of time to study for and take, including the ICND2. |
These are the materials I used: |
1. CBTNuggets video series for ICND1 - If you are just starting out and want to firmly grasp the concept of what a network is and how it works, this is a GREAT resource. I feel like these videos should be required for anyone taking the exam. Jeremy explains everything in an easy-to-learn format. I was not bored watching the videos. I will say that the videos did not cover enough of what is in the exam (BY FAR). |
2. Wendell Odom's ICND1 book [click here for link to buy on Amazon]( - This book covers all the material you need. This is a great book for study and one of the main reasons is, the practice exams on the included DVD! These questions really test your knowledge of the material to make sure you really know what you are doing. If you are making passing grades on these exams, you should be in good shape for the real thing! |
3. - This was used to practice my subnetting until I got it down with ease. |
4. [some packet tracer lab simulations]( this is to test your knowledge on CLI commands and configurations. |
I also want to thank everyone in here for the advice I got, answered questions, and also for everyone's posts. I was in here checking things daily!! |
I will say to KNOW your subnetting and your show commands(the command and an understanding of what it shows) for the exam! I cannot stress that enough. |
Time to celebrate, then onto ICND2!! |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1366221197.0,True,t3_1cjn43,, |
1365651729.0,9,self.ccna,1c43hb,'Test in on Friday, what am I missing?',12,3,4,,'I've studied everything on the [exam topics]( listed here, but I still feel like there is more that I could learn. Are there any particular areas that I should focus on, or topics I should prepare for? |
I've also heard that Cisco exams adapt to you depending on what questions you answer incorrectly. Is there any truth to that? I didn't see any significant changes to my ICND1 test when I got a few WAN questions wrong.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1c43hb,, |
1365426224.0,12,self.ccna,1bwxvd,browser based router simulator?,15,3,5,,'any recommendations on a browser based router sim/emulator? |
I'm aware of GNS I need something on the browser though |
Couple of years ago I used to use this flash-based one doesn't have to be the same one, but I'd like for it to be something where I don't have to get IOS images for. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1365426529.0,True,t3_1bwxvd,, |
1364777366.0,11,self.ccna,1be1zx,Buying lab kit,12,1,10,,Can someone point me in the right direction to purchasing a CCNA lab from ebay or another site? My limit would be about $500 ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1be1zx,, |
1362709062.0,10,self.ccna,19vx35,CCNA Voice Tomorrow,12,2,16,,'I'm taking the CCNA Voice cert tomorrow, I've studied pretty hard and feel like I know the information pretty well. Is there any last advice reddit can give me before I go in?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_19vx35,, |
1362009419.0,11,self.ccna,19d0pd,CCNA/P/D Home Labs?,14,3,11,,'Hi All, |
I was wondering what switches/routers you guys are currently using for home labs? What would be a good buy at this point in time? |
I've already got my CCNA:D and most of the way through my CCNA:E. On top of this, im going through CompTIA Security+ and some other networking/security modules (australian tertiary framework) and i am chosing to mostly use Cisco gear, as i already have a massive exposure to ProCurve's at work. |
I already have a cisco 3550 switch, and am looking for a few pickups that aren't going to cost the world for me to play around with in a complex network - VLANs, a VPN, probably (maybe) a VLSM. |
Any suggestions that i (and others) can get of eBay/Amazon/Grey's Online 2nd hand would be massively appreciated. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_19d0pd,, |
1361427444.0,11,self.ccna,18xvat,Is doing VLSM in your head neccessary to completing the CCNA?,13,2,13,,Im used to using a vlsm calc so i was wonding.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_18xvat,, |
1360812404.0,12,self.ccna,18hota,Recently started Lammle's 7th ed. CCNA book. Anyone else want to tackle this thing together?,18,6,42,,'So, I'm going for my first cert. As far as test taking, I'm an over-achiever, sort of. I just don't want to take the ICND1 and ICND2 tests, and would rather take the 640-802 altogether. It's more difficult, I understand, but I'd perfer it this way. |
Anyway, starting chapter one, and dissecting the book one page at a time. Have to stop here and there to look up some things I'm unclear on, but doesn't take long for me to understand it. I was interested if anyone is starting to read the book as well, or even starting to study for the exam in general and wanted to buddy up. |
thanks',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_18hota,, |
1360586702.0,10,self.ccna,18b0qg,Braindumps..whats your take on it? Are they worth it?,14,4,29,,'So I am doing my CCNA at the London Met uni at the moment - its hard getting my brain back into study mode I have to admit! Esp as I haven't touched IT or networking in years. |
Anyway - I was talking to some of the IT people at my company hoping to make friends and help when I was told about something called [Braindumps]( |
I'd never come across it before and I've been reading both good and bad things about it. People of Reddit; what is your take on this? Should I use it, and is it effective at all? |
One of the arguments I've heard it: 'Just pass the exam - everything else learn on the job'. |
I'm not afraid of hard slog, and intend to knuckle down and study hard of course ..but I can't afford to spend £400 on a retake either :s ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_18b0qg,, |
1359884020.0,11,self.ccna,17suzu,Tracert and Packet Tracer,13,2,5,,'I'm currently in the process of better understanding how network diagnostics tools work, particularly traceroute, by using packet tracer to create a test environment. As of now, I've daisy chained 5 routers, assigning each of them default routes. Every device is able to ping its neighboring router. However, when I connect a PC on the farthest end of the link and attempt to tracert the router on the other end, I'm unable to reach the device. After a few more tests, I find out I'm able to ping the interface on the router that connects to the far end router once every 6 pings. Any idea as to why these requests keep timing out? Is it due to some default configuration I'm unaware of or is this being caused by the limitations of packet tracer itself? |
Edit: After taking trying out EukaryoteZ suggestion, it looks like the ICMP packets were going back through the port they arrived in with default routes set, which was the cause of the dropped packets. I gave up using packet tracer, and decided to dip my toes back into GNS3. Using default routes lead to the same effect, so I just put all routers on the same EIGRP AS with network and things started to work the way I wanted. Thank you for all your suggestions, and hopefully this helped out anyone else who might have had similar issues.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1360151277.0,True,t3_17suzu,, |
1359819696.0,11,self.ccna,17r7wt,GNS3 vs Packet Tracer vs Real World,13,2,8,,'I've done some searching, and I'll probably be shown where this questions has been answered. |
I'm looking towards studying for the CCNA exam, still haven't decide if I'll take the 2 test route or 1, but I'm getting to the portion of my studies where I need to make a decision to properly pick my tools. I understand, for the CCNA Packet tracer is enough, and GNS3 would be great too. But would it be better to use real world hardware, or just use a simulator/emulator?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_17r7wt,, |
1359187526.0,11,,17b30q,'Currently working towards ccna, invested $45 in hardware, building a lack rack lab. 2 2611mx and a 3548xl',16,5,13,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_17b30q,, |
1358891984.0,12,self.ccna,172xkv,CCNA (and beyond!) study/accountability partner(s) ?,12,0,11,,'So, I've been on the 'self study' path for a while, reading all over the place - CCNA stuff, CCNP stuff, some CCIE stuff. Lots to take in, and none of it really sticking. My point is to start at the beginning and methodically going from point A to point B. I have INE's AAP, which is pretty invaluable (especially since they lowered the price) and I've just started with Lammle's CCNA book. I know there are plenty people in here studying so I figured I'd see if one or a couple people want to help each other out. The way I see it working, is sort of to buddy up on gchat or whatever IM you like, and bounce questions off of each other or to help explain things to each other. It can also be a good way of keeping each other accountable and ensure we're moving through the information. I tend to bounce around the chapters and from book to book and I dont want to do that anymore, cause it turns out I'm terrible at studying. It could be one or other person or a couple ppl, we could even get an irc chat or something going to hang out in during the day or something. Or just emails. Hit me up if you're interested, time zone or anything dont make a difference - I just want to be able to read a chapter, then message someone and be like, okay so, the application layer of the OSI model, did you fully understand that? My study methods right now are to sort of stay in sync with the Lammle book and the related INE videos. Read the chapter, watch the video, do some labs. |
Cool, thanks. |
The End. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_172xkv,, |
1355850612.0,13,self.ccna,1524j3,The Cisco IOS software is really kiling me..,19,6,33,,'I have already made several posts about the trouble I'm having. The one and ONLY thing that is crippling my studies is this command line OS. I can't get an IOS image, and I cant just sign up for Cisco academy. I don't see the other option as justifiable either (you know which one I refer to). So I'm left with trying to memorize every syntax but am at a loss where to enter the commands and when. |
I have been studying for almost a year now and it's DRIVING ME CRAZY. I want to get this finished and move on to my next certs. I have GNS3 but no IOS image to work with. |
/rant |
**EDIT:** Ordered a 2600 series router. hopefully This will help out.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1355938911.0,True,t3_1524j3,, |
1355189880.0,12,self.ccna,14n0st,3rd time was a charm! What's next?,13,1,8,,'Finally passed my 640-802. Now I'm wondering what I should pursue next. CBT Nuggets and Sims got me through. |
1) Security+ for a quick one? |
2) CCNA Voice |
3) CCNA Security |
Your thoughts? |
Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_14n0st,, |
1354165471.0,12,self.ccna,13z8kw,CBT nuggets GNS3 course with Keith Barker $5 for one month,13,1,7,,'>*This special offer is not renewable. Limit one per customer. Offer expires 11:59 p.m. UTC Dec. 26. |
Thought some of you might be interested. Hard to go wrong for five bucks. |
[Link]( |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_13z8kw,, |
1353337945.0,10,self.ccna,13gav1,'For those who purchased the IT University Online, any updates?',15,5,10,,This is a follow-up on this [post about the groupon deal for the $99 Cisco Training Bundle from IT University Online](,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_13gav1,, |
1352583751.0,10,self.ccna,12zay5,Failed,13,3,6,,'788...not much to say other than screwing myself royally by blanking out and taking over 10 minutes on one simlet. I think it was around question 20...I played catch up from then on. I didn't even finish the last 2 questions since time ran out, and the last few before that I either guessed without reading or answered quickly. I blame myself for not rescheduling last minute. |
Describe how a network works: 75% |
Configure, verify and troubleshoot a switch with VLANs and interswitch communication:64% |
Implement an IP addressing scheme and IP services to meet network requirements in a medium-size Enterprise:33% |
Configure, verify, and troubleshoot basic router operation and routing on Cisco devices:85% |
Explain and select the appropriate administrative tasks required for a WLAN:100% |
Identify security threats to a network and describe general methods to mitigate those threats:100% |
Implement, verify, and troubleshoot NAT and ACLs Ina medium-size Enterprise branch office network:60% |
Implement and verify WAN links:67% |
I'm obviously very discouraged. I have done all the studying on my own, and now I gotta eat the $299 for it as well. Somehow I feel the same months ago as far as knowledge level even though I've constantly read multiple books, watched CBT nugget videos and worked in GNS3 and packet tracer. Most of my studying the past couple months have all been reading Lammle's book though and not in packet tracer where I think I was weak. Anyways, enough ranting..any advice on my weak spots is much appreciated.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_12zay5,, |
1352440893.0,11,self.ccna,12wgtp,Looking for Advice from CCNA's with Network+ Cert or Familiarity,14,3,4,,'I want to get my CCNA, but due to a potential opportunity I was able to schedule the Network+ exam at the last minute (scheduled for Tues) in case it helps even a tiny bit in getting me past initial HR screening/interviews. (Once past that not really an issue since the technical interviews will be my real test for the possible job; I just want to increase the odds I get that far). |
I tried various online (reputable) practice tests and found I just need to review a few things (like fiber connector types, distances) but other than that it was rather straight forward. |
Two questions, if anyone with experience with both Network+ and CCNA has any insight: |
* I was surprised by a lack of subnetting questions on the practice questions, they didn't really go much farther than identifying IP classes. I can do the practice sections on in my head with pretty high accuracy so I'm not concerned about subnetting tasks, but is it correct to assume the ICND1 will have more comprehensive questions for this? |
* What would you recommend I spend time on before taking the ICND1 exam, assuming I do score high on the Network+ exam Tuesday, and my subnetting is already pretty solid? (And I do have some experience with a fairly simple new Cisco router deployment/configuration.) |
*TL;DR* - Subnetting: No problem. Network+: No problem. IOS: Some IRL Experience. What are my hurdles for passing ICND1? |
Any advice or comments from redditors with CCNA & (or) Network+ is *greatly* appreciated! |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_12wgtp,, |
1352346985.0,9,self.ccna,12u8fx,A little help with dynamic NAT please? (Theory question),12,3,2,,'Maybe a stupid question, but I'm prepared to be punished for it. I can't get my head around dynamic NAT. How does a router translate to mutltiple public IP addresses and expect to get a response when it can normally only have 1 IP/interface per network? |
What am I missing here? |
**The answer** |
I was still a bit confused. In good old regular NAT that I'm used to at home, my router's inside global address is whatever happens to be on it's outside interface. In dynamic NAT, I guess your ISP just routes in your direction whatever bunch of ip's it's assigned to you. Normally my router wouldn't have a route for those addresses, but I guess NAT gets those packets first and translates them to my private addresses before the router looks them up it it's routing table.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1352402434.0,True,t3_12u8fx,, |
1352307779.0,10,self.ccna,12szi1,Is the ICND2 cumulative? ,11,1,3,,'Should I expect to see some of the same material from ICND1 (simpler stuff like basic CLI commands, conf registers, RIPv2 stuff, etc.)?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_12szi1,, |
1352225770.0,10,self.ccna,12qozv,'ICND1 in 8 days, any advice?',14,4,6,,'I have been reading the CCENT book by Todd Lammel, watching Train |
Signals, and working some in Packet Tracer (working on IOS on routers and switches). Any advice on what I can brush up on before test day?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_12qozv,, |
1351811339.0,12,self.ccna,12hg31,Chicago study group.,13,1,13,,Hey guys I am looking to start a study group somewhere in the city. I have taken all the CCNA classes I just want to review and finally take the exam. Would anyone else be interested in being part of this group?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_12hg31,, |
1350533145.0,12,self.ccna,11o876,'ICND1: 675 one month ago, 899 today!!',14,2,7,,'I feel I did really well this time around but to 100% honest, I took the test the first time around just to get past my 'testing anxiety'. I wasn't exactly sure what the test was going to be like and wanted to get my feet wet. I did better than I thought I was going to do the first time around and today I felt like a champ when I answered question 50. |
Shooting to take ICND2 in two-three weeks. Wish me luck!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_11o876,, |
1347305088.0,11,self.ccna,zo0zv,Passed the Composite Exam today! Got there via selfstudy; if you have questions - fire away!,11,0,8,,'**947** points; 45 minutes (and no, I didn't go for speed). I had 100% on everything except VLANs and, of course, WANs (my archnemesis). |
I'm not posting this because I want the attention, but because I did this without any official course/boot camp etc; and if you have questions on how to learn for the CCNA on your own, feel free to ask! |
(My resources were the Cisco Press Official Certification Guides for ICND1 and ICND2, plus some of the CBT Nuggets vids. I have Packet Tracer aswell as GNS3 (both on Linux), and I tried a lot of things with those. |
I also had the help of my boyfriend (CCNP Voice and CCNP Rout&Switch) and his mini-lab (two switches, but better than nothing!). |
Edit: Ook, howisthisnottaken remarked that having someone knowledgable to talk to is not really self-study, and he's right. I'm sorry if I mislead.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1347369667.0,True,t3_zo0zv,, |
1346712438.0,12,self.ccna,zayrm,I'm wanting to start going with the CCNA in 60 Days thing. Here is a list of what I'm going to buy. Is it good?,13,1,12,,'I'm following the advice of [this page]( |
I already have [this ebook]( |
So if I buy: |
+ [Two Cisco 2950 switches]( |
+ [Three Cisco 1700 routers]( |
Am I good? The book itself said I don't need much more than that equipment. I think it also mentioned a cram guide or a study guide. I'm trying to do this at the lowest cost possible without screwing myself over and lessening my chances of success. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_zayrm,, |
1344714521.0,12,self.ccna,y26hk,'Figure 8.9 from Lammle's CCNA book (created in |
Packet Tracer)',16,4,8,,'Not sure if anyone is interested in this but it may save someone the trouble of creating it themselves. This is the network scenario found on page 359 of the Sybex CCNA book (7th edition), and is used throughout all of chapters 8, 9, and 10 to learn RIPv2, EIGRP, and OSPF. I'm sharing because prior to creating it, I scoured google but had no luck. |
Anyway, hope it helps someone! |
[]( |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_y26hk,, |
1342326212.0,10,self.ccna,wkwft,'Failed ICND2 on Thursday with an 818, 7 points shy of passing',11,1,6,,'I would have been less upset if I had failed it by more, but to fail by only part of a question is killer. Going for my second try in a week.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_wkwft,, |
1341272332.0,11,self.ccna,vy8he,CCNA on July 2nd 2012,16,5,15,,'Hi folks, |
First of all a great thank you for having this subreddit. It immensely helped me with some key issues and doubts. |
Today feels like a new day to be honest. |
I was able to finish the exam in under 45 mins. It was 48 questions and about 90 mins total. I scored 920/1000. |
For those wondering, I did not go thru any dumps etc. but one must-read site is |
I cannot urge you more to go through the content on there. I don't remember any question on the exam that in some shape or form was not discussed on 9tut. |
My study materials mostly consisted of the following ( here I am also mildly reviewing what is good and where) |
CBT Nuggets, good for subnetting (the tricks) and in general a good run through. You will be hard-pressed to get any detailed information out of these. Good for subnetting and a quick go through. I played them in WMP with playspeed at 2X. LOL! |
Trainsignal. I feel this is good for everything else other than subnetting. Pay good attention. Detailed and helpful |
INE. Good, but the instructor does drag some topics from time to time. I came thru this at the very last moment and did not have the patience to go through the whole series. These videos, especially the switching (VLAN, SPT) are very detailed. |
9TUT. You could study all you want with those videos, but if you really want to know how and what would be there on your exams, this is the place to be. No questions asked. Hands down the best material, when you have about 1 week left for your exam. They have users regularly updating what was there on the exam. The content is good, but I think you should go through some of the comments on each topic. Might help you, might also clear some of your doubts |
Books. HAHA - None. |
Practice. GNS3 and Packet Tracer. GNS3 for everything but Spanning tree. For Spanning tree I had no option but PT. |
Some hints I can give are |
. shortcut for commands are quick and most of them worked in the simulations, but there are questions that ask, what command can do this - I got burnt in a few such questions. |
. learn the cbt subnetting method. very easy. Also I used to spend 1 hr couple of times a week here Very helpful. I can subnet/answer a question in under 15 seconds. |
. do not forget the routing metrics and how the routing protocols calculate routes. There was an EIGRP question that dealt with metrics. I saw it on 9tut, but was not thorough on the workings, cost me there. |
Mostly folks, just relax. Its not the end of the world. $295, I know, its not a small amount but I went prepared, that the 300 I am paying was for the experience, pass or fail. |
I hope this helps some of you. I definitly do not remember all the questions, but again, I urge you to go thru 9tut. I'm now moving on to CCNP. |
-KB',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_vy8he,, |
1340972104.0,12,self.ccna,vsipu,I lied. VLSM just isnt clicking. Help? *Sad Puppy Face*,13,1,9,,'ELI5. I cannot figure out VLSM. At least not on the figuring it side. I can picture it in my head where I start with a /24 split it and end up with 2 /25's. Save one and end up with a /25 and 2 /26's. Sweet! Got that part. I am having trouble figuring out with the math behind it is and how you come to determine the answer for any given scenario. |
I am using [this]( at the moment to throw random questions at me and I totally understand basic subnetting back and forth. |
Help pleeeeeeaaaase.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_vsipu,, |
1340667974.0,11,self.ccna,vlm3m,Are calculators allowed on the CCNA test?,13,2,13,,'I ask because I am unsure if they will be asking how many hosts/subnets are available in class A subnets. Would it be wise to memorize the powers of 2 up to 24, or will calculators be allowed for this purpose?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_vlm3m,, |
1340396444.0,11,self.ccna,vg9zm,Update - Taking ICND1 Tomorrow,11,0,10,,'[Original Thread]( |
I fucking passed! Scored 925/1000. Im on cloud 9 right now.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_vg9zm,, |
1337559317.0,12,self.ccna,twpa4,Taking my CCNA in a few weeks what should I be sure to go over?,14,2,8,,Just looking for some advice on what to study/what you might not expect to see while studying.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_twpa4,, |
1337252563.0,11,,trhce,Cisco update their CCNA Study/Learn page now referencing specific learning material based on exam blueprints,11,0,6,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_trhce,, |
1336749537.0,10,self.ccna,ti9ea,Failed the ICND1 yesterday. Could use some help with a question,13,3,11,,'Yeah, I failed the test by about 100 points. Its embarrassing and was really aggravating. But I know I missed a lot of points on this one simulation question that I could use some help with. |
It was basically 4 routers all connected to one in the center. I could console into the one in the middle. From there I had to find the IP address, model and connected interface of each outside router. |
I was able to figure out the IP addresses just based on the network diagrams. So, I thought I would just have to telnet into each router from the console and use the show commands to find the answers. But when I tried to telnet, it gave me an 'invalid input' at the IP address. |
It was seriously aggravating sitting there not being able to figure out the answer. And now I feel really stupid. But that's why I'm asking. So, I can learn and pass the test when I retake it. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ti9ea,, |
1333977587.0,10,self.ccna,s0qdo,'With so many study guides on Amazon, which is the best one to buy for the CCNA?',11,1,27,,'EDIT: Thanks for all the suggestions, everyone!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,True,True,t3_s0qdo,, |
1333280690.0,11,self.ccna,rnth4,Questions about the CCENTCCNA exams.,11,0,3,,'So I took the CCENT exam the other day, and felt I was doing particularly well. However there were a few questions that struck me as oddirrelevant(to the scope of the exam, mind you.). While I still failed the exam, the experience did nothing more than reinforce my confidence in what I already know, as well as pointed me in the direction of a few things I need to study up on. |
As part of my preparation, I went ahead and read through both the ICND1ICND2 books, and practiced various lab setups as I progressed through each. One thing towards the end of my CCENT test I noticed was a couple questions concerning NAT, which isn't introduced until the very end of ICND2! |
Now, I am not upset over the matter. My question is this: If I decide on my next attempt to skip the CCENT and go for the CCNA, will I be faced with questions of the same magnitude? (i.e: on the CCNA am I going to notice questions over material from the CCNP books?).',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_rnth4,, |
1326490208.0,12,self.ccna,ofyoo,Failed INCD1 today.,13,1,18,,'I felt that I had a good grasp of the concepts but I am very weak in |
Explain and select the appropriate administrative task required for a WAN and Implement and verify WAN links. |
Ask me any questions or give guidance. |
I scored a 750, I needed a 804 how many questions is that ?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ofyoo,, |
1324071595.0,11,,nfmod,'CCNA Ultimate Challenge Lab - Really well designed, super helpful in preparing for my CCNA',13,2,1,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_nfmod,, |
1311137243.0,9,,iuj60,IP Subnet Practice Site,11,2,5,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_iuj60,, |
1376774844.0,11,self.ccna,1kkjkc,Questions for my study crunch time.,12,1,10,,'I am finishing my study, I will take my ccna test in sept right before the switch over. and I have 2 main questions. first, what is a good resource for ipv6 study for ccna tests?? I have not had much info come up in any of my classes, other than it's 128 bit and in hex. I can recognize an address but other than that, I know nothing about ipv6. |
second, what questions did you get that you didn't prepare for on the test? I just did a practice test on and failed miserably. I know I have lots of info to finish before I do my test, but I didn't think I would get less than 50% on it..',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1kkjkc,, |
1376638951.0,9,self.ccna,1kh5ou,STP,13,4,10,,'Hi guys, I understand root bridge selection, designated and root port selection. One thing I can't seem to find the answer for is how to know which port will be in a blocking state. |
Is it the lowest bridge priority and the highest interface number on that switch?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1kh5ou,, |
1375247061.0,12,self.ccna,1jeiaj,Passed my ICND1 100-101 today,12,0,7,,'I passed my exam today with 920. As everyone else has said here, there were no IPv6 questions at all. There was a lot of subnetting, but they were all very simple questions. Most of them were asking you to find the network address for a given IP + mask. |
I lost almost all my points in troubleshooting, I will have to take a look again at the 'show' commands. Again, the question were not very hard, but there are so many similar commands that do very similar things, and they tell you can't use certain commands. |
How I studied: I went to the Cisco Networking Academy (1-4, 6 months total) last year but kept postponing the exam, and then when the new curriculum was announced I wanted to study for it. I used CBT Nuggets and the official cert guide. I took all the dikta quizzes first and then read only the chapters where I failed questions (like half of them). And that's all. |
PS: If you take the exam in english but you are not a native speaker you get a +30 minutes bonus to take the exam.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jeiaj,, |
1375225339.0,12,self.ccna,1jdshj,Practice Exams,12,0,1,,'Any good free practice exams to gauge my knowledge and where I'm weakest at? I'm taking the 640-802 next week and feel fairly prepared, but definitely need to know where I'm weakest at. |
Thanks in advance!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jdshj,, |
1375083698.0,11,self.ccna,1j9jgk,What do the actual Subnetting questions look like on the exam?,11,0,4,,'I am studying for the INCD1, but am not clear about how the subnetting questions will be presented. Do they come right out in the questions and say 'You have this IP, what subnet is it in?' or is it more like 'Computer 1 cannot connect to computer 2..go figure out why' |
Does anyone recall from their exam how the questions are worded surrounding the topic of subnetting?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1j9jgk,, |
1374789443.0,9,self.ccna,1j21w4,Planning to take the CCNA,10,1,7,,'I've taken Cisco courses in the past but it's been years ago. I'm going to try and pick it back up so I can do more with my career. I've already read through the study guide but don't feel super confident in taking it. What have you guys done to help practice and get prepared for this? |
The book I'm referring to is this one (',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1j21w4,, |
1374765143.0,10,self.ccna,1j14o2,Just passed the ICND1 640-822!,11,1,6,,'After three attemps, I have finally passed the ICND1. Score of 837 of 1000. |
I feel so happy right now!!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1j14o2,, |
1374587727.0,11,self.ccna,1ivtv0,'Passed CCNA, now what?',14,3,7,,'Just as the title says, I passed my CCNA back in April. Currently I work help desk and it's nice, but doesn't use my cert. I've been hunting for something to get my foot in the door before I persue other certs. This is my first IT gig and I've only had it six months. What are some things I can do to make me look more appealing to CCNA gigs?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ivtv0,, |
1374503407.0,10,self.ccna,1itajp,CCNA: Security vs. CCNA: Voice,10,0,4,,'Hello everyone, |
I just had a few questions about the two CCNA branches (Other than R&S) Voice and Security. I've done a fair amount of Google research (believe me) but really can't pin down an answer to the following question: Which one is most difficult. I assume it's the voice exam as VoIP is a beast, but I'm not for certain. So my question to you, Which exam is more difficult, the CCNA: Security or CCNA: Voice? Also, how are these difficulties compared to the CCNA: R&S? This will give me a good idea of how long I need to prepare. |
Thank you in advanced!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1itajp,, |
1374354852.0,10,self.ccna,1ipqyy,Pass today by the skin of my teeth!,13,3,4,,'Just passed CCNA 640-802 with a 828/1000. I was super nervous, but did the best I could! SIMS had me the most, and I think that's where I lost most of my points. Overall, just glad I passed! |
I do have a question, on my report it says Cisco can deem your score not valid, and make you retake the exam - why do they do that, and how often does that happen?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ipqyy,, |
1374003649.0,8,self.ccna,1ifneu,Here's my 2nd network,11,3,16,,'Every thing can be ping'd by every thing else and the 10's router and switch are telnet-able! 14.2 is a subnet of the serial connection. That any not be the way to go about it, but i'll fix it later. I'm reading through Odoms book and all I have left are the subnetting chapters. I'm also watching the CBTnugget videos and I'm halfway through them. I want to schedule my ICND 1v1 exam for the 25th. any tips, pointers I should know about subnetting before I dive in? |',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ifneu,, |
1373485871.0,8,self.ccna,1i12bg,CCNA with just software implementations?,11,3,16,,'Hey all. Sorry if this has been asked plenty of times over and over again. I was just curious if it was very possible to be able to understand everything on the CCNA and be able to pass the test with just using softwares such as GNS3 or Packet Tracer, as opposed to spending the money on routers and switches? I'm fresh out of college and would like to get a CCNA, but I don't exactly have the cash monies to spend on Cisco hardware. |
Thanks for the help!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1i12bg,, |
1373315202.0,8,self.ccna,1hvy1c,CCNAX or ICND1&2,11,3,10,,'As I understand, both are valid requisites for CCNP. I've completed a CCNA course in college (no certs sadly), and I'm now doing CCNP, and I want to get my certs up to date asap (my employer would like me to cert, and I think it looks nice on my resume). |
The way I understand it, either doing CCNAX or ICND1&2 are enough to do CCNP, is this correct? Also, which route would you recommend? |
Thanks in advance :)',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1hvy1c,, |
1373035706.0,9,self.ccna,1hoy57,CCNA Wireless lab router advice.,12,3,5,,'So I am working on my CCNA and have a lab rack in another room. I was about to string a LAN connection all across the house but figured, why not get a Cisco wireless router as an addition to my lab and connect them through my current wireless router and the Cisco WAP. So my question is, what would be a good Cisco WAP for a lab. I am going straight into the CCNA Security after I finish the CCNA so what is a good router with that in mind? I probably will get into the CCNA Wireless but not for some time. Thanks ahead of time for any advice!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1hoy57,, |
1372772370.0,10,self.ccna,1hhur1,CCNA/CCNP rack rental for relatively cheap prices. Any interest ?,15,5,3,,'The Switch rack is being beta-tested. The original IP power strip w/terminal server had it's issues, so now it's been replaced with a Cisco 2509 access server. I'm thinking that prices for access are probably going to end up, for ease of management, at $10 for the switch rack, and $7.50 for the CCNA rack, for an entire 23 hour period, instead of 5.5 hour blocks, as I originally intended. |
The CCNA rack will still have 3x 1841's, and 3x3550's, the Switch rack, 2 x 3560's, 2x 3550's, 3 x 1841's, and 2 x 2611's. They will be run from a 2509 terminal server, which is menu driven. The CCNA rack will have TFTP access to a server, where you will be able to upgrade/downgrade one of the routers IOS, and save configs to the server for later use. The Switch rack will also have the same config saving ability. The switch rack, also has the remote ip power reboot function available, and the CCNA rack will soon. (one of the synaccess strips crapped out) |
Before the first person goes there, this is not anything you can't do yourself, but the equipment available here is pricey, and the setup to make it this easy to use, is time consuming, so if you want to just study, this will be available shortly as soon as it's locked down a bit better. I'm not out to make a mint, but am here using this as a commercial entity, and so, will be trying to provide the best service possible. There is a appointment-taking system already set up. If anyone is interested in being part of a short Beta, for the CCNA rack, let me know, either here, or on my Blog. | |
If you want to go your own way, there is a good amount of info on my blog to help get you there, and my racks are available on E-bay, but are not budget, by any means. I may be building some budget systems, in the $500 range with the same philosophy, coming with a terminal server and fully configured like the more expensive ones. | |',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1hhur1,, |
1371516243.0,10,self.ccna,1gjyi7,Question about configuring IPv6,11,1,5,,'In studying for my ICND2, I am on configuring IPv6 now and have a quick question. Could someone please tell me what the difference is between these two commands? (I am summing up from my Wendell 640-816 book, pg. 636.) |
! |
interface fa0/0 |
ipv6 address 2340:1111:AAAA:1::/64 eui-64 |
! |
interface fa0/1 |
ipv6 address 2340:1111:AAAA:2::1/64 |
! |
The part that I am having the most difficulty grasping is the point of the eui-64 at the end of fa0/0. Below is the (summed up) output of the respective 'Show ipv6 interface' commands: |
fa0/0: |
Global unicast address: |
2340:1111:aaaa:1:213:19ff:fe7B:5004, subnet is 2340:1111:aaaa:1::/64 [eui] |
! |
fa0/1: |
Global unicast address: |
2340:1111:aaaa:2::1, subnet is 2340:1111:aaaa:2::/64 |
! |
I am aware that the 02:13:19:7B:50:04 is the MAC address. What else the point of the EUI-64 suffix is, I am unaware. Any information/guidance at all would be greatly appreciated.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1371519381.0,True,t3_1gjyi7,, |
1370334794.0,9,self.ccna,1fn31i,Supernets,11,2,8,,'I have a hard time understanding how supernets work. I know, they are used for hiding smaller networks inside them. But how exactly do you make a supernet? |
So let's say our network route is: | |
How is our supernet then: |',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fn31i,, |
1370291853.0,10,self.ccna,1flrwq,'Newbie here, any recommendations/tips before taking up CCNA studies would be awesome.',11,1,8,,'I am a nurse (2 years in the field, 1 year unemployed) and I would like to be as awesome as you guys. I know how to fix a LAN and that’s it. I have tried to ask the local university here that what it would take to be a CCNA. They gave me a written exam, which I got 75 out of 100 (basic networking, which I think a below average score) and I passed an oral interview. They asked me, “Why would you like to take this course, which obviously way out of your line of profession”. I just answered, “Basing today’s economy of our country, do you think that I would be job hunting for hospitals that don’t have any vacancy or idling around doing nothing?” 1 year of job hunting and I had enough. I want to study. |
I live in a third world country, without any job opportunity in healthcare as of now because of recession. I really want to be a part of CCNA. Accepted in the university but still having second doubts. Before enrolling to the course, is it possible that I would make it out alive of CCNA with only basic knowledge? Sorry for the grammar. Not my first language.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1flrwq,, |
1369854569.0,10,self.ccna,1faav2,Obligatory passed ICND2 today. 916!,12,2,9,,'Literally just walked out of my test and feeling relief I haven't felt in weeks. I have had Odom's books for over 2 years with the intention of getting my CCNA and finally today realized that goal. Enough about here here's my inputs; |
Study: As I did with the ICND1 I used a combination of Odom's book and CBT nuggets. Typically reading the chapter then watching the corresponding video. I did poorly on the SIM's in ICND1 so I got into a habit of having packet tracer open during the videos and going through same configurations are Jeremy. This helped me remember command syntax and really understand what he was trying to do while keeping me interested in the video. Finally, I found that Odom's book will cover topics, in depth, which might not be pertinent for the test. Make sure you review exam topics prior to your final study/cram so you don't waste time memorizing materials you won't be tested on. |
Test: On the ICND1 I scored a 850, I felt very confident during the test and was surprised by the score at the end. On the ICND2 I went in feeling more confident, but found myself panicking (again) because I got ALL of my SIM's during the first few questions. Take your time with the SIM's there are LOTS of gotcha's but if you are meticulous and feel confident in the CLI no one should have any major trouble (remember the ? is always available and tab DOES complete your commands). |
Beyond: I am at a cross-roads of what my next certification will be. I would love to jump into the VCP but I hear the class is insanely expensive ($3k?) so i'm deciding between the CCNA Voice and the new MCSA 2012. |
As always any questions are welcome',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1faav2,, |
1368125136.0,11,self.ccna,1e0mu0,Do you have to wait for your score,13,2,9,,I am taking the ICND1 in about a month and was wondering if you get your grade right after taking the test or do you have to wait a few days?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1e0mu0,, |
1367614384.0,11,self.ccna,1dn45n,'Just passed 640-822 (CCENT). Here's what worked for me, and what didn't.',19,8,3,,'I passed the test with 887/100, with a required pass of 804. I failed the test 3 years ago, but recently got my shit together and decided to try again. |
Here's what I did 3 years ago: |
- Took a course at a local university designed to prepare for the test. I didn't find it terribly helpful, and I think the router simulations would do just as much to teach the material as classroom time would. If you're really new to this stuff, though, it would probably be a good bet to get you started. |
- Read the chapters of the Lammle combined CCNA book that I thought pertained to the 822 exam: not easy. There's a lot of detail in that book that's not required for this exam but is useful to know and helps toward the ultimate goal of CCNA. The book itself is very well written, has great examples, and is thoroughly fact-checked. 9/10 would recommend. |
- Failed with a 690/1000. |
Here's where I feel the need to explain my mistake. I pretty much gave up. I read the Lammle book half-heartedly again over the next few years, but when it's over such a long time period, you forget the material. It was bad and I felt bad. |
I use Cisco switches at work (network admin), and that helps with the IOS familiarity, but not the random trivia pertaining to Frame Relay and coaxial token ring museum exhibits. |
So then 2 weeks ago I was like 'god damn it this is killing me'. I did the following to prepare for the test, all of which accomplished in 1 week while working (studying evenings and weekends): |
- I got a book out of the library - the CCENT Walker and Walker book. The material was a review, but really helped concisely reinforce the necessary testable topics. I had [problems]( with that book so I wouldn't recommend it on its own. As a concise review, however, it was fine. For my situation it was 7/10, for the general CCENT candidate, however, I would rate it as 5/10. |
- I read that sucker cover to cover. Did all the tests: got about 11-13/15 on them - not great. |
- I got the [certified4less]( exam voucher + practice test combo, and did all of the practice exams. That helped because the explanations are fairly good when you get a problem wrong. And really, what else is there to do once you've read the material and practiced the commands? That being said, I had problems with the Transcender material. For one thing, there's a bunch of stuff they don't tell you. You need Windows, for one thing. The core product is a Windows installer into which you load the test pack, all downloaded from the site. There's a web module, but it requires - get this - Internet Explorer. The flash cards are difficult to use, the interface is very poorly designed, and it feels like a Soviet-era product coded by minimum wage drones in a Mumbai slum. I haven't even gotten to the content. Several test questions contain glaring grammatical errors, confusing wording, or are simply incomprehensible. There's one test question, for which there are two almost-identical answers: *interface_type interface_number* and *interface-type interface-number*. Pick the wrong one, and that's a wrong answer. It's not even a matter of command syntax; it's a publishing placeholder! My average over the 4 tests was 74%. Refer to my grade on the real test (887/1000) and you'll see how representative the Transcender practice tests are. Oh, I didn't tell you there are only 4 tests? 4/10 would not recommend. |
Tl;dr: The only failure is giving up. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1dn45n,, |
1367596523.0,12,self.ccna,1dmi3t,Can someone ELI5 Access Control Lists for me?,14,2,6,,ACLs are the one thing I've had difficulty understanding in Cisco 2. Doesn't it have to do with how certain hosts are allowed to go through certain ports?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1dmi3t,, |
1366688341.0,10,self.ccna,1cwwf7,Where can I find completed Packet Tracer files?,11,1,7,,'Google has been utterly useless. |
Anyway, I often times run into problems with labs and I like to reverse engineer them to figure out where I fucked up at. Does anyone know where I can find them? Specifically CCNA 2 - Routing Concepts and Protocols. The LSG02 series.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1cwwf7,, |
1366662398.0,10,self.ccna,1cvwrw,'Studying for my WAN class final, but this question stumped me.',14,4,6,,' Link to the Problem. |
Why is the one highlighted red the answer? Am i missing something? The IP that it shows is correct, and apart of the same subnet. I noticed they never did a no shut on the interface so it could be administratively down! The frame relay map seems to be correct. What am i missing? (its been a long day..) Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1cvwrw,, |
1365451434.0,10,self.ccna,1bxt6z,Subnet Zero question,13,3,5,,'I've read on the Cisco site that you should avoid subnet zero for addressing. For the exams, should you ignore subnet zero as a viable option? |
One of the Pearson labs I'm using uses the next subnet as the 'first' usable subnet. |
Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1bxt6z,, |
1365133857.0,9,self.ccna,1bpnbi,comprehensive networking terms glossary list for CCNA exam?,13,4,6,,Can anyone that has taken or taking the CCNA/CCNP point be towards a link where there is a comprehensive glossary of most common terms used in the exam? A link to a non-subscription based site (and online.. obviously) would be most ideal. You'd be suprised this is a bit harder to find than I initially thought! ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1bpnbi,, |
1363989042.0,8,self.ccna,1atps1,How can I configure a DIFFERENT default route per vlan on a Layer 3 Cisco switch?,11,3,14,,'So right now this is what I have: |
Gateway of last resort is to network | is variably subnetted, 3 subnets, 2 masks |
C is directly connected, Vlan40 |
C is directly connected, Vlan60 |
C is directly connected, Vlan50 | is subnetted, 4 subnets |
C is directly connected, Vlan20 |
C is directly connected, Vlan2 |
C is directly connected, Vlan100 |
C is directly connected, Vlan30 | is subnetted, 2 subnets |
C is directly connected, Vlan25 |
C is directly connected, Vlan35 |
C is directly connected, Vlan70 |
C is directly connected, Vlan4 |
S* [1/0] via |
But what I would like to do is for instance, users on Vlan40, 50, 60 and 70 to be routed to another gateway of last resort, for instance this one, is there a way for me to do this? |
EDIT: Formatting ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1363989329.0,True,t3_1atps1,, |
1363798966.0,10,self.ccna,1ao89z,study session(s),10,0,6,,'the hangout we had last monday went pretty well. the only thing i could really say we needed to do better would be organization. instead of one kinda' clustery, unfocused session a week, what would you guys say to a certain section or part of the syllabus found here (you may need to be logged in to see it)? one part, a day or two a week, maybe a free for all, study/get help with what you need day one day a week, and you can join the hangouts as you see fit. that way, we can be more focused and spend less time figuring out where everyone is at and just get down to the nitty gritty. |
what do you guys think? |
edit: to get into the study group, add jerkface roberts to a google plus circle or join the ccna study circle. |
we'll be meeting next week monday at 7:30 pm cst.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1363881185.0,True,t3_1ao89z,, |
1362779584.0,12,self.ccna,19xpyj,Am I doing it right? (CCNA-ICND1),13,1,13,,'Hello Reddit's CCNA community! I'm currently trying to obtain my CCNA-ICND1 cert and have a couple of questions regarding my preparation process. |
Age:21 |
Previous Experiences with Networking: None |
Certificates: A+ |
Method of studying: Self teach |
1. I currently have the Boson CCENT Guide (Matt Walker/Angela Walker) and the Cisco Official CCNA-ICND1 guide (Wendell ODOM). If I just study off of these two textbooks, will my knowledge suffice to pass the exam? If not, what else should I look into to better prepare myself? |
2. What hardware (if any) do I need to practice with for the CCNA-ICND1 test? |
3. I was looking at a Net+ textbook, and it seemed to go into a lot more depth than my CCNA textbooks. For example, the Net+ textbook explained each field of the internet header, while both my CCNA textbooks just showed me a diagram and didn't bother explaining it. Should I concern my self with the details the Net+ textbook offers? |
4. Any tips and tricks you found that helped you save time and/or improve efficiency during your study process? |
Thank you to all who took their time to read my post, and extra gratitude to those who answers my questions! Have an excellent day. |
Edit: Spelling and grammar |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1362780018.0,True,t3_19xpyj,, |
1362102437.0,9,self.ccna,19foj3,ICDN or CCNA?,13,4,11,,I Always assumed i was going to take the whole CCNA at once but it seems like i read more and more people taking the ICDN 1 and ICDN 2 separate. What do you think is the better move.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_19foj3,, |
1361978365.0,8,self.ccna,19bw5q,'For those of you that, for some reason, have taken both the ICND2 and the full CCNA, which did you find harder and for what reason?',14,6,11,,'Just curious to know, really. I've read that the CCNA gives more of a time pressure than the ICND2. |
Edit: What would be causing people to down vote this, really?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1361993841.0,True,t3_19bw5q,, |
1360256375.0,10,self.ccna,182mii,How would you approach your employer?,13,3,15,,'My current job is a big mix of being help desk, server admin, LAN admin, and SQL DBA. |
I've always loved networking so I am going to get my CCNA and go from there. |
This place is somewhat small. We service around 500 users over 8 locations. I am one of three in the IT Dept. |
I am wondering how I can approach my employer and ask them to pay for the exam. I want to offer them something in return like a year's employment without seeking other jobs or something like that. The knowledge I will get by getting this certification will be helpful to the business as a whole. |
Have any of you all ever asked your employer to foot the bill for the exam? |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_182mii,, |
1359362040.0,8,self.ccna,17f4v5,'Worked towards CCNA, haven't studied in a few weeks. Need some motivation. Is it really worth continuing with?',15,7,13,,I haven't been able to find any solid information on jobs or starting salaries or what to do after you have your CCNA. I have an IT background but mostly front end design. ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_17f4v5,, |
1359038681.0,11,self.ccna,176vi5,What's the name of the company I must contact in order to take a certification exam?,15,4,3,,Thanks,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_176vi5,, |
1357946504.0,11,self.ccna,16eob5,'The sims on the ccent, are they just configurations we have to do (ip addressing, transport input ssh, enable secret) or do we need to actually fix things and troubleshoot? OR both?',13,2,17,,'I've been practicing with packet tracer labs from (I was in net acad so I have packet tracer) I used to have all my pkt files from my academy days but they got deleted so I have no troubleshooting labs, I know the show cdp neighbor detail though. There's only like 3 sims in the boson exam that comes with icnd 1 book. Taking the test Tuesday so if there's only like 1 troubleshooting I should be fine. I can do anything it tells me to do, I know the configs but finding out why a host can't connect to another host would have me guessing the clocking isn't configured on the DCE or the encapsulations are wrong so I'd basically be using every show command on every device I know, that would be time consuming.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1357946805.0,True,t3_16eob5,, |
1357923862.0,10,myself.ccna,16dy20,ICND2 - 902!!! FINALLY CCNA!,10,0,2,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_16dy20,http://myself.ccna, |
1357666748.0,10,self.ccna,166ymi,'Today, I begin..',13,3,37,,'Starting an online course today in hopes of getting my CCNA. I'm no noob with a computer, but I know next to nothing about networking. I understand very basic programming, but that's about it as far as any technical knowledge. I work part time, and this is the only thing I'll be focused on. Any tips? About how long will it take before I am ready for the exam? I want to get the CCNP eventually as well, so any tips on that? |
Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_166ymi,, |
1355279831.0,10,self.ccna,14payw,Question regarding education.,11,1,6,,'I want to get certified and work my way into becoming a Network Admin blah blah you guys have probably heard it before. |
I am 25 and have taken a few networking classes at my local city college, nothing to intense. My question is, should I go back to school and take classes or study on my own and use Cisco Academy (if that's possible)? |
As well where should I start? CCNA test or what? |
Sorry if this is the wrong place to post.. thanks for any help.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_14payw,, |
1352785007.0,10,self.ccna,133y0t,CCNA Service Provider - Worth my time?,12,2,6,,'I wasn't sure if specialization certs are better discussed here, or in /r/cisco, so I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this. |
Took a new job about a half a year ago at a company that is going to fairly rapidly (18 months - 2 years) expand into multi-site high bandwidth video content provider. We currently leverage MPLS circuits to deliver the content, but given the level of expansion, I have a feeling we're going to transition into getting tier 1 bandwidth and becoming an ISP. I haven't gotten any networking certs yet, so I'd be starting with getting my CCNA, but the CCNA SP, as far as I've gathered, may be the thing I need to take us to the next step. Anyone care to give me any feedback? Thanks! |
EDIT: Corrected CCNA SPO to CCNA SP. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1352790973.0,True,t3_133y0t,, |
1351690467.0,11,self.ccna,12eb7v,Best way to a CCNA?,12,1,12,,'So I have a very decent amount of networking experience, mainly configuring routers, switches etc. . . but do not know the theories behind it. What would be the best way to earn my CCNA? I was thinking a boot camp, because it would be quick (expensive though, sadface). I don't recommend boot camps to beginners because I feel like you don't really get what you need to survive, but since I already have 5+ years of working experience with Cisco equipment, it should be fine right? |
Or, should I go with a CBT Nuggets/Book method?? Either way I plan on taking the ICND 1 and 2 tests rather than the composite. Anything you guys can provide would be very helpful, especially links, study materials, etc . . . |
TL;DR - 5+ years of networking experience, what's the best way to study and take this exam? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_12eb7v,, |
1351563198.0,9,self.ccna,12bdel,Will you please give me a brief overview of your understanding of Wild Card masks and its importance in OSPF implementation?,12,3,3,,I'm just having a hard time grasping this....,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_12bdel,, |
1349111539.0,8,self.ccna,10rokp,'Having trouble with subnetting, is there an easy way to remember?',11,3,13,,'Every time someone explains it to me it just sounds dumbly easy, but I always forget. Is there an easy way to remember? I usually get stuck around determining the bits borrowed, but I'd like a step by step if possible. |
Any help is appreciated.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_10rokp,, |
1346607818.0,11,self.ccna,z8kec,Is this a good lab to work on CCNA labs?,12,1,5,,'Two Cisco 2500 router, one eth port and 2 serial ports. |
Two Cisco 1924 Swtich 24 eth ports. |
What do you guys think? |
Edit: I meant to say 'Good lab setup' on the title.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_z8kec,, |
1346460007.0,9,self.ccna,z5x6b,'Running Wireshark in promiscuous mode, not getting all traffic.',11,2,8,,'Just started the Cisco Academy and right off the bat we're analyzing traffic. Like a good boy I got Wireshark running on my laptop here at home to learn about all the packets that are flying by. |
My question is this: Capturing off the correct adapter in promiscuous mode yields all traffic from my laptop, plus some other traffic on my network (ie the wife's Dropbox, ARP, some TCP, etc.). But when I'm using my desktop right next to it, I don't get any of the HTTP, IMAP, SMTP, Steam, or Skype traffic. Why is that? I thought promiscuous mode would capture everything. |
Both computers are connected to the wifi. |
EDIT: Because Wireshark only captures traffic meant for the machine on which it is installed, plus broadcast traffic. TIL some broadcast addresses, and a little about Dropbox's own protocol.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1346484867.0,True,t3_z5x6b,, |
1346196448.0,11,self.ccna,yzmkd,Failed 600-802 with an 800. ouch,14,3,4,,'So close, taking again next week. need it asap at work due to politics. I thought I did pretty well , but I got smoked on subnetting. and I had a chart and everything ready. . it's not so much that I think I need help, I guess I just choked :( |
edit: spending my cake day with /r/ccna ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1346196990.0,True,t3_yzmkd,, |
1345819052.0,8,self.ccna,yr77r,Attending CCNA bootcamp (5 day course ) at the end of Sept.. What should I study/learn before hand?,10,2,8,,'So here's the basic history. |
15 years in the IT industry, focus has mostly been on Storage and linux OS related administration. |
Some networking, but not necessarily at the switch/router level. |
Configuring iscsi networks, vlans etc. jumbo frames for performance tweaking etc.. |
heavily on the virtualization side. |
So now I'm enrolled in a CCNA bootcamp at the end of Sept. But want to know what Books/test examples etc. I should focus on prior to make the bootcamp easier to hit the road running. |
Appreciate any feedback. |
Thanks',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_yr77r,, |
1344477993.0,11,self.ccna,xx0hg,Second time around..,11,0,3,,'I am preparing to take another stab at the CCNA exam. The first time taking it, I rushed in, being over confident, and was given a dose of reality (my score was 760). I have taken a handful of MS cert exams in the past (Server 2008, Windows 7 ect..), the CCNA is definitely different. So as I prepare to take it once again I wonder if it'd be better to break it up and do the CCENT exams. What is your take on the exam(s) ? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_xx0hg,, |
1344222764.0,12,self.ccna,xqtzi,Hardware check,12,0,4,,'Hello, |
I've almost finished the Lammle study guide and am fortunate enough to have a bunch of Cisco gear. So far I've been working with 1800/2600/2800 routers, as well as 2950/3560 switches. I've been deleting configs and just connecting everything together in different configurations, however I'm wondering is this enough? I've not used wireless links and have no serial links (only ethernet). Zero xp with frame relay. |
Cheers.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_xqtzi,, |
1343352755.0,10,self.ccna,x82b2,Is it feasible to study for the CCNA exam if the only lab I can setup to practice with is with GNS3? (No switch emulation),10,0,13,,'I have a bunch of videos, and the global knowledge texts from a boot camp a friend lent me. I'm trying to set up the labs from the text, but most of them use switches. Is it possible to configure a router to act like a switch? Or am I better off just running whatever I can, and studying the results from the lab texts?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_x82b2,, |
1340655858.0,10,self.ccna,vl8x9,I passed the ICND1 today!! I was the guy a month ago who just didn't feel motivated after failing the first time. Now that weight is off my shoulders!,12,2,3,,'[Here is the original post]( |
I was so close the first time that it really put me in a stinker for motivation. I never posted it, but I took the test a 2nd time immediately and failed miserably. It was a combination of just trying to get it over with since I was so close and not having the motivation to go over my notes as thoroughly as I should have. |
After that, I gave myself about 3 of the weeks was just to unwind and completely relax to get my motivation back. And it did! Passed with 863/1000! |
Thank you guys for all your help!And for future test takers, don't make the same mistakes I did!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_vl8x9,, |
1340383167.0,10,self.ccna,vfwyv,CCNA FLASHCARDS,10,0,5,,'I'm working my way to the 640-802 test next month, and I'm starting to put together flashcards for the rote memorization items (ports, standards, registers, protocols, etc) and concept specifics (OSI-DOD level translation, STP, ACL, etc) |
I've gone looking for a comprehensive list of flash cards front & back, in a list form or similar, and haven't found one I like yet, so I thought I'd ask. |
tl;dr So what do you have in your flash cards?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_vfwyv,, |
1339442894.0,9,self.ccna,uwlqb,Can someone explain to me why this route is displayed this way?,10,1,9,,'Here's a picture: |
It says is subnetted, but does not fit into the subnet. What gives?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_uwlqb,, |
1338353170.0,10,self.ccna,ubnf2,Need help learning EIGRP,10,0,7,,'Guys, I am in the Routing Protocols (CCNA 2) class and we finished everything. The final exam is coming soon, and I really dont understand EIGRP. OSPF is somewhat easier, but EIGRP is my problem, it just isn't clicking. Can someone explain how it works in an easier way to understand, if at all possible. It would be extremely helpful.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ubnf2,, |
1338328756.0,9,self.ccna,ub0zn,Is there an online school that offers the Cisco Networking Academy?,10,1,6,,'Hi, |
Is there an online school or other resource available that allows you access to the Cisco Networking Academy resources? The reason I am asking is because after looking on Cisco's site it appears that you can only get access to the academy by signing up with the program through a school. I don't have an issue with that but the schools around me that offer it run it fall through spring, and now that we are in summer they are not offering them again until the fall. |
I was wondering if there is anything out there that you can pay for and get access to the academy resources online instantly. I know it would be the most beneficial to take an in person course but I am fortunate enough to have a job and cannot take an in person course due to my job. I would be able to work with the material online at night and on weekends. |
Thanks for any information.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ub0zn,, |
1336683219.0,10,self.ccna,th2i2,How many of you passed the CCNA through self taught means and how many took some type of classes?,11,1,16,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_th2i2,, |
1308236557.0,11,self.ccna,i19hx,'Welcome to /r/CCNA! Previously a spam page, I hope to turn this into a gathering place for current CCNA's and others studying for their CCNA, as well as anyone with network questions!',11,0,6,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_i19hx,, |
1376528877.0,10,self.ccna,1ke0rj,Simulation Software,10,0,10,,'Hey everyone, just started reading the ICND1 book and I was wondering which simulation software you guys would recommend. I'm used to using Packet Tracer, but I see some people are going with GNS3. What do you guys think?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ke0rj,, |
1376232514.0,10,self.ccna,1k58wd,Have I learnt VLSM properly?,12,2,17,,'I'd appreciate it if someone took a look at this question and my answer to see if I got it right. | |',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1k58wd,, |
1375815418.0,9,self.ccna,1jtv05,To Everyone Who Struggles With Subnetting:,10,1,5,,'I, like many of you studying for CCNA, have struggled in the past with Subnetting. I have even had it just 'click', only to come back later to forget how I understood it. I have searched many forums and this sub to gain some perspective on how to understand this, and at times I have found the solution that best helps me, but it is usually buried within other posts and hard to find. I figured I would make a post, not only for everyone, but for myself in case I forget this again in the future. I will try to make this as simple as I can, because a lot of times I get confused with explanations from people who understand this completely. |
Simply put, *Remember The Block Sizes!!* |
What I mean by this is if you remember the block sizes, you can easily determine what subnet a particular IP address belongs in. |
Example: |
Say you have a /21 CIDR netmask. What this means is that the first two octets are all turned on (255.255.) and the third octet is where you will be concentrating on figuring out the subnet. |
The first two octets will take up 16 bits, leaving you with 5 more bits to turn on to complete the mask (16 + 5 = 21). |
So you take those 5 bits and use the subnet cheat sheet (you should remember at least this part in your head) to determine the Block Size. |
Mask Bits: 128 64 32 16 **8** 4 2 1 |
Our Bits: 1 2 3 4 **5** |
Now, this means that our subnet will increase in a Block Size of 8. So you can start from 0 and count up in multiples of 8..until you get to the range that your target IP falls into. Be mindful not to go past that range, or you are incorrect. |
Let's look at an example again: | /21 |
= | |
So, now that you know the Block Size is 8, so we begin counting: |
0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104, 112, **120, 128**... |
Notice that our target IP of 127 falls into the range of 120-128. |
The first number (120) is your Network ID, because it is the first number that fits into that range, and the last number (128) is the beginning of the next network. So your Broadcast IP is one less than the next network (127.255). Your last host would be two less than the next sub network (127.254) |
BAM! That's it! That is the EASIEST way to understand subnetting in your head. There are many other ways to understand this, and no one is incorrect. People learn different ways, and this way worked the best for me. |
Another tip to consider is memorizing the block size increments, such as: |
240 mask: 0, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, etc. |
248 mask: 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104, 112, 120, 128, etc. |
(Credit to /u/getonthebag ) |
You should also memorize the most common subnet masks for quick recall. There are only a handful of masks that are used commonly, so memorizing those will help you out greatly: |
128, 192, 224, 240, 248, 252, 253, 255 |
One more thing, when presented with a CIDR notation, you must remember that the CIDR does not equal exactly one netmask, that is because there are multiple octets. See [THIS]( link for more information on this. |
EDIT: TRYING to format this with some spaces for easier reading, but it's not allowing me to no matter what I try..oh well. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1375816325.0,True,t3_1jtv05,, |
1375796442.0,10,self.ccna,1jt6fe,'Studying for ICND1, then 2, using Odom's official cert guide and CBTNuggets videos with Jeremy. Is this enough?',12,2,10,,'I'm using these two as the sources for most of the information. Is this enough, or will I need to look towards other sources to get a better and more rounded knowledge of the exam topics? Do the Wendell Odom books in conjunction with the CBTNuggets videos cover enough of the CCENT and CCNA for me to just memorize everything in them and pass the exam? |
Cheers',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jt6fe,, |
1375633622.0,9,self.ccna,1joorz,CCNA Wireless,11,2,2,,How much information is there to know about the wireless portion of the CCNA? Has anyone got a good list of things to learn? And I'm guessing there isn't any configuration to do on the wireless front?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1joorz,, |
1374109533.0,10,,1iizhj,How am I supposed to study..,27,17,4,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1iizhj,, |
1373652664.0,9,self.ccna,1i6273,Obligatory CCNA Pass Celebratory Post,15,6,6,,'930/1000 on the ICND2. Very happy to have this weight off my shoulders. |
Train Signal videos, CBT Nuggets, Sybex book, and an awesome route/switch class I took at my job.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1i6273,, |
1373640770.0,10,self.ccna,1i5lwb,'CCNA lab rental, what would people want ?',10,0,2,,'So, I've posted before that I was bringing a reasonably priced lab rack that will be available 'soon' |
It really is coming. I have built a menu-driven access server, and at this point am only waiting on some AUI Tranceivers for the 2509's. I tried with a remote breakout router, but it causes issues with reverse telnet when getting back to the terminal services menu from the remote device. This was more for security than anything. I may attempt to provide the security via TACACS+ instead. Something I need to learn anyway. |
Anyway the question here is, once again if people are interested at $5 - $7.50 per day, and also, since it looks like I'll be able to get two up and running(in addition to the CCNP R/S rack @ $10 day), what would peoples request be for configuration? |
It was my intention to run one as a R&S rack, but the second is up for comment. I'd either make it a dual R&S and Security(ASA5505), or a Wireless(WLC2106), or a Voice rack(CME 8.6,CUCM, Unity). Eventually, it could have all three. Because I'm a geek, when the voice rack goes in, it will have remote access to a camera to view the phone screens (probably two 7960's.) |
for those of you that would like to do it yourself, here is a simple menu for access: |
***edit*** |
had a config posted, didn't work out. |
***edit*** |
If you want it to come up automagically, add: |
line con 0 |
autocommand menu TS |
Doesn't format well with my meager Reddit skills. |
It may be better to check out the post with it in in on my blog: |',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1373641441.0,True,t3_1i5lwb,, |
1373584756.0,9,self.ccna,1i47ax,*Rant* Took ICND1 - Failed.,19,10,11,,'So I just took the 840-622 and missed it by a bit. So I'm mildly annoyed - I didn't know enough - Crap. |
I WILL be going back and getting it. Also I'm trying to make sure stuff's general enough that I don't break any disclosures - If |
But, I am PISSED right now though. I bought the CISCO Practice tests and expected them to be an example of what I would encounter. I took the practice exam 6 different times, and used that to gauge where I'm at. I also used that to set my expectation of what the real test would be like. The last one failed me. |
*** DAMN IT Cisco - If you are gonna provide a practice make it CLOSE to the real thing. |
1st thing I encountered: Real exam - Wait I can't go back and review questions and check/change my answers? Once I leave it that's it? (Uhh.. REALLY don't like that - More I'm angry that they didn't do the SAME THING on the practice tests.) |
2nd: Practice exam - 2 sim questions per test EVER; Real exam - 6 of them, and the doing things that are not even CLOSE to the practice exam ones. |
HELLO Cisco - Isn't the practice exam not ONLY to be used to see what you know, but ALSO expose you to types of things that you'll encounter? |
//Rant Off - Sorry, had to get that off my chest. I'm going back to study so I can kick the next out of the ballpark and not have to deal with it for a few years. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1i47ax,, |
1373210097.0,7,,1hsyst,After hours of Reading Odom's book and not knowing anything about networking prior to reading. My first Network.,11,4,13,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1hsyst,, |
1373124972.0,10,self.ccna,1hr2fy,Passed 640-802,14,4,5,,'Thanks for all the help/resources that have been posted here. |
Not that its valid for long but these the other materials I used: |
[CCNA by Todd Lammle]( |
Doesn't look like these are current but [Trainsignal videos by Chris Bryant](',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1hr2fy,, |
1372953934.0,9,self.ccna,1hn14d,Can someone verify this ?,11,2,14,,'With my CCNA exam approaching I decided to create a Class B and Class C subnet table but I'm unsure if I have done it correct. |
What do you guys think ? | |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1hn14d,, |
1372868778.0,11,self.ccna,1hkpdu,Boson exSim practise exam (640-802),12,1,12,,'Hello, I'm currently studying to write the CCNA composite exam. I would like to get a practise exam in before I write. Has anyone used Boson exSim for the 640-802? I've heard it's the best way to gauge if you're ready for the real deal. It's 25% off until July 31st so I'd like to get it while it's cheap! |
Thanks for any responses! ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1hkpdu,, |
1372429442.0,10,self.ccna,1h8z78,Misunderstanding regarding the 'enable secret' command..,11,1,9,,'Afternoon chaps, |
I am currently studying for the ICNDs and have been using the Boson BEE mock exams to practice, however, I am having problems making sense of this ostensibly straightforward question. |
A router has been configured with the 'password exsim', 'enable password cisco' and 'enable secret boson' commands. The 'login' command has not been issued. |
Which of the following passwords can be used to log in to the router? |
a) both boson and cisco |
b) only boson |
c) only cisco |
d) boson, cisco and exsim |
To my understanding (and after testing in a lab) it is absolutely possible to log onto this router (albeit only to user mode) via a console cable without being prompted for a password. However, the 'correct' answer is apparently 'only boson'. |
Am I misunderstanding the term 'log in' or am I not truly logged in until I have reached privileged level? |
Or perhaps I have misunderstood exactly what the 'enable secret' command is doing? |
Thanks very much for reading, I would post this in the Cisco forums but I dont think they like Boson being mentioned over there.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1h8z78,, |
1371955043.0,7,self.ccna,1gw0gs,'New-ish CCNA Looking for work, open to and begging for suggestions.',12,5,17,,'I have an AAS in network management and my CCNA, both earned in the last year. |
I currently work retail computer repair, and have for over two years. |
I feel like I have enough paperwork to start applying and interviewing for entry level network engineer or maintenance jobs. (I'm trying to avoid call centers at all costs, although I know there are a number of them available) |
I've exhausted most companies in my city, and I'm looking to move elsewhere for a change of scenery and of course an ideal job. |
Can anybody recommend a particular way to search for networking jobs, or a particular city that might be a little more likely to have openings? |
I'm really not sure how to go about searching for a job in an area I don't live in. |
I'm close enough to Charlotte, NC that I can drive for interviews, and they seem to have a number of openings, but those are only what I can find on indeed. I feel like there has to be a better way to search for work. |
Any help would be appreciated =) |
edit: also, if there is a better/different sub I should be posting on, sorry and please let me know.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1gw0gs,, |
1371908087.0,8,self.ccna,1gus2x,What is your suggested lab setup?,12,4,12,,What is your suggested lab for the CCENT ad CCNA?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,1371936959.0,True,t3_1gus2x,, |
1371844233.0,9,self.ccna,1gtbtx,Have to brag,13,4,6,,'Finally! I just passed the 200-120, glad that is over for a few more years. Was easier than I thought though.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1gtbtx,, |
1371130635.0,8,self.ccna,1g9lq6,sybex or cisco press,10,2,6,,'what book to buy ? |
this one |
[Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching 200-120]( |
or |
[CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide]( |
sybex is more recommended , but out-dated for 200-120',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1g9lq6,, |
1370917438.0,8,self.ccna,1g3avj,CCNA Home Lab Setup Questions,12,4,4,,'So I am currently in the process of studying for ICND1 100-101 and ICND2 200-101 and felt the need to build a home lab instead of relying on GNS3 and Packet Tracer. |
My recently purchased equipment is as follows: |
* 1841 |
* 2651XM |
* 2651XM |
* 3550 EMI |
* 2950T |
* 2950T |
* WIC-2T x3 |
* WIC-1DSU-T1-v2 x3 |
* Crossover Cable x6 |
* Cat-5e x6 |
* Rollover Cable |
* USB to Serial Convert Cable |
* CAB-SS-2626X x3 |
* 12u Rack |
* Rack Mounted Surge Protector |
I would obviously like some of this equipment to last me past my CCNA, though I'm unsure if it will. |
I guess the reason I'm posting here is for some feedback regarding my hardware purchases, if there is anything I'm missing (or recommendations), and possibly some information as to the IOS versions that would most benefit me in 100-101 and 200-101. |
Thanks for your time!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1370922094.0,True,t3_1g3avj,, |
1370653716.0,11,self.ccna,1fwg3b,ICND 100-101 on Monday Morning. Wish me luck!,14,3,8,,'Thirty something Army Vet going to one of those for profit schools you see a commercial for in between the price is right and judge Judy. This quarter i had a class on ip networking and quite literally feel in love with routing and switching. like seriously. So it time to man up and prove it. Did Odoms ICND 100-101 book, his Ip networking book, lammels survival guide and CBT Nuggets. I feel strong in subnetting, cli, protocols such as OSPF, EIGRP, PPP, Frame-relay and VLANs. any last tips or hints for cert test taking? |
edit: cant spell',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fwg3b,, |
1369861871.0,9,self.ccna,1fakuu,'Yet another passing post (640-802, 933/1000)',14,5,8,,'Hooray. To be fair, I passed the individual exams back in 2008 (and let it expire), so I guess it's not quite as impressive this time around. |
Nevertheless, the resources I used: |
Classic staples like the Cisco Press books by Odom (the 640-802 library set), CBT Nuggets, and a lot of labs from various sources. I also ran through Network Warrior about a month before the exam, as I've been perpetually studying on and off for 6 months in an attempt to recertify but never really got around to it. Network Warrior (the relevant parts, anyway) gave a good brush-up in my opinion. |
Moving on the NP now, which is kind of where I have been wanting to go for a while. |
Anyhow, carry on my friends!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1369862158.0,True,t3_1fakuu,, |
1369842974.0,9,self.ccna,1f9vz6,'Starting CCNA study now, tests changing soon, thoughts on best way to get this done?',14,5,9,,'I am new to networking, and want to get CCNA cert for my current job. I am just now starting to study for the cert but with the tests changing in Sept. are you able to do one test now, and one after the change? I was thinking of getting CCENT first, then going for the second exam to get CCNA but dont think I will be ready to do both by the time the tests change. Anybody have any insight they could offer? EDIT: wow, its cakeday! (though this isnt exactly the cakeday post I was planning on/hoping for!)',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1369843225.0,True,t3_1f9vz6,, |
1369249532.0,8,self.ccna,1euogj,Taking ICND1 (640-822) tomorrow afternoon. Any final study advice?,11,3,7,,'I have been practicing with Pearson Vue practice exam from the official Cisco cert guide book, the book itself, and Cisco packet tracer labs. |
I'm feeling very confident about physically configuring and troubleshooting both switches and routers on the simulation questions. |
I have the commands down, can implement static and dynamic routes, configure port security and general device security, know proper cable selections, and can make subnet calculations efficiently. |
I am not quite as confident about describing operation of data networks, WAN stuff, and some WLAN stuff. Any advice on specific aspects of these subjects to cram for tonight and tomorrow morning would be much appreciated, as well as any general guidance. |
Hopefully by this time tomorrow I will be a Cisco Certified Network Technician en route to a career in Network Engineering. Fingers crossed!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1euogj,, |
1369054215.0,9,self.ccna,1eovgz,Do I need NAT for Home CCNA Lab Setup?,10,1,22,,'Hello, |
I'm working on setting up a CCNA lab at home. The problem I'm running into is that test machines behind my cisco router (which is behind my home router) cannot ping out to the internet, but the cisco router can. If I run NAT on the cisco router everything works, but I feel like I shouldn't need NAT. Am I wrong? Details below: |
Diagram: |
My home network consists of a Actiontec MI424WR router, that has a network space (router is |
My CCNA lab consists currently of a Cisco 3825 router, and two Cisco 3548 XL switches. The cisco router is plugged into the Actiontec router with the address, and has a gateway of last resort set like so: |
ip route |
The router can now send and recieve pings to google's DNS server at |
Now on the second router interface I have my internal CCNA lab network of I have added a static route from my home actiontec router to point toward this network, and all machines on the home network of can ping machines on the network. However, none of the machines in can ping out to the internet. |
If I configure NAT on the cisco router, I'm able to have machines in the ping out to the internet, but I feel like this should work without the need for NAT. |
EDIT: [Solved! Please see below](',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1369076856.0,True,t3_1eovgz,, |
1368551701.0,10,self.ccna,1ebpnc,Has Anyone Taken the Cisco E-Learning 100-101 2.0 course? Feedback?,10,0,1,,'Greetings |
I'm currently looking at the following course offered on the Cisco E-Learning site: | |
Is there anyone who has experience in taking the Cisco E-learning classes? Are they useful? Efficient? Any feedback on the courses in general?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ebpnc,, |
1368523029.0,10,self.ccna,1eazpm,Redundancy and job hunting :(,13,3,18,,'Hey guys, |
I was made redundant as of Friday which really sucks! As it happens my exams for CCNA 2 (in London) start on Monday so at least I have a week to study without distraction. |
I have a degree in Comp Sci from many years ago that I never used, I'm doing the CCNA to get into the industry but without any real experiences PLUS (assuming I pass my exam on Monday), the fact that I will only have completed half of my course; final exams for ccna 3 & 4 are in Oct and Dec respectively. |
My question is this - how likely is it that an employer will hire me with only half my course done? Or do I have to find bar work and wait until after I get my full cert. before I can seriously look for an IT job? My ideal would be to work in a data center. |
Thanks. |
**Edit for some confusion:** |
I had never heard of the ICND until after I started this course in Feb. |
As far as I can tell CCNA 1&2 relate to ICND 1 (Network fundaments 1, and routing protocols 2). |
CCNA 3&4 relate to ICND 2 (LAN switching & wireless 3, and WAN technologies 4). |
Its just been split up into 4 sections instead of 2 big ones.or at least I think so..',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1368539837.0,True,t3_1eazpm,, |
1368198000.0,8,self.ccna,1e2l26,Need help understanding Port-Fast,9,1,8,,'I am having a little difficulty understanding when/why you would use Port-Fast. My understanding is that it disables STP on the entire switch or interface depending on how you configure it. Also, it is recommended for ports that have only one host connected. However, I read that it can be enabled for trunk ports using BPDUguard. The part I'm having difficulty with is I can understand why you would want to use Port-Fast on a port that has a PC connected to it since STP is slow. However, I don't really understand the concept of BPDUguard and why you would use Port-Fast on a trunk port. Please help! Thank you.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1e2l26,, |
1368039611.0,8,self.ccna,1dy5p9,It seems like most of the lab kits out there fall short in a lot of ways but this seems to be the best bang for the buck. Thoughts for a CCNA lab?,11,3,16,,'[]( |
I know it can be cheaper to pick stuff up individually but honestly I just don't feel like putting in the time and effort to find all the right gear with the right WICs with the right IOS etc. I started doing that earlier this week and it's like chasing the wind. |
That being said, is this going to be good enough to get me through the CCNA? You can make upgrades to this kit, if you were going to purchase it would you make any?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1dy5p9,, |
1367440788.0,9,self.ccna,1di6p7,can someone please explain the minus 256 subletting technique to me (link inside),10,1,6,,' |
I have read over the post and I get confused towards the end when he starts talking about IP Address /21 |
I would really appreciate it ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1di6p7,, |
1367122581.0,9,self.ccna,1d985m,ip addressing help with ospf practice final,9,0,7,,'i'm currently nearing the end of my ccna2 course and i take the final next week. i've been practicing all weekend by taking practice hands on finals and i've been trying to make sure i know the protocols and processes to complete each final so i can be prepared for my hands on. |
so far on the ospf practice, i passed everything except for the 'IP Address Design and Configuration' portion of the exam. i know the answer but i need to know HOW to get the answer. |
i was hoping someone would be able to help me understand or at least point me in the right direction to figure out the answer. i really just want to understand the concept before moving on. |
here is the information i have and then following that is the information i need to input for the topology: |
> US-R1: |
> fa0/0: |
> fa0/1: ____________ |
> s0/0/0: |
> US-R2: |
> fa0/0: |
> fa0/1: |
> s0/0/0: |
so i'm asked to do this: |
> · Configure US-PC2 with the last IP address in the US-R2 subnet. |
> · Configure the Fa0/1 interface on US-R1 with the last IP address in the subnet. |
i figure i'd use the last address in the fa0/0 for US-R2 so i think pc2's IP would be '' |
but i have NO idea what to put for fa0/1 in the US-R1 topology. |
i know this is really long and kind of dumb to ask, but i have no idea how to figure it out. i know the ANSWER but i don't know how to get to the answer. |
so please, please someone help me out! i'd really appreciate it.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1d985m,, |
1366846694.0,10,self.ccna,1d1niz,'I just passed the exam in my last Cisco class in college, getting a 50% off voucher! A question on prepping',13,3,5,,'I have ~30 days before i get my voucher and i plan on using the time between now and then to get prepped for taking the 640-822 and 640-816. Im very familar with the routing protocols, wan protocols and switch configurations. Im also created a site to summarize my notes so others can use it too, So what would be best to focus on for those exams?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1d1niz,, |
1366671482.0,10,self.ccna,1cw9ov,Study Materials for ICND2?,10,0,5,,'If anyone can recommend stuff they loved or hated, I would appreciate it. Thank you! I am focusing on the free INE course. Thank you!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1cw9ov,, |
1365111596.0,9,self.ccna,1bou2r,Cisco Noob needs help with first time router start up.,15,6,8,,'Hello World! just bought a 2621 off amazon, i cannot find the ip off the internet manual to connect to from putty. any insight?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1bou2r,, |
1364129449.0,7,self.ccna,1awt6e,Does anyone know of any downloadable Packet Tracer Sims for ICND1 practice?,11,4,7,,'I'm sitting my ICND1 tomorrow, and I've been doing practice tests every single day, and just picking up small things that I needed more study time on. |
I'm rocking every question, but I'm worrying myself because I haven't put too much time into networking simulations, other than a few labs I built with RIPv2. |
If anyone knows of any good PT content, that would be very useful!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1awt6e,, |
1363588763.0,10,self.ccna,1aifz2,Practice Sim(ulation)s for exam?,10,0,4,,'I just booked my CCNA exam (640-802) and just finishing up Lammle's book. When I'm done I want to start practising on some sample exams, specifically the simulation questions as I'm reading more and more that the sims they give you are very specific (i.e. not much room for error and can't use other normal IOS commands). And since these sim questions are worth a lot of marks on the exam I want to get a lot of practice with them. |
Can anyone point me in the direction of any good ones? I don't mind if it's free and/or paid. |
A lot of people are saying 'the Odom' books, does anyone have specific book titles, Amazon links?? |
thanks so much!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1aifz2,, |
1363577036.0,8,self.ccna,1ai5kx,'ccna/icnd 1 study session on google plus monday, 3/18, 7:30 cst. ',9,1,7,,'.. at least that's what's planned. other than that, i think it's going to be a basic preliminary meeting to see where people are at in their studies, help with topics people need help on, and maybe even setting up some sort of weekly study session. i guess look for jerkface roberts on there. i was thinking of posting this to the ccna study circle community on google plus as well. i have no idea how it's going to work. it's my first time doing anything like this. hope to see you there.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ai5kx,, |
1362504752.0,11,self.ccna,19ptf7,Why use a DMZ?,16,5,3,,My CCNA prep book shows an example network (in the chapter about security) where the mail servers are in the DMZ. My question is: why is a DMZ used and why not just put them in the internal network with only the allowed ports through? Isn't a DMZ less secure?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_19ptf7,, |
1362251506.0,8,self.ccna,19j9d0,anyone have any advice on the right switch and router for CCNA preparation?,11,3,16,,'I've been studying alot and its mostly just been from book and cbt nuggets. I want to get my hands dirty but have no idea where to start and no idea what to get (im looking for something cheap). Any advice would be greatly appreciated for practicing hands on for the ccna. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_19j9d0,, |
1359549005.0,8,self.ccna,17k3e8,ICND1 Passed with 812 - feeling extremely disappointed.,11,3,6,,'Maybe I'm over-thinking this. I generally had pretty low scores across the board. Topics such as WAN and security that I didn't feel great about came out with the highest scores, but setting up small office switches and routers were the weakest - which seems like the most basic of content. I know I should be happy that I passed, but the very first thought I had when I walked out was 'maybe this career isn't for me'. |
I have my A+ already, and am chained to a help desk currently. I know that the basics of the whole career path are grounded in the ICND1. Should I be disappointed? How much ICND1 review should I do before I move on to ICND2? One question the other way and I'd be sharing my tale of woe. Any advice or suggestions on what the best path is forward for ICND2? Heavy review, light review, or just put that section behind me and move on?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_17k3e8,, |
1358369239.0,8,self.ccna,16pexg,Where to get test equipment?,10,2,5,,'I've decided to take the plunge, and finally get certified. I have both the Odom and Lammle books in the mail, and the only thing left is actual equipment. At work, I can mess around with a couple of 3750s, but I don't have the thousands of dollars needed to buy them for personal use. Where should I look for affordable switches? Is there a particular model that I should be looking for, or will any model work? I know about GNS3, but I'd like to have the actual hardware if possible.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_16pexg,, |
1358304484.0,9,self.ccna,16nsdi,Passed ICND1 with or push on?,11,2,4,,'Today I became a CCENT, however I'm not happy with my test score. I thought I did better than what the score reflects. I received a 71% on implementing a small switched network and a 60% on implementing and verifying WAN links. My question is, should I go back and review these topics before starting on the ICND2 and have a more sound background in these topics or push forward and the ICND2 material will re-enforce these topics that I didn't do so quite well in? I'm really excited to dig into the ICND2 material but my gut feeling is that I should really get a sound foundation before moving on. |
Thank you for your advice!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_16nsdi,, |
1357749300.0,10,,1696tx,Thumbs up to fullmesh4!! giving Veterans the opportunity to do a CCNA bootcamp at not cost for new career opportunities. Vets take advantage. ,12,2,5,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1696tx,, |
1356709335.0,8,,15kqc2,'Reminder: Today is the last day to save 40% off of Cisco Books, Ebooks and Videos from Cisco Press. Use code HS2012 (x-post /r/networking)',10,2,2,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_15kqc2,, |
1355162241.0,10,self.ccna,14m48z,INE videos for CCENT,13,3,5,,'I have recently started studying for ICND1 and notice that INE is offering free streaming of their videos. Has anyone used the videos to study specifically for ICND1 as the course seems to be more aimed at the composite exam. |
Is it worth focusing on textbook learning for the ICND1 and then work through the INE video series in order for the ICND2 exam? |
I'm trying to avoid overloading myself with too much information which won't be required for the exam.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_14m48z,, |
1354808459.0,10,self.ccna,14dy4p,'My new job has agreed to pay for some education for me, want to get CCNA, need to get some advice.',10,0,9,,'Like the title says, I got a new job (3 months) with a tech company. I am a Telecommunications/Network Specialist, and we use a Cisco VoIP phone system as well as mostly Cisco switches. We have reviews I want to start off with my CCNA. |
I have been reading some books on it, but it's slow going as I'm quite busy with a number of things. I was thinking about taking a week to hit up a training course on getting my CCNA. My question for you is would it be reasonable to go for a week long course somewhere and hit it hard then, or should I look into some online course that will take some time to complete? |
I've done some research and have found a few that sound alright, but obviously I don't have experience with either course of action (pun intended). I want to be able to impress my boss with a smart and detailed course of action so he's more apt to agree. |
Thanks! |
Also, some background info on me. I have a BA Informatics degree specializing in Human-Computer Interaction. I worked as a Telecom guy for 2 years after college and decided this is the route I want to take. So as you can see, other than my Telcom experience, I don't have a lot of network specific education so if you know of a completely different route, be sure to let me know that, too. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_14dy4p,, |
1354196253.0,11,self.ccna,13zqbb,'Allowed my CCNA to lapse years back, should re-cert now. Is it really 2 tests now?',11,0,24,,'I see lots of folks talking about 2 different exams now - ICDN1 and ICDN2. Way back when we used to bang rocks together, I had a CCNA, but have allowed it to lapse. There does still appear to be a single-exam option as well, which I'd much rather do and get the whole thing over with. Any actual advantage to taking the thing in 2 parts, if you're experienced?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_13zqbb,, |
1353564473.0,10,self.ccna,13lxmj,'What are your thoughts on the new CCNA Data |
Center certification?',14,4,5,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_13lxmj,, |
1353460851.0,9,self.ccna,13ji7m,Considering getting a CCNA,10,1,16,,'Hi, I'm considering gettina a CCNA, although mostly for the knowledge rather than the certification. I'm at a bit of a loss as to which books I need. |
If I'm buying new books then I'd rather ebooks and I'd prefer books over videos. |
I've found these two pages: | | |
but they list a lot of different books, i.e. do I need the certification library or the cert guides etc. |
I found a cheap auction for some books: | |
is this an up-to-date version? |
Ccna by Todd Lammle seems to be highly recommended so I'll get that. |
It seems that I might not need any actual equipment, but I though it would be good to get some cheap ones just so I can have some hands on experience. This is one I found: | |
I'm also wondering how long it's taken you guys to prepare for this. I think I will probably take the two course route, and I will be self studying. I already have a basic knowledge of networking.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_13ji7m,, |
1352983570.0,10,self.ccna,138jik,private network within a network?,10,0,8,,'Hopefully this isn't against the rules and is in the correct place but as some people may be aware I'm in preparation stages for doing my CCENT & CCNA (2 exam route) and thought this would be a good place to post this! |
I'm literally at the very beginning, but I'm willing to learn as much as I can! |
The company I work for are moving office within the next 3 weeks to a new building that supplies internet & a network already within the building. The idea behind it is you come in and you can plug your computer into the Ethernet point on the wall and you are ready to work away. |
Our current setup is something like this.. |
fibre router --> apple airport --> 24 port switch --> 22 devices then connected to this |
the 22 devices would be: |
- 8 Cisco VOIP Phones (these plug-in to the network point on the wall, then there is an Ethernet cable that goes from the phone to 8 of the computers) |
- 2 Network Printers |
- 1 MAC Mini File Server |
- 1 Backup Server |
- 5 MACS |
- 5 PCS |
So in the new place we are basically going to be creating a private network within the overall network. |
As far as I'm aware the new building has a patch panel room which then distributes the internet all over the building. |
I'm going to take a guess that for us to create a private network in the network we will need to have a router off their patch panel into a switch which we will then plug-in all of our own devices some of which will have static ips and some which will be supplied via DHCP. We will have be given an IP which has a different host? so that no one else can access our computers/servers. |
Is this correct? Is my theory behind this correct? Terminology may be a bit rough lol |
Cheers!! |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_138jik,, |
1352234204.0,10,self.ccna,12qz8y,Can anyone help clarify exactly what the WLAN objectives mean?,14,4,0,,'•Identify the basic parameters to configure on a wireless network to ensure that devices connect to the correct access point |
•Identify common issues with implementing wireless networks. (Including: Interface, missconfiguration) |
These are not mentioned anywhere in my CCNA book (Lammle 6th Edition). Can anyone point me to the correct documentation for these items?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_12qz8y,, |
1351784305.0,11,,12gmfk,Again.. number of subnets?,17,6,7,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_12gmfk,, |
1351190157.0,11,self.ccna,122uj8,Cisco policy requires that you wait a minimum of 180 days before retaking an exam.. Did I just waste my money?,14,3,13,,Passed my CCENT! But I took it 14 days after failing. Am I SOL here? :(,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_122uj8,, |
1350669980.0,9,self.ccna,11rbt4,Questions about inter-VLAN routing,11,2,14,,'Ok, so I have a few questions: |
- In my CCNA book, and in some instances, I see inter-VLAN routing done like this: you create a sub-interface from a physical int, and then assign a VLAN with the 'encapsulation dot1q' command. In other instances, [Like This](, you just use 'int vlan x' and configure it that way. What is the difference, and why is one used sometimes and the other used other times? |
- In my first example, with the subinterfaces, how do you decide which physical interface to pick when creating your subinterface? If you have multiple physical ports that will all use that VLAN, for instance, which interface should you use to create your subint and why? |
Thanks.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_11rbt4,, |
1350575418.0,10,self.ccna,11ozkr,Chicago CCNA Study Group,13,3,5,,'I've recently decided on taking on the Cisco CCNA certification track. I have been doing my research and I am finally ready to sit down and get this done. |
I'm located in Chicago and would love to find a study group to maximize my learning progress. What would be the best way to do this? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_11ozkr,, |
1349359550.0,9,self.ccna,10xp34,What caught you off guard taking the ICND2?,10,1,19,,'Hey everyone. First post, long time lurker. I just scheduled my ICND2 exam to be taken 3 weeks from now. Very excited to get it done with. I know no matter how much studying I do something will catch me off guard and I was wondering what you guys have experienced while taking the test.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_10xp34,, |
1348718050.0,9,self.ccna,10jozj,Real world problem,10,1,18,,'So I have two networks, connected via fiber. At each end is a router, connected to each router a switch. Each end has their own subnet. |
One is, the other |
At each site I would like to place a VM server that is on the same subnet. Sounds like a VLAN, and that's true, that's what I've created, network However each server has the gateway address of the router connected to each switch. |
Is it possible to have PC's at separate sites to have the same gateway information, this way I can move virtual images (read Mail and Web servers) without having to change their network configuration. |
I get a little confused with routing though, discontiguous networks always threw me a little. If network is being advertised by both routers, then it wont work? |
Is there any way I can get this working? I'd rather not have to use NAT. |
This may be incoherent and I'm happy to answer any questions if they help! |
What about this: I have a spare fiber patch panel and cabling, if I order two Fiber Transceivers (each switch has spare slots for them) and directly connect them, trunk it, then only allow VLAN 3 across that trunk? |
Which module would I buy to pull this off, they seem pretty cheap on EBAY, I can get away with a few hundred dollars, but I'm not sure which one to buy. |
Cheers',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1348790137.0,True,t3_10jozj,, |
1348674630.0,8,self.ccna,10ietc,VLAN broadcast domain question,9,1,13,,'I'm reading through Network Warrior and came to a bit that said broadcasts are not contained within VLANs. Up to now I thought they were because a broadcast is only forwarded by a switch to an access port in the same VLAN or a trunk, and I'd like some clarification. |
It gives the example: |
2 switches connected via crossover, one configured for VLAN 10 on all ports and the other VLAN 20 on all ports, |
Host at each end, |
Hosts will be able to communicate if they're on the same IP network, |
So I did it in Packet Tracer, because I thought it was a bit odd. Two switches, host on each one with an IP address in the same subnet as each other, one on VLAN 20 and the other on VLAN 10 and set off a broadcast. |
It didn't get from VLAN 10 to VLAN 20, as I expected, but now I'm wondering exactly what he means? |
Edit: |
Here's a screenshot of the section',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1348679452.0,True,t3_10ietc,, |
1347394010.0,9,self.ccna,zq5e1,ICND2 in 2 weeks!!,9,0,4,,'Just scheduled my ICND2 exam for two weeks from today. I just finished reading the Cisco Press books. It has been awhile since my ICND1 exam so I've got some hard core studying to do. |
I've got CBTNuggets and GNS3 to work with along with some lab exercises for GNS3. Here goes nothing!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_zq5e1,, |
1346723137.0,9,self.ccna,zb9p0,Have any of you purchased access to cisco's CCNA practice exam?,11,2,5,,'So, I'm almost ready to take the combined CCNA exam. I was looking on Cisco's website, and found an [80 dollar practice exam]( Have any of you tried this? Is it worth it?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_zb9p0,, |
1346340243.0,7,self.ccna,z2wxy,'So, I wanna go for my CCNA..',11,4,7,,'I've got a little bit of IT experience, but it's more so based on Web Hosting. |
Can anyone make any good recommendations for (preferably free) training materials?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_z2wxy,, |
1345678689.0,9,self.ccna,ynzmd,Passed ICND1 today! ,9,0,7,,'Not wanting to brag either but it feels great! Passed with an 874. was hoping to get over that 900 mark, but oh well who cares. amiright? |
thanks for everyone's help on this site.. lots of people willing to help!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ynzmd,, |
1344993701.0,9,self.ccna,y8iqv,I'm a Teacher Looking to Switch Careers.,10,1,4,,'I'm currently a teacher feeling burnout for the first time this year. My only other interests are technology. With that being said, I have experience in building my own rigs and lanning. Cisco Certifications seem like a good place to start. So where do I start and is this a worthwhile investment? I'm just assessing my possibilities and any input for people that know more than I do is greatly appreciated. Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_y8iqv,, |
1343932133.0,8,self.ccna,xkqne,What are some fun uses for home labs?,9,1,10,,'I am starting out on my CCNA adventure, and would like to set up some sort of home lab for extra practice and experience. My main concern is I cannot think of a good reason to set up a lab. |
In the past, I have set up web servers, game servers, and other fun projects for friends to connect to. Is there anything cool or unique I can do with a home lab, or is it mostly just an exercise in technique? |
If there is something cool, what kind of inexpensive hardware could I look at?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_xkqne,, |
1343856275.0,9,self.ccna,xj03f,Going for my CCNA (composite) test tomorrow. Got any tips for the test or things I should study more closely?,11,2,12,,'I am taking the CCNA composite (single) exam tomorrow morning at 10am. |
I've read the entire Sybex (Lammle) book, which I purchased almost 2 years ago. I started studying back when I bought it, but never had a chance to go get my cert. Now I am going to finally attempt to get it tomorrow. I've been studying about 6-10 hours per week since May. I've also been busy with my summer college courses (12 credits) and working. I work at a consulting company and serve as the only systems/network admin for our internal network. I manage 2 Cisco 4507R core switches in our office (connected to workstations, Cisco phones, servers, and a Comcast Metro Ethernet connection we have that connects to our datacenter). I also manage a few 3750 switches, a Check Point firewall, and 2 Cisco ASA 5510s at our datacenter. Over the past few months, I practiced configuring all of the routing protocols, serial links, frame relay, access lists, and VLANs on the free lab. I've also messed around in GNS3. |
I am hoping that my experience working with Cisco equipment will help me do well on the CCNA exam. Since finishing the Lammle book, I started going through the CBT Nuggets videos to review everything. I finished the ICND1 videos and got through about half of the ICND2 videos. Is there anything in particular you think I should pay more attention to? Or any tips for the test tomorrow? I am pretty good at subnetting, but I think I will write down the multiples of 16 and 8 on the whiteboard tomorrow because I have trouble remembering them in my head when I'm subnetting. I am going to review more stuff tonight after class to prepare for tomorrow. |
Thanks, |
Derek ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_xj03f,, |
1343358499.0,8,self.ccna,x885r,Re-certification time,9,1,4,,'Hey /r/CCNA! |
So a few years back I took a class and passed my ICND1 exam. Immediately after that, I went on to an ICND2 course, but made the terrible mistake of not taking my ICND2 exam. I kept putting it off and now it's almost three years later and my CCENT is about to expire. I started hitting the books again, but I'm getting pretty low on time (I *really* slacked off on this). |
Anyways, I have two options: I can re-certify for CCENT and then focus on ICND2, or I can study both and take the comprehensive exam. It seems to me that it would be easier to take the comp. exam, but if I take the time to study both ICND1 and ICND2 I think my certification will expire on me. Should I re-certify CCENT and take the two exams, or would it be better for me to take the comp exam even though my certification will lapse for a month or so? Thanks in advance for your advice!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_x885r,, |
1342560049.0,9,self.ccna,wq1e0,'Passed ICND2 today, looking for advice.',9,0,9,,'First off, thanks to all who contributed to /ccna/ - reading through everyone's experiences and advice really sustained my motivation throughout the endeavor. The whole process took me 2.5 months, I studied everyday for a few hours. |
I'm going to start looking around LinkedIn and a few companies in my area for employment; I'll take anything that'll give me experience in the networking field - I'm 23 with no prior experience in IT, so I'm prepared to bite the bullet inorder to get my feet wet. (any suggestions regarding the aforementioned is appreciated) |
I'd really like to get into wireless, is the CWNA a good next step to take inorder to climb the ladder so to speak? I've heard it's more comprehensive than the CCNAW. My current plan is to land any kind of networking job to get accustomed to the field a bit more, and while I'm working I'd be studying for the CWNA. |
Would the CCNP benefit me a great deal if I want to focus on wireless, the two certainly overlap but to what degree I'm not sure. There are so many roads to take and I'm a complete noob to the field which is why I come to you for advice. Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_wq1e0,, |
1336887118.0,10,self.ccna,tkn4l,EIGRP: Summary Address,10,0,15,,'For my final test of CCNA2, i have to summarize 4 networks and use the eigrp command summary-address. My 4 networks are: | | | | |
An my summary address is: But when i use eigrp summary-address it does not send it via eigrp routing updates. |
Also show ip route in my R1 router which is connected to 3 routers where one is B1, the one thrying to summarize, shows this: |
R1: | is subnetted, 3 subnets |
C is directly connected, Serial0/0/0 |
C is directly connected, Serial0/0/1 |
C is directly connected, Serial0/1/0 | is subnetted, 1 subnets |
C is directly connected, Serial0/1/1 |
S* is directly connected, Serial0/1/1 |
B1: | is variably subnetted, 7 subnets, 2 masks |
C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 |
C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/1 |
C is directly connected, FastEthernet1/0 |
C is directly connected, FastEthernet1/1 |
C is directly connected, Serial0/0/0 |
D [90/2681856] via, 00:05:18, Serial0/0/0 |
D [90/2681856] via, 00:05:18, Serial0/0/0 |
D*EX [170/7289856] via, 00:05:18, Serial0/0/0 |
If someone can help me, would be very nice. |
Also [topology]( |
**I have added the networks in router eigrp and the summarized the networks. It worked! Thank you all**',False,self,t5_2qjhh,True,True,t3_tkn4l,, |
1336605448.0,8,self.ccna,tfixf,Should I do the one big test or the two little ones?,10,2,19,,'I feel as though I have basically learned all the material, but now I'm wondering if I should just take 640-802 or if I should break it down into the two separate tests 640-816 and - 822. Anybody have any insight into this decision? To those who are certified, which did you do?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_tfixf,, |
1332214177.0,11,self.ccna,r4k89,New CCNA Service Provider (CCNA SP) certification now available,11,0,3,,'Looks interesting, i'm not terribly familiar with the Cisco testing objectives of the existing variety of CCNA's (i'm still 1/2way through studying for my CCNA), but it looks like it encompasses more of a big-picture regarding WAN's and the routing protocols relating to a ISP. anyone plan on taking this path?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_r4k89,, |
1331055522.0,9,self.ccna,qkdvz,I am having a total meltdown studying for this stupid test. ,10,1,46,,'I've been studying Lammle's book everyone has been going ape over and every chapter makes less and less sense, and takes longer and longer to finish. I need to get this stupid cert If I am going to get any job, and I value the importance of networking. But right now I am just so frustrated I cant even think strait. There has got to be a better way to study this. I can't afford the video stuff ($200+ REALLY?!?!?!?), and I should have finished this months ago. I passed my certs before and they were much easier to at least understand. I get what I am learning. But I just feel like i am learning it all at a snails pace in the most convoluted verbose vocabulary possible. If this is seriously the best book for studying this, just wow. I could have read war and peace by the time im done understanding a chapter. |
/rant |
sorry as you can tell I'm pretty much venting there, I just have a lot on the line for this, and it feels like one step forward and two steps backward. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_qkdvz,, |
1328175385.0,8,self.ccna,p7iqw,'I need to pick your brain, starting to delve into this career path and could use any advice you can give.',9,1,12,,'I have made the decision to enter the realm of networking/cisco career. As a brief description of my background, I am currently A+ certified. No I am not a network admin and yes Im currently employed as a going no where fast help desk technician for a Hosted Exchange company. Networking is what I want to do! So I kindly ask my fellow Redditors of Cisco knowledge, please inform me with what it is I should be studying to to achieve my desired goals? I currently have invested in the Trainsignal videos, CBT nugget videos and Cisco packet tracer. What Book(s) should I purchase along side the videos? Are these videos even worth it? Are there work books available? Should I invest in equipment such as routers and switches? If so, what do I buy and where can I get it without breaking the bank? I really look forward to all your help and in advanced I thank you very much! ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_p7iqw,, |
1327622836.0,10,self.ccna,oycun,'ICND1 done, next up ICND2. Tips? Too soon?',10,0,7,,'I passed my CCENT with a score of 875. It was my second attempt but, shamefully, the first one I took serious. |
I recently completed the Cisco Networking Academy and have been studying with CBT Nuggets, which has been a HUGE help. |
I am planning on taking the ICND2 next week. I have a fresh view of the testing style as well as am in a studying mindset. I can't wait! (even if cisco did just up the price of their exams) |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_oycun,, |
1317146535.0,10,self.ccna,kt65v,CCNA Test on Oct. 28th. Tips?,10,0,6,,'Hello, /r/ccna. So, I've been through Cisco Academy 1/2/3/4, though it's been about 9 months since 4. I have Odom's library, and the 31 days to your CCNA book. I have access to the Boson Software. All I lack is tips from those of you who've been there, and maybe a little encouragement for my nervousness. |
Whatcha got for me? Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_kt65v,, |
1312896541.0,10,self.ccna,jdgfk,Passed ICND1! ICND2 here I come.,10,0,8,,'I passed my ICND1 yesterday. Got a 825 out of 1000, so I just barely passed. I now realize I am going to have to take my ICND2 much more seriously. That being said. Anyone have any suggestions for studying for the ICND2? I am having a hard time figuring out what that test mainly covers.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_jdgfk,, |
1376709127.0,7,self.ccna,1kj3y7,Packet Tracer simulation mode - why no hello packets?,9,2,6,,'For frame of reference, I'm currently studying for the CCNA exam. I'm brand new to networking. |
Well, I just discovered simulation mode in packet tracer and I'm having a great time playing around with it. This is the network I set up for ICND 2 to test all kinds of stuff. |
[PT Test Lab]( |
That lab is modeled off of the one that Jeremy Cioara uses in the ICND 2 videos. (Awesome series, BTW) |
I can set up pings and watch them go around, and if I don't do anything manually, I see all of the STP BPDUs generate and run around. |
I'm currently running OSPF on all of the routers, but I never see any hello packets in simulation mode. Is there some reason those don't appear but the STP packets do?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1kj3y7,, |
1376404345.0,10,self.ccna,1ka2bf,CCNA LAB,11,1,16,,'Hi All, |
i bet this has been spoke about a few times before but at a quick glance i cant seem to find the information i am after. |
I work at a datacentre as an install tech and want to progress down the network route, I have logged on to cisco equipment on many occasions and put in a few commands. I want to get into this more seriously now and would really like to do my CCNA. |
What i would like to know is what i need for my lab, currently I have; |
5x 2600 routers |
4x 2960g switches |
Would i need any layer 3 or 4 switch knowledge for a CCNA, also does anyone have any lab examples i can use. |
Any advice would also be much appreciated. |
Thank you in advance',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ka2bf,, |
1375930395.0,7,self.ccna,1jxika,Obligatory passed my ICND2 today,14,7,7,,'I was not as prepared as I had wanted to be, so I was a lot more nervous taking it, as opposed to ICND1. Didn't score as high as i had hoped, but still passed. Here's my $.02, for what it's worth: |
it's been said over and over again.. Time Management! I took too long on some questions, and found myself starting a sim (with 5 more questions to go), with less than 10 minutes to go. Watch that clock! |
Obviously know your subnetting. I had quite a few questions revolving subnetting specifically (which I got 100% on, topics wise. Woot) |
I was disappointed in the amount of sims on my test (I enjoy those questions the most). I labbed pretty much all of the material covered in the Odom book, excluding frame relay. Lucky me, most of the questions were to predict an outcome based on a topology layout. |
Good luck to everyone else pursuing their CCNA! For those who have already have theirs, what did you go after next? I'm debating on which cert path to go down. I work in IT, but unfortunately not doing this sort of gig. So I'm unsure if pursuing ccnp would be worth it at his point. |
Cheers.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jxika,, |
1375424125.0,9,self.ccna,1jjsy9,Difference between ICND1/2 and CCNA?,11,2,7,,'Hey everyone! |
A bit more than a year ago, I had to take courses in college where we had to learn each of the four sub-blocks of CCNA: network fundamentals, routing protocols, LAN switching, WANS. Unfortunately, I decided not to pass the CCNA exam. |
I have decided to review the material a try to pass this exam, however I noticed there is now the ICND1/2 courses which is like a CCNA revision with a bit more material. Is this correct? |
Would I do well to get the 100-101 and 200-101 books and review though them or are there better recommendations? |
Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jjsy9,, |
1375312599.0,8,self.ccna,1jgf91,Packet Tracer Locked devices,10,2,3,,Hey does anyone know how to lock access on devices with packet tracer? I've seen it done before but I don't see the option to do it. ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jgf91,, |
1374501041.0,9,self.ccna,1it7yc,Advice for Telecom Engineer with looking to enhance skills..,10,1,10,,'Hi, hoping for some advice. I am currently employed as a Telecom Engineer managing a large call center. Most of my background and knowledge is on Nortel/Avaya PBX. I have ~12 years of experience in various support rolls on Nortel and it's peripheral call center products but my current job looks to be coming to end possibly within the next year or so and there just isn't much else out there anymore for what I do. Would working towards my CCNA be a smart move at this point to enhance my credentials? CCNA Voice maybe? I don't have a lot of network experience to be honest but seems like I need to make a change. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1it7yc,, |
1374330873.0,6,self.ccna,1ip1zw,3 Questions About CCNA,10,4,10,,'**First question is a subnetting one:** |
The problem [here]( was marked wrong on my test exam. According to the explanation and the requirements I should have used: | | | | | <---problem | <---problem |
So my question is why would I use and not I believe this is because binary representation of in the third (important) octet is 1111101 1 which would give a network address of 1111101 0 or **Am I looking at this correctly?** |
**Second question:** |
On the CCNA Discovery exams multiple answer questions received partial credit if part of the answer given was correct. On the practice exams I have from Pearson IT (The ones that come with the 640-802 Odom books) they are marked completely incorrect even if part is correct. Is this the same on the CCNA exam? |
**Final question:** |
In CCNA Discovery exams multiple answer questions would have the additional instruction of 'Choose Two' or 'Choose all that apply' or 'Choose 3.' On the Odom/Pearson IT practice exams there is no additional instruction for these questions. How is it formatted on the CCNA exam? |
Yes I am taking the 640-802 not the 640-816/640-822 and yes I will be taking them before September 30th. |
Thanks for the help!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ip1zw,, |
1373999352.0,7,self.ccna,1ifhb0,CCNA/CCNP Rack usage,10,3,7,,'Attempting to be person of his word, I have the racks I have mentioned available for usage. I've had to book the first day myself due to missing that I hadn't factory reset two of the 3550's in the Frame relay CCNA rack, and running out of power for the second rack due to one of my IP power strips crapping out. The CCNP rack is ready for the most part, but I was scrambling for modules due to not being able to make make the SMART DCE/DTE cables work with the frame relay in the CCNA rack, and having to move WIC-1T's over to it. I guess the Frame relay switch has to provide the clocking ? (has to be DCE?) |
Anyway the appointment taking software is up, and the Thusday and friday slots should be open for both racks, and the second non-Frame relay rack should be up if I can pick up a cheap UPS for it. | |
Rack time will be free for at least the first week if I can get some constructive criticism from users. you log in, create book the appointment, create an account, I get an e-mail, then I send you your login info for the session. The TFTP server may, or may not be up for this free week. The second week, if all goes well, will be half price-ish.. ($5, and 3$) then up to the full price, $10, $7.50, and $5.00, for 23 hours slots until demand makes me split the sessions to two 8 hour sessions per day, if it does. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ifhb0,, |
1373962101.0,7,self.ccna,1iefuf,Failed CCNA by 80 points,10,3,5,,I felt as if I didn't do so well on the labs especially on the ACL related one. Is there a place where I can get packet tracer material easily? ( with cisco netacad style guides) ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1iefuf,, |
1373603204.0,8,self.ccna,1i4st8,IPv6 Address types high order bits for the CCNA.,11,3,3,,'CCNA requires that you recognize a few of the address types and honestly I'm a bit confused on which ones and how to apply the high order bits. For example: |
::1 is the abbreviated notation for the loopback address |
0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001 |
:: is the abbreviated notation for the unspecified address |
0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000 |
It's pretty clear to me the the 0's are always going to be 0's in a loopback address and unspecified address but with other address types you have ranges and I'm unsure of what the ranges are and what ranges will be tested. |
So for example Multicast high order bits are FF (1111 1111) and I take that to mean the Multicast range is from: |
FF00:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001- |
[Some Assignments]( |
But then global unicast addresses are said to be 2000::/3 |
HEX:2000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001 |
BIN:0010000000000000:0000000000000000:0000000000000000:0000000000000000:0000000000000000:0000000000000000:0000000000000000:0000000000000000 |
To |
BIN:0011111111111111:1111111111111111:1111111111111111:1111111111111111:1111111111111111:1111111111111111:1111111111111111:1111111111111111 |
**So my question is what are the address types with their ranges that we need to know? clearly memorizing every individual ipv6 address (340282366920938463463374607431768211456 of them) is not possible but there are a few special snowflakes Cisco wants us to know and then there are ones that were depreciated(site-local prefix fec0::/10, 96-bit zero-value prefix ::/96, originally known as IPv4-compatible addresses,Address block 3ffe::/16 &5F00::/8 -6bone ect. ** |
Additionally include details like: FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 while part of the multicast range of addresses is considered the 'ALL NODES' multicast group (sources: [rfc4291]( , [IPv6 space registry]( ) |
TLDR; (Supply me with IPV6 address types and their ranges in full 128 bit format) |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1i4st8,, |
1373565348.0,8,self.ccna,1i3fd4,Passed CCNA (640-802) But I still have some questions,10,2,5,,'So it took the exam today and passed it, as you can imagine I was overexcited and in celebration mode |
However, I read the letter the examiner gave me and it said that my paper will be reviewed to ensure validity and it can take up to 72 hours. |
Should I be worried about this statement or does everyone get this message. |
Also, does anyone know when you get your certificate through the post ? |
Thanks guys.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1i3fd4,, |
1373468026.0,10,self.ccna,1i0dhy,Cisco Lab Kit questions/concerns.,11,1,7,,'Good Morning r/ccna, |
First off I would like to mention that I know there's more than a few threads on this topic but I feel like they don't really cover my exact questions and concerns. I have a few questions and concerns regarding Cisco Lab Kits. I really want to look into purchasing a few routers and switches but I would like your advice on a few areas. I've looked at a few devices on Ebay, Amazon, etc. but I just don't think that you really get what you see. Some of the pictures aren't even of the actual switch, jut a generic picture of a brand new 2960. I want to know exactly what I'm buying before I hit that purchase button. |
If you guys have any advice for me when it comes to purchasing router/switches, please let me know. Also, if you know of a good site to buy these devices, it would help out a ton. |
Thanks in advanced, |
Joe',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1i0dhy,, |
1372736189.0,8,self.ccna,1hh2zo,ICND1 and ICND2 V2,11,3,3,,So I want to schedule my ICND1 next week. Assuming I pass will I have to complete ICND2 V1 before ICND2 V1 is phased out to be CCNA or will I have to go and take ICND1 V2 and ICND2 V2?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1hh2zo,, |
1372636003.0,7,self.ccna,1he5ra,ccna v2 exam prep,10,3,3,,'Hello all new to reddit, and somewhat unfamiliar with ccna exams. I understand cisco must update tests every 2 years or so, but I do not know how to prepare for the ccna v2. Are books being published to cover the new material or can I use current general ccna prep guides? Also since it will cover ipv6, should buy a new lab center that supports ipv6? any info would be appreciated',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1he5ra,, |
1372450975.0,7,self.ccna,1h9qx8,'Just Starting out, CCNA.',12,5,9,,'So a quick background, 11 years ago I got a Associates degree in Network Engineering studying for the CCNA and other technologies. The biggest Regret in my life was not following through to get my CCNA. Thanks Beer! |
So I just got the Odom Books and DL'd the GNS3. I'm getting pretty stoked to finally grow up and get this done. From what I read in this sub-Reddit, get the Odom books, get GNS3, and Check out the CBT Nuggets, all that should give me a healthy dose of reminders and some new knowledge. |
I believe I'm going the two step, test route for the CCNA. Lots, I'm sure has changed in 11 years. |
Just wanted to say thanks to the Redditors in this sub-Reddit. |
THANKS',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1h9qx8,, |
1372168753.0,8,self.ccna,1h1cl0,My job is sending me to training soon and I'd like to be on track to get some certifications. I have a few questions.,11,3,3,,'So I have been doing work in a networking role since about 2008. I mostly did basic stuff like wiring and switch replacements, assigning port descriptions, modifying vlan assignments on ports ect. In addition to that we worked to backup our Desktop PC support group and some random other responsibilities. We had another networking group that did the major work like maintaining firewalls, VPN access, data center work, and major network architecture. Due to some organizational changes we are now working closely with our other networking group and management has agreed to send us to training. They don't care if we get the certs but I'd like to get my self lined up to take the exams soon. I know cisco is changing some of their certification tracks so I am not sure how it will work out. |
The CCENT 640-822 ICND1 is not available after Sept 30th. How much different will the new exam be? Have training materials been made available yet? Are online training sites updating their courses? |
If I were to take the older ICND1 exam before sept 30th and pass would I be able to take the new second test for the CCNA? Would I have a hard time with it if I didnt take the ICND v2.0 exam? |
I think I have a great opportunity as they are planning on sending me to a course ever 3-4 months all the way up to CCNP level courses for routing, switching, and security so I really want to put myself in the best position possible to take advantage of the opportunity. |
Thanks everyone. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1h1cl0,, |
1371618266.0,9,self.ccna,1gmxqk,Getting into networking - is this a good home lab kit?,11,2,7,,'Hi all, |
I'm a rank beginner who has recently begun reading Wendell Odom's cert guide and studying CBT Nuggets videos as part of my journey towards CCNA cert. I have GN3, but I'm a hands-on learner, so I want to build a lab at home. |
I understand that many kits on the market are rip-offs, but I found this one on eBay for about $300 with shipping included: |
Now, I'm not terribly concerned about saving money - having the right equipment is most important to me, and if I spend a little more to get it all at once instead of scouring eBay and Amazon all day to source parts for my lab, I won't mind too much. |
Is this kit an okay value for my situation? If not, why? |
Thanks for your advice.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1gmxqk,, |
1371468495.0,9,self.ccna,1gid0k,Book recommendation for ICND1&2,11,2,8,,'Looking for a good book to use to study for ICND 1&2(new syllabus). If you could just give the book title plus the reason you recommend it. |
Plan on also subscribing to CBT nuggets. Anything else you suggest I try/use? |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1gid0k,, |
1370543058.0,9,self.ccna,1ft1rz,So what is the differences between the tests?,10,1,3,,'200-120 |
640-802 |
is it that the 200-120 is the one single test |
and 640-802 is the double test?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ft1rz,, |
1370473948.0,8,self.ccna,1fr5wq,Any CCNA Voice people out there know of any good materials?,10,2,5,,'Right now I'm about halfway through the book, I'm going to watch CBT nuggets, and I plan on getting the Boson tests. |
When I did my CCNA there were a lot of 'cheat sheet' type things that people made that summarize the main topics of the test. Anyone know where I could find something like that? Anything else would be appreciated too. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fr5wq,, |
1370221090.0,8,self.ccna,1fjv56,Decided to make a change (again) and get my CCNAs,12,4,11,,'Hi all! |
I am A+ certified, have been for years. I was getting tired of fixing peoples computers (not enough $$$), so last year I got my class 1a license and went to the oil fields and ran the ice roads and the death highway (63 Alberta). The money was not what I expected, and I heard one phrase over and over. 'Why are you out here, your too damn smart to be smashing gears in the patch.' |
I got home and decided to embrace my inner techie, it is who I am. A friend told me I should work with him at his work, but I need my CCNAs. The bug question I have for all of you is where should I start? I am planning on doing this without going to class and challange the exams. Same way I did my A+ certs. I also dont have much money for books, software etc. |
Any help is appreciated, and thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fjv56,, |
1370034704.0,10,self.ccna,1fff54,CCNA DOWN! now what?,14,4,21,,'I just passed icnd 2 old version, It took me 35 days to get it. I passed ccent 2 weeks ago. My question to you guys is what is the best path to get a network admin job? start on ccnp or a specialized ccna? or just stay with ccna and get a microsoft certification. I have no working experience so I have not landed a job since my graduation 5 months ago. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fff54,, |
1369981268.0,8,self.ccna,1fe27j,Video Training - Infinite Skills vs. CBT Nuggets,9,1,5,,'I need to acquire the CCNA cert this fall. I'll be purchasing the appropriate ODOM books and also have access to all lab equipment, GNS3, etc. My question is, which video series is better: CBT Nuggets or Infinite Skills? I'd like to purchase one (either CBT Nuggets V2 test, or Infinite Skills V1.1 tests.) I'm not concerned as much about the cost as I am about the quality of material. Any thoughts? I see a few posts about CBT (pros and cons) but find nothing regarding Infinite Skills. |
Thanks in advance for any insights!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fe27j,, |
1369954707.0,8,self.ccna,1fd9r9,Switching Loop question,9,1,3,,'Topology: [Host A] connected to [Switch 1] connected to [Switch 2] |
Suppose a loop exists between Switch 1 and Switch 2. Neither is running STP. |
- Host A sends out a broadcast frame which then is sent out all interfaces on Switch 1 except the one Host A is on. |
- Switch 2 receives the broadcast and sends it out all interfaces except the one that received from Switch 1. |
- So it goes out the other half of the loop and back into Switch 1. Then it will go back and forth over and over. |
My questions are: When the frame is looped back to Switch 1 from Switch 2, does it send it to Host A? So Host A will receive its own frame, right? Host A and all the hosts in that VLAN will receive the broadcast frame over and over until the switches lock up, right?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fd9r9,, |
1369592973.0,6,self.ccna,1f3c3r,'Read the Cisco book, watched Trainsignal+ CBTNuggets+took notes BUT I still cannot pass the ICND2 tests from CD.',12,6,5,,'I passed ICND1 without any problems but ICND2 is a pain in the ass. I read the Cisco book, watched Trainsignal and took a whole notebook of notes+ CBTNuggets and when I try and do a ICND2 test from the CD I feel like crap because I'm not giving any right answers. Could you guys give me some tips ? |
I feel like I don't know anything ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1f3c3r,, |
1368882741.0,7,self.ccna,1ekpa2,A few questions about the CCENT.,8,1,4,,'Hello, |
First of all, great subreddit and community! Definitely a good find.. |
Secondly, I bought the official Cisco CCENT Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician Certification Training Course for this exam. It was at 90% off at $150 instead of almost £600, pretty good saving. Has anyone else used this? Is it a good source of everything I need to know for the CCENT? It comes with a LOT of practice questions and even a exam simulator, so I figured it covered everything. What else should I use? |
Last but not least, the course expires around September the same time the CCENT exam changes. So, should I take the exam before or after the change? What's the difference? |
Sorry for all the questions, really excited for it! Thanks again.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ekpa2,, |
1368846275.0,8,self.ccna,1ek436,'The CCNA class chapters have a lot of information, but they take forever to read. Is there a good summary of each chapter for the 4 CCNA classes?',12,4,13,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ek436,, |
1368708214.0,7,self.ccna,1eg3yh,Packet Tracer Case Study Help,8,1,3,,'Hi. Firstly, apologies if this isn't the correct forum for this, but it was the closest thing I could find. I'm currently doing a case study for my CCNA1 Network Fundamentals cert (link to case study: [link](!10928&authkey=!AJC8eiUR2NIpRAw)). So far I've designed the network address scheme using vlsm and built the network on packet tracer; everything appears happy - all pings are successful, etc, but I'm having trouble with question 4: |
>Demonstrate and analyse captured packets using PT. Create a web server and capture the sequence of packets that make up the 3-way handshake and ARP packets that occur when first accessing the web site. Provide the following details: |
> |
>1. From ARP request, (a) the source and destination MAC addresses, (b) the unknown IP address, and (c) the Ethernet frame type. |
>2. From the ARP reply, (a) the source and destination MAC addresses, (b) the Ethernet Frame type, (c) destination IP address. |
>3. From DNS query, (a) source and destination IP addresses, (b) Transport protocol type, (c) source and destination PORT numbers. |
>4. From DNS reply, (a) source and destination IP addresses, (b) Transport Protocol, (c) source and destination PORT numbers. |
I've only got basic experience with packet tracer; can anyone tell me how to simulate this and capture a three-way tcp handshake & arp conversation? I've tried searching and looking for youtube tutorials but couldn't find anything of value. Thanks in advance, sorry if this is a stupid question.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1368711666.0,True,t3_1eg3yh,, |
1368570008.0,8,self.ccna,1ece55,CCNA Expiring,12,4,6,,'Hey guys just looking for some advice and feedback. |
My CCNA is about to expire in June and I have barely touched Cisco kit or revised since passing my NA as I'm a telephone engineer and do a lot of basic SMB network stuff but all small business and no Cisco. |
Should I get my head down and retake the ICND2 or composite exam before my expiry date or just let it expire. |
I had been trying to study for the CCNA Voice exam but with work and family I just can't get the time needed. |
what are my options if I let it expire but decide to recertify maybe next year with all of the changes to CCNA, and if I decide to have a go at NA should I take the ICND2 or composite exam?. |
Starting to feel like it would only be worth if I changed jobs and started actually working with Cisco kit. |
Thanks',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ece55,, |
1368458075.0,9,self.ccna,1e8xgg,640-802 - Remembering Ethernet Standards,10,1,2,,'I am having some trouble remembering the Ethernet Standards (100BaseT, 802.whatever). This seems to be my only weakness when going through CCNA test questions. |
Does anybody have any tips for memorizing and recalling this information? |
I can remember the wireless standards like 802.11a/b/g/n. I think that is because I see that in marketing more that the wired Ethernet standards.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1e8xgg,, |
1368272658.0,9,self.ccna,1e4hly,You guys help so much last time here’s another question this time about split horizon in packet tracer.,12,3,4,,'I am having a bit of trouble with split horizon. I think. I am not getting routing information from R3 about loopback0 ( to R1, which is my hub. I am under the impression that this has to do with split horizon. I have entered the no ip split horizon command on interface s0/0/0 but, when I check with show ip interface s0/0/0 it says that it is still enabled. The few things that I have read have said that over frame-relay with rip that split horizon should be disabled by default but that does not seem to be the case. Any information will help, and thanks in advance. |
Here is a Google drive link to the packet tracer |',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1e4hly,, |
1368222374.0,8,self.ccna,1e3etf,CCNA Voice Lab Recommendations,8,0,2,,'Hello all |
I am thinking about getting into the CCNA Voice topics so I am looking to put together a well-rounded CCNA & CCNA Voice lab that I can still use for my CCNP topics down the road. I currently have an 2811 with a WIC-T1 module, 2 3550EMI PWR, & 1 3750G switch. |
I am wondering what my next purchase would be. I am thinking about getting a 2651XM with a WIC-T1 & a VIC-2FXS and also a NM-2V for the 2811 so I can start simulating site to site communication for now. |
Later I plan on getting another router (3725? another 2811/2651xm?) for a frame relay cloud with an NM-4T or 2xWIC-2T. |
Any ideas/recommendations for me? I really don't know where to start with voice!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1e3etf,, |
1367817048.0,8,self.ccna,1dryof,Should I take the ICND1 and ICND2 or the v2.0 of the exams?,8,0,11,,'Recently landed a job as a help desk/technician for a small MSP. Been about three months so far and love it. Definitely, want to pursue networking as my specialty. After studying for a couple months, I passed my Network+ this weekend (766/900). Now my next goal is the CCNA. |
I know that the old ICND's will retire in Sept.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1dryof,, |
1367312810.0,6,self.ccna,1deg4q,Boson vs Packet Tracer for emulator software?,8,2,5,,'Anybody used both? If so, could you weigh in with the pros and cons?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1deg4q,, |
1367254274.0,8,self.ccna,1dci8d,Just failed the 640-802,11,3,6,,'I'll answer any questions about it that doesn't land me in trouble lol |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1dci8d,, |
1367194612.0,7,self.ccna,1daych,'I'm interested in getting a certification (such as a CCNA, CCENT, etc), but I'm not sure what the differences are between the different certifications offerred, or how to get started most effectively.',13,6,6,,'Would anyone be willing to break down the different networking certifications that are offerred with a brief description of what it is, how hard it is to earn, and how to start learning the material? Also, potentially what kind of work each certification might lead toward. |
All help is appreciated! Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1daych,, |
1366765996.0,9,self.ccna,1cz7wv,Which book?,9,0,5,,Some folks are talking about how great [Todd Lammle's book]( is and then others say they like [Wendell Odom's book]( Just curious which study material I should use for the exam.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1cz7wv,, |
1366308653.0,8,self.ccna,1cmc7d,Was given some older packet tracer exercises and this line is stumping me. If someone could be so kind?,14,6,6,,'If I am posting the wrong area, please let me know. I am in the progress of studying and I was cruzing along when all of a sudden the wording confused the hell out me: |
>'Configure a default route on **Border** to pass all outbound traffic out its serial interface to **ISP**.' |
I am drawing a blank. This literally doesn't make sense to me. Am I suppose to be making a Gateway of Last Resort? Or a Static default route? Or something else entirely? |
For further clarity - Border and ISP are the names of the routers being used. It gives what a *show ip route* looks like for both the routers but for someone reason I cannot figure it out. |
Border should look like this: |
C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 |
O [110/2] via, 01:35:38, FastEthernet0/0 | is variably subnetted, 2 subnets, 2 masks |
C is directly connected, Serial0/0 |
C is directly connected, Serial0/0 |
S* is directly connected, Serial0/0 |
and ISP should look like this: |
Gateway of last resort is to network |
C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/0 |
C is directly connected, FastEthernet0/1 |
O* E2 [110/1] via, 19:03:13, FastEthernet0/0',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1cmc7d,, |
1366033311.0,8,self.ccna,1cdzea,ACL help,12,4,3,,'Can anyone suggest some reading or websites for ACL's. I just cant seem to grasp it. I know the syntax but when it comes to looking at a topology and writing the fewest statements to satisfy every need , i have trouble. Anything would greatly appreciated. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1cdzea,, |
1365994526.0,9,self.ccna,1cd6ks,IPv6?!? What would need to be known?,12,3,6,,I plan on taking the 640-822 and 640-816 within the next month (finishing classes in two weeks) and i just came across 8 questions about ip v6 that i was not prepared for during the ch7 test for Accessing the WAN. What areas of IPv6 will I need to know for the CCNA tests?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1cd6ks,, |
1365730409.0,7,self.ccna,1c6ed5,What other educational degrees/titles do you have?,9,2,22,,Just curious!,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1c6ed5,, |
1365697494.0,8,self.ccna,1c55ba,Updated ICND1 and ICND2 exams? More inside.,11,3,12,,'I've been reading that Cisco has changed the CCENT(ICND1) exam. I also see that there is a new CCENT series of CBT nuggets. Does the same hold true for the ICND2 exam? Just curious as I do not see a new ICND2 series on CBT nuggets, only the ICND1. Also, does anyone know of any books that cover the new version of the ICND2 exams? I'm currently reading Odom's ICND2/CCNA 3rd edition book. I would prefer not to read a book with old material. |
Thanks.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1c55ba,, |
1365467867.0,9,self.ccna,1byfw5,Just passed my CCNA! 640-802.,13,4,11,,'Random Info I Feel Like Sharing: |
- Took the test in under an hour. |
- Scored an 894. |
- Preparation/study time was about 4 months. |
- Age? Just turned 21. |
- 1.5 years of job experience. |
- Studying for CCNA Security and planning to take it next month. |
I feel very relieved. |
If anyone has any questions , please let me know!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1365468141.0,True,t3_1byfw5,, |
1365003098.0,7,self.ccna,1blbw5,Cert expiration date clarification,9,2,1,,'My CCNA expires April 21 and I plan on taking the CCNA Security to re-up my cert. Considering the hard deadline (CCNA being a prerequisite of CCNA Sec), I want to take the exam with enough time to try again if I fail. If I remember correctly, Cisco requires five days between testing attempts. |
First question is: Can I take the exam on the 'Valid through' day or do I have to take it by the day before? Put another way, can I take it on the 21st or do I have to pass by the 20th? |
Second question is: Is this five day requirement inclusive of the first test day and 'valid through' date? Depending on how one interprets 'five days', and the answer to question one, the limit could be anywhere between the 14th and the 17th. |
TL;DR question: If my CCNA card reads 'Valid through April 21, 2013', what is the last possible day I could take the next exam and still have enough time to try again if I fail?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1blbw5,, |
1363734178.0,7,self.ccna,1amiz0,My ICND1 exam is in two days. Am I ready?,12,5,15,,'I've read through Lammle's CCNA study guide twice. I feel pretty confident with my theoretical knowledge, but I don't have a lot of time in front of actual routers. The practice exams on the right that I've tried have had information that just seems ALL over the place (stuff about syslogs, setting up router as a DHCP server, things about BGP, etc.). If the exam is going to cover things like this, I'll gladly postpone it (still outside of the 24 hour grace period). But if it's staying within the guidelines of the study guide, then I want to take the test. |
Opinions? |
EDIT: I guess if it's worth mentioning at all, my boss was able to get me a Transcender Test Engine program. I'm hitting in the mid-80's right now. |
Double Edit: I just passed the exam! Not by very much (837, needed 804 to pass), but I got it. Time to get in front of a router so I can take on the ICND2!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1363877765.0,True,t3_1amiz0,, |
1362277907.0,8,self.ccna,19k0xe,Computer Security & Network Technician - AAS or CCNA or both?,10,2,16,,'Was going to go to school for Associates or Associates transfer degree OR I can just do online classes and studying for CCNA and get certified. Is the associates degree (~1.5 year degree) just going to be a waste of time? |
Currently have a stable full time job but would like to get into the networking field.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_19k0xe,, |
1361232018.0,7,self.ccna,18s7yb,CCENT expiring soon.. A question on study methods.,10,3,5,,'My CCENT cert expires this September so I need to get going on CCNA really. Last time I took this exam I failed by quite a distance after watching/note taking through the CBT Nuggets video series. I thought I was we'll prepped and bound for a 1000 but apparently not. |
What else should I be doing? I feel like I'm missing a whole chunk of information. A friend of mine told me earlier today that studying the Press eBook is essential. Is that the case? |
To all you CCNA's what was your successful method of study?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_18s7yb,, |
1360979796.0,8,self.ccna,18m6bx,Chap PPP Question - Hopefully it isn't a /facepalm,12,4,5,,'Hey guys |
Doing some studying and I wanted to know is there another way to verify if a router is using encapsulation ppp with ppp auth chap? Perhaps maybe a show command I'm forgetting? Tried to google and I'm going in circles :( |
I know there is debug ppp authentication but for example.. If I get a router and I have no idea whats on it, how would I check to see if ppp authentication chap is enabled? |
Hopefully this isn't no-brainer, but if it is I appreciate the help! |
Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_18m6bx,, |
1359862757.0,7,self.ccna,17sflq,How much IPv6 info is on the ICND2?,10,3,9,,'I'm just wondering how in depth I can expect to see on the test, as I'm running through a lot of practice exams and it seems to be throwing a lot of not-covered information at me.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_17sflq,, |
1357595900.0,6,self.ccna,1656d2,Am I ready?,9,3,7,,'Hello. I have the composite exam scheduled for the 24th. Trying to make the decision, TODAY if I am ready, or whether I should reschedule. I am starting to get the jitters guys! I am starting to realize just HOW MUCH you need to know/remember for this exam, especially the composite, and having my doubts about being able to pass. |
This is what I have covered: |
1) Basic TCP/IP & Ethernet, OSI Model - I feel proficient with this, as well as what layers of the OSI model do what, using OSI for troubleshooting, etc. I know common port numbers, and the components of a network |
2) Familiar with Switching, the methods, the process, broadcast domains, hierarchical model of switching, VTP, VLANS, and I have hammered into my head STP (root elections, port states, etc. This one was complicated. I'm dreading STP questions on the test) I do know RSTP, PVST, and have done lab upon lab for STP. Still feel intimidated by it. I am comfortable with port security. |
3) Comfortable with DHCP and DNS. I have worked with these services extensively and have multiple DHCP servers and 1 BIND9 DNS server on my network |
4) Pretty OK with IPv6. I know the types of addresses, and some of the fundamentals. Started working with core concepts such as EUI-64, DPD, Neighbor Discovery, etc. today. Hitting IPv6 hard currently, but am still unsure how much of it will be on the EXAM. Have built multi-area OSPFv3 network over Frame Relay using Link Local addresses in my Dynamips Lab at least once. |
5) I feel like I could do frame relay in my sleep. I've built my frame relay cloud (including frame relay switch) at least 10 times throughout the course of setting up my Dynamips VM, having it crash or accidentally deleting it. I've set it up for IPv4 and IPv6 with multiple frame mappings and routes. |
6) Familiar with RIPv2 and loop prevention mechanisms. |
7) Familiar with OSPF and I have run multiple area OSPF in my home lab between sites with GRE tunnels. I feel pretty darn comfortable with OSPF. Know the defaults and differences between hello and dead timers. |
8) I know the basics of EIGRP. I don't use it much because I am in a multi-vendor environment lab at home. I know the parameters for neighbor relationships, multicast address, differences in tables, successors, etc. I still feel fuzzy on this simply because I have not used it as intimately as OSPF. |
9) I have access lists and WAN links to review yet! Those are two HUGE topics for TWO WEEKS. I would like to do practice tests for a while just so I can re-familiarize myself with how Cisco asks questions etc. |
**TL;DR** I really don't know if I am ready for this. How does one know, and do you have any advice? Two weeks left, do I still have time to reschedule? |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1656d2,, |
1356910976.0,8,self.ccna,15p1bx,Is it worth it to take the classes at the Cisco Academy or is studying on your own sufficient?,8,0,4,,'I took one class last semester, but I felt like I could have done a lot of that on my own. The only reason I really want to take it again is for networking purposes and the ability to use actual equipment instead of just the software.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_15p1bx,, |
1356622461.0,9,self.ccna,15isk2,'640-816, what IOS commands should I know? Does anyone have a cheat sheet for this test?',12,3,6,,Any tips or advice accepted taking the this in Jan 2013.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_15isk2,, |
1356055024.0,9,self.ccna,157ajm,'Is this equipment enough to prepare for CCNA? Catalyst 2960G switch, Catalyst 3750G, Catalyst 3560',10,1,6,,'This is all the cisco equipment I have (inherited from a huge datacenter decomm). |
I have them hooked up on my home network and am currently learning IOS on them. Everything Ive practiced so far seems to work fine on these. My question is, will I encounter features that these switches do not support? |
Thanks for any help.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_157ajm,, |
1354270234.0,8,self.ccna,141ol4,How long should certification take?,10,2,9,,I'm getting ready to really hit the books seriously this time. I want to give myself a basic time frame to prepare myself for the exam. How long does the average aspiring CCNA IT technician need to study for in order to confidently take the exam?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_141ol4,, |
1353531374.0,6,self.ccna,13l2x3,How does router choose IOS image if multiple in flash?,10,4,5,,Let's say I have 2 images (different versions) in flash. No boot system commands have been issued. How does the router decide which to load?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_13l2x3,, |
1351890313.0,9,self.ccna,12j7sz,Working on my CCNA. I work at a Reseller and have any peice of cisco or aruba hardware at my fingertips. Any suggestions on labs or other practice for studying?,12,3,2,,So i work at a re-seller and i am trying to get my CCNA done as fast as possible. I have been reading network warrior and some other books but feel like i need to be taking advantage of the hardware at my disposal. Any suggestions on labs will be greeted with thanks and up votes.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_12j7sz,, |
1351110956.0,9,self.ccna,120xvj,ICND1 - what to actually practice with IOS for exam? ,9,0,11,,'I'm theoretically using Packet Tracer to practice for this exam, but I just can't tell that there is a lot to practice for this exam within the actual equipment. From my copy of the Lammle book and CBTnuggets, I've got the following: |
Router/switch setup |
-initial setup (hostname, clock, banner motd/banner login, default gateway) |
-secret/password (login, enable, vty, console, aux), remember SSH |
Each interface/range |
-assign IP/subnet mask/description |
-assign clock rate on DCE side of lab serial connection, WAN type |
Routing |
-Static routes |
-RIP(v2) |
and other things like show commands, save/restore config, etc. |
Anything glaring I'm missing? I feel like I came away from the book with a much smaller list of commands than I should have. Besides emulating situations found in those sources, are there any other simulation, um, simulations I should practice? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_120xvj,, |
1350914018.0,7,self.ccna,11w8c5,ICND2: Practice or Theory?,9,2,4,,'Just finishing up studying for ICND2 and was wondering what was more prevalent on the exam. Would my time be better spend making sure I know how to configure and troubleshoot each topic or the theory behind how they operate? Mostly speaking of EIGRP, OSPF, Frame-Relay.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_11w8c5,, |
1350760286.0,7,self.ccna,11t4tb,Studying for the CCNA cert.,9,2,5,,'So I've decided to get my CCNA but I'm not sure just where to start. Does anyone have any tips for a study guide, possibly study plans that have worked in the past? I've got the books, downloaded the GNS3 sim, and even got my hands on an ASA to help study. I feel like I have everything ready to go but I don't know where to begin. I just look at everything and see a large pile of work, and it's rather intimidating. Anyone have any good tips to turn this huge pile of study material and turn it into a manageable study plan? Also, how long did it take you to study for the cert before you felt like you were ready to take the test?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_11t4tb,, |
1350680191.0,8,self.ccna,11rn1b,Any discounts on ICND/CCNA (or any Cisco) vouchers to be had? ,9,1,8,,I've been able to find mildly discounted vouchers for A+ and Net+ around the web and on eBay - am I looking in the wrong places or is there some institutional reason that people sell them at a discount? ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_11rn1b,, |
1350085660.0,7,self.ccna,11e478,Failed the ICND1.. I am disapoint..,11,4,22,,'I got a 799...... The moment that the 'Fail' appeared on the screen my heart sank. |
Im a thug at subnetting, I am sure that wasnt the problem here. |
Describe the operation of data networks 80% |
Implement a small switched network 60% |
Implement an IP addressing scheme and |
IP services to meet network requirements |
for a small branch office 93% |
Implement a small routed network 60% |
Explain and select the appropriate |
admin tasks required for a WLAN 0% |
Identify security threats to a network and describe general methods to mitigate those threats 100% |
Implement and verify WAN links 50% |
Any advice for me guys? I'll be retesting in two weeks. I know I'm going to kill it, I would just like some guidance/advice if this community has any for me. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_11e478,, |
1348645321.0,8,self.ccna,10hwza,'About the use of '?' in the exam simulations',12,4,10,,'First of all, if this counts as a braindump or illegal info, just tell me. |
The question is simple, can you use '?' to see the required syntax for a command or the commands available in the exam simulations? |
I'm taking the exam next week and I consider that I understand all the concepts pretty well, but sometimes I forget the exact syntax of some commands. |
Thanks in advance, it is great to have such a good ccna community without having to leave reddit. |
EDIT: Passed my exam an hour ago, yes, you can use '?'. One more advice, don't trust those dumps, go for the concepts because the sims in the exam are not exactly the same that you can find online and I found many questions that I haven't seen before.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1349173250.0,True,t3_10hwza,, |
1348597294.0,7,self.ccna,10gnf0,How important is it to be able to subnet in my head? How fast do I need to be able to do it?,12,5,11,,'I feel like I can subnet consistently and effectively. It's honestly not that hard. |
But how fast do I need to be at it? I know the powers of two decently (and aim to know them to higher degrees), and I feel like it doesn't take me too long to answer a subnetting question-- but I really don't know that. |
Those of you who have taken the exam, did any of you feel like you knew subnetting but failed or did poorly because you weren't fast enough at it? Any idea how fast you want to be next time around?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_10gnf0,, |
1348513062.0,8,self.ccna,10em13,Does a subnet change the class?,9,1,21,,'An oddly worded title, granted. Maybe this question is more semantic/pedantic than technical. If I give you an address of, you would say it is a classical class A (no pun intended). But if I then tell you that the subnet for said address is, then it is more like a class C. So which is it? |
On a side note, is class dead? Unless you're running RIP 1, you can route with any subnet you like.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_10em13,, |
1347352846.0,8,self.ccna,zp83n,'ICND2 in a week, when to stop studying?',8,0,4,,'So here I am, studying and worrying about the upcoming exam. I wanted to know, is there a point where you recommend to stop studying in order to let your brain rest, if that even is a good idea? |
Do you stop studying the day before? 3 hours before? 30 seconds before the exam? And why. Do you believe its not beneficial to cram before the exam?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_zp83n,, |
1346958115.0,7,self.ccna,zgoa6,I am a Infrastructure Technician in the Military and I want to go for my CCNA. How much do I actually know?,9,2,10,,'I've been in for about 2 years now with a lot of experience on large scale networks. Since its the Military's network I have access to new networking equipment. I know subnetting and VLANs like the back of my hand. Routing protocols I'm not exactly to familiar with. I know WHEN to implement them and WHY but I cannot explain HOW they work. |
I picked up a CCNA for dummies book to hopefully set me off on the right foot but so far all the information that is covering only seems to be a review from my 8month long techschool. |
Soooo my question is, am I ready? Or what do I NEED to know in order to pass this test. We've had instructors tell us that right after school all we require is about a weeks worth of studying and we can pass. |
Thanks for the input! Happy to see a subreddit about this test! |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_zgoa6,, |
1346780693.0,8,self.ccna,zcga4,Why taking the CCNA and failing is not a bad idea.,9,1,9,,'A lot of people I tutor informally, from the NOC technicians here at my current employer, to friends and co-workers who are supplementing a Red Hat or Microsoft certification with a CCNA to make themselves more attractive on the job market, or they are taking additional duties and need additional understanding of network technology seem afraid, on some level to even attempt the test. Due to this I have started recommending that hopeful CCNAs take the test before they think they are ready. I think the $300 investment into the test is well worth it, and in the long run will save you a lot of time. Here is why: |
Taking the CCNA and failing will give you an excellent picture of what you can improve and what you already know. This will help you prioritize your hours when you study, such at switching? Spend time on that. Got busted doing the NAT Lab question? Do similar labs 20 times. Taking too long doing subnetting? Learn how to make yourself faster. |
On of my NOC guys spend $500 to $1000 on routers, despite the fact that he is pretty much the best route guy in the NOC. I viewed it as a waste of money as he could easily do any route lab that comes up, but he still thinks a spanning-tree involves leaves. When he gave the test his first go, the Layer 2 stuff caught him off guard, especially the early Layer 2 lab, and it threw him for the rest of the test, by eating up too much time and shaking his confidence. Had he taken the test, I think he could have spend less money to acquire gear to help him pass what he was weak at. |
The test is weird, its not like other tests, and it can vary greatly buy what testing center you choose (I recommend that people near where I live drive about 40 minutes to a better environment). Many people can actually get intimidated by the environment, causing them to do slightly worse than expected. Do bring foam earplugs, some places have them to hand out, other locations don't mind if you have them STILL IN THE WRAPPER. This will help you keep your focus if you are easily distracted by noise. |
Bring a notepad with you, when you are done with the test, get your stuff, including the notepad and write down everything that was a problem, as much as you can. Write down as much as you can remember about the lab questions, and what was easy or hard about them. |
Note your weaknesses, and focus on those. You get a handy test sheet which tells you what you did well or poorly on. Its broad, but its 100% better than nothing. More experienced engineers can help you find resources to work on your weaknesses. |
**TLDR:** Two nuts were walking down the street. One was a salted.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_zcga4,, |
1346663567.0,8,self.ccna,z9urr,How do you know when you're ready,11,3,5,,'At the advice of a few people I've decided to sit the composite. I'm an incredibly anxious person and would rather spend more time getting things right with one exam than sitting two. |
That being said. I'm having troubles deciding when to go for the exam? How do you know when you're ready? |
At the moment, I've read through Lamelles guide, watch all the CBT nuggets, taken notes. Installed GNS3 and can get a multi node lab up and routing in minutes, I've also been able to work through frame relay switching on GNS3. |
I also have several physical devices, 1800 and 3560 switches, to practice VLANs and STP. All of which I've done successfully. |
I have subnetting down. I can pretty much reverse engineer a subnet in under 20 seconds. I do get thrown a little with class A's with C masks etc, but I'm better. |
I also work in a company with a CCM, and fully CISCO setup running EIGRP. |
I'm at the point now where I'm going over notes, and of course there's weak areas (access lists and NAT, but I'm working on it) my routers don't have SDM installed as they're running Voice IOS. So I'm rusty on SDM, however it's GUI based and very easy from what i've seen. |
However I dont know when to schedule it. It costs me $350 to sit it and I really dont have the kind of money to waste. If I pass, I get it back, if I fail, I don't. I want to be ready, and confident, but at the moment I feel like I'm going in circles. I'll go over STP and VLANS then forget OSPF stuff. Study up on OSPF and Frame relay and forget something else. |
Any help is greatly appreciated.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_z9urr,, |
1346226110.0,7,self.ccna,z0dhi,RipV2 help,11,4,4,,'Ok so I made a lab, with four routers end to end. |
PC---(R1) Z (R2) Z (R3) z (R4)---PC |
PC 1.x PC 2.x PC 3.x PC 4.x |
I made the serial connections connecting them in the, starting from 0. |
On each router I had an Fast Ethernet coming off into a 192.169.x.x/24 range each to a PC. |
On each router, I did |
Router rip |
version 2 |
network |
network |
On R1 and R4 which were connected to PC's in the 172.16.x.x range, I also had network |
I waited for RIP to converge, in the end. R4 couldn't see back to R1, but R1 could see and ping everything. In fact from right to left, they seemed to be able to see only direct connected networks, while R1 could see everything. |
Am I missing something? I didn't have any default routes set, my goal was to be able to ping all the PCs. The IP's for each serial link are in their own subnet i.e (R1 to R2 is and, R2 to R3 is to |
Need more info let me know, but I'm not at my lab atm, so I cant post running configs. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_z0dhi,, |
1344911077.0,9,self.ccna,y6i3e,Is it recommended to do CCENT or Network+ before doing CCNA,9,0,12,,I had no idea that CCENT came before CCNA and I have been studying for my CCNA already should I have done CCENT first?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_y6i3e,, |
1343849370.0,8,self.ccna,xisan,Anyone play the Cisco Subnetting game? ,8,0,6,,'Anyone else play the Cisco subnetting game? I figured I'd get it a go, made it to level 5 relativity easy, and without pausing or needing to write anything down. Suddenly I encounter two problems with no sub-text! I might of missed something by skipping the instructions, but up to this point the game seem pretty straight forward. I must say, the clock and the interactiveness of the game was really cool! Well anyone able to give me advice on those later problems I might go back and take another shot at trying to finish it. |
Edit: Forgot to add the [game]( link in here. I think it requires you to have an account, and to be logged in to play. I think. |
Edit: See comments for more cisco games!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1343925267.0,True,t3_xisan,, |
1342746770.0,9,self.ccna,wukzg,Is the ICND1 really as hard as people say?,10,1,31,,'Ok, So I have booked my ICND1 test for August 20th. Now, I feel like I can do this stuff inside out and backwards, but I've read so many horror stories about people failing these tests. |
I have somewhat gone over the cert books, and it all seems like what I would expect, and I have done several of the online tests, and some torrented tests, and I've scored well. |
Is this test really that hard, or were these people just not prepared?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_wukzg,, |
1340935831.0,9,self.ccna,vrw4s,'If I can make it work, would anyone be interested in using my physical gear as a remote lab?',11,2,11,,'I have 4x1841, 2x2811, 3x2950, 3x3550, 10xgbics, 8xWIC1, 2xVWIC2, 2xAPC switched PDUs, and 1x2511 access server. |
I'm thinking about setting it up for remote SSH access for people to play/learn on. I could do custom configurations for practice, but I'd probably have to start with some standard configuration for now. My time constraints would limit me re-wiring things. |
I could also segment a few routers/switches into different config scenarios I guess. |
I can't promise anything at the moment. I'm just looking to see if there's any interest.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_vrw4s,, |
1340557879.0,8,self.ccna,vj36l,GNS3 Questions,8,0,7,,'I acquired some older cisco equipment and practice on it and have now acquired my CCENT. My problem is that the equipment is so old it isnt exactly consistent with current IOS and command line functions, commands, and features. |
I am interested in using GNS3 but I have looked and looked and cannot for the life of me figure out how to properly set it up and configure it. |
Is there a good step-by-step guide to setting up and using GNS3 or can someone explain to me how? It would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_vj36l,, |
1340485617.0,8,self.ccna,vhwk8,Anyone in the Boston area interested in becoming study partners for the CCNA exams?,9,1,0,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_vhwk8,, |
1340463498.0,8,self.ccna,vhftx,'For those who passed the ICND1, how long did it take you to feel ready?',10,2,13,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_vhftx,, |
1340420770.0,8,self.ccna,vgumq,How much detail is included on the exam? ,8,0,9,,'I'm using some self test software that seems to get pretty in depth with the material. I'm wondering if things like the number of pins in a particular wire or the number of fields header will be on the test? Most advice I've seen on here points to subnetting and general knowledge of protocols but I haven't seen anything this detailed. Should I prepare for this type of questioning or is this exhaustive? |
[Edit] I was thinking of taking the composite exam, I forgot to include that, if that makes a difference? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1340429135.0,True,t3_vgumq,, |
1339179826.0,8,self.ccna,urxid,How does OSPF Priority work?,10,2,3,,'I know that the highest priority becomes the DR, but if you can set different priorities on each interface, which priority does the router actually have? |
For example, if R2 has priority 1 on fe0/0 and priority 2 on fe0/1, what priority does R1 think that R2 has?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_urxid,, |
1338919148.0,8,self.ccna,umeuh,Need help shopping!,8,0,11,,'I've been listing to various videos, reading all kinds of stuff to help study for my CCNA, and I'm looking for some thing to help with the physical aspect. I know GNS3 is great, but I'd like something to setup and manage in my own house. I only 300 bucks to spare, can anyone give me some direction for a router and switch I might be able to purchase off Ebay or Amazon. Thanks in advance!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_umeuh,, |
1337722771.0,10,self.ccna,tzx75,Anyone know a good site to get troubleshooting labs?,11,1,4,,'I am looking for a site or whatever where a guy can get his hands on labs for Packet tracer. Preferably ones that are already built but not working, and I have to troubleshoot the problems. |
Thanks',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_tzx75,, |
1337529616.0,7,,tw2xr,Good place to practice subnetting questions w/ answers.(repost most likely),10,3,6,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_tw2xr,, |
1336494659.0,7,self.ccna,td4kq,'TIL that 'erase flash:' is a valid command.',10,3,12,,'I probably won't forget that, as now I'm going to learn how to reload c3560-ipservicesk9-mz.122-58.SE2.bin on a blank switch.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_td4kq,, |
1336157689.0,8,self.ccna,t7906,'Feeling quite discouraged, could use some help. ',8,0,6,,'Hello /r/CCNA! Let me tell you a bit about myself in brief. I was in school (4 yr Uni) when my studies were cut short due to financial complications about a quarter or two shy of graduating. Searching for purpose, I stumbled upon Cisco certs as a way of potentially breaking into the tech industry without a degree. I read a few success stories,was sold and started studying. |
Here I am almost a year later with a fairly firm grasp on the material. I understand everything but when I take practice tests, I find certain details eluded me and this shakes my confidence. Moreover, where I thought I had read tales of people finding employment after putting in the work to get their CCNA, even without a degree; I have more recently been seeing more mixed feedback, with a tendency toward the negative. |
This isn't so much a technical post as it is a psychological one. I feel like I'm stuck in a rut. The more I try to get a hold on the material I feel like I'm now backpedaling. Instead of progressing as I once was when trying to familiarize myself with networking as a whole, prepping for the actual test leaves me feeling stagnated. I get discouraged when I read that after all this effort I could end up fighting tooth and nail for a next to meaningless position until I can amass some experience or more certs. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't expecting 6 figures out of the door upon passing. I was just hoping to make at least a living wage so I can move out, get my life on track and work my way up. I thought this was possible at first but upon further research the outlook seems increasingly bleak. |
If anyone could speak on their experience with stagnation in their studies, and how they overcame it or on achieving financial self-sufficiency due to their CCNA and resultant employment, that would be awesome. I could use a reality check. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_t7906,, |
1334631172.0,9,self.ccna,sdkod,Why would I ever use a numbered ACL instead of a named one?,9,0,8,,'Sure, it's good to know in case I run into a pre-existing setup with numbers, but when would an arbitrary number ever be better than a named ACL?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_sdkod,, |
1332202643.0,7,self.ccna,r4aah,CBT Nuggets question,9,2,6,,Does CBT nuggets update their CCNA videos? It looks like the videos from ~2009 are the same that are being played on the site today. are they still relevant? Would I be putting myself back by watching the 2009 videos?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_r4aah,, |
1331712054.0,8,self.ccna,qvx5a,I've been looking forward to posting this. I passed my ICND2! ,9,1,13,,'I scored 972 as well which I'm really pleased about. |
I passed my ICND1 last year so I now have the CCNA',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_qvx5a,, |
1328412854.0,10,self.ccna,pbfh8,Are there any charities that need networking help?,10,0,3,,I'm looking for a way to give back for a year or two. Does anyone know of any charities that help to get a town in the middle of no where internet connection? I'll have my CCNA and Security+ within the next few months if a charity requires certification.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_pbfh8,, |
1327439496.0,8,self.ccna,ouzkn,Looking for Packet Tracer Labs,8,0,4,,'I'm currently studying for the CCENT and I'm looking for some Packet Tracer labs. I've been doing the ones off of but it feels as if its not really covering all the topics that I should know. |
Does anyone know of a workbook, lab book or website that I could either utilize or purchase that might supplement the labs from Packet Tracer Network? |
Also, I should note that I am NOT a current Cisco academy student so I dont have access to Cisco's learning network. |
Thanks for the help! ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ouzkn,, |
1326727548.0,7,self.ccna,ojclm,where can i get more experience?,8,1,2,,'i want to jump into network eng, but other than reading the books, what else could i be doing? |
more about myself: 28yrold, used to be an accountant and hated it, so i restarted my career in the IT field 8 months ago. All I can do was basic desk-side it stuff, but a mom/pop IT consulting company picked me up. The other engineers here are always busy and don't have time to help train me or have me even shadow them at client sites. I definitely want to be able to help them out, but I know it takes work. Sorry if this sounds like a rant about my job, but what I'm trying to get at is where and what else I can do to gain some more knowledge? Also, I'm currently taking the first CCNA Exploration course at my local community college.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ojclm,, |
1325128246.0,8,self.ccna,nufng,How did you guys get experience for hiring?,8,0,10,,'Hey, |
I've just become CCNA certified, but many of the jobs I'm looking to apply for ask for experience I just don't have. I'll be shadowing for a few weeks with a local company, but I was wondering what else I could do to gain useful experience? Or did you guy's just have an in for your job? |
Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_nufng,, |
1318655777.0,7,self.ccna,lcwe0,Best sites for CCENT practice questions?,10,3,6,,I'm gearing up for ICND1 and would like your best practice quizes and tests. Thanks!,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_lcwe0,, |
1316971793.0,7,,kqz0l,Wendell Odom on Cisco's new Cisco Certified Technician cert - interesting alternative/supplement to the CCNA.,11,4,0,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_kqz0l,, |
1313574745.0,6,self.ccna,jlg6g,I talked my boss into sending me to a CCNA boot camp yesterday. He's pretty cool.,8,2,10,,'I will go into it (in Feb 2012) with the ability to pass as I already have the CBT nuggets training videos and a spare 2960. |
I'm kind of an IT guy but my network manages a control system of a natural gas processing facility. My actual title is a [DCS]( technician. |
I've been to about 15 DCS schools, mostly Honeywell Experion, and now it's time to start on the open part of the system, starting with Cisco. Mid 2012 I'll probably go get my MCSE/MCSA, we'll see. |
I love my job!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_jlg6g,, |
1376760466.0,8,self.ccna,1kk40y,Looking for a bit of advice,8,0,4,,'Hi there, currently studying for my CCNA exam, hopefully trying to hammer this out before the end of Sept. Starting to sweat it out a bit though; I just finished Odom's book and I've also watch the entire nuggets series, but I know I still need work on my router modes, commands and configuration. I've got packet tracer, and that was helpful, but what would be even more helpful would be if I could find some sims that have a list of objectives or give you directions to build a sample topography and kind of walk you through the steps of the various configurations. Does anyone know where to find those? Previously, I went through Cisco's Netacad program and that was a large tool that was used to learn all of this stuff, and as I recall, it was one of the more effective methods of learning these topics. Perhaps you need to be in the program and have a log-in to access that information? As usual, thanks in advance. With some hard work and your guys' help, I WILL CONQUER THIS! ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1kk40y,, |
1376375813.0,6,self.ccna,1k9i6r,Unsure about the ICND2. Any tips to help me learn?,7,1,26,,'Hey all, I made a post about a month ago: | |
I was planning on taking the ICND2 (640-816) this Thursday but doesn't seem very likely as I went through a couple of practice problems I found online and didn't do very well on them. |
After a month of on and off studying it seems like I barely have a gist of the material. I'm comfortable with Cisco's IOS, ACLs, subnetting, and have an okay understanding of routing protocols (RIP, EIGRP, OSPF), STP, VTP, WAN, NAT. |
I'm planning on postponing my test date to next week. Are there any other resources I can use to brush up on the topics I'm 'okay' with? If I had to choose my weakest areas, it would be: STP, the three different routing protocols, IPv6 and possibly WAN. |
Am I wrong to doubt myself or am I over studying? I'm using Lammle's 7th edition study guide and Cbtnuggets 2nd half of the CCNA video series and packet tracer.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1376445222.0,True,t3_1k9i6r,, |
1375648118.0,6,self.ccna,1jp4j3,'New Test, Need some guidance',8,2,4,,'Hey guys, so I am attending my local community college in the cisco academy gearing towards my ccna. I have knocked a year out and most of my gen-eds and such. I am just finishing the Network Fundamentals class. I know subnetting well and understand a lot of the basic concepts. I understand the cisco ios pretty well and know how to get around in it. |
My question is, how hard would it be to self study and pass before the new test is made? |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jp4j3,, |
1375210725.0,7,self.ccna,1jd7xs,Where do I start?,12,5,13,,I'm totally fresh to the field (i have basic computer understanding) but where would I start studying for my CCNA if I had no idea what I was doing?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jd7xs,, |
1375102732.0,6,self.ccna,1j9umz,Frame Relay,7,1,9,,In the CCNA exam will I be expected to configure a Frame Relay switch or just the routers on either side?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1j9umz,, |
1374933348.0,6,self.ccna,1j5rfo,Rack time at still free through at least Aug 5th.,8,2,9,,'It's still free. |
I've had three users over the last week, but I don't believe I've had any feedback. Anyone that utilizes a rack during the beta will get a credit for a full day session once the fee based service starts if you leave feedback, good or bad. If it sucks.. Let me know, eventually you may have a rack catered to you. After your session, you will get a follow up e-mail with a link to a feedback page embedded in the blog. |
I'm pretty much just hitting up people here and on Hardforums networking threads, trying to keep a relatively low profile as I don't have a ton of capacity yet. The second ccna rack should be live by Aug. 5th. |',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1j5rfo,, |
1374517012.0,7,self.ccna,1itscn,Subnetting question,8,1,4,,Can someone explain to me this portion of subnettting. It seems like in the cisco press books a lot of the IP addresses they use are class B (150.150.x.x) and the subnet that they choose is which is a class C subnet. What is the point of doing that?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1itscn,, |
1374341785.0,6,self.ccna,1ipcsi,Am I kidding myself?,9,3,26,,'I have no IT experience. I use a mac. I bought the 604-802 books a month or two ago and am working my way through them, and CCNA All-in-one for dummies. I'd like to take the test before it changes on September 30th. Have I set myself an impossible task? Do I need to sign up for a class? |
I'm looking for a career change and know a lot of people in the IT field who have told me if I pass this test they will be able to find me a job. But my computer knowledge/experience is pretty much visiting Reddit and online banking. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ipcsi,, |
1374101341.0,4,self.ccna,1iip8g,'CCNA Webinar regarding recent changes, what do you guys think?',6,2,0,,'Watched most of the webinar earlier put on by Cisco, regarding the changes made to the CCNA tests, and wanted to see what you guys thought about it. |
The following is a link to the webinar. |',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1374102766.0,True,t3_1iip8g,, |
1373286343.0,7,self.ccna,1huyld,CCNA 200-120 Routing and Switching Combined (New one..) Attempt 1 - Failed. Advice?,8,1,3,,'Score of 739 out of a required 825. |
Config labs were EIGRP and ACL. |
Any advice on how to bounce back and knock it out of the park on attempt 2?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1huyld,, |
1373231630.0,6,self.ccna,1htltg,Wildcard Mask help,9,3,15,,'Taking practice tests for my ccna and came across a wild card mask question that i'm confused about. I know these dumps are unreliable so I figured someone on here could help verify what the correct answer is and possibly give a brief explanation. Thanks. |',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1htltg,, |
1372718620.0,8,self.ccna,1hghga,'Studying for ICND1 and 2, doing the new V2.0 (100-101, 200-101)',9,1,5,,'So I'm shotgunning these certs to help out with some new responsibilities I've been given at work. I've been watching the videos by Jeremy Cioara on CBTNuggets for the ICND1 test and am pretty confident in my knowledge there. I've seen all the videos, completed all of the ICND1 exercises in the GNS3 Workbench 5.6, and had many hours of fun with my home lab (2950 * 3, 3550, 871, 2621) and the test environment I've got at work (2911 * 12, 3650 * 8, ASA 5510 * 4, 2960 * 4) so I feel comfortable with my knowledge for it. I'd love to have a good set of practice tests that I can use for it and ICND2 when I finish that. The SemSim looks good, but it looks like it's just for the older 640-822. Are there any good V2 (100-101) test things out there? I can spend 50 or 60 bucks, but not too much more or it'd be better off for me to just go test out the exam once to see what sort of questions it has.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1hghga,, |
1372389304.0,8,self.ccna,1h842j,Obligatory passed my ICND1 post,14,6,4,,Thanks in large part to some of the fantastic resources i found through this sub. Looking to finish ICND2 by the end of next month. Thanks everybody! ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1h842j,, |
1371054707.0,6,self.ccna,1g7cwy,Does anyone know where you can buy those little wrap around wire labels that go from 1-48 not just 1-45?,7,1,3,,'I feel like this is a hot dogs and buns situation! Whenever my department has to purchase these wire labels I cannot for the life of me find labels that go up to 48. You would think the companies would realize that most switches that are so ungainly that they would require wire labels have 48 ports. We always end up with book that run out of numbers 4,6,7,and 8s.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1g7cwy,, |
1370885197.0,8,self.ccna,1g21gc,So a bit of a predicament..,9,1,13,,'So here I am, CCNA Routing and Switching certification for the next 3 years. Feels good, but I'm not sure what I can do with it. |
Little background: my networking experience is comprised entirely of this cert, and a semester of a CCNA Net Academy class, and a few hours spent twiddling about on my own in PacketTracer designing my own systems. I also live with a Sys Admin, a few of my friends are CCNA/NPs and I learn from them/can actually engage in conversation with them. | do I get into the field? I'm not a CSE/CS/It major at all. I'm electronic media (sound design). But I'm really interested enough to get into a career and I don't know where to go from where I'm at right now. |
I felt like this was the right place b/c even though I'm not actively seeking my CCNA, I am a CCNA actively seeking..something..and though fellow CCNAs would like to put in their two cents! Thanks a lot!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1g21gc,, |
1370725109.0,8,self.ccna,1fy1au,A week before my exam and it's getting increasingly harder to focus.,9,1,4,,'My exam is next Friday (June 14th) at 11 am. I have made studying a full time job, but now I can't seem to keep focus. |
In the minutes before the exam starts what should I write down? |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fy1au,, |
1370703701.0,8,self.ccna,1fxf6l,'About getting experience to get a job, getting a job to get experience',9,1,9,,'Long story short: I have a BA (major not IT related) and CCNA but no professional experience in IT. I'm in that infamous catch 22 of needing exp to get a sweet gig but needing a job to get experience. I have an interview next week to do general IT support (a short contract type job) and the pay is around 12 an hour. |
Would this be a decent way to gain some kind of experience? It's not specifically network related but I kinda need some cash in my pocket atm and it seems like I'll be able to flex my hardware/linux knowledge. |
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fxf6l,, |
1370568160.0,6,self.ccna,1ftzzp,ACL question,8,2,10,,'When creating an ACL, how do I know whether to use TCP or IP ? |
for example: access-list 101 deny ? (ip or tcp) |
Edit any good acl practice sites ? |
Edit2 how do you know if your supposed to use host or ? |
any help would be appreciated ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1370569679.0,True,t3_1ftzzp,, |
1370544713.0,5,self.ccna,1ft45t,Why I prefer Cisco Exams over Microsoft (just passed ICND2),17,12,20,,'My CCNA/CCDA was set to expire tomorrow so I took the ICND2 this morning & passed it (the 640-816 version). BTW I recommend as a great resource. |
Anyways, this is my 4th time to re-certify since CCNA was my first cert in IT when I was 17 so I feel I have really good experience with the Cisco exams. On the flip side I also have several certs on the MS side (MCSE 2003/MCITP/MCSE 2012/Exchange 2010 MCITP as well as Microsoft Certified Master for Exchange 2010). |
Here's my point regarding my preference of Cisco exams over Microsoft exams in terms of fairness. I've attended the Cisco Network Academy when I first got my CCNA, I've attended Microsoft Official Curriculum courses, read Cisco Press as well as Microsoft Press cert prep books. |
It's my personal opinion that the Cisco courses & materials does a MUCH better job of preparing you for the actual test. I have never taken a Cisco exam & said to myself 'WTF, I've never even heard of that or seen this talked about'. However, it seems I always end up saying that when taking MS exams. It seems they have one group of people building the study book & courses and another group coming up with the questions which seem to just randomly grab them from pieces of Technet. I can actually somewhat confirm this because I know they outsource the test question creation process to a 3rd party which takes people who currently have the cert & gets them all in a room together to randomly pick topics from Technet. |
I think this is really poor strategy on their part which just leads to people brain dumping the exams instead of taking the time to actually learn it. what's everyone else's thought?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ft45t,, |
1370525128.0,5,self.ccna,1fse7p,CCNA Questions,9,4,12,,'1) I am learning the trade, and preparing for the 200-120 CCNA exam (I'd rather take one big test and get it over with). I have not yet scheduled it, as I am relatively new (and I know I have a lot of work to do before I'm ready). Anyway.. I am currently using Lammle's CCNA study guide for 640-802, and am attending the ICND2v2 class in a few months (by then I'll have made it through this guide and will have had some hands-on experience with our Cisco hardware). At that point, do you all feel I'll be adequately prepared for taking the full on CCNA v2 class? Am I missing anything by not specifically covering the 'ICND1v2' material? |
2) I just covered address summaries in my book. I understand how and why. But I have a specific question that is bugging me.. Hoping someone could shed some light. This is a part of a question within a chapter review, and it's driving me nuts: |
For the following sets of networks [I'm listing 2 of 10], provide the summary address and mask that will summarize the subnets: | through through |
My answers were (respectively): | |
Here are the answers in the book (respectively): | |
What is bugging me.. |
Why did the book avoid CIDR notation on the first one (and actually there are only 2 in the list of 10, where the book did use it)? Is there some reason for using the notation vs. listing out the full mask? I've re-read the material and have not found a reason to use one over the other (and I do understand that in the real world, it will typically only matter if the hardware doesn't support that notation/syntax). I'm just trying to make sure I'm not missing something as to why it's listed one way over the other in the book (and might also be required on the test). |
The other part, is that I obviously got the second one wrong (unless it's a mistake by the author). I the others right (as long as CIDR notation would have been accepted in place of full masks). Why is the second one a /25 and not a /17? Wouldn't /17 equate to '192.168.0-127.x' and be the right answer? I see a /25 summary as '' which would not cover the range specified in the 3rd octet. Am I missing something, or is this a typo? If anyone has this book, I'm looking at pages 198 and 204. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1370527223.0,True,t3_1fse7p,, |
1370273733.0,7,self.ccna,1fl3ca,Certification Path?,8,1,3,,'I am looking into going for my CCNA. I think I am capable enough to dive into that certification, and not start off with the CCENT. My questions is this: I'm wanting to get more into the security side of things. I see that there is a CCNA Routing and Switching, and the CCNA Security. The pre-req for the CCNA Security recommends CCENT or CCNA Routing and Switching. I'm not sure how to go about this. Would I take CCNA Routing and Switching, and then go for the CCNA Security? Does the course material overlap (one focusing more in security that the other?). Should I instead go for CCENT and then CCNA Security?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fl3ca,, |
1370132177.0,9,self.ccna,1fhqic,'ICND1 in 6 days, any last minute advice?',11,2,7,,'So, Im less than 2 months I will get my A.S. in Networking with Cisco. I just got this in the mail |
Any last minute ideas on how to prep for the exam, the sims, drag and drops, or things that throw people through loops? I am very well versed with subnetting and those kinds of questions and access lists. |
Thanks so much guys and wish me luck! |
**Update** |
Alrighty guys, I took the test earlier today. Icnd1 passed! 899/1000 and the prep for 640-816 begins! |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1370654589.0,True,t3_1fhqic,, |
1369260179.0,7,self.ccna,1ev33z,New or old ICND1?,9,2,9,,' has a bundle for ICND1 test + learning labs, but there are no learning labs for the new ICND1. I'm also having trouble well, finding anything not from for the new ICND1. |
The problem is that I'm very limited financially. I have the CBTNuggets videos for the old ICND1/2. |
So should I take the old or the new? I'm really confused. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ev33z,, |
1367525620.0,9,self.ccna,1dkmru,Why can't two router interfaces be on the same subnet?,10,1,6,,'So I'm trying to assign ip addresses to fa0/0, fa0/1, and Vlan1 on my router. |
fa0/0 is |
Vlan1 is |
I'm trying to make fa0/1 but it says ' overlaps with Vlan1' |
Why can't they be on the same subnet? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1dkmru,, |
1366867335.0,6,self.ccna,1d2dq2,This question probably comes up a lot.. but how hard is taking the CCNA,8,2,12,,'I'm studying for my CCNA and I got some nuggets (videos) of this information but some of it seem less important than others. |
Is there a particular section/information that I should know more? |
Was the test equal over all the information or does it focus on something way more than another?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1d2dq2,, |
1366772047.0,8,self.ccna,1czg9g,Can anyone help me with subnetting?,10,2,11,,'~~My teacher has explained it to me a thousand times. (solved) Thank you), then provide step by step details with what they have done?~~ |
Anyone that'd still drop advice to me is appreciated! |
Hopefully one of you can explain it better? |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1366776008.0,True,t3_1czg9g,, |
1366734912.0,7,self.ccna,1cy092,Suggestions For Study Materials For ICND1?,9,2,6,,I've just started studying for ICND1. I currently have Odom's ICND1 book and a subscription to CBT Nuggets. I've seen in a few other posts that both of these resources helped others quite a bit during there preparation. I was looking for any other resources that have helped you out with your studying. Thanks in advance for the suggestions!,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1cy092,, |
1365296066.0,5,self.ccna,1btsm3,Which IOS Version/Package is needed for HomeLab?,8,3,4,,'Ok, I've just gotten a collection of 3x2950, 2620xm, 2610, and 2620 to learn CCNA on. Which IOS verion/package do I want to have loaded on them? I understand 12.4 is the current recommended one and from what I understand only my 2620xm can run that but there are over a dozen options under 12.4 alone. |
Can anyone clarify exactly which 'option' is needed for CCNA practice?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1btsm3,, |
1365035099.0,8,self.ccna,1bmknv,'Just started studying for my CCENT/CCNA, have a question about what test to take',11,3,13,,'Should I power through the studying and try to take it before the new version is the only option or study for the new version of the test? |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1bmknv,, |
1364943489.0,9,self.ccna,1bjr6m,Can you have two different encapsulation types one one router?,9,0,2,,For instance have HDLC on S0/0 and then PPP on S0/1?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1bjr6m,, |
1364834769.0,7,self.ccna,1bfhei,Is in-depth knowledge of the different cable types required for the test?,10,3,4,,'I'm currently going over study material for the CCNA exam, and am looking at the various ethernet cable types. Are we required to be able to give the ethernet names, cable types, max speeds, MTD and other information about each type of cable? If so, has anyone come across an easier way to remember each of these pieces of information?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1bfhei,, |
1363572178.0,8,self.ccna,1ai014,ICND2 Question,8,0,9,,'Without violating any exam agreement, I am wondering if the ICND2 is the same as ICND1 in that the questions specify how many answers to choose on multiple choice questions. |
I just cracked open Odom's ICND2 book today and in the first chapter the 'Do I know this already' quiz questions don't specify how many answers to choose. |
Thanks in advance.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ai014,, |
1363054989.0,5,self.ccna,1a4fqc,'Renewing CCNA. Tips, suggestions?',7,2,9,,'My CCNA expires late April, and I would like to renew it before that point. I haven't been using any Cisco related skills in those 3 years, so I need to refresh. |
Would it make sense to focus on a specialist exam, to narrow the scope of the material I'll need to refresh on? I'm a little worried that if I try to relearn everything I learned previously, I won't have enough time to prepare myself to a passable level. |
My overall goal after renewing, will be to continue studying. Since getting the email that it was going to expired, I have gotten the desire to use my Cisco knowledge, possibly work towards my CCNP. |
Does anyone know if it will be more expensive to let it expire and re-take it? |
So far, I'm looking at the side bar resources, starting with refreshing my account on and Cisco's Learning Network. |
Any suggestions would be appreciated, or information on your experiences renewing.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1a4fqc,, |
1362887709.0,7,self.ccna,1a09ti,'Working on ICND2, HELP!',10,3,15,,'Back in 09 I graduated from tech. college, and in that school was a Cisco academy. I attended the Cisco academy and out of 30 people, was only 1 of 5 to graduate. by the skin of my teeth. I never obtained certification, though, so it sort of was all for naught. I'm currently working for a local ISP and they are requiring me to obtain CCNA certification before I can actually move up into any sort of network engineering position (currently in the NOC). I have the CCENT, and am currently working on ICND2. I already have taken the ICND2 once and failed it (not by much, but still failed it). I've read Wendell Odom's INCD2 book front-to-back twice and am working on the third time. I've watched all of the CBTNugget videos. I can go into a simulation program and build a network from ground-up using VLANs, access lists, NAT, WAN links, EIGRP or OSPF, autosummarization, and basically anything else in the book without running into many problems. But when it comes to answering questions, I seem to go blank. The questions all seem so convoluted and confusing to me. I recently signed up at a practice test site and I find myself STILL failing (Again, not by much, but it doesn't do much for my confidence if I can't pass the practice tests). So, I'm here asking for help. can ANYONE give me pointers on how to study and get over this ICND2 hump? It's driving me mad, I've wanted to obtain CCNA certification for years and now I feel like I NEED to to further my career. |
TL;DR: Barely failing ICND2 after lots of studying and practice, need help. |
**EDIT:** |
Thanks for the responses. I guess the only real answer to this is to keep practicing and to slow down and really understand the information at hand.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1362954275.0,True,t3_1a09ti,, |
1362422144.0,5,self.ccna,19ngo8,'Has anyone gotten the other CCNA Certifications? (CCNA Data Center, CCNA Security, etc.) ',7,2,7,,'Wanted to know if they were worth pursuing, or if people just went straight to CCNP afterwards. Is it sort of like CCNP in that people should get the CCNA and then go CCNA DC or CCNA S? |
edit: Added punctuation for readability.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1362422375.0,True,t3_19ngo8,, |
1361993304.0,5,self.ccna,19cew3,What is the best tutorial for packet tracer? ,11,6,9,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_19cew3,, |
1361895672.0,7,self.ccna,199jsj,Just got a job in tier 2 support and im coming from a different field. Can i get a few questions answered so that i dont blow it on this job?,12,5,14,,'1. Is there a tier 2 or support subreddit? |
2. Ill be supporting enterprise level phone service and cloud computing accounts, is there anything i can study to stay knowledgeable? |
3. What are the bulk of the issues that a tier 2 support tech have to deal with on a day to day basis? |
My background is metro ethernet work and its very cursory. I spent most of my time loading up configs and testing throughput from point to point. This is a different jump for me so i just wanted to get off on the right foot. Thanks r/ccna',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_199jsj,, |
1361303298.0,8,,18u3mw,Router Alley - Another CCNA study guide website,9,1,2,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_18u3mw,, |
1361215305.0,7,self.ccna,18rm3h,Safari Books,8,1,8,,'I passed ICND2 today and was looking forward to the next steps and wanted to get access to safari books. However it seems very expensive. |
I saw I could join ACM for 84 a year and get access but was I wanted to know if 1. anyone uses this and 2. what is the cheaper method of getting access? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_18rm3h,, |
1360609060.0,8,self.ccna,18bnjk,'Just bought CCNA 640-802 Official Cert Library, Simulator Edition, Updated (3rd Edition)',11,3,2,,'So it should be here in a few days. I bought this one because I had heard that the basics book 7th edition isn't really needed if you have N+ and some prior knowledge/experience, and all of the CCVPs and CCIEs in my workplace say that the full simulator with 300 labs is an awesome thing to have. |
I'm just now starting on my CCNA road(I am A+, Net+. MCP, MCSA) is there anything I absolutely have to have on top of this? Or is there a specific outline I should use for picking my way through 1500 pages of stuff? |
Thanks.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_18bnjk,, |
1359623835.0,8,self.ccna,17mdrs,MeasureUp Certification Stuff,11,3,1,,'DO NOT BUY! I bought it, and the certification practice exam totally sucks ass. There are so many questions with incorrect answers, explanations that make absolutely no sense, and questions with missing diagrams. The simulators are horrible as well.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_17mdrs,, |
1359567050.0,7,self.ccna,17kk7c,Making a need to know ports study guide.,8,1,5,,'I have made this list so far, and wanted to see if anyone saw any protocols I am missing and need to add. I'm going to fill this out every morning at work until it is engraved into my brain. I'm also going to jumble up the order so that I am not just memorizing the list. I'll host up the documents when I get it completed if anyone is interested. |
For now, these are the ports/protocols I have on the list. Am I missing anything important? |
* FTP-Data |
* FTP-Control |
* SSH |
* Telnet |
* SMTP |
* DNS |
* TFTP |
* POP3 |
* NNTP |
* SNMP |
* HTTPS/SSL',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_17kk7c,, |
1358805559.0,7,self.ccna,170ixi,Tips on structuring my studies for CCNA,13,6,21,,'Here is the material I have: |
Lammle's book. |
Cisco Press books. |
Boson Netsim Labs |
I have not installed or started using Boson yet, but I'm assuming it will be all I need for the labs. If not I also have GNS3 and Packet Tracer. |
The main concern I have is that I have never tried to self study before, and I'm a very unorganized person, however if I apply myself I can adhere to structure; it's the coming up with said structure that I suck at. |
For those of you that did self study, how did you go about handling it? How many hours a day did you spend? Did you come up with your own personal syllabus, or fly by the seat of your pants? |
Any tips or suggestions of what you found worked for you would be awesome. I'm sure in time I will figure out what works for me. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_170ixi,, |
1358014051.0,7,self.ccna,16g1kz,Odom or Lammle?,7,0,16,,'I recently purchased the groupon for CCNA/CCNP certifications. I haven't started it yet because you can wait 3 months then start it and it will still last a whole 12 months. |
Let's say I have no background in networking (took a few classes a couple years ago) and wanted to read up a bit before starting the groupon classes. Which book would be better? I've researched a bit on Odom's two books (ICND1 and ICND2) but I've also heard that Lammle is good too. So which one/ones would be the most beneficial to purchase? Side note, Would that be enough to pass the tests to get my CCNA (reading the book/books and going through the groupon courses)?? I also signed up for INE and briefly looked through their material. Do they really have all the videos for free? It looked like you had to pay, but the website said you could get them for free if you signed up. Sorry for all the questions. I just want to be as thorough as I possibly can. Thanks for any input you guys have!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_16g1kz,, |
1357820032.0,7,self.ccna,16b6q9,'Should we have more CCNA gems & nuggets you find on the Internet, dropped in this subreddit?',11,4,8,,'Like study materials, videos, graphs, charts, your own ideas, teachings, anything beneficial to the purpose of benefiting your chances of passing the test like a champ, really. |
I, for one, have been studying for it for 6+ months. I get the whole picture, but not so much like facts about **port** numbers and **protocols** for example, or **NAT**'s network positions, truly, or **subnetting**, especially when that's without doubt the hardest concept for most folks starting CCNA will have.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_16b6q9,, |
1357356113.0,5,self.ccna,15zlxg,'Scheduled my ICND2 test for January 30th, 11:15am. Took the day before the test and the day of the test off from work. I need you to give me your best prep materials.',10,5,12,,'Watched ICND CBT Nuggets, read Lammle's CCNA Book, read Odom's ICND2 book, tried to watch train signal vids, couldn't sit through 'em. I've got the Boson Exam tests for prep only right now.I need more prep stuff..flash cards.more mock tests..anything you've got.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_15zlxg,, |
1356062322.0,5,self.ccna,157ic5,CCNA exam in less than 2 hours. ,8,3,10,,'I think I am pretty well prepared for it. Can do any subnetting problem within 10 seconds using just my fingers (will describe the method in detail if I can clear today's exam). Have read and solved entire Cisco CCNA volumes twice. Have referred to CBT Nuggets and Lammle for hard to understand parts like STP and Frame Relay. Still not very sure about Frame Relay. |
Let's see how it goes! :P',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_157ic5,, |
1353181025.0,7,self.ccna,13d33k,Taking the CCNA exam,10,3,3,,'Hello |
I will be taking the CCNA exam in a week because they just found out that they want everyone at my place of work to have it. |
I have been working directly with Cisco equipment for about 8 months and have been through ICND 1 and 2 courses witch were held by a person at work. |
i have the books for both courses plus the CCNA book buy Todd Lammle but i need some hands on with the configuring and cant find any good free simulations witch cover both router and switch configuration. |
Do anyone have any good tips for a good Cisco simulator and what might be important to read on and memorize other than subneting? |
Edditing for things i get to help me | this i got from a friend and i really like this because im not the best at sitting down and just reading and he gave me a good way to learn the binary calculation in a faster way than the Cisco way. | from common_redditor and will edit after testing it!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1353188575.0,True,t3_13d33k,, |
1352744228.0,8,self.ccna,132nc3,Quick Question About This Practice Problem,8,0,5,,'My book came with a ton of practice questions, so I've been grinding them, but I was confused about this one: |
Why wouldn't answer B be correct? Or is it?!? *gasp* |
I thought with global DLCI addressing that when sending routers use the ID they want to go to, and the service provider swaps this around on their end so that when receiving routers get the ID of the sending outer. |
Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_132nc3,, |
1352550097.0,9,,12ylo2,I'm starting this course in January and been doing research into CCNA and alot of the courses seem to be 3 or 4 times as expensive as this one. Why?,10,1,6,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_12ylo2,, |
1352521010.0,7,self.ccna,12y7rx,'LAN Switching and Wireless & Access the WAN lab book w/o CD, anyone have the pkt files?',8,1,6,,'So, I have the companion guide and lab manual for both LAN Switching and Wireless & Access the WAN but the lab manuals didn't have cd's with the packet tracer files. Can anyone help me out with getting the contents of the disks? Thanks so much in advance!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_12y7rx,, |
1351145363.0,7,self.ccna,121xnr,Resources for Troubleshooting in ICND1?,7,0,3,,Does anyone have any solid online resources for helping me get a better grasp of troubleshooting in the exam context? I've been using CBT Nuggets and I read through the Odom book but I'm still having a bit of trouble. I've got Packet Tracer if there are practice labs you would suggest. Thanks!,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_121xnr,, |
1349794834.0,8,self.ccna,1174xj,'Sitting ICND exam after months of not touching |
networking.',11,3,7,,'I completed a BTEC recently that contained all CCNA semesters, however never sat the commerical exams for various reasons. |
Am hoping to sit them now soon, but need a refresher. Is there a checklist or anything online that I can use to construct some kind of study schedule?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1174xj,, |
1348962603.0,7,self.ccna,10ot1j,Save running config on CCNA exam?,9,2,14,,'Taking CCNA on Wednesday, and wondering if I have to 'copy run start' on each device that I change, on the simulation questions. I can remember to do it if needed, but I'm afraid I might forget if I'm in a hurry. Can anyone confirm/deny?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_10ot1j,, |
1348093716.0,7,self.ccna,105s8v,Just got some switches and routers to set up a lab. Any suggestions?,8,1,7,,'I got 2 Cisco 2600 routers and 2 2950 switches. The routers have 2 serial ports each and 1 ethernet port. The switches are 24 ports. |
Anyone have any suggestions of where I can find some sample lab setups and problems so I can practice on the equipment? |
Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_105s8v,, |
1347929544.0,7,self.ccna,101xma,Has anyone any experience with the Boson ICND1 Practice Exam?,7,0,5,,'I've been studying for my CCENT due to a position opening up at work. I've finished the online Cisco Discovery coursework, and I'm using some time before scheduling my test to prepare for the exam. I've been looking into CBTNuggets and Boson.. I don't have much money to pay for either but if I were to choose I was thinking of the Boson exams. Has anyone any experience with them, if so, what do you rate them as? It's currently 89$',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_101xma,, |
1347483692.0,7,self.ccna,zsarl,I need some suggestions on OSPF and STP,7,0,7,,'Hello, I'm looking for some potential sites for some general characteristics and functions of both STP and OSPF. I've done a bit of searching myself, and watched some videos, but was wondering if anyone had any killer sites to recommend. |
Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_zsarl,, |
1346787430.0,8,,zcnes,Commonly Known ports test. Whats your score?,8,0,6,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_zcnes,, |
1345779046.0,7,self.ccna,yqgzm,Question about management vlans,8,1,5,,'How would a router be setup with a 'management vlan'? I'm still in the midst of study, mind you. Setting up switches is straight forward as the management vlan of each are all on the same broadcast domain, provided every switch has an interface into the management vlan and trunk/tag ports are setup properly. |
However, routers are designed to not forward data link broadcasts (mac address broadcasts), as well as ip broadcasts. So how would you include routers in the 'management vlan'? |
Take for example three routers connected in a line, end to end. One on the end could be configured to have an interface in the management vlan (this one will be doing routing on a stick for the switches), but the other two. I'm guessing it involves applying an acl to a certain interface on each and then targeting specific ip addresses outside of the management vlan's subnet. So, not really a management vlan per se, but rather a management interface. TIA |
**TL;DR** Management vlans on routers? Is there such a thing? Or just use a management interface and an ACL (would be on a different subnet than the management vlan) ?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_yqgzm,, |
1345326376.0,7,self.ccna,yg0yk,I have 4 old laptops to mess around with,9,2,4,,'Greetings r/ccna. I'm about to begin the Cisco Academy and I have 4 old laptops that I'd like to network and use as a lab, of sorts. I'm thinking of just going out, getting a switch, and plugging them all in. Would this be a productive way to learn at home, or just a waste of time? |
EDIT: Sounds like GNS3 is the way to go. Thank you everyone.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1345335279.0,True,t3_yg0yk,, |
1345219822.0,6,self.ccna,ydrt2,Worldwide Statistics?,10,4,5,,'I was wondering if there is any place to find the number of CCNAs who are currently certified worldwide. I know that Cisco doesn't really publish that sort of information, but I was hoping that someone would know someplace to look. I swear I saw a statistics page when I finished the NetAcad a few years back, but I cannot for the life of me find any other legitimate information about this. |
**Edit: Added the word legitimate.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1345229612.0,True,t3_ydrt2,, |
1343898537.0,8,self.ccna,xk0gf,Boson material worth it?,10,2,6,,'I am currently using the Odom book, CBT videos, and packet tracer to study. I was looking around the Internet for some other material and I came across the Bosom site. |
It looks really good, and I would like to try it, but it's expensive. Anyone try it? |
Thanks in advance for any advice!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_xk0gf,, |
1343337900.0,8,self.ccna,x7myc,'Passed CCNA (640-802), but what is this about waiting for a 'validation'?',8,0,5,,'EDIT: I have received my Cisco ID! Everything seems to be in order. Thanks to anyone who read this and replied! |
..I'll fill you in on my study methods in a moment, but for the most part, I'm paranoid about the fine print! It says that the score I got (854/1000) is 'preliminary' and 'may be classified as indeterminate'. I'm not sure what this is how how it works. |
I had kind of an unusual time taking the test, since that alleged 110 minutes for test time, but the timer began at 90 minutes. Also, I wasn't all that confident on the sims, since on one of them I was unclear about how to get the required results involving 'show' commands. |
Then at about 50 minutes in, all that coffee I drank started to kick in and I REALLY had to go to the bathroom! I wrapped up in about 65-70 minutes. I was hurrying because of my discomfort level. I didn't think I would pass, but I gave it 100%. |
So, does anyone know about this validation process? What are my chances of having my test score revoked? |
As for my learning methods: |
I was fresh off of getting my Network+ certification, so that helped me on some of the material. Overall I studied for 8 weeks. I took a 6 week, intensive hands-on course. 16 hours a week of class time spent configuring routers and going over test objectives. We got to use actual Cisco equipment in class, which wasn't strictly necessary, but helped. |
The teacher's emphasis was on 'practice practice practice', and he ran us through a LOT of scenarios using Packet Tracer. The source material was written by Todd Lammle and published by Sybex. I spent another two weeks after the course was over, re-reading the book and going over the practice material at the end of the chapter.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1343486458.0,True,t3_x7myc,, |
1342813620.0,8,self.ccna,ww1i9,Care to help with some STP questions?,10,2,3,,'**Question 1:** |
In [this picture](, fa0/12 on S3 goes into blocking while f0/12 on S2 stays in forwarding. How does STP decide which side of the link will go into blocking and which will remain open? S1 is the root if that matters. |
**Question 2:** |
I get what the *spanning-tree vlan 1 priority* does, but how do the spanning-tree commands on the actualy interface work? If I set the port-priority on fa0/12 to something, and I set the global vlan priority to something else, which one is used to make forwarding decisions? I guess: what is the difference between the configuration spanning-tree commands and the interface ones, and which take precedent? |
Thanks.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ww1i9,, |
1342662057.0,8,self.ccna,wsl2z,Sybex CCNA Book,8,0,6,,'Does anyone know if Sybex provides a PDF version of the book on the CD? I have looked but can't find it. |
[Book](',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_wsl2z,, |
1342040593.0,5,self.ccna,welha,Failed ICND2 today. 776/1000 with a rare turn of events.,7,2,9,,'So I was taking my test, right at the end of a simluation typing copy run st.. Then the power went out. Not once, but twice. It finally came back and I had to restart that sim. I was able to finish the test, but I really had to rush through the last 15 questions. I think the power problem made me lose about 20 minutes of time. |
So now i'm waiting for Pearson vue to call me back and let me know if they are going to let me retake the test free of charge. |
I am really upset with myself more than anything and regardless of how much the power outage was to blame, my ego and confidence is taking the majority of the damage. |
You guys have been here before, so I figured I would post my situation here and hope for some advice that could cheer me up. I really went in there fully prepared. I can do everything I need to at the CLI and yet they give me nothing but multiple choice questions and only 1 damn simulation. |
FML.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_welha,, |
1340886907.0,8,self.ccna,vqkf0,Looking to get certified,8,0,4,,'So I understand my options are either studying online or going to a night class and luckily there is one available in my town before the end of the year | |
What are your thoughts on this? Is the price worth it?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_vqkf0,, |
1340125393.0,8,self.ccna,va7q6,Weird routing problem,9,1,8,,'I have a 2501 and a 1721 router and a 3524xl switch. I have the routers connected to the serial interfaces configured as a DCE/DTE setup. I have a subnet setup with PAT on the 1721 and just the serial and an ethernet AUI with IP address on the 2501. I setup a static route on the 1721 as follows, |
ip route |
I cannot ping to the ethernet interface on the 2501 from the 1721 but I can ping to the serial interface at |
Am I missing something really stupid here? I kind of feel like I am. |
edit: I guess you need something actually plugged into an interface for it to be pingable. &#3232;_&#3232;',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1340126122.0,True,t3_va7q6,, |
1338584225.0,7,self.ccna,ug791,Passed ICND1 874/1000,7,0,1,,I meant to reschedule it because i didn't study as much as i would have liked with Diablo 3 coming out recently. Forgot to reschedule until to late. Passed anyway.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ug791,, |
1337970070.0,7,self.ccna,u4tlf,What is the max EIGRP metric value for a route to still be considered a feasible successor (by default)? Can you change this?,8,1,3,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_u4tlf,, |
1337116441.0,7,self.ccna,tou07,How come Rip entries in 'show ip route' always show a metric of 1?,8,1,7,,'In my example below, network is on lo0 of R4. Why does it show up on Router 2 as being 1 hop away? | |
Using RIP version 1 on all routers. I know it's supposed to be classful IP addresses, but that shouldn't matter in this instance (should it?) |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_tou07,, |
1336595650.0,6,self.ccna,tf9q2,Is there a subreddit dedicated to network jobs?,7,1,4,,'Say similar to the relationship between /r/sysadmin and /r/sysadminjobs? Assuming not (I can't find anything), where do you guys look for related openings?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_tf9q2,, |
1336518527.0,6,self.ccna,tdq55,'I just finished the Cisco Learning Academy, what should I use to refresh my mind on everything I've learned over the last three semesters?',7,1,2,,'I just graduated with an Assosciates Degree in Computer Science focused in Networking. I feel like it was forever ago that I began studying Cisco. I need some sort of comprehensive guide/study plan to tie everything in together. Also, I struggle in two areas switching and ACL's I under the concepts very well however the actual physical commands and logic of making it all work is still difficult. I plan to take comprehensive exam by the end of the summer. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_tdq55,, |
1336517251.0,8,self.ccna,tdp0y,VLSM Question for you guys.,8,0,5,,'I am going thru an OSPF lab and a question arose. Say after my addressing scheme is implemented, and my company has been around for a few years. They decide to add another 500 hosts, it is in good practice to just pick up where you left off, or to re-address the entire network?? (enclosed is the addressing scheme I created) (Also, if you see anything wrong with my addresses please let me know) |
#of hosts |
6000 -- - /19 |
2000 -- - /21 |
1000 -- - /22 |
800 -- - / 22 |
500 -- - /23 |
400 -- - / 23 |
20 -- - / 25 |
2 -- - /30 |
2 -- - /30 |
500 -- - /23 ?? |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_tdp0y,, |
1334351203.0,6,self.ccna,s8jjp,Looking for advice on how to approach the CCNA,7,1,7,,'As a bit of background, I'm 2 years out of university (BSc in Computer Science) and looking to pick up some certs as a resume/skill builder. The reason I want to get the CCNA is that networking is probably my weakest area in terms of IT. I have worked in IT related jobs for 4 years now. First as a co-op student with the datacenter admin group of a fairly large company (10,000 employees) doing support for server hardware, Windows, VMWare and AIX. I had a chance to do a lot of lower level networking functions such as running cables and setting IP/gateway settings for the devices, but nothing on the switch side. Next I worked a year in application/database support for the company's test environments. Currently I am working for the government in a regulatory testing capacity, with a focus on system and network security. |
I have a fairly solid grasp of network basics (OSI model, TCP/IP fundamentals, basic subnetting, DNS) but would like to expand on that knowledge to also include switch/router configs, VPN setups, TLS/SSL and routing. |
So what is the best approach to preparing for ICND1/2 for someone in my situation? The Cisco official courses seem too expensive, but I'd prefer to have preparation with hands on experience. I was looking into local colleges and they offer prep courses at a fraction of the cost, but I'm not sure if they are sufficient preparation. |
I'm living in Toronto if anyone has some local experience. |
I appreciate any advice.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_s8jjp,, |
1333919627.0,7,self.ccna,rzq6m,'Studying for CCNA, what can I expect when I pass?',7,0,19,,'Currently I work in a photo lab, and go to school. I really need a change and a pay boost, and I have always been interested in networking. Currently I have Comptia A+ cert, plan on getting my CCNA very soon, and am wondering what kind of jobs I can expect to get? |
I make about $21.50/hr at the photo lab, can I expect more with entry level networking certifications? What kind of work would I be doing realistically? Can anyone share their first job experiences for networking/computer related jobs.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_rzq6m,, |
1332857655.0,7,self.ccna,rfuwo,'Despite all the networking studies I have been applying, I still do not know why or how uplugging and plugging back on my Home wireless router fixes the problem.',7,0,6,,'Seriously how does that exactly help? I mean sure my computer freezes every now and then, but I usually know why. Whether it is due to a bad up date or something else along those lines. My best guess is the RAM in the Home router gets some sort of head ache whether its too much information, or just some sort of error and pulling the plug dumps all the temporary memory since RAM requires power to keep temporary memory. Am I right?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_rfuwo,, |
1332475117.0,7,self.ccna,r9i0u,CCNA Plus 5 years of Jr. Sysadmin eperience. What now?,7,0,13,,'As the title suggests, I passed the CCNA a few weeks ago. Now, I have worked for the last 5 years doing Sysadmin work (non-mgr), but nothing cisco-wise oustide of my lab. Unfortunately, there is no room/ability for me to migrate to the network admin side at my current employer. I have been looking for jobs, however it seems that most of them, even Jr. lvl require experience in config, install, and troubleshooting equipment. My question is: Am I going to have to bite the bullet and take an entry level NOC job in order to break into the networking scene? Networking really interests and engages me, but I dont know if I can accept that type of a paycut.. |
Any advice?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,True,True,t3_r9i0u,, |
1331094174.0,6,self.ccna,ql975,Are there any networking related podcasts that I should be listening to?,9,3,3,,I often listen to podcasts while at work to make time go by faster. Are there any networking podcasts out there that could provide me some useful information? OR even recordings of lessons that I could listen to?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ql975,, |
1328893655.0,7,self.ccna,pjk0y,Failed ICND 2 Today 02/10/2012,7,0,10,,'Was pretty close I got a 748 with 825 being the pass. I feel like I knew all of the information but it was really restricted for time. They gave me 75 minutes for 43 questions. With 11 or the questions being divided into 4-5 questions each. |
I had 10 questions left when I the clock hit 2 minutes so If I had a extra couple of minutes I'm sure I could have passed. To anyone taking the test WATCH' YOUR TIME! |
I'm retaking it next Friday, so I will update it then. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_pjk0y,, |
1328625301.0,7,self.ccna,peos0,Gonna start my CCNA here soon! Any tips?,7,0,4,,'I have looked over the material a little bit, is there alot of fluff involved? What things are super important to remember vs not so much? Really any tips would be greatly appreciated, Thanks everybody! |
edit: Thanks for all the good information, I am looking forward to getting started and stomping it out. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,True,True,t3_peos0,, |
1328150476.0,7,self.ccna,p73qp,What things caught you off guard when taking the CCNA exam?,8,1,5,,'I'm studying for the ICND1 test now and I think I have a good understanding of most of the things covered. But for the people who have taken the ICND1/ICND2 or composite exam, I'm wondering what things you were surprised to see on the exam, if anything. And also, was the test easier or more difficult than you anticipated? Is there anything else you would like to have known before taking the test? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_p73qp,, |
1327782659.0,7,self.ccna,p0u06,'Are you allowed to bring a calculator to the CCNA |
exam?',7,0,12,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_p0u06,, |
1326228091.0,7,self.ccna,ob9ze,Taking ICND2 tomorrow. Concerned about IPv6,7,0,10,,'Can anyone that has taken it recently tell me how in depth the test went into IPv6. Besides stuff like identifying a valid IPv6 address or creating link-local adresses, did it ask any specifics about IPv6?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ob9ze,, |
1325639795.0,7,self.ccna,o1udn,'Taking INCD1 this Friday, any last minute tips/advice?',8,1,23,,'I have watched CBT nuggets and read the Odom book anything I might of missed ? |
**UPDATE** |
I pushed back my test til next Friday due to the surge of new information to digest.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,True,True,t3_o1udn,, |
1323999129.0,7,,nekmj,Out of ips at HQ. Remote locations connected via vpn. Whats the best way to fix this?,9,2,24,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_nekmj,, |
1322509982.0,6,self.ccna,mscga,Cisco Press - Cyber Monday Deal - 50% off books,7,1,4,,'It says you have to order 3, but I did it with 2 and still got the discount. |',False,self,t5_2qjhh,True,True,t3_mscga,, |
1320360647.0,6,self.ccna,lzkaw,My biggest obstacle - Subnetting/VLSM,8,2,13,,'Hey there, I'm looking into taking the CCNA exam soon. I've been planing to take it on Nov 4th but after taking so many practice tests, I feel like my only problem is subnetting. I usually get those questions wrong. I know how to convert to binary and back to decimal but I'm not sure how to tackle these problems they present. So does anyone have any useful links/information on how to be more prepared with SN masks? |
Here's a pic that I took of a practice question that I had NO idea how to even work on. |
[link!]( |
Thanks and good luck to all future CCNA's! :) |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_lzkaw,, |
1320332051.0,6,self.ccna,lz0xi,Questions about my cert. road map..,7,1,16,,'Hello people, I have a couple of questions about the certs and whatnot I am considering getting, and trying to devise the most cost effective way to promote myself as worth hiring. |
I am currently working on my CCNA. It will be my first cert. I decided after searching Reddit that it will be more worthwhile than an A+/Net+ |
After that I am considering my Security+ because it seems like it opens doors for certain types of jobs. Would it be better than say the Cisco Security certs as for entry level stuff? |
I am also considering maybe something along the lines of a VMware cert, or some other virtualization cert, because it is so prevalent and growing. |
So my question to the professionals of Reddit is what would you change/suggest about the direction I'm heading? Trying for the most bang for my buck and what will open more doors for myself. |
I am also currently Interning with my local municipality's IT dept just to start gaining Experience time to put on my resume. |
Any advice is appreciated, so please help me to know what to consider next..',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_lz0xi,, |
1314989765.0,8,,k2qxz,Cisco Learning Network: Games Arcade,9,1,0,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_k2qxz,, |
1313817668.0,9,self.ccna,jombg,'Failed ICND1 (789/804, or one question away from pass) - test was not what I expected.',10,1,15,,'I expected a lot more 'here is a brand new router, do these items to configure it', instead I got a lot of rote knowledge questions on a bunch of minutiae that seemed like in the grand scheme of things was not important. I spent a significant volume of studying in packet tracer, all of which was useless. I'm just going to go for the combo CCNA test next time around. |
Weak areas for me were Wifi and WAN Links (I think I only got 3 questions on WAN though, hence the 33%). The wifi questions I didn't know were regarding the encryption and WPA vs WPA2, TKIP - AES, etc. |
Suggestions to others: CBT Nuggets videos were far superior than the Odom books, or Train Signal videos. The narrator makes it very clear with subtle hints what is on the test, so pick up on it and write notes. |
The people saying ZOMG study subnetting are blowing it out of proportion, Just know your CIDR notation, what subnet mask goes along with that notation, and the interval of each mask. All of my subnetting questions (5) were class C except one trick question asking about 'what class has over 66000 hosts? A,B,C?' Of course I put down B (thinking well, A is 16mil), which is 65536, not over 66000. |
If you use cbtnuggets, view the 'review' videos on ICND2 as your final study before the ICND1 test.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,True,True,t3_jombg,, |
1312405403.0,7,self.ccna,j84aq,Taking ICND1 next week!,7,0,20,,Anyone have any pointers or advice. I have been taking practice tests and feel pretty confident but any help is appreciated.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_j84aq,, |
1312321729.0,6,self.ccna,j73oq,I was given some Cisco equipment. No idea of it's value. Can anyone help me identify it or let me know if it's even worth trying to sell?,8,2,7,,'Like the title says, I was given some Cisco equipment (two 7507 routers) but I have no experience with Cisco equipment nor any idea of what it may be worth (if it is even worth selling). I posted on r/sysadmin a while back and the feedback I got was that the routers themselves are outdated and worthless but the cards inside may be of value. I took photos of every card and numbered them. [Here's the album]( If you could please help me with this I would appreciate it. I'm not trying to rip anyone off. Any money that comes of this will just go to fix my currently busted subaru. Thanks for any feedback.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_j73oq,, |
1310675151.0,8,,iprfp,Kevin Wallace has a youtube channel with lots of great content for CCNA level and up topics.,9,1,0,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_iprfp,, |
1310349996.0,7,,im1e5,'To any aspiring CCNA's I recommend you look into the Cisco Networking Academy. A lot of times classes are taught at community colleges and Adult schools, where tuition is dirt cheap( mine was $30 per semester), and you receive some of the very best training from cisco certified instructors.',8,1,3,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_im1e5,, |
1376420200.0,7,self.ccna,1kanrr,Getting started NEED advice,11,4,4,,'I am behind in the game and looking to start a new career in networking (likely networking engineer). |
I have found many B.S. in Computer Sci. but nothing focused on networking. I have found a few places that offer CCNA, CCENT, CCNP, ect. ST. Edwards here in Austin. |
What is needed the most in the job market ? |
Where should I start? |
Any advice would be great. |
Thank you. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1kanrr,, |
1376334560.0,5,self.ccna,1k83o6,Router-on-a-stick w/ DHCP fails for one vlan,6,1,4,,'So, I am at an impass and can't quite figure out what Im missing. I have a router that has 1 interface configured with RoaS for 2 VLAN's and if i take a machine and place it on VLAN 10, it doesn't get an IP issued from the DHCP on the router, but if i connect it to VLAN 50, it does. If anyone can point out what I'm missing, it would be greatly appreciated. |
Here is part of the config for the router: | |
***UPDATE*** |
So, adding |
permit udp any any eq 67 |
permit udp any any eq 68 |
worked and now dhcp is going through just fine |
Thanks so much in advance guys for all of your hard work',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1376406007.0,True,t3_1k83o6,, |
1376087667.0,5,self.ccna,1k20xt,New to CCNA/ Icnd1,7,2,2,,I want to get CCNA certified and I have no experience. I understand that I need to take the ICND1 and have some experience before being CCNA certified. What books can I buy that are updated and good to study for the exam?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1k20xt,, |
1375628501.0,6,self.ccna,1jok6a,Help with 2 CCNA Questions - Subnetting and NAT,10,4,6,,'Greetings! |
I just took yet another practice exam and missed 2 questions on it that I'm not sure why I missed.. | |
This question I answered A (which would give me 4 equal sized subnets) but they wanted F (which gives 8 equal sized subnets). By the question I see that they want 1 subnet each for the 2 VLANs on SwitchC and SwitchD (2 total subnets) 1 subnet for the LAN off RouterA (3 total subnets) and 1 subnet for the link between RouterA and RouterB (4 total subnets) |
Where did I go wrong on this one? Is it something to do with the 'ip subnet zero' not being enabled? What does that mean? | |
The obvious answer here for me is B and F as they are the only devices with public addresses however it asks for 3 choices. I originally put C as well because it wont accept only 2 answers but the correct answer is B, D, and F as depicted. |
What am I missing here? |
EDIT: HostB is on and the private IP space starts at Derrrrp, is that the right answer then? I could just remove my own idiocy but mayhaps it will help some other poor soul out. |
Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jok6a,, |
1375163201.0,6,self.ccna,1jbymf,Need help: Gotta get my CCNA by the end of august.,11,5,34,,Its part of my degree plan and I don't know what I need or what I should I get. should I get pas4sure? I'm getting a virtual environment setup and I have access to cisco routers and switches. I'm kinda panicking and not even sure where to start!,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jbymf,, |
1374219652.0,5,self.ccna,1imas1,Where to get good prices on equipment for home lab?,6,1,5,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1imas1,, |
1373593206.0,5,self.ccna,1i4hfu,Totally nailed the ICND1 (640-822) today!,10,5,2,,'This is actually one of my only posts on Reddit in the past year or two. But I wanted to share how helpful /r/ccna has been. |
Thanks to the plethora of training materials I've found through this subreddit, I passed with a 975/1000! |
Now I have to switch gears to take the first of three MCSA exams next Friday, and then schedule the ICND2/640-816 for a few weeks from now :) |
If I had to give one piece of advice - if you're at that point where you know everything but you're just solidifying everything and doing practice tests, go ahead and schedule the exam. It's easy to let time get away from you and that'll work against you.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1i4hfu,, |
1373394592.0,7,self.ccna,1hy8fa,Are there significant differences in the CCNA green books and black (academic) to justify price?,11,4,2,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1hy8fa,, |
1372564855.0,6,self.ccna,1hcjn6,CCNA EOL questions,11,5,2,,'I know about the redesign of the CCNA coming up, and this puts me in a tight situation. |
Currently, I'm working through the Cisco Networking Academy program via my University to study for the current CCNA. Do I still have time to take it before the re-design? The material I'm studying is reaching EOL at the end of august. |
I'm doing CCNA explore 1-4, what exams am I exactly studying for? Which exams do I take after I complete this program?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1hcjn6,, |
1372305500.0,5,self.ccna,1h5oct,Took 100-101 today and have a question about Cisco's exam question selection,7,2,4,,'I'd read a post a few weeks back from someone else who had a similar experience to mine - there wasn't a single IPv6 question on the whole thing. To put that into perspective, the official Cisco guide (the Odom) devotes the entire final section of the book - 4 chapters out of 29 - to IPv6. It's surprising to me that it wasn't featured at all on the exam. I do appreciate that there are a number of versions of the 100-101 exam out there (and I'm guessing a random selection from a pool of questions is at play as well), but it still seems odd that one of the big topics that was moved to CCENT for the 100-101 and 200-101 series wasn't even touched on. I was hoping someone might shed a little light on how often Cisco makes changes to the exams; is it a topic that they might be phasing in over the life of these exams, or is what I saw today essentially the same exam that someone will see in a couple of years? I realize that Cisco keeps their methods pretty secret, but I imagine there are a few people on this subreddit that've seen a number of exams come and go. My own feeling, which I freely admit could be totally wrong, is that they're slowly introducing it as an exam topic while the 640 series is still being taken and studied. I'd love a little insight into this, though. Thanks! |
Edit - I miscounted; there are 5 of 29 chapters devoted to IPv6.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1372379470.0,True,t3_1h5oct,, |
1372288852.0,6,self.ccna,1h549j,Quick OSPF Question,7,1,4,,'What designates an IP address to be 'higher' in OSPF? |
Example: |
In my practice question, the following IPs are in a single area using OSPF:,,,,, |
The answer was & - Why was it and not What designates an IP address to be HIGHER than another?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1h549j,, |
1372107524.0,6,self.ccna,1gzri2,'Passed the 640-802 today, here's what I did to prepare',10,4,2,,'Hi folks! |
Today I scraped through the 640-802 with 841/1000. |
Been using this subreddit a lot over the past six weeks, it's been soo useful. I passed my first CCNA in 2007 so I suppose I had a good foundation, but that timed out in 2010. |
Anyway, thought I'd share the wealth on what I did. |
The first thing I did was just book the exam. I booked it on 1st May and have just studied with almost all of my free time since. On average, I'd say 2 hours a night after work and around 14-15 hours some weekends. I personally found it _really_ useful having a definite date set to sit it. Otherwise I was scared of just revising into oblivion and never getting round to doing the thing. |
I ordered Wendell Odom's CCNA Certification Library: |
I'd say reading through those books and working through all the extra material with it was the most useful resource. |
I also used the CBT Nuggets video series. I found Jeremy Cioara was a breathe of fresh air when reviewing topics; something about the way he teaches really gets you motivated to start labbing after having read the really complex details in the book. |
I did my research and built a CCNA lab, ordering all the parts off Ebay/Amazon. I used Wendell Odom's site as a guide: |
Here's the lab: | |
For info, it's 3 x 1760's from Ebay, each with a WIC-2T and 3 x Back to Back serial cables. Three cheap 2950's too. |
I also used Packet Tracer to create a huge lab involving all the different technologies (frame relay, routing protocols, VLSM, VLANs, STP etc etc). |
To practice subnetting, I simply used |
Having done the CCNA before, I'd already learned a particular way to do subnetting and I'm comfortable with it. In fact, the sections of Wendell Odom's book and the CBT Nuggets videos regarding subnetting I just completely skipped. All I'd say is find a way that's good for you and stick with it. Learning multiple ways of doing it I'd say would be a bad idea. Mostly it just comes with practice, so find a way you like (and that works!) and just keep practicing with it. If you're gonna sit the single CCNA exam I would say you need to be pretty snappy with it though. |
What I did in the last week was activate the exams that came with Wendell Odom's library. These were super useful, I only wished I'd activated them sooner as they would have been a great way to test my knowledge on areas I'd just read up and done lab work on. |
That pretty much sums up everything I used to learn the material. |
My thoughts on the actual exam.. it was _hard_. I found it very difficult anyway. I had two labs to work through, one to set up ACLs and another to configure/troubleshoot EIGRP. Getting to question 50 of 50 with 5 minutes on the clock only to be presented with an EIGRP lab was heart breaking. In the end I found the actual solution but didn't have enough time to type in the command and the exam finished. I swear if I could have just finished that lab my mark would have been closer to the 90 mark! |
Anyway, it feels great to be back certified, I now intend to kick back and head to Glastonbury festival tomorrow :) |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1gzri2,, |
1371941775.0,7,self.ccna,1gvoad,Is this a good lab setup?,10,3,3,,'2x CISCO2610 Router [64D/16F] with 1xEthernet Port and 1xSerial Interface 12.4 IOS |
2x WS-C2950-24 Switch with 24x FastEthenet Ports |
2x WIC-2T Serial Module Card |
Any suggestions or tips? |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1gvoad,, |
1371840340.0,6,self.ccna,1gt6q3,What's the current fee (USD) for the 640-802 CCNA and the ICND1 and 2 exams?,11,5,10,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1gt6q3,, |
1371582861.0,6,self.ccna,1glq08,Question about BDR and DR roles,7,1,3,,I've read and re-read the info in my cisco books about DR and BDR roles in a network segment and Im not quite able to wrap my head around the concept and their use. Can anyone simplify it down?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1glq08,, |
1371331604.0,7,self.ccna,1gf47t,A question about serial interfaces for Cisco lab,7,0,3,,'So, I currently have 2 cisco 2611xm's and plan on getting a third. The problem is that neither of the ones I have came with serial interfaces. So, Im trying to find the cheapest method to have a serial connection between three routers, this way I can configure PPP, HDLC, and frame relay. Would it be possible to get 6 wic-1dsu-t1 or will i have to drop the funds for 3 wic-2t's or is there a cheaper option to have 6 serial interfaces divided by 3 routers?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1gf47t,, |
1370899880.0,6,self.ccna,1g2n1j,Summarization Clarification,9,3,3,,'I'm cramming for the 640-802 and just need some input on a summarization example. Just having one of those moments where something almost entirely makes sense, but I can't tell if it's a typo and this exact question hasn't come up in the errata. |
The following networks need summarization: | | | | | |
From what I can see, the 3rd (interesting) octet appears to increase in a way that would fall within a block size of 4. So, we can say the summarization is (/22 being a 252 mask, so 4 block size). |
What confuses me is that, if we're using a /22, that means the ranges are: | through | through |
etc. |
This makes sense for all of the above networks that need summarization, except for the is it that valid host ranges don't really matter in summarization and that you can lump a network into summarization under a without worrying about it being invalid? |
Thanks for any insight you can provide.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1g2n1j,, |
1370882804.0,6,self.ccna,1g1y54,VLSM with odd network masks,6,0,6,,'I'm wrapping my head around VLSM pretty well but am still struggling with one issue that I'm hoping someone can give me clarity on - most examples I'm seeing in study guides that involve VLSM are have network masks that are clean (/24, /16), and those would be pretty simple - say there are three subnets needed for and the host requirements are 60, 30 and 15, the three subnets would be,,, right? |
My question is how that would change if the network mask is /25? Or /23? I realize it's likely a pretty simple answer but I don't know how that would impact my calculations. Hoping someone can help on this? |
Thanks! |
Edit: for my example to make sense let's change from 15 to 14 hosts.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1370894630.0,True,t3_1g1y54,, |
1370037671.0,6,self.ccna,1ffikk,Audio CCNA study guides?,7,1,5,,Anyone know of some good podcast or audio books to study with while running etc. Thanks!,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ffikk,, |
1369874066.0,5,self.ccna,1fb00b,Angry - passed CCNP exams last August. Promptly failed when renewing my CCNA.,12,7,13,,'I originally passed my CCNA rather easily in 2003, then let it lapse. Didn't really care about it. Took my CCNP exams this past summer only to find out it doesn't actually count unless I renew my CCNA. So I re-took my CCNA and failed it. I was angry. VERY angry. |
I finally got around to rescheduling the test (at $300 a pop, I was a in no hurry!), and this time I'm not screwing around. I'm using every method to make sure I give the 'right' answers this time. I am legitimately angry because the access list lab is rigged to make you give the wrong answer. |
It specifically tells you to 'allow web access from host X to server Y. Block all other types of traffic'. Not 'all other tcp traffic'. ALL OTHER TYPES OF TRAFFIC. |
I know for fact when I did the test last August, and in fact in any implementation in the last decade or more, if you told me to do this, I would allow ports 80 and 443 TCP, and then deny all IP. |
Reading several test tutorials, it seems Cisco wants you to allow only port 80 TCP (pedantic, but okay), then turn around and deny all TCP traffic. |
I got at least that lab wrong despite having a functional implementation (it passed all connectivity tests, of course) because they want you to give the wrong answer. |
UUUUUUGGGGGHHHHH. So now I'm memorizing the wrong answer so I can pass this flipping test so that my CCN**P** will be valid. |
Screw you very much, Cisco. |
*** |
EDIT - Okay, perhaps my anger is unwarranted here. I'm reading reports that there was a bug in the sim and that it should be fixed now. This is just getting under my skin. I obviously know how to network. This is now about me know what they want me to regurgitate into their sim so I can have my cert be valid. There's no human way I pass all three of the CCNP exams and not know the basics. |
Screw it, I'm rolling with this solution. I know it is the correct one. If they fail me on it again, they can take their cert and shove it: |
>access-list 100 permit tcp host (allowed host) host (restricted server) eq www |
access-list 100 deny ip any host (restricted server) |
access-list 100 permit ip any host (unrestricted server) |
Apply this access-list to the interface nearest the web servers. If I were presented with these requirements IRL, this is how I would do it. It ought to pass their test too.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1369875144.0,True,t3_1fb00b,, |
1369588301.0,6,self.ccna,1f37d7,Just required CCNA but with limited networking experience?,10,4,6,,'*Just acquired* Hello, I have a bachelors in science in computer science i have experience in many fields in CS but networking for example i have network + training but i lack a actual hands on experience (for example setting up a lab) I want to go into the networking field and that is why i got my CCNA. I am assuming i will have a really hard time finding work. What are you thoughts?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1369588805.0,True,t3_1f37d7,, |
1369437091.0,5,self.ccna,1f01b7,Connecting to a Catalyst 3500XL,7,2,12,,'So I wasn't sure where to post this but at my current job I found an old 3500XL not being used. So I decided to take it to my cubicle to play with. I also was able to find the serial cable that goes with it. Now I currently have console cable, looks like RJ45 to serial, connected to a serial to USB and tried using TeraTerm to connect to it but I wasn't sure which com port to use. Somebody I work with recommended TeraTerm but if you have another recommendation I'd be more than happy to try it, for the most part at work I use Windows but I do have access to a mac and linux computers. Sorry for the basic question and thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1f01b7,, |
1368681218.0,4,self.ccna,1efnkl,What are some cheap equipment models that can be used for a lab?,6,2,8,,'Hey ya'll! Not wanting anyone to shop for me. Just need a couple names of older / cheap routers and switches that will work for the exam. I have all the cable from work, but the only hardware that isn't in use is about 8-10 years old collecting dust. Not sure if they will work, even though they are cisco',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1efnkl,, |
1368479729.0,6,self.ccna,1e9q5s,About to start to study for the ccna and net+. What study tips can you provide?,8,2,14,,Ive never taken a cert test yet but I want to within a month or a little more. Do you have any study tips to offer me? I have cbt nugget videos for ccna / net+. I also have packet tracer/gns3 (not really sure how to use gns3). I also have todd lamelles ccna book and a few other misc networking books. ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1e9q5s,, |
1368097682.0,6,self.ccna,1dztcc,New Exams and certification question,6,0,3,,'So say I was to pass the current ICND1 640-822 between now and September 30. What happens if I want to go for my CCNA after that, Could I just pass the ICND2? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1dztcc,, |
1367808452.0,5,self.ccna,1drpev,Three or more switches on one network segment?,7,2,12,,'I'm reading the official cert guide for ICND2 and it says in the chapter on STP: |
>Many switches can attach to the same Ethernet segment. The switch with the lowest administrative cost from itself to the root bridge, as compared with the other switches attached to the same segment, is placed in Forwarding State. The lowest-cost switch on each segment is called the designated bridge, and that bridge’s interface, attached to that segment, is called the designated port (DP). |
Wikipedia offers a [diagram showing three switches on one segment.]( (Look at segment B) |
My question is how exactly do you get three switches on one segment? Don't the connections between each switch count as individual, unique segments? |
Are these switches connected by a hub? Why would you do that?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1drpev,, |
1367324355.0,7,self.ccna,1demp8,Cisco E-Learning for ICND1 v2.0/ICND2 v2.0,9,2,6,,'Planning on going for my CCENT, and CCNA after, and was considering buying this E-Learning (and get half price on the ICND2 v2.0). I asked around on Cisco Community and they advised me to definitely go for the 2.0 study materials. |
Does anyone have any experience with this E-Learning and how well is it gonna prepare me for the exams? |
Thanks in advance.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1demp8,, |
1367264060.0,4,self.ccna,1dcvpd,Any good Audio resources to study for the CCNA?,7,3,1,,'Since I'm spending an hour at night at the gym on an elliptical machine, I figure my time would be better spent listening to something that would further my education as opposed to just listening to comedy radio. Any suggestions?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1dcvpd,, |
1367249902.0,8,self.ccna,1dccjn,[Question] CCENT/CCNA date of study material.,9,1,3,,'Currently studying for ICND1 and after that im going for ICND2. My question is, I am using a CCENT book from 2008 (CCENT Study Guide 640-822) and I am a bit worried that this maybe a bit too out of date and some stuff has changed now. |
Will this book suffice or am I better off ordering 2 brand new ones from 2011-2013?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1dccjn,, |
1367224493.0,7,self.ccna,1dbspi,I need with help with subnetting.,9,2,3,,' I'm nearing the end of my Cisco 2 Routing class, and for whatever reason, from the start of my CCNA classes, I have never fully understood subnetting. |
Right now I'm doing practice exercises in Packet Tracer to reinforce what I've been learning, but I'm currently stuck on task 1 (Not a good sign) |
The task itself says: |
b. Configure the correct IP addresses on WPC2 and W-Branch1. |
· Configure WPC2 with the last IP address in the subnet. |
· Configure the Fa0/1 interface on W-Branch1 with the last IP address in the subnet. |
And here is the corresponding addressing table: |
Which subnet are they referring too? Is it one in between the two already given? How do you figure out which subnet they're referring too? |
I don't know why but my brain just completely locks up when it has to solve something involving subnetting. If anyone has additional info on where I can further read into subnetting in an effort to get better at it, please let me know. It's very frustrating.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1dbspi,, |
1366388038.0,8,self.ccna,1cok4g,ICND1 and ICND2 renewal,9,1,4,,'If I pass my ICND2, would that renew my ICND1 (CCENT) too? Also, to renew my ICND2 in 3 years, would I have to take a cummulative exam like the full CCNA to renew both of my ICND1 and ICND2, or could I just take the ICND2 again to renew them? |
Thank you in advanced. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1cok4g,, |
1366036406.0,8,,1ce2jc,CCNA Prep: Advanced IP Access Control Lists,12,4,0,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1ce2jc,, |
1365804150.0,6,,1c8glt,Easy guide on trunking,8,2,1,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1c8glt,, |
1365109084.0,4,self.ccna,1boqlq,'CCENT, how hard could it be?',8,4,17,,'So I'm really looking to extend my knowledge and try and learn some new areas. Currently I'm working in Product development/technical support for a small software company. There really isn't anywhere to go here except to look at positions with another company. I have limited networking experience. mainly just setting up small home networks for family and such. |
So first, how realistic is it for me to attempt the CCENT (and eventually CCNA), and second, what would be the best course of study. I can't afford those larger classes. i was planning on just getting some books and diving into them for a long time before attempting the tests. |
Thanks. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1boqlq,, |
1364916268.0,8,self.ccna,1bipei,'Took my ICND2 today. Needed 825, got 818. what?',9,1,6,,'If it costs money and it isn't Todd Lammle's book, I don't have it. I felt pretty good about it going in, but apparently not good enough. Just kinda disappointed and not sure what to do.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1bipei,, |
1364414934.0,6,self.ccna,1b4pyh,I have finally survived and passed my 802 Composite today!,12,6,2,,'Hey all, |
It's been a long time going, actually too long. I started in the Cisco Netacad in 2003 and finished in 2005. Didn't get my cert but learned a lot. Went off to college to become a teacher and ended up back in IT doing a job as helpdesk in 2010. Now I have moved up to a Network Engineer and finally had enough support at work and home to get my CCNA today. It has been a long road, but ultimately I feel like I have a huge weight off my shoulders for the first time in ages. Thanks to all of you on this subreddit with all your suggestions and resources. They have helped immensely. |
OTJ training has helped a lot with this exam. I was able to relate to several of the situations the questions were asking. 'Oh! I've caused this error before!' was a real help, haha. Books I used Wendell Odom's and the Lammle books for theory, a CCNAX class, and tons and tons of practice tests. It did take me 4 times to pass, but I am also one of the worst test takers my teachers had ever seen (documented from high school.) |
I wish all of you the best in your studies! Don't give up, it will be over and yours soon! Off to Security+ for some fun before starting on CCDA. |
Cheers!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1b4pyh,, |
1363798056.0,5,self.ccna,1ao6zi,ICND2 - What happens if I fail the test?,10,5,7,,'Can I re-take it right away, or do I have to wait a set amount of time? Obviously I don't want to be out the cost of a test, so I'll try my best. Just wanted to know what I'm getting myself into ahead of time.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ao6zi,, |
1363532718.0,7,self.ccna,1ags04,I'm not understanding Ethernet in a certain context. Any help?,7,0,19,,'I understand the physical Ethernet with all it's variety, it's just don't understand it when referenced with data transfer, segmentation and protocols. |
For example, when talking about sending IP Packets: 'For many |
I've seen Ethernet referenced like this throughout the book- and it's just hanging me up. Another example will be: |
'[M]ost |
I'm sure it will end up being something obvious, but something is not clicking with me. Thanks. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ags04,, |
1363201563.0,6,self.ccna,1a8drl,ICND 1 + 2 (2 exam) route or just go straight to CCNA?,10,4,14,,'I'm trying to figure out if I should go the 1 or 2 test route.. what would you guys suggest? I'm going through the material and seems like the ICND 1 stuff will mostly cover subnetting which, if you practice enough is just mechanical after awhile. |
Now I'm hearing that some are saying the ICND 1 is harder than ICND 2? how can that be? |
What's the actual name of the 1 exam route? Is it just the ICND2? |
Sorry, these are really n00b questions',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1a8drl,, |
1362599356.0,6,self.ccna,19sl4z,Reading CCENT Study Guide,10,4,8,,I have a question about studying for the CCENT exam. When you read the book did any of you take notes while reading or did you just read through the book then do the exercises at the end of the book? I am just about to start studying for the exam and I want to take it this summer and I'm not really sure howto get the most out of the book? I am using other forums of training such as practice exams and hardware for a home lab so I can get the hands on experience. Any help on this would be appreciated. ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_19sl4z,, |
1362527239.0,6,self.ccna,19qnof,DIY: Homemade Access Server (X-post from /r/Homelab),9,3,4,,'I can't put my homelab anywhere near my battle station, and I was getting sick of having console cords around the I build an Access Server. |
**It was incredibly easy and took 30 minutes if you have the stuff laying around! It's also pretty cheap.** |
My network lab isn't connected to my home network in any way as I make a ton of changes while practicing for my CCNA. I thought about connecting them to manage the stuff, but frequent changes of VLANs and IP addresses would have screwed me up. |
###Here is what you need: |
1. [USB>Serial]( adapters for each device in your lab (or enough serial ports ) |
2. An old computer fast enough to run a Linux distribution. |
**(I used Ubuntu Server 12.10..and that's how I'll write this tutorial for)** |
3. Enough USB ports for all your devices. |
**(I used a Hub to make the setup as clean as possible. I'd reccommend a powered hub if you have boat loads of devices)** |
You can obviously do the wiring any way you using console cables instead of the DB9/RJ45 adapters like I did. **[HERE](** is the post on how to to wire the adapters. |
I used **[these](** USB/Serial Adapters since they were cheap and they worked without effort in Ubuntu 12.10. |
###**Here are the steps I took:** |
1. Hook it all up |
2. Install Ubuntu Server 12.10 on the PC. |
**(I made my hostname AccessServer..I also selected to OpenSSH Server option when presented with tasksel)** |
3. Install the software to make the magic happen (ser2net) |
Here are the terminal commands I used..**[this](** and **[this](** will probably help you. |
**Update your packages:** |
sudo apt-get update |
**Install ser2net** |
sudo apt-get install ser2net |
**Determine the names of your serial ports** |
My built in ports were ttyS0 (serial) and ttyS1 (parallel). |
My USB/Serial adapters were ttyUSB0, ttyUSB1.. |
dmesg grep tty |
**Edit the config file in a text editor** |
sudo nano /etc/ser2net.conf |
**Modify the end of the file** |
This is what mine looked like..I used all USB adapters to make the physical wiring nice and clean |
2000:telnet:0:/dev/ttyUSB0:9600 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT banner |
2001:telnet:0:/dev/ttyUSB1:9600 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT banner |
2002:telnet:0:/dev/ttyUSB2:9600 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT banner |
2003:telnet:0:/dev/ttyUSB3:9600 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT banner |
.. |
Press Ctrl+O to write the file, CTRL+X to exit nano |
**Restart ser2net so the changes are there** |
sudo /etc/init.d/ser2net restart |
**All Done! Now test via telnet from another computer on your LAN** |
telnet AccessServer [port] |
Use the port number that lines up with the tty device you typed into the config file. I like to use SecureCRT and keep sessions open with all devices in tabs. |
You could make a few changes to the setup if you want to access the server remotely, but I had not interest in doing so. I will only access the lab from the local network. |
**I simply did this to remove wires from my apartment and make it so I only need to get up for topology changes. Changes to router/switch configurations no longer disconnect me. Think of it as a local out-of-band management** |
**Enjoy!!!** |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1362550009.0,True,t3_19qnof,, |
1362088174.0,6,self.ccna,19f6k9,Failed 640-802 CCNA with 749. How do I decipher this score report?,8,2,4,,'Describe how a network works: 75% |
Configure, verify and troubleshoot a switch with VLANS and interswitch communications. 64% |
Impliment an ip addressing scheme and ip services to meet network requirements in a medium-size ente[rprise]: 83% |
Configure, verify, and troubleshoot basic router operations on cisco devices: 77% |
Explain and select the appropriate administrative tasks required for a WLAN: 100% |
Identify security threats to a network and describe general method to mitigate those threats. 33% |
Implement, verify, and troubleshoot NAT and ACLs in a medium-size Enterprise branch office network: 40% |
Implement and verify WAN links: 0% |
I felt very confident in the sims (Got an EIGRP and ACL sims) But seeing that 40% i'm wondering if I screwed something up?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_19f6k9,, |
1361398582.0,6,self.ccna,18wvx9,2 Routers connected to 1 Switch,7,1,4,,'I was going over the CBT Nugget videos on static routing when I came across this diagram. I am fairly new to this so I apologize if this comes off as a dumb question. But regarding this ( screenshot, can somebody please explain how one would go about configuring such a network? I was always under the impression that routers separate networks..however in this picture, both routers are connected to the same network, and in turn, connected to the same switch (CBT and R1). For some reason, it really confused me. Some clarification woud be greatly appreciated. |',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_18wvx9,, |
1360815661.0,5,self.ccna,18hssf,help with TCP/IP and OSI models,9,4,10,,'I have am reading network fundamentals and struggling to understand these models. Can somebody please help explain them in a simple format? |
Sorry if this is a broad question but I dont understand it enough to be more specific. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_18hssf,, |
1360542418.0,6,self.ccna,189yps,Job Prospects/Expectations,9,3,4,,'Hi guys, this is my first post after lurking for a while. I'm not the first person to ask this question. However, I feel that I have a different skill set that the other people I have seen post and I just wanted to run this by other Cisco/Networking folks and get your opinions. |
Basically, I am 27 years old, have a BA in history and live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. I landed my first job out of college and part of the job requirement was integrating our product into the clients existing infrastructure (which sounds cool but was really just setting up vlans or bugging the admin to put a rout to our subnet in his router and occasionally getting to mess around in a wire closet). So in July the company starts having trouble and by September we show up on a Monday and they had locked the doors on us. |
I started attending the Cisco netacad at my local community college in the Fall and hope to have my CCNA in hand by May. I felt this was a better route <--- Network humor --- than just braindumpping for an exam. The program really does push you and I have logged about 300 hours in the lab working mostly on 2900 series switches and 2600 series routers and feel that I am really getting a good foundation in networking - I've made A's through fundamentals and routing and am holding down an A in switching . In addition I've also been able to take some security classes and plan on getting my Security+ around May around the same time I get the CCNA and eventually a CCNA Security. |
So basically what I'm curious about is how marketable is that kind of skill set in a rather large market like DFW and secondly what kind of job should I aim for. I am certainly not above starting at the bottom and working my way up in the industry but at the same time my wife is on my back to get out there and make money. |
Thanks, any input would be helpful and greatly appreciated. |
27 YO with a BA in history, soon to have CCNA and Security+ with about 1.5 years of relevant work experience. Wants to know about job prospects in the Dallas/Fort Worth market. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1360542604.0,True,t3_189yps,, |
1359735476.0,6,self.ccna,17p7bn,GNS3 lab questions,8,2,14,,'I does anyone on here use GNS3 for a lab to teach networking fundamentals to a group of students? I have a small budget, but I feel the simulator is really overpriced. Anyone hints/tips/suggestions? |
EDIT: The budget is to spend on a different simulator but I feel GNS3 could give me a similar setup for free.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1359738306.0,True,t3_17p7bn,, |
1359225403.0,5,self.ccna,17bq4n,'Building home lab, router suggestions?',8,3,11,,'I have worked with cisco equipment for about 6 years, so I am very familiar with them, except for routers. I have mainly only worked with layer 3 switches. |
I am trying to build a lab at home to study for CCNA and I have been looking to buy some 3550's and 3750's, but I am not sure what I should be looking for when it comes to a router for study uses. |
I am looking to spend less than 100$ per devices and figured I would look to buy 2 or 3 switches and 2 routers. Suggestions? Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_17bq4n,, |
1358980442.0,7,self.ccna,175fzf,Cheapest L3 switch?,8,1,8,,'Currently building a lab on a shoestring budget and im trying to figure out what the cheapest layer 3 switch would be for the sake of going after my CCNA and then my CCNP? I always hear about people talking about the 3550 as the go to switch for L3, but is that the cheapest or are there any that would be cheaper with similar enough functionality',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_175fzf,, |
1358905673.0,6,self.ccna,173f8y,Question I encountered on the ICND1,7,1,12,,'Hello all! Please note that this is in no way a brain dump. I took the ICND1 today and encountered a possible bug in a question, and I just want to know your guys' thoughts/opinions. The question has been changed up a bit, but the problem still remains. |
Basically, I had to use a CLI to answer questions about the configuration of a router. One of the questions went a little something like this: |
What connection was the WAN interface on? |
A) Serial 0/0 |
B) Serial 0/1 |
C) Fast Ethernet 0/0 |
D) Fast Ethernet 0/1 |
Doing a show_ip_interface I looked at the interfaces. Serial 0/0 was up and had the usual information tied with that and a matching WAN IP from the diagram. . Serial 0/1 was administratively down. Easy answer right? |
Later on in the same question, I used the command show_ip_interface_brief. This had a truncated view of the interfaces, and I saw that serial 0/0 was administrativley down, and serial 0/1 was up, and that it had THE SAME IP as serial 0/0 shown in the show_ip_interface. This left me thoroughly confused, because I didnt know what to answer. Am I just missing something?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_173f8y,, |
1358670819.0,6,self.ccna,16x7vv,Sitting the 640-802 on Tuesday..,11,5,5,,'Hey all, I am sitting the 640-802 on Tuesday afternoon and was wondering if anyone had advice. I've taken the exam once before about a year ago, and came up short (scored a 770; passing was an 825). I got discouraged, and then changed jobs and started studying again mid November; I feel much more prepared this time, but am looking for suggestions as I'm starting to get nervous. I took Monday and Tuesday off of work, so I have basically two and a half days left to go over my trouble areas and take practice exams. I have the official CCNA certification library books (though they're a bit dry, and remind me of reading a math book), along with a CCNA study guide book (Lammle) and a how2pass subscription. Main areas I need to focus on seem to be IPv6 and WAN's. I've scored mid to high 80's on my last 3 practice exams but would like to turn those into low to mid 90's by test time. Also looking for free and/or cheap practice tests so I can see some new questions. |
Thanks in advance!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_16x7vv,, |
1358115745.0,6,self.ccna,16ihtn,'looking to start CCNA training, thoughts on getting a training bundle from ITU?',11,5,7,,'I'm looking to start training soon, and was curious if the community here could give feedback on purchasing training from [IT university online?]( |
they have a groupon for 99 bucks that seems almost too good to be true.. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_16ihtn,, |
1357854539.0,7,self.ccna,16c73k,Todd Lammle vs offical ccna exploration guide,10,3,4,,'In a few weeks I have an exam about the second part of ccna exploration (routing). The ccna routing book is almost 1000 pages. The 3 Tod Lammle chapers on routing are 250 pages if you count them together. |
So.. What's the catch?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_16c73k,, |
1357232250.0,7,self.ccna,15w8i6,CCNA in college and what I can do to prepare,10,3,6,,'Hi all! |
I've recently made the decision to get into Networking. Fortunately for me, the company I work for (a telecomm) is paying for the courses, and I really benefit from in-class learning as opposed to self study. |
I have zero history with networking. My question is, before classes start in February, what can I do to get a bit ahead of the game? |
Currently I'm studying the CCNT course (free at home through my company, and a requirement to complete for the position I want in the future). They cover basic telecomm and data comm, CTI, broadband LANs and VOIP. Some of this stuff I know from my current position, but a lot of it I don't know. |
Anyone here who started CCNA with zero experience have any tips? Or even those that did? The courses are a month long at 56 hours, and there are 4 in total. |
I have read on here that simulators would be very beneficial, and I'm currently looking into that. |
I would appreciate any insight, tips or tricks you guys have. I'm excited and nervous. My biggest concern is being overwhelmed. |
Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_15w8i6,, |
1354302944.0,6,self.ccna,142cs2,Question for recent exam-takers,7,1,10,,'I took the combined exam a few days ago (passed with a 933), but the way the keyboard worked really makes me wonder. |
Being in a german-speaking Country, we of course had german keyboards, but on the test, the program used some kind of different layout, not exactly the en-US layout , but similar. |
The '/' key wasn't working on the usual place besides shift (I got it working on the numblock), the '?' key just produced an empty space. CTRL-Z/CTRL-A/CTRL-E weren't working at all. |
Did anyone else experience this, particulary the '?' key or is my testing center at fault here?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_142cs2,, |
1353199606.0,8,self.ccna,13dkit,Help with a subnetting question,11,3,2,,'Hey guys, so I'm in my early stages of studying for my CCENT/CCNA, doing some subnetting practice. I've been using the site and it has been helping quite a lot. I have come across a question that is baffling me as to how they got the answer. |
Q: How many subnets and hosts per subnet can you get from the network |
A: 128 subnets and 510 hosts |
How is this? I got the 510 hosts, but how do they come up with 128 subnets?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_13dkit,, |
1352771018.0,7,self.ccna,133iu2,I am finishing up an A.A.S in IT/ networking which focuses on preparing students to get certs what kind of jobs will I likely be eligible for. Where did you guys start after getting your certs?,7,0,1,,'The certs the degree prepares us for include mcse, mcts, ccna, juniper, A+ , network +, and Linux . Where should I expect to start out help desk ? Cable monkey? What are some of your paths that brought you to your current position?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_133iu2,, |
1352511665.0,6,self.ccna,12y0en,Best path to a job?,7,1,3,,'Hi. I'm 19, have no work experience and urgently need to pick a path and get a job. |
I can't decide on what certification to go for precisely. I'm fairly confident I could pass the A+ Exam today if it was given to me, but I'm not certain it would even land me a job and be worth the $300+ dollars to pay for it (I live in the philadelphia suburbs, delaware county, PA). There aren't any places like COMP USA around here, only Best Buy/Staples and small tech shops. |
So, with that in doubt I've been studying for the past few weeks for the CCNA, it's much more difficult in comparison to the A+ but I figured it gives me a better chance to get a job/have a career once I achieve this. |
Can anyone who has been in a similar situation or is an employer help me decide on which path to take first? A+ certification for computer tech/repair? CCNA/CCENT? I need to get my foot in the door, any door. Please help me out. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1352512767.0,True,t3_12y0en,, |
1350963994.0,6,self.ccna,11xdn4,IPv6 and CCNA .. how much should I expect to see on the exam?,7,1,11,,'I'm not going to lie, I'm studying with both cheap and, uhhh, borrowed materials, and I'm not sure how out of date my knowledge is. So far the vast majority of my studies have been in the IPv4 realm, and I'm admittedly pretty weak with IPv6. Im going to take the exam in the next couple weeks, I was wondering if any recent test takers can either let me know how boned I am, or assuage my worries. |
TL;DR - How familiar should I be with all facets of IPv6 for the CCNA composite? |
EDIT - Thanks all, I think I got my answer and TBH its pretty much what I expected. Know what it is and how it works, know in depth for CCNP.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1351008958.0,True,t3_11xdn4,, |
1350895098.0,6,self.ccna,11vywg,Transition from cabling to CCNA/network engineer,9,3,8,,' |
I was wondering if anyone can give me some advice, I’m 22, I started working for a large American Bank( I’m in the UK) 3 years ago, I started out in telecoms and now I’m part of the data centre site management team, my only problem is that I just do cabling. I.e. the connections from the servers to the switches etc, along with all the boring admin stuff that goes along with it, liaising with clients from around the world to establish what they need connections to etc. The data centre I work in is one of the biggest in Europe, housing almost 4000 physicals servers. I see great potential for career progression here, but not in the field I’m in. |
Now here’s my question, I have ZERO networking skills/knowledge. What is my best root to get into it? I have CBT Nuggets and have just bought a CCNA guide, but still feel I need to know some basics before diving into these, should I learn more about basic networking concepts/terminology before attempting studying via nuggets/books/virtual labs, if so where should I start? Or do I just dive straight in? Although I feel overwhelmed by a lot of the terminology. |
Many thanks. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_11vywg,, |
1350851314.0,5,self.ccna,11uxoy,Unicast flooding walk through?,8,3,3,,'So I'm trying to get my mind around unicast flooding, as seen here . Are there any good walk-throughs out there that break it down even simpler than that link? I've come up dry hitting my usual suspects for more info and I don't really have people to ask.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_11uxoy,, |
1350570399.0,5,self.ccna,11ouob,I am taking the Cisco networking fundamentals course and have no idea what's going on. (first in a series of four??),8,3,14,,'Supposedly there was no prerequisite computer knowledge other the basics like on/off, start menu, etc, but I have no idea what I'm doing. I've read the Cisco networking text multiple times, and can't even understand the terminology, let alone what it's saying. Is there something more basic to start with because there is no way I'm going to pass this class currently.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_11ouob,, |
1350346559.0,4,self.ccna,11ji9y,ICND2 Study Group,8,4,3,,Hello.I made a previous post on starting an ICND2 study group( was some interest but I was busy and never responded.well I feel I am ready to study and share resourses after completeying the cbt nuggets videos for if you're interested..I'm on in channel #reddit-ccna. Please join me. I hope we can get a few people in here regularly and help eachother pass the ICND2.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_11ji9y,, |
1350329601.0,8,self.ccna,11iytm,'so, feeling a bit lost.',10,2,7,,'i've got the cisco nuggets videos and in the 12th video, initial setup of a cisco switch, he sets up a switch and the next few videos all deal with using switches. i tried using gns3 but couldn't figure out how to do what he was doing in the video. i plan on watching the nuggets video about gns3 later but is configuring switches covered in it? should i just watch the ccna nuggets and take very detailed notes? is there an ios for a cisco switch to download?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_11iytm,, |
1349326440.0,7,self.ccna,10x62e,Subnet table that helped me pass the icnd1 exam,10,3,9,,'Hey guys, |
Im not sure if this has been posted up before, but here it is anyway. |
Its a subnet table i used for study and the exam (icnd1) that i found on the cisco learning website. |
It should only be used once subnetting has been understood, which for me was from cbt nuggets. It does take some practice getting used to but once you have it down any subnetting question you get in the exam should be easy to answer. |
Hope this helps test takers, good luck !! |',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1349331441.0,True,t3_10x62e,, |
1349289145.0,4,,10vzh8,Lan technology types and props quick quiz.,9,5,8,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_10vzh8,, |
1349228180.0,4,self.ccna,10un28,Some ideas would be greatly appreciated,7,3,11,,'So I am having trouble trying to keep reading. Basically I have not been able to read for more than 20 or so minutes at a time because I get disinterested. I have only really gotten a couple chapters into Odom's books in almost a month. A little background would be that I am about to graduate this December with an Associates of Applied Science in Computer Technology and spent the past three years working as a computer repair technician so I have a very good understanding of all basics that surround networking. My prior knowledge is making it very difficult to keep reading. Has anybody run into this problem and how to you overcome this? Also I am not close to a point where I am ready to take the test but I also do know a good amount about networking. |
So any ideas?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_10un28,, |
1349031026.0,6,self.ccna,10pymp,I'm confused about the ICND1 course and recommended training. ,7,1,3,,'Okay, so the title makes me sound like a real idiot. Here's what's going on and I'm looking for some advice. A few months ago I had contacted a continuing education center at my high-school for information about Cisco. I found they were an eligible training location, and that they offered online courses. Through which, I was enrolled in the Networking Fundamentals 4.4 course which I access through the Cisco Student Home. |
After a few months of reading, studying, and passing the online final exams as well as packet tracer exams, it turns out I'm not eligible to receive the ICND1 or ICND2 voucher. |
My question is, do I have to take the specific ICND1 course, or should that course have been eligible for it? I think my online proctor had placed me into the wrong course that covered. I've searched online for specific ICND1 courses, but all of them are classroom training with which my current job I have no time to be able to attend. |
Any suggestions?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_10pymp,, |
1347749037.0,5,self.ccna,zy24h,Spanning Tree Manipulation Question,6,1,5,,'How could I manipulate this topology to make the outermost links between switches to be in a constant forwarding state? Right now SW4 is the root bridge and all of SW1's ports are forwarding as well. SW2 & 3 are blocking all the ports except those that go to the root bridge so traffic from hosts originating beyond SW1 would have to go through SW4 and then to SW2 or 3. That doesn't seem very logical to me to make that extra hop through SW4. |',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_zy24h,, |
1346707408.0,5,self.ccna,zat5c,Is the subnetting portion covered in the CBTNuggets icnd1 videos sufficient for the CCENT exam?,8,3,8,,'I can do all parts covered in the CBTNuggets CCENT guide, but many of the practice questions online worry me because they seem drastically different from what was covered in the videos. If the videos are not sufficient, what else should I look at? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_zat5c,, |
1345838033.0,6,self.ccna,yrrem,Anyone have any experience with these subnetting questions being wrong?,11,5,3,,' |
I find that some of the questions are just blatantly wrong. |
I was just asked 'How many subnets and hosts per subnet can you get from the network' |
I thought to myself, 'Well thats easy, 64 host addresses, 62 usable, and 4 subnets, because we are in the 4th octet.' |
The answer that the site gave was this: 1024 subnets and 62 hosts |
I checked the same Q on an online subnetting calculator, and it said I was correct originally. |
Am I going crazy, or is this site not a legitimate source for subnetting questions?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_yrrem,, |
1344804971.0,6,self.ccna,y3x2z,Ospf authentication problem in gns3,6,0,5,,'studying for icnd 2 right now, was practicing with ospf authentication. 3 of the routers are setting up neighbor/adjacent relationships just fine, but the fourth one is giving me problems for someone reason. debug ip ospf adj is giving me authentication mismatch errors, but I'm missing what's causing it. the show runs all seem to be the same (to me). any suggestions? |
debug error message in question. |
OSPF: Rcv pkt from, Serial0/1 : Mismatch Authentication Key - Message Digest Key 1 |
Here's a link to my gns3 project files, show run copy/paste and a screenshot of the topology. | |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_y3x2z,, |
1342741580.0,5,self.ccna,wufxk,ICND1 down. What should I study for #2?,6,1,2,,Passed today with a 887/1000. I have already purchased the Sybex CCNA book and CBTnuggets ICND2. Does anyone have any other suggestions?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_wufxk,, |
1342120556.0,6,self.ccna,wggv0,Help with VPN configuration?,6,0,10,,'I'm trying to set up a Cisco ASA VPN and I don't quite understand how the client addressing works. If I take my client pool from a subnet that doesn't exist on my network (My network is, my VPN pool in the ASA is set to the client can connect and gets an address of Machine A on my network ( can ping the VPN Client ( address, but the VPN Client cannot ping the Machine A address. I have two questions: |
1. Should my VPN pool be made of addresses that are already define din my network, or should I use different ones (like in my example above)? |
2. How the heck does Machine A ping the VPN Client? There are no routing entries in my Core for a 192 network, but as soon as the VPN Client connects Host A can ping it. WTF? |
Edit: |
The Core can also ping the VPN Client and vice versa, but the VPN client can't reach anything other than the core.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1342186904.0,True,t3_wggv0,, |
1342022421.0,6,self.ccna,we1ls,INE CCNA videos: how to follow the material with Packet Tracer? [xpost from r/networking],6,0,2,,'Those who watched the entire exam course could have some helpful advice. |
The entire course is based around a physical and logical topology of a network which consists of several switches and routers, including a PC which telnets into network devices. During the course the network is slowly configured from the beginning until the given topologies are built at the end. Apparently, the whole thing was setup by folks at INE for its students who practiced on the setup during the week of the course. We see all that on the videos as it happens, and as I progressed into 6th or 7th video, I realized that I'm not going to learn much just by looking, I simply have to follow the material hands-on, just the way the students did during that week. |
Now I'm a beginner in internetworking, I have obtained a copy of Cisco Packet Tracer, and was thinking of taking a screenshot of the given topologies and trying to replicate the setup in Packet Tracer. The topologies don't look super-complex, but I have a feeling that trying to set it up would be a hell of a task for a beginner like me. |
My question is, is it doable, did anyone manage to do it, is there maybe a better solution for following the material in the videos? Or, is there an obtainable finished PT setup from the videos, saving me from much hassle? |
Thank you in advance, and excuse me for my English if there are some mistakes. |
[The exam course in question from](',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1342022610.0,True,t3_we1ls,, |
1340983006.0,6,,vsqgp,How to upgrade a cisco IOS. Work and Exam essential knowledge,6,0,0,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_vsqgp,, |
1340903602.0,6,self.ccna,vqzqm,Studying for ICND2. Need practice with VLSM,6,0,2,,'Can anyone point me in the direction of a good site such as [Subnetting Questions]( 'my brain hurts') that is designed around VLSM instead. I am fairly certain I understand the concept totally but I need some good practice to really 'concrete it in' for lack of better phrasing. |
Thanks in advance.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_vqzqm,, |
1340686335.0,4,self.ccna,vm4nu,Question re: study materials.,6,2,1,,'I was studying a while back with the official Cisco interconnecting systems books, but found they were too complicated. I also started a new job and was too busy to continue my studies. |
Nowadays I have some free time and would like to pursue my CCNA certification. I plan on getting these two Odom books: |
CCENT/CCNA ICND1 640-822 Official Cert Guide, Premium Edition eBook and Practice Test, 3rd Edition |
CCNA ICND2 640-816 Official Cert Guide, Premium Edition eBook and Practice Test, 3rd Edition |
Are these the correct books to get? I am looking for ebook versions so I can put them on my iPad to read while I am commuting to work. I also would like packages with practice tests. |
I also plan on getting a pass to the cbtnuggets site at some point to watch their videos. |
Is this enough material? Do I need to do any labs or lab time? Should I get CCNA 640-802 Network Simulator, Download Version, 2nd Edition as well as the above books from CiscoPress? |
Thanks for any help!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_vm4nu,, |
1340134954.0,7,self.ccna,vagw7,Job prospects and expected income?,7,0,4,,'If i were to only have a CCNA with no real world experience, what would my job prospects look like. I should mention that I have family and friends who can get me in touch with recruiters and such, but I don't know if it will matter as without the experience I believe I am at a disadvantage. I have done computer repair work and web design freelance but Im not sure if this is really anything worthwhile. I have been told that they can guarantee salaries between 50 and 60k, but it sorta seems a little farfetched to me. Also I live in the orlando area if thr makes any difference. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_vagw7,, |
1339533263.0,6,self.ccna,uyjpu,How can I see what networks are being advertised by an OSPF neighbor?,6,0,2,,'show ip ospf neighbor tells me the RID of my neighbors, and show ip ospf database also only shows the Link as the Router ID. Is there a way I can say 'alright, RID is advertising 192.160.10/24 and' from a neighbor?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_uyjpu,, |
1338346752.0,6,self.ccna,ubi19,using NAT to bypass an ACL - WAN course prac test,8,2,10,,'Hi guys. |
As part of a prac test we are doing for the Accessing the WAN component of my CCNA study course, we are required to set a standard ACL on R1 that prevents traffic from the PC3 in the /25 network from reaching PC 1 in the /25. |
No problem - create the standard ACL and assign it to the fa0/1 interface that is on the /25 network. |
Then we're required to set up NAT so that PC3 can reach PC1. |
PC1 connected to R1, PC3 to R3, there's a serial link between the two routers on the /30 subnet. |
I've been doing my head in trying to get this to work in packet tracer, with no luck, by making a static NAT on R3, translating PC3's ip to, and setting a static route on R1 that points to R3. |
If anyone has read this far - got any advice? I'm missing something here but I don't know what. Either that, or NAT doesn't work well on packet tracer. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ubi19,, |
1337822313.0,6,self.ccna,u1zqg,Failed my ICND1 this past weekend - Hard for me to feel motivated also some questions,6,0,22,,'Passing score was 801 and I got a 787. I know I missed it by only a few questions. |
My weakest points were 'Identify secure threats to a network and describe general methods to mitigate those threats' and 'Implement and verify WAN Links'. |
Some other not so strong points (about 67% correct) were implementing small switched network and a small routed network. |
I want to take the test asap and try again but its hard for me to re-read and go over my notes on those sections. I felt like I knew it enough but apparently not. Any quick tips or helpful guides to remembering important details in those sections? |
Also one question was bothering me from the test.. I believe it was a router pinging another router and the first ping results showed: |
.!!! |
3/5 packets successful |
and then they ping it again and get |
!!!!! |
5/5 packets sucessful |
Why the 2 drop packets? Any explanations? Thanks! I've been lurking on this subreddit for some time and wish I could have posted a successful icdn1 pass, but I'll keep trying til I get it. Thanks! |
**Edit: One last bit of input that I forgot to mention which might explain my so-so results from implementing a small switch/router network is that I only have a 2600 router to test with so my commands and reading the info isn't the greatest.**',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1337822641.0,True,t3_u1zqg,, |
1337193879.0,5,self.ccna,tqc7s,'Has anyone had the ASDM on their CCNA exam this year, or is it just CLI?',6,1,10,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_tqc7s,, |
1337035647.0,6,self.ccna,tn79n,Ebay lab worth 300?,6,0,6,,'I was looking on ebay for a lab. Just curious is this setup worth 300? |
Routers: |
2x CISCO2610 Router [64D/16F] with 1xEthernet Port and 1xSerial Interface 12.4 IOS( c2600-ipbase-mz.124-17.bin) |
Switch: |
2x WS-C2950-24 Switch with 24x FastEthenet Ports , Most recent Cryptographic IOS from Cisco IOS: c2950-i6q4l2-mz.121-22.EA14.bin (This IOS supports all topics of CCNA and CCNP like Rapid Spanning Tree, 802.1q VLAN, VTP, VLAN, STP and more.) |
Module Card: |
2x WIC-2T Serial Module Card to connect Routers |
Cables: |
2x Serial Connection Cable Between Routers |
2x Ethernet Cable |
2x Cross-over Cable |
1x Console Cable |
4x Power cable',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_tn79n,, |
1334276436.0,5,self.ccna,s73sf,ip default-network or ip route,7,2,4,,'Which of the two is more correct when both are given as options to configure a gateway of last resort on a router? I read different answers for this. My understandin is that default-network is only used to advertise the last resort to all other routers in the network, while route is used only for that router and not shared with others. Is this correct?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_s73sf,, |
1334245262.0,8,self.ccna,s6au7,Using GNS3 to study for CCNA. Is it legal to grab the IOS image from a switch and use it for this?,8,0,15,,'Where I work has two switches (a Catalyst 3560 and a Linksys SRW244) that are not being used. They do not want me to take them off the premises, but I was wondering if I could pull the IOS off of one of them and use it in GNS3 without breaking any laws? |
**EDIT2: When I attempt to get an IDLEPC value, it locks up GNS3 to where I have to go end the task of the process just to get it to close down. Any ideas on that?** |
*EDIT: Sorry for the noobiness. I am quiet literally on page 5 of my CCNA Study guide right now and someone mentioned setting up GNS3. So, I apologize for misspeaking or not using the correct terms. :( Sucks to be noob, but it's where the quest for knowledge starts.*',False,self,t5_2qjhh,True,True,t3_s6au7,, |
1333638517.0,8,self.ccna,rup2b,Piecing together a CCNA Voice Lab / GNS3,8,0,2,,'The new CCNA Voice test has me a little tweaked off. |
Has anyone found a good deal on a voice lab for the CCNA, or even for pieces and parts? I've found whole labs that are about 800 dollars, but I really don't have that kind of coin to drop. |
Also, if anyone's got a GNS3 version of CME8 going, I'd be willing to pay for a working VM. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_rup2b,, |
1332793664.0,6,self.ccna,repo0,Were there any IPv6 simulations on your ICND2?,8,2,11,,I'm awful at it.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_repo0,, |
1332277658.0,6,self.ccna,r5njf,Will the CLI help me (auto complete) in the SIMs on ICND2 exam?,6,0,8,,It so tough to memorise the long extended access-list commands and I am hoping the SIMs will help like Packet Tracer or real IOS does. ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_r5njf,, |
1327498707.0,8,self.ccna,ow0q0,How did they manage to screw up WAN so much?,8,0,11,,'Hello everyone! I'm currently at the last part of my CCNA, the WAN part. Now i have had over 85% in average for the past parts. But this one.. This one feels so complicated? I don't feel motivated at all, even thought i'm interested in the subject. Am i the only one who feel that way? Why am i forced to read about 56kb/s connections and so on? I feel like what i am reading, is unuseable in the real world.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ow0q0,, |
1327433429.0,6,self.ccna,ouucj,Packet Tracer Questions,7,1,8,,'I cannot figure out how to power off a router and add NIC cards to it. Please help, also if you can think of any other tips and tricks please provide those as well.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ouucj,, |
1322799297.0,6,self.ccna,mx3ye,I'd like to get on the right track for a Network Administration career,6,0,13,,'Here's my situation. I graduated with a BS in Biology in 2008, and it's not really working out for me. I do have a decent full time job, but I can't see myself staying that long. I am really interested in going for a career in Network Administration or similar. I do not have any professional IT or network experience, but I am self taught and know quite a bit about networking. I'm not looking to go back to school full time right now, so I've been considing going for a CCNA. Would this be the right choice based on my aspirations? If so, would I require any other classes/certs before starting towards it, and what can I expect if I'm successful in obtaining the cert? Thanks! ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_mx3ye,, |
1314420988.0,5,self.ccna,jvvjc,Passed CCNA-Security and also received A 4011 Recognition Cert ? ,6,1,7,,Anyone have any idea what the 4011 Cert is? I passed my Cisco IINS (CCNA security) yesterday and recieved an email from Cisco stating I obtained it.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_jvvjc,, |
1310563770.0,5,self.ccna,ioet9,Some /CCNA changes.,6,1,14,,'As most of you may have already noticed, I've added an alternating color scheme to the posts to make it easier to differentiate. |
I've also determined how to add titles to the end of usernames upon request. |
If you have a Cisco certification and would like a tag added to the end of your name, shoot a mod with your screen name and some proof of your certification (Cisco ID, certification card, etc). |
No private information will be stored or shared. Also, mods will not be held responsible for adding a false tag to someone's name if they've given us false details. |
The tags do nothing other than show others you may have a certification. |
I'm also open to ideas, suggestions, or critiques. Once I get some good changes here, I'll move them over to /ccnp as well. |
Thanks guys!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ioet9,,moderator |
1309363268.0,7,self.ccna,ice7x,Does anyone have a good source of CURRENT free CCNA prep questions?,7,0,9,,'I've hit a bunch of the ones that Google comes up with, but I keep seeing stuff like IPX and Appletalk crop up, and I'm worried that I'm not covering newer topics well enough. |
At this point, I've gone over all the theory, I'm just hitting the practice exams to figure out where I'm weakest. |
Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ice7x,, |
1308259960.0,6,self.ccna,i1ktr,'Just passed ICND1 test, starting on the ICND2 test. any advice?',6,0,17,,'Just passed the CCENT test with a 912. starting to study for the ICND2 test in august. any advice from people that have taken this route? |
I have cbt nuggets and packet tracer with a lot of labs. i am in the process of obtaining equipment to build a home lab.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_i1ktr,, |
1308236638.0,6,,i19ja,Fellow CCNA's - feel free to check out my blog for a variety of CCNA tips and technology news.,6,0,0,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_i19ja,, |
1376928044.0,5,self.ccna,1ko81z,640-802 vs 200-120,5,0,2,,I was wondering how different the exams would be. The reason is that i was i was taking some Exploration 4.0 course last year but i had to drop out due to personal reasons. I've been having a bit more free time lately and I'm thinking of taking the cisco route again but I'd like to self taught this time. Is the new exam going to be too different from the old one? or it's just going a bit deeper on ipv6? What resources should i be using now?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ko81z,, |
1376233100.0,5,self.ccna,1k59e6,Help With Another CCNA Question - Show Flash vs. Show Version,8,3,6,,'Hello again! |
Question was something like, 'What command would you issue to check if there is enough space in flash to store a new IOS image' |
I answered with 'Show Flash' which would give me the used/free in flash memory but the practice test said 'Show Version' was the correct answer. |
Can anyone shed some light on this for me? |
Additionally I'm looking for good reference sheets to learn the different configure-register options, 802.11*x* wireless specs (frequency, bandwidth, etc) and routing protocol multi-cast addresses that are used (the only one I can remember is for EIGRP). |
Thanks! |
P.S. My most recent Boson Ex-Sim Max score - 780, last weeks was 720, I think I will be ready by the end of this month. Thanks for all the help guys!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1k59e6,, |
1376170803.0,3,self.ccna,1k3z1n,SDM on CCNA?,6,3,8,,'Looking over the exam objectives on Cisco's website it still lists the need to be able to configure things using SDM. I am wondering if anyone can tell me how much (if at all) of SDM configurations there is in the 640-802. If so, any hints as to where I might be able to find SDM?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1k3z1n,, |
1375877953.0,5,self.ccna,1jvn61,Other Things Besides Studying for CCNA,5,0,6,,'I've been working towards my CCNA..slowly but surely. Going over some of these posts have got me a bit worried though. I see posts describing people looking for positions after obtaining their CCNA, but they can't get anything because all they have is a CCNA. Or I see posts from recruiters who interview people that have their CCNA, but do not have any true, working knowledge of the field. What else should I be working on/studying to get this type of knowledge? My current job really doesn't offer much in the way of network troubleshooting (I'm just in software support), and most positions that are 'entry-level' require some sort of certification and/or experience. I feel like I'm stuck in some sort of 'need certifications/need experience' purgatory. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jvn61,, |
1375831477.0,4,self.ccna,1jugyg,Difficulty with a subnetting problem,6,2,6,,'I was referred here from /r/networking. I'm studying for the CNNA and I'm having difficulty with a few problems on Here is one of them and I would appreciate some help. |
Problem: You are designing a subnet mask for the network. You want 4000 subnets with up to 9 hosts on each subnet. What subnet mask should you use? |
It shows the answer, but no explanation. This is the first problem i've had like this. It would be awesome if someone could shed some light on this sort of question. Most of the questions I've had previously have had the mask given to me and I'm not sure how to approach it. |
Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jugyg,, |
1375778742.0,4,self.ccna,1jsuax,Questions on classful addresses,5,1,8,,Will there be questions in the CCNA about classful addressing?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jsuax,, |
1375755106.0,6,self.ccna,1js8dl,Reflexive ACL Syntax,6,0,2,,'I'm a bit confused on the syntax of a reflexive ACL. I've seen the syntax example on the white paper but it's not working on packet tracer (granted that could be just packet tracer). |
What would the syntax be for a simple nat translated network with a reflexive mirror with an implicit deny to allow only return traffic back into the lan. For example private address translated to public ip address /29 |
i.e. |
(config)# int s0/0 |
(config-if)#ip address |
(config-if)#ip nat outside |
(config-if)#no shut |
(config-if)#int fa0/0 |
(config-if)#ip address |
(config-if)#ip nat inside |
(config-if)#no shut |
<<Insert commands to create an reflexive ACL which blocks traffic which isn't established>>',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1js8dl,, |
1375325142.0,5,self.ccna,1jguis,I need some help picking a CCNA course,8,3,10,,'Ok, so I have a bit of a unique situation and I thought the folks here at /r/ccna could lend me some advice. |
My boss just told me that (after 5 years of waiting) I was approved for education funding. The education has to be directly related to my job as a tier 2/3 helpdesk tech. This means that I can't use it to pay for college courses as this semester is almost all core classes. I figured that this would be a good opportunity to get my CCNA as I have been wanting to get started with Cisco for a while now. Also, if I am going to get into the CCNA stuff then I might as well go with the new tests. |
My main question here is, does anyone have any input, experience, or reviews regarding self taught courses for CCNA that they have taken? I have looked into a few such as CBT Nuggets, TestOut, Cisco Networking Academy, etc and they all seem great from reading the packaging but I would really love some input from some people that have actually used these services. Plus any advice anyone may have for me going forward. Thank you guys for any help that you can offer!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jguis,, |
1374003899.0,7,self.ccna,1ifnrl,Okay so I failed my icnd2 exam with a 776 of 825. How many questions did I actually miss out of 45?,9,2,5,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ifnrl,, |
1374002710.0,4,self.ccna,1ifm20,Advice for someone thinking about going for a CCNA,7,3,11,,'Hi, I know there are probably other posts about this but I have been thinking about going for my CCNA when I am done with my undergrad. |
I was hoping I could get some advice on where I should start as someone considering doing cisco networking as a career with no prior experience or knowledge about networking. |
Also after getting a CCNA should a CCNP be something to look at? I was planning on working towards one after getting my CCNA and working in the field, how much does it help, is it just for bragging rights? Are there more steps I can take after a CCNP? |
Thanks for the couple of people who have commented already, if there is anything important you feel like should be stated please do post it. I don't want to go into this blind.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1374007524.0,True,t3_1ifm20,, |
1374001005.0,5,self.ccna,1ifjog,Failed ICND1 2 times in a row..,10,5,2,,I failed the ICND1 2 times in a row and on the third try I got it with a 900! I just wanted to put this up here so people do not get discouraged. I felt like quitting and giving up but I couldn't! Now I am on to my ICND2 and feeling better than ever!,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ifjog,, |
1373073939.0,5,self.ccna,1hq40j,Alternates to physical hardware for CCNA Wireless?,10,5,1,,'So, I currently have a rack mount server with 2 nic cards, 2 2611xm routers and a catalyst switch. Im using the server to run gns3 for an additional router and an asa5520 all for my ccna security cert im working for. Once I finish that, I plan on going after my ccna wireless as well. Is there any way I can use gns3 or some alternative to emulate an aironet access point so that I wont have to purchase any additional hardware?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1hq40j,, |
1373038148.0,5,self.ccna,1hp0l4,Lab recommendations for ICND 2.0 exams with a hitch,9,4,4,,'I have looked through several guides on building labs for all the various exams. I know the most frugal method is using ebay and GNS3 which I do for my own personal practice labs. |
The office would like me to build a small rack for training for at minimum ICND with plans on extending the rack to CCNP R/S. I know the current CCNP is mostly incorporated into INCD now. The hitch is CDW is the only approved vendor so the items have to be current product lines or items currently available through them. I personally hate CDW for their jacked up prices but its all I have to work with. |
Looking for suggestions on the cheapest options for routers/switches that fit the topics covered on 2.0. Most of the lines I have personal knowledge of are the 3750 series switches but those aren't cheap to say the least.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1hp0l4,, |
1372873094.0,5,self.ccna,1hkv22,NAT Practice,5,0,2,,'Is anyone aware of a NAT practice simulator? Something similar to would be perfect, but anything really. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1hkv22,, |
1372815294.0,5,self.ccna,1hjdsl,Finding Large # of Hosts in Large Subnets,7,2,6,,'High all, I am studying for CCENT and ran into a dilemma. I can subnet pretty good (it was beat into us in my networking academy I took a few years ago) but I have a hard time mathing out large powers of 2. For instance: I understand that I will have 2^22 -2 number of hosts, but how can I get to 4194302 without the use of a calculator? I fear that if I get something like this on the test, I will burn too much time, but don't want to leave any questions unanswered as I missed by 3 points when I took the composite several years back. |
TLDR; How can I quickly find # of hosts in /16 and higher subnets? |
- Thanks in advance |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1hjdsl,, |
1372078770.0,5,self.ccna,1gysa7,How is this thing scored?,7,2,9,,'I've taken the 640-802 several times now. The first time I got a 735; the second time I received a better percentage in each area but STILL got a 735. Is this thing rigged or what? |
I'm switching to the two test route. To anybody thinking of taking the 640-802, I'd recommend avoiding it.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1gysa7,, |
1371401936.0,5,self.ccna,1ggmvu,'Unable to see message 'Password required but none set' when trying to telnet',7,2,2,,'Hey Guys, |
I am using packet tracer. I am trying to telnet into a switch and it just says 'connection closed by foreign host' rather than 'password required but none set'. Once I set the vty passwords everything works as normal. But just wanted to know as to why I am not seeing the orignal message when no password is set. |
Thanks |
Monk1986',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ggmvu,, |
1371249696.0,5,self.ccna,1gd9sb,Why would I use link local for routing?,5,0,4,,'Hi there, |
I'm wrapping up the 100-101 study guide, and just got through the portion of IPv6 regarding static routes. It's all pretty clear to me (in fact I like IPv6 more than IPv4), but I don't see why configuring static routes with the link local address of the next-hop was even included as an option in the IOS - it seems rather pointless; in order to even use it you have to include the outgoing local interface as well, so why not just stop there? What circumstances would make the link local a preferable alternative to the neighbor's unicast address or the outgoing local interface? It's clearly a well-thought-out protocol, so I'm guessing there must be a reason beyond my current level of knowledge. |
Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1gd9sb,, |
1370136836.0,5,self.ccna,1fhv12,New curriculum book recommendations?,10,5,8,,Has anyone heard of any books that have been updated for the new curriculum?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fhv12,, |
1370055457.0,4,self.ccna,1fg162,Help with OSPF Lab,6,2,9,,'I was doing an OSPF lab and got stumped by one of the steps. The lab is in the pdf link. I was doing fine until I got to step 11. |
I don't see how the static links would work given that there aren't any 66.XX.1.2 ~~networks~~ interface anywhere to be used as next hops. |
There are 66.XX.1.1 loopbacks on each router but there was no step where I was required to set up 66.XX.1.2 ~~networks~~ interface. | |
Packet tracer file:!VYMWWSQb!d-UGWh0BQ1xukXrPoyzpGVViH3MfzvN7dN9eKqt4jwc',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1370072677.0,True,t3_1fg162,, |
1370038212.0,7,self.ccna,1ffj6h,Bug failed me out of CCNA..UGH,10,3,4,,'So..due to a Pearsonvue bug, I got a 805/1000 on the CCNA. Needed a 825/1000 to pass. |
It skipped from a question to the end without letting me answer ANY questions. I would have passed that thing with flying colors had I been able to answer everything >,<. |
Had to wait around for 30 minutes to get the ball rolling on an incident report. They're supposed to contact me back on aggravated.. |
Edit: For my PM's..I didnt disclose how many questions it skipped (as I think that might be breaking NDA..) but it was over 10 questions.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1370104485.0,True,t3_1ffj6h,, |
1369090920.0,4,self.ccna,1eq5gr,Received a stack of books from a friend..,6,2,3,,' |
Would any of these be a good starting point for CCNA prep? Alot of these books seem focused on voice stuff, so i'm not sure if they are 100% helpful. The books are also from a couple of years ago. Will this material be useful? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1eq5gr,, |
1368564126.0,6,self.ccna,1ec6dc,Interested in Cisco Certs. but so new don't know where to start..,10,4,4,,'I have just begun looking into IT training. figured Cisco certs was somewhere to start? |
I registered and found some info on the official Cisco page. |
From what I could gather, noobs are suppose to start by getting their CCNET and then move on from there? |
Could anyone link me some helpful info for a beginner? |
Could I study for the test on my own using online tools and books or do I have to take classes at a college or private place? |
Thanks so much! ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ec6dc,, |
1367871727.0,4,self.ccna,1dtb0r,Question about router/switch commands on the ICND1&2.,9,5,5,,'I'm about to take the ICND1 and soon after the ICND2. I know I'm ready for it but I continue studying. I know most commands, but still hesitate every now and then. My question is: Do the exams focus heavily on commands if at all? |
My concern is getting stuck on a question because I still don't have the speed to recall all the commands right off the top of my head. I would imagine that the ICND2 focuses more on commands than ICND1.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1dtb0r,, |
1367342530.0,6,self.ccna,1df7qb,Packet Tracer tutorial - start to finish,6,0,4,,'Is there a lab tutorial for creating a complete network in Packet Tracer? By complete I mean starting with setting up the routers, switches, and hosts and going through OSPF, VTP, EIGRP, etc. |
I think it would be really helpful to be able to do all of these from start to finish.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1df7qb,, |
1366065505.0,5,self.ccna,1cf5dq,CCNA Advice,11,6,1,,'Hello all, |
My test date is fast approaching and I was wondering if you guys could tell me if that reading Wendall Odoms cisco press book along with using Cisco academy connection is enough to give me a good chance of succeeding. |
I've also been doing labs using packet tracer (As the physical equipment is too expensive for me right now) |
I'm at that stage where I think I'm ready then I wonder if I'm not, It's making me go crazy .. |
Any reply is appreaciated :) ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1cf5dq,, |
1365984318.0,5,self.ccna,1ccu6k,CCNA or what? Hoping for some advice.,8,3,4,,'I took a college class meant to lead up to a CCNA back in 2003. At the time, no one was hiring in my area and I was lined up to go to a major university's mechanical engineering program. I've worked off and on in tech support and sysadmin roles since then. I'm looking to make myself a bit more marketable and wondering what you would do in my position. |
Given that I've had an in-classroom course (three quarters of which I passed in just a few weeks' time), fairly good hands-on experience, well-above-average intelligence and recall, and exceptional test-taking skills, how difficult would it be for me to get the CCNA taken and passed before the September 30th changeover? How much study-time would you estimate for each test?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ccu6k,, |
1365606170.0,5,self.ccna,1c2dv8,Study Group over Google+ Anyone?,8,3,5,,Was thinking of getting the community involved together using Google hangout and what not. I'm looking at starting this up after my exams in May if anyone is interested comment below we can get something together.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1c2dv8,, |
1365360653.0,5,self.ccna,1bv6ms,What to expect the work day to be like once qualified?,7,2,3,,'Before I commit fully to the studying & taking exams I want to know exactly what I am getting myself into. |
If I were to pass and then manage to get hired to do the work CCNA's are hired to do what should I expect my day to be like? |
I know this could be different depending on the type of company you get hired by but If anyone who works in this field could just describe an average day that would be very helpful. |
Currently I work helpdesk/desktop support fixing users problems & some basic server stuff like adding users.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1bv6ms,, |
1363882865.0,6,self.ccna,1aqmgb,CCNA or ICND1 & 2?,8,2,8,,'I'm nearing the end of Cisco Networking Academy at my school, and feel pretty confident with taking the test. I'm using the Sybex CCNA Study Guide and 31 Days To Your CCNA Exam as reference material. Although instructors have recommended we take the CCNA one exam route, I was wondering what others opinions are. Please, feel free to share your thoughts and what your experience was.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1363904762.0,True,t3_1aqmgb,, |
1363809348.0,6,self.ccna,1aom9k,Packet Tracer or alternatives for non Academy student?,6,0,5,,'Hello, |
I have recently started studying the CCNA, I have booked my icnd1 exam already to focus the mind. |
I am studying on my own with some books and I have read about Packet Tracer but I have gone to the Cisco website and it requires: |
> Log in to Academy Connection (you must be a registered Networking Academy student, alumni, instructor, or administrator) |
As I am none of these does anyone have suggestions for alternatives or a way to get this?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1aom9k,, |
1363181883.0,5,self.ccna,1a7prn,'How to not advertise networks using eigrp in packet tracer. |
',7,2,10,,'Doing a practice test file in packet tracer and i can not figure out how to not advertise networks. All the instructions say is 'You will not advertise the,, and networks.' thanks for the help ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1a7prn,, |
1362602268.0,5,self.ccna,19sp41,Would you teach the OSI or TCP/IP model?,9,4,2,,'I've taken on the task of teaching networking concepts to incoming technicians for my company. They come in to the and learn basic algebra, electronics, and then networking. Management wants them to be fully competent network technicians before the end of the class which is two weeks long. Basically I have 80 hours to teach these guys how to hook up a switch to a router with a given vlan. Do any of your fine people have any suggestions that would help me with developing said curriculum? Are there any free labs I could base my training off of? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_19sp41,, |
1360191933.0,6,self.ccna,1811i8,NAT Inside vs. NAT outside differences/uses?,11,5,1,,'So, the CBTNuggets makes it very clear what IP NAT outside does and how it's configured, but once again, practice tests are grilling me with a lot of NAT inside commands used in conjunction with IP NAT outside commands. Can anyone explain to me the differences and why they'd be used in conjunction? Use small words. Those always seem to make this stuff click for me. ELI5. :)',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1811i8,, |
1359572269.0,6,self.ccna,17kqxl,VLSM Practice Questions,6,0,2,,'I know this has been posted before but I am looking for a specific site for practicing VLSM questions and I cannot for the life of me find it through searching. I'm looking for a site similar to [Subnetting Questions]( that continually throws you randomized practice labs but instead of flat subnetting it's based on VLSM. |
Thanks in advance peeps.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_17kqxl,, |
1359564034.0,4,self.ccna,17kghy,Having difficulty with a particular type of subnetting problem,5,1,4,,'I've been practicing on for a few days now. I can consistently solve the problems related to finding the subnet ID, first valid host, broadcast address, and last valid host. I can also find the subnet mask given the bit notation (/x). However, I am struggling with the following question types: |
1. You are designing a subnet mask for xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx IP address requiring x subnets and x hosts per subnet. What subnet mask should you use? |
2. How many subnets and hosts per subnet can you get from xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx /x? |
If anyone could assist with a breakdown, sample problem, or the like it would be much appreciated.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1359570781.0,True,t3_17kghy,, |
1359428305.0,6,self.ccna,17h0lb,'Knowledgeable base of CCNA subreddit readers, I'm currently a data center tech aspiring to gain a CCNA certification. Should I take the ICND1-->ICND2-->CCNA route, or go straight for CCNA? Details within.',9,3,7,,'First off, thanks for reading. I've been a data center tech for about a year now. I do typical on-site/field ticket resolution, and after replacing hard drives and reseating RAM/disk controllers and cards, I'd say I know my way around a server pretty darn well. Then again, pretty sure anyone with a modest degree of basic computer knowledge could say the same to some degree. As far as certifications go, it's my understanding that the A+ certification is essentially a piece of paper saying you possess this knowledge (after you pass their test obviously). |
I've recently started working with fiber connections as well, which is really exciting. The technology is just fucking crazy. Plus lots of new gadgets like light meters and fiber cleaners. However, this has been the first new thing in my entire tenure, and I'm tired of resting on my laurels. |
So, besides my hands-on time with servers, I have a slightly above average tech background knowledge as a 25 year old. Built my own bastard tower, have a basic idea of how the internetz works, etc. I got that deal on the cisco online learning from IT University on Groupon, and I've only gotten halfway through Module 1 because the guy is such a bore. I liked the CBT Nuggets video I watched the other day, I think I might subscribe to them for a bit. |
But, my question to you is - should I do the CISCO recommended route of ICND1-->ICND2, and THEN my CCNA? Or just go right for the CCNA? I was gonna power through these modules for the CCNA and just find that there's a lot of underlying knowledge that I lack, I'll just head back and do ICND1-->ICND2. I turn to you, CCNA'ers of Reddit! Give me all your knowledge =p |
EDIT: In case you're curious, I've got a degree, but it's in Marketing (I know, I know). Kind of a long story as to how I came to be in my present situation.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_17h0lb,, |
1359404196.0,6,self.ccna,17g4o2,Trying to understand Subnetting (CBTNuggets),8,2,18,,'I am have been banging my head on the wall for the past week trying to understand how to subnet. I watched all three of Jeremy's videos explaining the different ways to figure subnet questions and can work through all his problems/examples with ease. |
However, |
The minute I go to and attempt a question I get completely stumped. I can even try playing his video while simultaneously working the question from the website but keep feeling more and more lost. Has anyone learned subnetting using Jeremys method (finding the increment ect ect) and applied it to questions from this website? Is there a newer (easier) way to learn this?? Thanks for the help!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_17g4o2,, |
1359075461.0,5,self.ccna,1785fe,'With no prior networking experience, should I go for network+ first?',5,0,5,,'I tried searching this subreddit but I couldn't really find anything that answered my question. It seems like its 50/50 on whether to go straight for the ccna or not. |
Here's my situation: I'm 24 and in my second year at community college. I plan on transferring to a four year university next year. I've built and managed a web hosting company, web sites, and built pc's but I haven't really had any networking experience aside from my home network. As of right now my goal will be to graduate with a bachelors in network administration. |
The main reasons I want to get my certification are 1)I know it will help me in the future 2) To find a job while i'm in school. Even an internship would be okay with me. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1785fe,, |
1358968573.0,6,self.ccna,174zgo,Is my CCNA book wrong?,8,2,4,,'Hey everyone! I'm so happy I found this sub-reddit as I study for my CCNA exam, there are some great tips here. Anyway I'm studying subnetting and my book gives me an example. I've been going nuts trying to figure out why the answer is what it is in the book. I think the book's answer may be a typo. Can anyone verify? See the below question and answer |
>of the following sets of networks, determine the summary address and the mask to be used that will summarize the subnets | and |
Book Answer: |
Is this correct? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_174zgo,, |
1358917375.0,4,self.ccna,173ts9,'CCENT CBT Training from 2007, Still Relevant?',6,2,14,,'I've just started working on getting a CCNA, Im starting with ICND1. A co-worker has given me a copy of CISCO CCENT ICND1 640-822 CBT Nuggets. |
However they are from 2007. I had a look [CBT Nuggets]( but cant find any dates on the series. |
Is using 2007 nuggets going to lead to poorer results? How much has changed since 2007? |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_173ts9,, |
1358044462.0,4,self.ccna,16gy6f,Subnetting question..,8,4,13,,'What is the math for a question like: |
How many subnets and hosts per subnet can you get from the network |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_16gy6f,, |
1357301947.0,5,self.ccna,15y4a0,[URGENT] help needed with Summarization/route aggregation!,5,0,2,,'Hey all, |
I am going to do my CCNA exam soon, but i need help with Summarization.. it seems that i can't put my finger on how it has to be done.. I get confused every time i start reading that part. |
Anyone knows a good way to explain it?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_15y4a0,, |
1356752188.0,4,self.ccna,15lw01,'Took my first CCNA class last semester, where to go from here?',9,5,9,,'Hello! |
I am an cyber security major. I recently finished my introductory Cisco class last semester with a B. We used 'Network Fundamentals, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide' and 'Routing Protocols and Concepts, CCNA Exploration Companion' as our text books. I was also registered on cisco network academy and completed the enetwork coursework. |
I've checked the links on the sidebar, emailed my professor and TA (twice, no response) and registered on the cisco forums (haven't posted yet) but I can't find out where to go from here. |
A lot of people are telling me to keep going and get my cert while the knowledge is still fresh in my head. However, I have no idea where to go from here. I don't know what cert I can qualify for or what course to study for. |
Thanks for helping reddit!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_15lw01,, |
1354568747.0,5,self.ccna,147xy9,Finding a CCNA course,5,0,9,,I'm looking into enrolling myself in some sort of CCNA certification focused courses. I'm not finding any luck. Looking for insight on the right direction to look. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_147xy9,, |
1353264982.0,7,self.ccna,13eowv,GNS3 vs PacketTracer?,8,1,12,,'So, im currently working for my AS in networking with specialization in Cisco and we are using packet tracer for the hands on labs. I see that everyone here recommends using GNS3 but I cant see anything wrong with packet tracer. My question, what advantages does gns3 have over packet tracer?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_13eowv,, |
1351220566.0,6,self.ccna,123s4u,CCNA Security vs CCNA Classes 3 & 4,7,1,4,,'I've currently just started the Routing class at my local college, already finished Network Fundamentals, and will be continuing on in the other two courses. This last class, the instructor mentioned in passing that the school will be offering the CCNA Security course in the Spring semester as well as classes 3 & 4. I think he also mentioned that taking that will mean you do not have to take the next two classes, but I'm not 100% certain that is what he meant and I didn't have a chance to confirm with him. |
I'm considering taking both classes, as I can make it fit in to my work schedule, but I wanted to see if anyone here could provide clarification. Are classes 3 & 4 still needed for the CCNA certification if you take the CCNA Security? Will there be a lot of overlapping information if I take both classes? |
Thanks a lot for the help, I don't post much, but reading everyone's stories keeps me inspired and motivated to finish this.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_123s4u,, |
1351020422.0,5,self.ccna,11yn6e,Best IOS tutorial? ,8,3,9,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_11yn6e,, |
1350786803.0,5,self.ccna,11tsak,Suggestions for some content.,5,0,3,,So I am using the cisco press books by odom and also I just started CBT. I have a 45 minute drive to and from work everyday. That leaves me with a hour and a half everyday that I can not read or watch videos. I do however like to listen to audio books while I am in the car. So My question to you fine people is this: What audio books or podcasts or anything similar that you can recommend should I listen to while I am driving in the car. I am currently working on CCENT and CCNA is to follow immediatly. So recommend anything that you thought was helpful that was just audio or videos that don't need to be watched.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_11tsak,, |
1350054160.0,6,self.ccna,11d8zk,Studying for CCNA.. have a Mac.,10,4,11,,'Disclaimer: not here to debate Mac vs Windows. |
Hey everyone, am studying for CCNA and need to start getting some hands-on. I was going to use GNS3, their website says it'll only work under Lion, and I'm running Mountain Lion. |
Now, obviously, I could run it in Windows on the same computer, but that somehow seems like more of a hassle than just buying some gear from eBay and using the 'real thing'. |
Anyone have any experience studying for this on a Mac, and if so, what did you do? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_11d8zk,, |
1349726031.0,5,self.ccna,115jkp,Questions about Serial cables.,11,6,7,,'So my CCNA book and all my labs always have Serial cables connecting routers together. I'm a (albeit new) network Admin and have never seen a Serial Cable connecting routers, we just use Gigabit Ethernet. WTF? My questions, I guess: |
1. Why do they use serial instead of Ethernet? What's the advantage? |
2. Is this something that is out-dated? |
3. Can I go look at a physical router and see a port labeled 'Serial'? |
4. What kind of connector do these serial cables use? |
Thanks.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_115jkp,, |
1348441767.0,4,self.ccna,10d3pd,'CCNA Test Friday, need a little guidance. ',7,3,17,,'Sooo, i am taking my CCNA cert. exam Friday, this will be my first time taking it. I am curious if anyone can tell me about the experiences they have had. Also, if they know of any good material on switching.. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1348444709.0,True,t3_10d3pd,, |
1348391514.0,4,self.ccna,10c47y,'Lab Gear - Whats the best way to look for, compare, and find good gear on Craigslist, eBay, etc.?',7,3,11,,'As I start preparing for the CCNA and a potentially deeper certification path, I (like many of you) have started browsing eBay and Craigslist for used gear in the hopes of building a decent yet humble lab to practice or implement at home. |
With much of the gear out there EOL or unsupported, I would imagine there is still a wealth of good lab gear to be had. The hardest part of scouting for this gear is knowing what to look for. |
Which routers/switches run ancient IOS versions? |
Is there a good gigabit version of a similar switch for a slightly higher price? |
What is considered a good deal, the best bang for the buck? |
I guess what I am asking here is, **what is the best way to compare the equipment that may be floating around short of going to Cisco's site? Is there a general recommendation from the Pros or tenured Ciscos out there that can be shared?** |
As always, this community is a wealth of knowledge, I look forward to the responses and I'd like to thank you in advance for your time.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_10c47y,, |
1348094463.0,5,,105t0j,Certifications or college degree. What are you seeing from employers?,6,1,10,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_105t0j,, |
1347458584.0,5,self.ccna,zrkqw,'How much VTP, STP is on the ICND1?',5,0,11,,'I didn't think I had to know more than the IEEE standard designation and the basic purpose of Spanning Tree. As I take some of the ICND1 practice tests (NOT CCNA composite) I'm getting questions about root bridge elections and the like. |
I'm taking the ICND1 in about three weeks; should I be studying this stuff?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_zrkqw,, |
1346611093.0,5,self.ccna,z8nhv,'Preparing to take ICND1 at the end of September, worried about SDM.',7,2,11,,'Hi everyone, I've been working with Cisco Nexus and Cat equipment for the last year (Data Center) and I finally decided to get going on the certs. I pref command line interfaces and I;m really excited at the depth and the amount of foundation contained in 640-822. |
However, I was shocked and a little intimated when I found out that SDM is part of the course. This (of all the things within the course) is one thing I don't have access to. |
I haven't heard many people talk about it, but how much of SDM is actually on the test? I can find my way around a GUI pretty quickly, but with time being an issue on the test, I'm slightly concerned. Any thoughts and input welcomed. |
Thank you in advance for your time. |
TL;DR SDM on the ICND1?! Never touched it, wont be able to. Should I be worried? |
Edit: Thanks everyone for the feedback! Based on responses, it sounds like little to no encounters of SDM on the test.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1346653304.0,True,t3_z8nhv,, |
1346387740.0,6,self.ccna,z4bns,Subnetting question about usable networks.,6,0,8,,'So today was the first day back in cisco class after summer break and we were reviewing subnetting. I thought I had it down pretty well and then the teacher laid one on me that had me pretty confused. |
Say you have a class C network with the subnet mask |
He said that there are only 14 usuable *networks* utilizing that mask. He also said that there were 14 usable hosts, which makes sense to me. |
Is there a reason you can't use subnet #0 and 15? Or did the instructor just misspeak? |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_z4bns,, |
1345572419.0,3,self.ccna,ylaxd,Cross vendor certs?,8,5,7,,'Hey guys, I just got my ccna and have started studying for ccnp. My question to you guys already working in the industry, is it worth it to branch out to other vendors like juniper or HP? I mean in terms of time and money vs employment and salary. Is it better to just stick with cisco and do concentrations or do employers look for people that can work with multiple vendors? I know having them can't hurt but does it just take time and money away from something more beneficial in the cisco line? Thanks guys.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ylaxd,, |
1344990237.0,5,self.ccna,y8f92,Did you take notes while preparing for the exam? Need some advice.,6,1,7,,'I have been going through Wendell Odom's official cert guide the last few weeks and realized that I'm going at a very slow pace. I read the chapter fine but it seems as though I'm taking way too many notes and it's taking me a long time to finish even a single chapter. |
For some reason I'm having trouble deciding what is important enough to write and what isn't. I don't normally have this problem. My biggest fear is that I'm going to forget something that should have been in my notes. |
So my question for you is, did you take any notes and if so, how in depth did you go with them? |
Maybe taking a practice exam will help me realize what it is they are looking for?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_y8f92,, |
1344598573.0,4,self.ccna,xzpwe,'Goin' for the ICND1 this afternoon? Any quick advice, last minute tips?',5,1,11,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_xzpwe,, |
1343333342.0,5,self.ccna,x7hpl,FTP putting ports on lower-priority bridges into blocking. Why?,5,0,4,,'The way I understood it: when STP needs to block a link, it blocks the port on the bridge with the higher priority number. But in my STP configuration, it's blocking the same port regardless of what the priorities of the two bridges are. Can anyone explain what I'm missing? |
Here's the [show span bri](, here's the [graph](',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_x7hpl,, |
1342707439.0,5,self.ccna,wtg06,'A little help with Packet Tracer please? 'bridge irb' doesn't work?',5,0,5,,'I just installed Packet Tracer 5.3.3 and of course the first thing I wanted to do was re-create my home setup. At home I have a 871W Router with the wired and wireless bridged on the BVI1 interface. There's no 871w in packet tracer, but I figured an 1841 with the wireless module would be close enough. I just want to create the bridge like I have at home, but there's no bridge command. In fact b? just yields banner and boot as acceptable commands. Am I making a mistake? |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_wtg06,, |
1342624485.0,5,self.ccna,wrgb8,Need advice on ASA 5505 for CCNA lab,8,3,7,,'I am currently studying for my CCNA. I am wanting to get a physical lab setup because I think I would learn better on physical equipment versus a virtual setup. I am able to purchase a router through work so there is no out of pocket expense for me. A coworker of mine recommended the ASA 5505 for my lab. I already have switches (2 x 2950 & 1 x 2960) so all I am missing is a router. Would the ASA 5505 be a good router for my lab? |
EDIT: Thanks for all of the replies I found the missing router that was out in the graveyard. It is a 1721. I have also ordered a 1760 so that I have two to work with. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1342663247.0,True,t3_wrgb8,, |
1342495346.0,6,self.ccna,wokiv,Suggestions on an affordable home CCENT and CCNA setup? Looking for routers and switches.,7,1,16,,'I have finished 3 of the 4 classes to get my CCNA. All I need to take is the WANs class. It wont be for another 6 months until I can take the next class, and I don't want to go a long time without doing any cisco networking practice. |
Im looking for suggestions on some affordable new or used managed routers and switches I can mess around with to practice for the certs. Any suggestions?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_wokiv,, |
1341938286.0,6,self.ccna,wc1wi,Network Academy's CCNA preparation courses.,6,0,8,,'I've been taking 4 courses on Network Academy (Cisco Networking Fundamentals, Routing Protocols, A thing on VLANs and packet switching, and Accessing the WAN via Cisco), and I was wondering if anyone else has done the same and passed the test. I've been near the top of my class in every class, but it worries me that I won't be up to snuff when I take the test. Can anyone help console me? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_wc1wi,, |
1340758997.0,6,self.ccna,vnsag,Is the book i'm reading for ICND1 too old?,6,0,9,,'[ICND book]( |
That's a picture of the book, basically it's the 2008 second edition. |
Will this be ok to read through for the ICND 1 exam? I've been doing practice exams on as well, and i just want to make sure i'm not missing any content. |
Thanks in advance!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_vnsag,, |
1338440270.0,5,self.ccna,udenp,How to get my foot in the door?,7,2,15,,'I just graduated with a degree in Information Systems and I also have a CCNA I got from self study. But I am not seeing much in the way of entry level work available. I would really appreciate any advice on how to get into the industry. It is so frustrating that I have lost all motivation to study for the CCNP, because it seems like a waste of time if I can never actually get a job in networking because everyone wants two years of experiece.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_udenp,, |
1337627553.0,7,self.ccna,txx65,Why do all enries show as Passive in the EIGR Topology table?,8,1,5,,'When I do a show ip eigrp toplogy, every entry is always marked as Passive. What do they have to do to get the other states? Having trouble finding a straight answer on the Cisco site.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_txx65,, |
1337432853.0,4,self.ccna,tunsm,Are 2501s worth anybody for setting up a practice lab?,5,1,6,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_tunsm,, |
1336509232.0,5,self.ccna,tdhqa,i need subnetting tips,5,0,11,,'hello, i'm wondering if there is a tip to find out which subnet the ip belongs into quickly. |
example |
ip add belongs in which subnet. with a mask of /29 |
is there a way to find out quickly without writing every net down? because this takes too much time.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_tdhqa,, |
1336496068.0,5,self.ccna,td5q1,Answer a few ccna/networking/cisco/newbie related questions?,5,0,3,,'So I'm self-studying and trying to learn the materials so I can go for my CCNA by the end of Summer. First by going thru the two Odom books that everyone tells me are the gospel, and then later on this summer by getting some hands on with some lab equipment. |
I'm hoping that you guys don't mind me posting questions in this thread, so I can have some people to bounce ideas off of and better my understanding of the topics. |
Thanks for your time, and any help! |
-nia',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_td5q1,, |
1335532647.0,4,self.ccna,sv88g,Is Bosun Netsim worth it for the CCNA?,7,3,7,,'I've just about had it while messing around with GNS3. I'm at the point in my life where it's grand when things just *work* without having to fiddle around with settings. |
I've also gone the physical lab route and while it was nice to have the equipment in front of you, it eventually became a pain to power it and deal with the noise created as well. |
Right now spending the 139 or so dollars would be worthwhile, especially if their program is stable and well supported. |
Has anyone used it before and liked it?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_sv88g,, |
1333983231.0,5,self.ccna,s0u8b,I need some advice and motivation while studying for the ICND1.,6,1,11,,'I've started studying for my ICND1, with my end goal being the CCNA. I've been using CBT nuggets, and then catching up to where I'm at in CBT nuggets with Cisco's Net Academy. The thing is, they don't match pacing very well, and Net Academy has a hand full of things like minor terminology terms that CBT nuggets doesn't have, like calling wireless clients STAs and introducing subnetting at wildly different points. I'm wondering if I should watch the whole CBT Nuggets series first, and then go through the net academy portion? |
I got really discouraged when in the videos, I was about to get into actual switch configuration, and then I went back in and realized that I was unable to pass the last few section quizzes. I'm also frustrated because I can't find a good indicator of what point the the CCNA Exploration the cut off is for when you're ready to take the ICND1, and it's hard to systematically study when you can't give yourself a time frame. |
This has turned into more of a rant, but it's aggravating going through the sections and feeling confident and able to grasp the material, but with no end in sight.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_s0u8b,, |
1332871011.0,4,self.ccna,rg5gl,Prepping for ICND1,5,1,8,,'Id like to know some good practices for prepping for the test. So far I have gone through the Chris Bryant Train Signal videos, Jeremy Ciaorio CBT videos, thumbed through the for dummies book and also the exam cram book. I think I have a solid foundation but Im still blanking on specifics on the practice tests. |
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_rg5gl,, |
1331823544.0,4,self.ccna,qxu2f,Switching,5,1,6,,I want to buy an inexpensive yet functional switch in order to get some hands on experience for my CCNA exam. Do you guys have any suggestions ? ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_qxu2f,, |
1331640850.0,5,self.ccna,qufn5,640-802 2nd take on March 15,5,0,6,,'This would be my 2nd chance on taking up the ccna exam, failed by 10 points last time and had a problem with the simulation .. Any pro tips or suggestions kind sirs/ladies :O ..',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_qufn5,, |
1330217431.0,4,,q63nx,Helpful voucher info for Cisco Net Academy students.,5,1,4,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_q63nx,',bh7RhvK2&UserId=Gu999x7Uu7k=&', |
1328712508.0,5,self.ccna,pg9th,'Retaking my CCNA, tips?',5,0,6,,'I've decided that it's time to re-certify myself with a CCNA. I have it previously (2007-2010). I'm currently a contractor working with nothing but Cisco equipment. |
Has the overall test changed recently? I know subnetting is still a large part of the test, which I need to brush up on. Should I worry about anything else? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_pg9th,, |
1327879931.0,6,,p27rj,I might sell some equipment. Here's a picture of my current config with most cables removed. I still have two 2811 routers to mount. ,7,1,7,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_p27rj,, |
1327651844.0,5,self.ccna,oywp9,Does ICND1 ask questions about VLANs?,5,0,8,,'I don't see anything pertaining to VLANs listed as an exam topic for the ICND1 test on the Cisco website. I just took one of the practice exams on mc mcse and there were 4 or 5 questions about VLANs. I haven't studied VLANs much yet because I didn't think they were on ICND1. I ended up scoring 64% (I know I'm not ready for the test yet). |
As a side note, where can I find some good, free/cheap practice exams (if they exist)? |
Thanks.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_oywp9,, |
1327262708.0,6,self.ccna,ors8v,What methods do you use to study? How do you decide what is and what is not important? ,6,0,7,,'I'm working on obtaining my CCNA and I have a study method that I think works for me. I watch the video on the subject from Train Signal and then read the chapter in the Cisco press book. While I am reading the book I take notes on what I think are the most important topics. |
That leads me to the second question. Some parts I don't think are important enough to take notes on. In the book there is a section on 10BASE2 and 10BASE5 as well as CSMA/CD. I can remember them enough to answer a question about them if I need to but I don't think it is an important topic to take notes on. |
So how do you study? How do you decide what is and what is not important?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ors8v,, |
1326859827.0,4,self.ccna,olx7n,Tips for remembering the good ol' OSI model and the functions of it.,7,3,9,,'Hey everyone, I know this is the wrong place to bring such a question, but I figured it was the best possible place on Reddit. So I'm taking my Network+ exam tomorrow and the only thing I'm worried about is that damn OSI model. I know all of the parts in order, however the functions of each part are the things that kill me. I would like a tip or 2 on how to best remember all of the functions of the OSI model as well as the equipment that goes with each layer. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_olx7n,, |
1326483953.0,5,self.ccna,oftse,Taking my CCNA on the 17th. Very nervous,7,2,11,,'I just found this subreddit and I wish I had thought of searching for it a long time ago. |
I finished the Cisco Academy at our local community college in December and I've been studying for my CCNA since the. I gave myself one month to prep but I can't help thinking I'm not ready. I've been taking all the practice tests I can find on the Cisco site, the tests that come with Lammle self study book and anything else I can get my hands on but it seems the more I take, the more knowledge I think I'm lacking. I can subnet, I'm comfortable with command line and configuring switches, routers, routing protocols, VLANs, sub-interfaces and security settings. My weakness is creating ACLs and setting up NAT. I can look at an ACL and understand it but I have trouble with the actual writing part. |
I know it's impossible for you to tell me if I'm ready but I'm wondering if I'm just psyching myself out. I was also going to go with the two test route but my teacher and a friend who's taken the CCNA both convinced me to go with the single test. Now I'm starting to second guess that as well. |
I'm a 42yo male who's changing careers late in life. I have a lot riding on this, including my current relationship. |
What say you Reddit? Any good words of advice?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_oftse,, |
1325615916.0,4,self.ccna,o1d1b,'Which online training is the best for CCNA? CBT Nuggets, INE, or TrainSignal?',6,2,23,,'I'm currently working in Operations Support aka Helpdesk/Desktop Support, but want to make the jump into Networking. Which online training site offers the best bang for the buck?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_o1d1b,, |
1323455563.0,5,self.ccna,n6i1k,'I know very little about networking, and i want to take the CCNA one-test method. Is this advisable?',6,1,16,,'I'm in college and i can't really spare 300$ for 2 separate tests, so i was thinking of taking the 640-802. I'm majoring in Computer Science and i've taken a liking to networking and would like to hear some opinions on if my goals are realistic. |
Goal: study from December to the end of january and take the test in February. Any links or recommendation of study material would help too thanks guys.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_n6i1k,, |
1320762560.0,5,self.ccna,m4t1s,'Want to get my CCNA in the Spring, but I'm having trouble gathering studying resources.',5,0,16,,'I've been meaning to get my CCNA for a while now, but haven't quite mustered the motivation or material to get myself to study for it. I'm hoping Reddit can change that. |
I do have a couple great CCNA books as well as a NetSim. Also, through work I have access to probably any Cisco device you can think of, seriously. |
My problem is my attention span. I sit down to study and 15 minutes later I'm either asleep or doing something else (I blame this on working third shift). What I really need is to find a resource that will give me an opportunity to study for 10-20 minutes at a time. That could be either a book with small chapters or a website with a small daily lesson. This would be best because I could study at work between incidents. Anyone know of any? |
Also.. As I said before, I have access to plenty of Cisco devices. What would be the optimal test device configuration to help me study?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_m4t1s,, |
1319530966.0,5,self.ccna,lo7c2,'What are some 'Networking' job titles and descriptions??',7,2,3,,'So I am thinking of going to a Cisco Academy where I can earn CCNA, Security+ and some other certs - along with a AAT in Cisco Systems. Basically I really like computer hardware- and im interested in how internet protocols work. |
I want to find out more about the networking life though. I need to find more information on what kind of jobs this can get me and what to expect. Im trying to get away from all the 'fluff' information the colleges sell you. |
Can you guys please help me out with some links to info on some of your favorite websites, or beginner websites, that can help me figure out all the different job titles and descriptions categorized under 'Networking' because theres nothing I can really find in the sidebar like this.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_lo7c2,, |
1318639352.0,7,self.ccna,lcor1,'STP: Why would I want to control the root? I know how to do it, I just can't remember the reasoning behind it..',7,0,4,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_lcor1,, |
1318412980.0,5,self.ccna,l9ecj,CCNA Exploration vs. The Real Thing,6,1,3,,'I'm studying for CCNA (and CCNP next year) at my university, and I'm a bit concerned with what it is I'm supposed to be studying. |
Off and on for about a year, I've been following Todd Lammle's CCNA Study Guide, jumping between chapters and so on. This puts me in a position where I'm familiar with a lot of CCNA material. However, in school we are following the CCNA Exploration 4.0 at the moment, and I've got the exam for part 1 of 4 coming up in two weeks. Part 1 consists of 11 chapters, and I assume this is the first half of ICND1, although no-one seems to be able to confirm this. I'm supposed to be able to take the full CCNA exam after year one, but it all seems really unsure. We've been through the OSI-model fairly in depth, I know how subnetting works, I've done labs with static routing, RIPv2 and OSPF. |
The problem I'm having is that my professor isn't very verbose when it comes to the actual exam. I've done the 11 test exams on the Cisco Academy website and passed them all, so I should be fairly safe. But should I then just assume that no other types of questions will appear on the exam itself? Should I be confident that I can take the actual CCNA certification after passing what CCNA Academy calls CCNA1 through 4? |
I'm a bit frustrated with the fact that all literature I've come across have only mentioned the ICND1&2, and the single CCNA paths. Can I be confident that this CCNA Academy path will guide me all the way through getting the actual certifications? Any pointers would help greatly.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_l9ecj,, |
1318285030.0,4,,l7khn,Need help figuring out how to configure Dynamic Mode on Switch. Look inside for screenshot,6,2,5,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_l7khn,, |
1317754782.0,4,self.ccna,l0spv,Renewing CCNA. Easiest specialty test?,5,1,7,,'So my CCNA is up in a month. I would like to renew it and it seems going the CCNA voice/sec/wireless path would be best. Now, I haven't used my CCNA in the 3 years I've had it, so my CCNA knowledge is low and I'm not really too concerned with whichever cert I get, so long as it renews my CCNA. |
Anyone have an opinion on which would be easiest to take/prep for? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_l0spv,, |
1316266008.0,4,self.ccna,kimys,I just passed the week long INTENSIVE Instructor Certification Prep class. I am now a CCSI. AMA,5,1,11,,'I've been a CCNA for about 6 years. This class was brutal. Teacher was great, test was a monster. If any of you were interested in ever teaching Cisco, this IS the class you must pass. |
Obviously I won't give out test details. But I had no one to tell me exactly how hard the class was, and what the setup was, I'd like to pass out info/a warning for all those interested. AMA',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_kimys,, |
1316205475.0,5,self.ccna,ki14z,If i get CCNA cert.,6,1,19,,'what kind of job positions can i get with the ccna cert? no previous experience , no degree',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ki14z,, |
1314074443.0,5,self.ccna,jrd6l,Syslog program/ SNMP server? for CCNA lab?,7,2,7,,'Hey guys |
I'm currently training for my CCNA lab. right now I've come up to a security lab that wants me to log some SNMP traps. |
I've googled around for some simple ways to do this. Any suggestions or how-tos to set up a server? I have linux/windows 7 and some 2600's routers.. |
thanks for the help!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_jrd6l,, |
1312714189.0,5,self.ccna,jbh7m,Losing motivation while studying,5,0,15,,'I'm sitting in a service desk job while trying to force myself to study CCNA (ICND1 at the moment) during the slow times and when I'm not working. I'm losing motivation to keep going. I've gone 4 days without even picking up my book. Any advice? I've figured to get ICND1 first, then move onto ICND2',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_jbh7m,, |
1312345307.0,6,self.ccna,j7exc,How difficult is the CCNA test?,7,1,3,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_j7exc,, |
1311132686.0,5,,iuh7a,Some good tips on buying lab gear.,5,0,0,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_iuh7a,, |
1376363445.0,3,self.ccna,1k95hr,Is getting a CCNA worth it if you already have an admin job?,7,4,16,,'I just got promoted to network admin at a fairly small company. I'm currently getting my BS in computer engineering and they don't require me to get any certs. I was however thinking about getting a CCNA to learn more and have some credentials if I wanted to get another job in the field. |
I also considered studying for Network+ but was told by multiple people it's worthless. Any thoughts on the matter? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1k95hr,, |
1376357058.0,4,self.ccna,1k8xii,Failed Boson ExSim for 640-802 with a 632/1000,4,0,4,,'Hi all, |
So I failed the Boson practise exam for the 640-802 with a pretty bad score. This is very discouraging to me because I have taken a 2 year Cisco Academy course using the Exploration textbooks 1-4 and studied my ass off this summer to prepare. I can subnet in my head and can configure anything from memory. The exam just seemed SO hard and a lot more focused on troubleshooting then anything else. I don't know, I guess I'll look at the ones I missed and start there. |
Just curious if anyone else has experienced this with the Boson software after feeling very prepared to write their CCNA. |
Thanks ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1k8xii,, |
1375115226.0,3,self.ccna,1ja8uq,Passed ICND1 and ICND2 back to back today.,5,2,8,,'ICND1:925/1000 (Passing score 803) |
ICND2:944/1000 (Passing score 825) |
A note to test givers:Never give up.It is very important.On ICND2 I am pretty sure that I did 3 mistakes in the first 5 questions.Then I started trembling and kept saying.'This is bad 3 questions propably wrong already I am going to fail,I am going to fail'so I stopped for a few minutes,cleared my head and continued.And I aced the rest of the exam.So never ever give up. |
I started with Jeremy Ciora's CBTNuggets videos.It really helps you understand the gist of the material.I was watching the videos with Cisco's Packet Tracer open and was configuring at the same time as him. |
I also paused the videos and wrote notes.I created about 160 A4pages of notes (Big letters and spaces though). |
After that I ordered Todd's Lammle's Study guide from Amazon.I read all 800 pages of it highlighting the important stuff.Then I read it again focusing on parts that weren't very clear to me. |
Then sweeped it again this time clarifying everything ambiguous and writing down cram sheets with all the IOS commands. |
Afterwards I got Jeremy's Question Book (Exam Cram).Seeing that I got 80%+ scores I scheduled a week after.Then I hit the simulator and started configuring networks. |
Total exam preparation time ~3months (Daily studying).',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ja8uq,, |
1374646316.0,4,self.ccna,1ixvhg,Drag and drop question.,6,2,3,,Do you have to put the drag and drop questions in the right order even if it doesn't say? I was practicing some of these questions and I was getting some wrong. ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ixvhg,, |
1374108253.0,4,self.ccna,1iixwv,Will a root port always be downstream of a designated port?,4,0,5,,'While trying to wrap my head around the difference between a designated port and a root port, I thought to check omnisecu. As always, they had a clear and concise answer, but their diagram got me wondering whether you'll always find a root port downstream of a designated port or if there's an exception. | |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1iixwv,, |
1374097803.0,4,,1iiklu,MicroNugget: Connecting GNS3 to the Internet,5,1,1,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1iiklu,, |
1373573202.0,5,self.ccna,1i3r9t,'Newbie starting from scratch, a few questions',6,1,2,,'I Know almost nothing about networking atm. I'm going to be starting college for it soon and I thought I would get a head start by watching the CBT Nuggets training videos for ICDN1. I was wondering if this is the best place to start? I already have access to the videos. I've heard maybe CompTIA A+ / Network+ might be better starting out new to networking? |
Also, what is a realistic time-frame to get through the training videos? How long does it usually take for someone to be able to pass ICND1 starting from scratch like I am? |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1373573598.0,True,t3_1i3r9t,, |
1373307547.0,4,self.ccna,1hvn9k,Just passed ICND1 (CCENT). Quick question,5,1,7,,'So I passed ICND1 with an 860. Quick question though. It says on my transcript that exams cannot be retaken until 180 days have passed. With the new exams coming this fall, does this mean that I have only one shot to take the ICND2 and pass? Will my CCENT count for anything if I don't pass the 2nd exam in time? I obviously don't plan to fail, but its usually nice to know you at least got a look at an exam and can pass on the 2nd attempt if you really need to.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1hvn9k,, |
1371594002.0,3,self.ccna,1gm5qo,Anyone have some practice STP questions with answers?,5,2,10,,'I think i understand STP pretty well but I always like to validate that fact, does anyone have a resource that has some good sample questions with answers?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1gm5qo,, |
1371186954.0,4,self.ccna,1gbkjz,Sorry if this has been asked already..,7,3,6,,'..but if I were to pass the current ICND1 (640-822) by September 30th, would I be able to then take the 200-101, or would I have to complete the 640-816 ICND2 by September 30th as well in order to get CCNA certified?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1gbkjz,, |
1370577122.0,4,self.ccna,1fuacf,Does anyone know what sims are on the current CCNA exam?,7,3,5,,Title pretty much say it all - thanks ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fuacf,, |
1370312681.0,4,self.ccna,1fmj3x,Looking for input on a course I am taking,5,1,9,,'Hey folks. I see quite a few of you mentioned CBT Nuggets, and a few others, but I have not seen any mention of the course I am taking currently. [Here's]( the link to the syllabus. |
My dad bought this course for me a bit back when they were running a Groupon deal. He asked me if I was interested first, so I checked it out, and discussion on Spiceworks wasn't *fantastic*, but people said it was a decent starting point. |
I just have some concerns, because another user I was PM'ing a while back said he's in hiring for his department, and can easily tell when someone has just run through a bootcamp to pass a test, as opposed to those who know their stuff. I want to actually know this stuff. I want to be good at it. That said, I'm kind of lost as to a starting point outside of the handful of houses I've wired up. |
I took a look at some textbooks at B&N the other day, to get some ideas of what to possibly supplement this course with. Not quite sure if I should supplement this course with something, or something with this course, or not worry about it. |
I just kind of feel in over my head right now. I am pretty sharp when it comes to this sort of thing, but I also have a tendency to overthink things and second guess myself. I'd really appreciate any sort of nudge in the right direction. I'm rifling through the Cisco Learning Network right now, but man am I overwhelmed.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fmj3x,, |
1370301095.0,3,self.ccna,1fm4lp,'Building a healthy home lab again, might be some useful info in my blog',7,4,4,,'I'm in the process of building another home lab, hopefully one that will be good enough to get through CCNP Switch and T-shoot, and then on to CCIE. I've done this before, and there is a lot of helpful stuff in my blog on various stuff, from lab building, to GNS3 setup walk-throughs, to JunOs on GNS3, to access server setup. Something for everyone under the CCIE level. |
Eventually, I'll be renting out several lab racks expressly for CCNA study, at CCNA $$$ prices, ($5 or less, per 5.5 hour block.)with 3 1841's, 3 3550's, and possibly even a TFTP server for IOS upgrade training. It will have some of the bells and whistles that the CCIE rack rental companies, like remote reboot(not sure that is really needed in CCNA) and then some things that let you know it's a mom-and-pop show, like scheduling, which for a while will probably be by google calendar and e-mail, with at least a couple hours notice. Not looking to make a ton of money, just provide what appears to be a needed service. Eventually. I'd like to branch off into a security, wireless, and voice (then Juniper) racks as well. You won't even have to drop and config your routers as in GNS3. |
They will already be set up, and all you will have to do is no shut the ports you want to use. Most scenarios you will find in the config vids from CBT Nuggets will be available. |
The whole idea for me is to follow my favorite online passtime,, whose motto is 'sit down and race', following the Keep it simple philosophy. |
The blog is three years old, and I'm posting more now than I have ever. I work somewhat in the industry, more on alcatel, Juniper, and Cisco transport equipment, though. After I finish the CCNP, there will be info from my attempts at those certs as well. |
Anyway..Good luck to you all in your certs ! |',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1370309259.0,True,t3_1fm4lp,, |
1370028329.0,5,self.ccna,1ff74b,The NEW CCNA?,8,3,7,,Has anyone taken the new 200-120? How does it compare to the 640-802?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ff74b,, |
1369099615.0,3,self.ccna,1eqgwc,Has anyone ever worked for Check Point?,6,3,6,,I have an interview tomorrow with Check Point Software Technologies. The job is for over the phone tech support. I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with this company? ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1eqgwc,, |
1368454508.0,3,,1e8tnv,Guide To OSPF for CCNA Prep (Part 2),7,4,0,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1e8tnv,, |
1368454482.0,4,,1e8tn1,Guide To OSPF for CCNA Prep (Part 1),8,4,0,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_1e8tn1,, |
1368218251.0,4,self.ccna,1e39qb,ICND2 on Monday..,5,1,6,,'I think I'm prepared. Ive been living in the cli for the last couple weeks, gone through odoms book with a ton of notes, and cbt nuggets. |
What should I do this weekend to polish my knowledge? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1e39qb,, |
1367208236.0,4,self.ccna,1dbfnv,Free practice exams?,4,0,6,,Anyone know of a site that offers free practice exams?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1dbfnv,, |
1366908489.0,4,self.ccna,1d3c2q,CIsco 2801 policy-map,5,1,4,,'I have my local network and I want to improve the response of most usually internet interaction. I want to give priority to important protocols like http, secure-http, dns, dhcp, ssh etc. and restrict bittorrent's priority to low. I also run a samba server that I would like to give priority to but only on the local network |
I have been trying to find some information and this is as far as I have gotten. If you have any other tips/tricks to help me that would also be great. |
Here is what I currently have on my router |
class-map match-any SHARE |
match protocol netbios |
match protocol nfs |
class-map match-any WEB |
match protocol http |
match protocol secure-http |
match protocol dns |
match protocol dhcp |
match protocol ssh |
policy-map INTERNET |
class WEB |
police 2000000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop violate-action drop |
class SHARE |
police 2000000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop violate-action drop |
interface FastEthernet0/0 |
.. |
! |
service-policy input INTERNET |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1d3c2q,, |
1366648118.0,5,self.ccna,1cvd8f,CCNA 200-120 vs CCNA 640-802,6,1,5,,'I am a recent college graduate with 1 year experience in a networking/sys admin environment. I am considering taking the CCNA certification, but have run into some confusion. Cisco's website states that as of October 1st, the only CCNA cert available is the CCNA 200-120. I was planning on taking the 640-802. I was wondering if reddit recommends taking the CCNA 640-802 or waiting and taking the 200-120? I haven't purchased any study materials yet btw.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1cvd8f,, |
1366427305.0,5,self.ccna,1cpy48,Can anyone take a look at this assignment for my CCNA class and see if I did it correctly?,7,2,5,,'Just want to be sure I've done it correctly before I submit it. I did it first, and then googled to see if anything was out there, but there were a couple of people who posted theirs had different answers. I'm pretty sure I did it right, but wanted someone that was a little better with subnetting to look at it for me. |',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1366428068.0,True,t3_1cpy48,, |
1365613645.0,4,self.ccna,1c2nwi,Home CCNA Lab (can't console switch),6,2,14,,'So passed my ICND1 but realized I would like to get some hands on with real cisco gear. A co-worker of mine bought a CCNA 'kit' but never ended up using it so he lent it to me. |
Specs (for those interested): |
2x 2900 Catalyst Switches |
2x 2620 XM Routers both have DCE DTE WIC's installed |
1x 2610 Router (no wic need to purchase one) |
2x DCE/DTE cables |
Which brings me to my issue; I am able to console into all three routers fine but using the exact same settings/cables I can't access the switches. I plugged them into my home network and they are able to switch frames just fine on almost every port and both switches power up normally. However, when I try and console into them I get one strange 'hieroglyph' esqe character and zero output thereafter. |
Here are all the steps I have tried: |
* Using different terminal software, teraterm, putty, hyperterminal |
* Using a different baud rate (tried every common one I could find out there) |
* Tried booting them in ROMMON mode |
* Tried different usb ports (using usb to db9 adaptor + console cable) |
What am I missing? I can access my routers perfectly fine but both switches act identically. Boot up fine, pass frames fine, but nothing from the console connection. I even looked up how to possibly set the baud rate to default but it appears the jumpers that allow you to do this are only included on routers. |
Thanks for the help!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1c2nwi,, |
1365603078.0,4,self.ccna,1c2aby,Some Questions about the CCNA,9,5,3,,'Hi, I'm planning on taking my CCNA this coming July or August when I feel ready to take it I wanted to get it done before the 30th of September when the change the test. I get my degree in Network Engineering this August (just need to finish up my internship hours) one thing we did not go over much was IPv6. How prevalent is that on the exam? How could I go about preparing for IPv6? Lastly my school offers a week long crash course in June. If you were me would you take it or rely on self study, keep in mind I already took the network engineering courses my school has to offer. The crash course is expensive so not sure if it's worth it. Thanks everyone :)',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1c2aby,, |
1365539226.0,4,self.ccna,1c0hgl,CCNA Practice Exam,9,5,11,,'I've just spend 2 weeks updating the Free CCNA Workbook and its officially live. |
One of the biggest changes I've made was the ability to provide realistic like CCNA practice exams. Time at 90 minutes with 70-80 questions and graded on a scale of 300-1000. Your grade is pass or fail and passing score is 825+ |
Thus far no one has gotten a 1000/1000 |
I'm currently in the process of redesigning the exam and open to feed back. |',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1c0hgl,, |
1365512680.0,4,self.ccna,1bzj02,'Question about new CCNA format (In other news, water is wet.)',5,1,2,,'So I get that 640-822 and 640-816 are both going out style in a couple of months. But what about the focus paths for CCNA? Example: 640-554 IINS? Furthermore, how about CCNA -> CCNP? Sorry if this has been answered already, but the torrent of questions coming in is a little confusing :)',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1bzj02,, |
1365118051.0,4,self.ccna,1bp3a2,What is a good compromise between static and DHCP in practicing good security?,8,4,2,,'I realize this is probably a pretty basic question for most. |
How would a network architect as an admin recommend that an organization compromise addressing scheme with security to prevent an unwanted user from mapping a static addressing scheme, but make end user (hosts) somewhat predictable so that we can have accountability on the sanitation of the contents delivered? |
I'm sorry if this question is somewhat vague. I am just getting started on the topic myself and would like to get a general idea of how some of this works.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1bp3a2,, |
1364751656.0,5,self.ccna,1bd8dd,Has anyone used the test/sims from,6,1,0,,Looks like you get a lot for your money. Anyone tried them out? ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1bd8dd,, |
1364358616.0,6,self.ccna,1b3cml,Established connection,6,0,2,,'Ok so I'm a bit rusty here, despite being happy with my CCNA cert last year, I haven't had much time to put it into practice and I'm feeling a bit stupid. |
Onto the question: |
I have a router, on the inside I have a couple of PCS that I've locked down to accessing specific servers and ports. |
I've created an ACL applied it to the outside interface, but was having trouble accessing the machine remotely. |
Probably because the machine I'm accessing it on isn't apart of the network it's allowed to access. |
So I remembered 'established' command and I've applied it to the interface. |
So my access list looks like this: |
Extended IP access list 110 |
10 permit tcp any eq 40100 (380 matches) |
20 permit tcp any eq www (51 matches) |
30 permit tcp any eq 443 (10 matches) |
40 permit tcp any eq 6464 |
50 permit tcp any eq 7575 |
60 permit icmp any |
70 permit ip host any (66 matches) |
80 permit ip host any |
90 permit ip host any (723422 matches) |
100 permit ip host any |
120 permit tcp any any established (7585 matches) |
It's all working fine, but I want to make sure that the any any established command hasn't circumvented the preceding entries. |
The singular hosts 70-100 are servers allowed to access anything. |
Anyone able to confirm this? |
(edit formatting to save your sanity)',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1b3cml,, |
1364354356.0,4,self.ccna,1b37re,'ICND 2 test in a few weeks, Question about your sheet',4,0,5,,'With ICND1 i went in with the mindset that subnetting will be big, and it was, So I remembered the C/H/N/S (Cdr,Hosts,Network,Subnet) and just brain dumped it on the 'wax sheet' and passed. |
Right now i'm looking at creating a cheat sheet for quick routing protocol setups/procudes along with frame relay and IPvs info. VTP and switching is just stuck in my head from using it every day at work. |
Anyone that passed, what did you brain dump on your ICND 2 sheet?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1b37re,, |
1363982163.0,5,self.ccna,1athb8,Stuck between a rock and a hard place,7,2,6,,'I love networking. I love reading and studying for exams. I love breaking and fixing things. I recently passed my CCENT test and have begun studying for ICND2. Have met some really cool people who I would love to have as colleagues. |
With that said, I hate the job search side. I hate the having to sell yourself part of it. Going to networking events, handing out business cards, bla bla bla, etc. Brutal. The selling myself part is making me consider not bothering with IT in general. |
Sorry for the negativity.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1athb8,, |
1363653791.0,4,self.ccna,1ak8cl,I just passed my ICND1 practice exam in 15 minutes with a 90%. Am I ready for my exam tomorrow?,7,3,14,,'Obviously, with only that information in my title, the answer is yes, but I have never taken any certification exam before. I assume that the real exam pulls from a much larger database of questions, and in different formats. I'm also only about 70% confident in my subnetting skills, but does that really matter if I'm very prepared for every other topic type? I plan on using the finger method of deriving useful subnets (powers of 2) and writing out a table and using the circle method of deriving hosts. Are subnetting word problems usually a large chunk of the test? (Disregard that one if it's a no-no.) |
The practice test came from the IT University Online 640-822 course that I think was produced in 2007, but possibly earlier. Because of my very good general understanding of networking, I have chosen not to utilize other sources for my CCENT studies. (I will utilize more sources for my CCNA later) Has anyone else used IT Uni online? I am concerned that the course and practice tests are insufficient. I've been in networking for over 10 years, but don't have much Cisco-specific experience. My conceptual understanding of networking is very thorough, but I will certainly miss some questions on Cisco CLI commands and syntax. |
I don't expect anyone to give me a conclusive answer, so I won't be holding anyone to their response. I guess I'm just looking for a bit of a pat on the back; enough to allow me to sleep confidently. |
Thank you VERY much. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ak8cl,, |
1362626696.0,5,self.ccna,19tmgi,Subnetting Q: How do you find the perfect subnet for 400 hosts with the least amount of waste?,6,1,19,,'Where do you even begin on this? |
I'm so lost. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_19tmgi,, |
1362584940.0,4,self.ccna,19s2w1,'In the eyes of CCNPs, I can officially tie my shoes.',5,1,3,,Passed the INCD2 today. Now to work on that double knot.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_19s2w1,, |
1362574698.0,3,self.ccna,19rttf,'Can someone clarify a few things regarding Cisco ID, Cisco Netacad and CSCO ID',5,2,2,,'Whilst studying a CompSec course at Uni in the UK, I had the option of completing CCNA (or so I thought) alongside my course. We were all given Cisco Netacad credentials and we had various exams throughout uni. We had one main large exam, I thought I was taking CCNA, but turns out I took 'CCNA4'. So, I don't have CCNA. |
It's all a bit confusing. What's the point in the Netacad exams that we had to take in exam centres if they give no cert? The fact these exams are from Cisco and I got a generic letter from the Cisco CEO and a certificate is a little misleading. |
I'm in a job now and was thinking of starting my CCNP training, it's now I've realised I don't actually hold a CCNA. |
1. What's the point in Netacad and is it necessary? |
2. Signing up for a Cisco ID asks me for my CSCO ID for the Cert Tracking System? |
3. I'm assuming the Cisco ID is where you track all your certs etc? |
I find Cisco's websites and various portals really non-intuitive and confusing.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1362575725.0,True,t3_19rttf,, |
1362420919.0,5,self.ccna,19nf6b,Suggestions for studying?,5,0,10,,'I have taken 4 CCNA courses (Level 1-4 obviously). My problem is, no excuses, I put off taking the cert. It has been about 8 months since the last course. I have the material, but reviewing each book seems like quite a waste of time (for lack of better words). Without spending anymore money, what are some possible solutions? I would like to take the exam by, at the least, May.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1362424134.0,True,t3_19nf6b,, |
1362101926.0,4,self.ccna,19fnvv,Done. CCNA certified.,4,0,5,,'I'm really glad I knew my OSPF stuff, it felt like every other question was OSPF-related. Next up is CCNA security, just wanted to say thanks for all the inspirational posts and help you guys provide.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_19fnvv,, |
1360949161.0,5,self.ccna,18l7vh,NBMAs,5,0,4,,I'm having a hard time understanding what a non broadcast multi access network actually is. Can someone explain it to me?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_18l7vh,, |
1360931917.0,4,,18ktt9,New Global Career Website for Cisco Networking Academy Students and Alumni(x-post:r/computers),4,0,0,,False,default,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_18ktt9,',bkD36g78', |
1360917932.0,6,self.ccna,18kn4i,'Study time: Bryant, Lammle or TrainSignals?',6,0,10,,I've got too many resources and it's hard to focus...which of these is the best to use to study for CCNA?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_18kn4i,, |
1360271898.0,3,self.ccna,1836go,Not sure why this isn't working,4,1,8,,'I have a lab set up with three routers. |
One router, a 2811, has a wireless card in it. |
When I go to configure the wireless, this happens and I not sure why: |
LobbyWireless(config-if)#int dot11radio0/0/0 |
LobbyWireless(config-if)#ip address |
LobbyWireless(config-if)#description WLAN Lobby |
LobbyWireless(config-if)#no shut |
LobbyWireless(config-if)#ssid ADMIN |
%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Dot11Radio0/3/0, changed state to administratively down |
%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Dot11Radio0/3/0, changed state to down |
%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Dot11Radio0/3/0, changed state to up |
%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Dot11Radio0/3/0, changed state to up |
LobbyWireless(config-if)# |
Shouldn't that put me in the 'LobbyWireless(config-if-ssid)#' prompt?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1836go,, |
1359733364.0,3,self.ccna,17p51t,'L2 Switch + home router, what's the best way of implementing this? |
',6,3,11,,'Lets say I have a linksys home router with Wi-Fi, a layer 2 switch and an internet connection. |
If I use a single port to connect the router and the switch, clients will have to share a single 100Mbps link (unless it's Gigabit, then this whole question is moot). |
What happens if I connect all 4 router ports to the switch? Will the ports be load balanced by the switch and the router? |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_17p51t,, |
1359474912.0,4,self.ccna,17i0fp,CCNA by way of CCNP?,4,0,7,,'I plan on eventually getting my CCNP, but I'm wondering if it would make any sort of sense to just study for CCNP from the start instead of CCNA, and THEN CCNP.. Is there anything in the CCNA that ISN'T covered by studying for CCNP? I imagine if one could pass both ROUTE and SWITCH tests for CCNP, the CCNA should be a breeze?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_17i0fp,, |
1358249613.0,5,self.ccna,16m32i,Is the ICND2 material easier then the ICND1 material?,7,2,7,,'What is the concensous? |
I worked my ass off to go from zero to ICND1. I am very proud of that accomplishment. I am a couple chapters deep into my ICND2 material, I have skimmed over the rest of the subjects and I am beginning to come to the idea that I have already accomplished the hard stuff. |
Not really what I was expecting to find. Anyone else agree with that? Or is there some subject coming my way that is gonna hit me hard?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_16m32i,, |
1357772168.0,4,self.ccna,169zg9,VLANS and Secondary IP Addressing,4,0,6,,'Hello fellow students! |
I am currently studying for the CCNA and I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the difference between secondary IP addressing and VLANS(with router on a stick topology). |
-Both create separate subnets |
-Both have their connected hosts send frames to their default gateway to reach the other subnet |
Obviously you can create many more VLANs than just two but is that the only advantage VLANs have on secondary addressing. If I have a network that requires only two subnets on the same interface why would I choose VLANs over secondary addressing? Or would I? |
Thank you.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_169zg9,, |
1357743588.0,4,self.ccna,169163,Wonder if anyone would be interested?,7,3,7,,'I have the paper back copy of: [CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide, 7th Edition by Todd Lammle]( It is in Good condition. The exam page tear out has been torn out but I still have it. |
I want to get the Kindle version of this book. I am just more apt to study if I can do it on my PC, so would anyone want this? |
I'll sell it to you for $15 + shipping. |
I thought about doing Amazon's buy back thing, but I am not sure they would accept it with the exam overview page torn out. |
Anyone interested?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_169163,, |
1357589259.0,6,self.ccna,164y11,OSPF on the LAN,8,2,18,,'Can anybody please explain to me the benefits of OSPF as a LAN routing protocol for a small site (2 core, 10 edge)? The OSPF instance does not participate with the WAN and is only responsible for the communication between the edge and the core. Are there security benefits to the OSPF routing protocol (over static routes) that I am not aware of? Am I missing something, or would static routing be easier and have less inherent security risk?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_164y11,, |
1357342255.0,3,self.ccna,15z7h5,ICND2 - 818 D:,4,1,14,,'No explanation needed, I guess. Already registered again for next week. Man, was not prepared for IPv6, apparently! ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_15z7h5,, |
1355262308.0,4,self.ccna,14oqjf,Why would I run PVST?,4,0,9,,'What is the advantage to running different instances of spanning tree? |
EDIT: You guys make it sound so easy. Thanks, makes perfect sense, although I probably wouldn't use it unless I was in a much larger environment.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1355265285.0,True,t3_14oqjf,, |
1354589345.0,3,self.ccna,148mvg,Blasting through practice tests..,5,2,4,,'So I've been studying for my CCENT for awhile now. I'm pretty motivated, but I am SUCH a procrastinator. Anyways, I've been doing practice test after practice test and getting mid-to-high 80% consistently for the past week. Tonight I challenged myself to a speed round on the ICND1 Practice Exam #2 through the CCNA Discovery module. 50 questions for a two hour time limit. I gave myself a 30 minute time limit, and had a couple rocks glasses of jack and coke before hand to alter myself. |
78% in about 28 minutes non open book. I'm pretty happy about that. |
I'm not sure what the point of me telling Reddit this, but I figured it might get some laughs.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_148mvg,, |
1354574240.0,4,self.ccna,1484t4,CCNA Certification: Which book should I read?,5,1,21,,'I want to pass the exam for the CCNA certification (640-802 CCNA) but amidst all the different books and courses for I don't know which one to take. |
Is there a single book that contains all the knowledge I would need to obtain a CCNA cert? |
Thanks',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1484t4,, |
1354342393.0,4,self.ccna,143djj,CCNA level 2 chapter 10 assignment,4,0,7,,'I've just been doing some setup for for this packet tracer lab and whenever I use 'ip hello-interval eigrp 1 30' to set my hello packets for 30 seconds it starts sending goodbye packets too causing both extra traffic and the net work to be incongruous(is that the word?) not sure whats happening and wondering if anyone here knows whats up. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_143djj,, |
1353952200.0,3,self.ccna,13tlav,'Just enrolled to a CCNA course, what can I expect as someone who is just jumping into the networking business.',5,2,10,,'I'm fairly new to all of this, my start date is january 11th, I can see myself coming back here for more questions regarding the course (i.e. for help on assignments) What can I truthfully expect to tackle in this course and what can I get out of it?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_13tlav,, |
1353893059.0,3,self.ccna,13scxa,New Todd Lammle's CCENT book,4,1,3,,'I've decided to buy the book. But it seems that [Edition 2]( is about to be released. Should I wait for it? or buy the first edition? |
What do you guys think the difference between these two will be? |
Thanks',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_13scxa,, |
1353453342.0,4,self.ccna,13jae0,Help on picking books for the ipad,4,0,1,,'Need help picking out digital books for a cent and ccna certification. My experience is very basic having worked with ciena and Cisco for only six months. I'd like a complete a-z start on this certification |
The two books I was considering are Cisco networking essentials and cent/ccna 640-882 official cert guide. I'm just afraid the cert guid is just for studying. |
I'm really looking for a comprehensive book or two I can read on the iPad. Any recommendations would be great. Thanks',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_13jae0,, |
1353220511.0,4,self.ccna,13e15v,Lab setup suggestions ,6,2,3,,What do I need to look for in a lab set up to practice Routing and Switching? ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_13e15v,, |
1352749225.0,3,self.ccna,132t2v,'Confused by the course's style, am I missing something here?',4,1,7,,'I'm doing the CCNA Discovery 4.0 course as part of my apprenticeship training, done through logging into (are there other ways to do it?). So far I'm only up to part 1, chapter 5, and it's all been effectively just slideshows with multi-choice quizzes at the end which is not quite what I expected from a qualification that's talked about so highly. Does it change at all, or do the quizzes just get harder?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_132t2v,, |
1351706914.0,3,self.ccna,12erzy,VoIP in the CCNA (not CCNA Voice),4,1,2,,Cisco has been pushing more and more VoIP topics into the regular CCNA certification exams. I took the academy course and it had no trace of VoIP. The 31 days before your CCNA book barely took on voice topics. Where can you find CCNA level VoIP information?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_12erzy,, |
1351191325.0,2,,122vxx,'Enter discount code PREMIUM during checkout and Save 30% on Premium Edition eBook/Test Bundles from Cisco Press - Ends December 31, 2012 (X-Post from r/networking)',4,2,0,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_122vxx,, |
1351004615.0,5,self.ccna,11y5u0,What do I need for CCNA Security,5,0,4,,Hi all. I passed my CCNA around May time. I work in a Risk / Security team and would like to head onto doing CCNA Security next. Can anyone suggest a good book to work through? Are there any good simulators I should be aware of? Any general advice? Thanks!,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_11y5u0,, |
1349531550.0,4,self.ccna,111hom,Is Cisco Press 2nd edition still valid?,7,3,3,,I have the second edition and I've been putting off taking the CCNA now. I know there is a 3rd version and there are only minor differences between the two. But in terms of the test its self. Still valid?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_111hom,, |
1349073050.0,4,self.ccna,10r11d,Complimentary skills to go with a CCNA?,4,0,7,,'A little background - I'm about six weeks from taking my composite, completely self study. I have a little programming and DB experience, and about 4 years of telco in an NNOC environment. Recently I decided to test the waters and go on a couple interviews, and I have been completely and totally outclassed by the vision of what these prospective employers expected from me. I've been expected to know stuff like EXCI, Puppet and Linux shell. Cisco knowledge (my bread and butter) was pretty much back burner, on one interview it was all but ignored. Im always willing to learn, but I need to fill my toolbox with solid tools before I start in with extraneous stuff, and I was hoping you all could point me in the right direction.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_10r11d,, |
1348536259.0,5,self.ccna,10fbc5,What Lab equipment to buy for CCNA?,6,1,12,,'Is the below equipment sufficient for CCENT/CCNA? |
x2 2620xm Routers |
x2 2950 Switches ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_10fbc5,, |
1347327848.0,4,self.ccna,zoook,ICND2 in one week.. Any pointers??,4,0,4,,'I just passed my icnd1 and going head first into icnd2. Been cramming like crazy on acl, nat (pat), and routing protocols. Does anyone have some suggestions on anything obscure I may overlook? I've been using the Cisco press ccna discovery books, Cbt nuggets and packet tracer.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_zoook,, |
1347216696.0,4,self.ccna,zm29x,'I can answer any question on, how prepared am I? Will I see anything different than I saw there? ICND1',5,1,4,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_zm29x,, |
1347068048.0,6,self.ccna,zjbk4,ACL Question,6,0,10,,'Practicing with configuring various ACL's to get the hang of it and not sure I understand something that's going on here. Here's a screenshot of my topology. | |
Access list |
__ |
access-list 100 deny tcp any eq www any |
access-list 100 permit tcp any eq ftp host |
access-list 100 permit ip any any |
__ |
Interface fa 1/0 show run copy-paste |
__ |
interface FastEthernet1/0 |
ip address |
ip access-group 100 in |
duplex auto |
speed auto |
__ |
So basically I'm denying webaccess to but still allowing icmp and ftp. When I set the ACL on fa 1/0 as inbound, this works fine, but it doesn't work when it's outbound. |
Not understanding why this is, shouldn't the ACL work when it's set to outbound since the traffic is entering through the other 3 router ports and exiting fa1/0.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_zjbk4,, |
1345819031.0,5,self.ccna,yr76v,Anyone take the 640-875/878 CCNA -SP NG1 ? ,9,4,0,,'Just wondering what you thought of the test, seeing they aren't really going to provide a lot of study info on it. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_yr76v,, |
1341244307.0,3,self.ccna,vxf6w,How does NAT affect ACLs?,4,1,3,,'If I'm adding an ACL to allow traffic to a particular host that is using NAT, should I use the local IP of the host or the global IP in the ACL?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_vxf6w,, |
1341051053.0,3,self.ccna,vu555,Why host address equal to subnet address is reserved?,5,2,8,,'When reading about subnetting, everywhere is pointed out that of all possible host addresses, two are reserved: the first one, which equals to subnet address and the last one, which is broadcast address. |
Okay, it is easy to understand what is the use for broadcast address. But what about the first address that's equal to the subnet number? I've never seen any explanation of how it is used and why it is not available for hosts. What would be wrong with host in network',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_vu555,, |
1340896489.0,4,self.ccna,vqsg8,Reddit! Please Guide me as I embark my CCNA/NP Studies!,6,2,2,,'Reddit! Please Guide me as I embark my CCNA/NP Studies! |
CCNA/NP worth it by itself? |
**My brother,Father,Friends & his colleagues(IT people) are advising me to take |
because they will help me in future & boost the CV |
(*& I Hate coding love configuring*)** |
*Microsoft MCITP(2008 server admin) |
has 70-640,70-642, 70-646 papers* |
plus |
*RHCSA & RHCE(Linux admin) |
SA-1,2,3 |
has papers 124,135,255* |
**& then go for my dream CCNA(2 papers),CCNP(3 papers) & then DOING CCIE** |
**I dont mind doing them(love to learn) |
but the price of the courses make me have second thoughts as to will they boost my CV |
& am quite inclined to do them |
(knowledge make you better right?)** |
**That's my question, do they complement each other(i.e-MCITP/LINUX with CC**)? |
But will it be worth it! |
How many of you passed the CCNA/CCNP through self taught means, how difficult was it ? |
and how many took some type of classes? |
P.S-I know its not going to bè easy But it will be worth it!!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_vqsg8,, |
1340421596.0,4,self.ccna,vgvap,ICND2 next Wednesday. ,4,0,7,,Watching videos. Reveiwing text materials. Prac'n on the GNS3 Simulators. Any further suggestions or tips? Any other subjects I should be well versed in?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_vgvap,, |
1339594695.0,3,self.ccna,uzs8i,Last minute suggestions,7,4,8,,'Hello Friends, |
i am sure, every new guy comes by here and posts the same set of questions, and for good reason, who does not like personalized answers? |
I am about to give my ccna. I have gone through trainsignal, cbt, some books here and there, some brain dumps etc. |
I'll be frank, I can config routers, switches, do subnetting etc. but each time I take the brindump test I fail!! |
Those who have passed, and those about to give the exam, could you share some of the materials you have learnt so far? |
Those who have given the exam, could you share some insight into what kind of questions can be expected ? I mean, I have gone through couple of braindumps that ask what type of fiber cable is needed that can run 550 mts between buildings! Can I expect such a question? |
Thanks, |
KB',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_uzs8i,, |
1339363999.0,4,self.ccna,uv434,FTP setup for IOS upgrade help ,5,1,6,,'have been upgrading IOSs but ran into a problem with larger (>16mb) files |
current set up: |
* 2900 switch (used as a hub basically) |
* 2600 as a terminal server attached to laptop(console) and 2900 switch (Fa eth) |
* Laptop attached to TS and 2900 switch for ftp |
* switches/routers being upgraded are on switch(hub) and consoled through TS. |
It was fine using solar wind tftp, until i ran into a problem with larger IOS files. I know the set up works (its temporary and just sitting on my desk), has been for smaller IOS files, and i can back up the old ISO files from those (3750s currently) i want to put the larger IOS onto. |
I'm unsure how to set up FTP on the laptop for the larger files ( and if which software is recommended) as well as if there's any command differences i should be aware of. i know i may need to know more of the path to the file on laptop then with the tftp but not sure how this gets formatted into the commands. |
Was working, using filezilla, when i booted everything up this morning, not exactly sure what was wrong. |
But did make life easier setting up a user with the IOS folder as the root so i didnt have to type the entire path every time |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1339462557.0,True,t3_uv434,, |
1337797722.0,3,self.ccna,u1dc4,What does the Router ID in EIGRP actually do?,4,1,1,,'I get that every router has a Router ID for every EIGRP AS, but what does that ID actually *do*? Is it used for anything other than display purposes? |
Also, when I manually change the router ID for a router, why doesn't it show up under the new ID on remote routers?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_u1dc4,, |
1337639362.0,4,self.ccna,ty8i9,Help with the WAN technologies course for my Cisco course,4,0,8,,'I am in the final stretch of my IT:Network support course specifically the WAN technologies section and I can't seem to get a good grasp of this. |
Does anybody have any tips for studying this course?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ty8i9,, |
1337637916.0,4,self.ccna,ty76f,Passed ICND2!,4,0,5,,Finally got my CCNA after studying on and off for years. Two weeks ago i failed the ICND2 (still not sure how) with a 790 and today i finished it off with a solid 902. Now i can finally move on to some more advanced stuff which i already do at work. ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ty76f,, |
1337204845.0,4,self.ccna,tqm3e,Good deal on a 2950?,4,0,3,,Got a 2950 off of ebay for 33 dollars shipped. Could I have done better? Would've gotten a 2960 but they were outside of an unemployed student's price range.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_tqm3e,, |
1337113975.0,5,self.ccna,torod,Does the full CCNA exam test Class A or Class B subnetting?,6,1,26,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_torod,, |
1335545013.0,4,self.ccna,svhx0,Still not really understanding access lists..,4,0,5,,'So I recently downloaded a bunch of packet tracer labs and have been powering my way through them and didn't have much trouble (planning on taking my CCNA on May 11th) until I ran into one that deals with access lists: |
Now..I can get it to like 90% completed, but I'm doing something wrong with the actual access-list part and with the RIP routing..although I think I just realized what I was doing wrong with the routing..oh well. I'm more worried about the access list part. These are the commands I'm using: |
access-list 100 permit tcp host host eq telnet |
access-list 100 deny tcp any host eq telnet |
access-list 100 deny tcp host any eq www |
access-list 100 permit ip any any |
According to the lab I should be able to telnet to the switch using admin-host (which I can) but not with user-host1 or user-host2 (which I can't). I should be able to access the web server using admin-host and user-host2 (which I can) but not user-host1 (which I can't). |
Is there some shorter way to run that setup? I only get 86% completion this way & the only bit I have left wrong when I check my results is the access list.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_svhx0,, |
1333329705.0,4,self.ccna,rotrd,Home Lab question,5,1,5,,'What's the best way to simulate host traffic on different vlans on home lab equipment? For example, I have a 3550 that has two vlans configured on it. These vlans are assigned to interfaces, and I want to send traffic from one vlan to the other for testing. What's the best way to do this? VMware?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_rotrd,, |
1333321598.0,4,self.ccna,ron9x,NAT port number question,6,2,8,,'I had a question about port numbering. First I'm going to summarize my understanding so far so in case I'm missing something. |
So my understanding is that you set up NAT as dynamic, and 'overloaded' so that you can potentially have fewer real registered IP addresses than you have hosts who need simultaneous internet connectivity. This means that you're implementing PAT = port address translation, where the port refers to the port of the actual TCP segment. |
My question is, when the router is screwing around with the lookup tables for a given TCP port, it should have *several* TCP ports associated with a given private address, right? Several different TCP ports that map to the same IP address? (I am assuming one computer is using several different TCP source ports because it is communicating with multiple other hosts). |
Also, if the TCP port number needs to me something like http or telnet, is it impossible for this device to communicate if it's on the wrong end of PAT? e.g., let's say two FTP servers are on a private network and I wanted to have a host on a different LAN communicate with both of them. If all FTP packets for both machines are directed towards the router with the same global IP, and the same TCP port number, it is impossible for the router to discriminate between packets headed for the 1st FTP server vs. the 2nd one?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ron9x,, |
1333216838.0,3,self.ccna,rmm1k,How can I do labs for CCNA?,6,3,7,,'I'm willing to invest in some equipment but I'm also quite broke. Is there any way I can virtualize it are their any programs for that? or maybe a virtual ccna lab program. |
Any help is greatly appreciated :).',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_rmm1k,, |
1333169432.0,3,self.ccna,rm13z,'Which IOS image can I run on my 2600? And while im at it, can I get some lab suggestions?',4,1,3,,'Without upgrading the flash and ram, which is the latest image I can run currently? |
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.3(2)XA4, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) |
Router uptime is 1 minute |
System restarted by power-on |
System image file is 'flash:c2600-i-mz.113-10.T', booted via flash |
cisco 2611 (MPC860) processor (revision 0x202) with 18432K/6144K bytes of memory. |
Processor board ID JAD03358875 (1346034237) |
M860 processor: part number 0, mask 49 |
Bridging software. |
X.25 software, Version 3.0.0. |
2 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s) |
32K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory. |
8192K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write) |
Im trying to find a chart I saw online with the requirements for each IOS but cant find it. I do intend to upgrade this to the teeth because I am planning on taking my CCNA and am currently building out my lab. |
Currently I have a 2600 and have another on the way and would like to get another 2600 or 2800. As far as switches I have someone donating 3550s to me. Any other suggestions on equipment for my lab? Im looking at getting at least 3 routers and 3 switches so I can practice routing protocols. |
Thanks guys, appreciate it! |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_rm13z,, |
1330499273.0,4,self.ccna,qb12p,What is a good time frame to study for the CCNA?,4,0,20,,'I have already gone through all of the courseware. I'd like to review the material, do practice questions, some virtual labs and some hands on labs. Is 3 months enough time? Too much? Too little? I usually give myself about 3 weeks for a Microsoft exam and that's perfect for me. Is there a penalty for rescheduling? |
Thanks in advance!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_qb12p,, |
1329881024.0,4,self.ccna,q0d6t,Question about routing to an small business/home ISP.,5,1,6,,'Hey guys, |
Just a little background, I am a IT teacher for my high school, and we have just implemented Cisco networking into our classrooms. My background happens to be in maintenance and programming, but I was very excited to get into the material. After teaching it for the past month and a half, I have to say that I may enjoy networking more than any other IT field. I do have a couple of questions though so try not to judge me, as I have only been doing this for a month and a half haha(I am getting certified as a Cisco Instructor and I am probably going to take the CCNA this summer) |
Anywho, here is my dilemma. I am have a huge culminating project over routing, switching, and routing protocols. I have in my possession 14 computers, 3 layer 2 Cisco switches (can't think of the model at the moment), and a couple of 1800 series routers. We have an open fiber connection that is connected to our football field that I would like the kids to use. We have cable ran to the school that is connected to a Cisco small business router (basically a home networking router), and a layer 2 switch. |
Here is what I would like to do. I would like to have 7 computers on one switch, 7 on the other, and those 2 switches connected to 2 different routers that are connected with a DCE/DTE cable to simulate a WAN connection. I would then like to set up a connection to my small business router so the computers could hook up to the internet. So here is my question: how would I got about connecting the computers to the internet? I understand how to connect the two routers together, how to simulate a WAN connection, and how to assign IP addresses dynamically and statically. The problem I am worried about is twofold: Setting up NAT with the routers, and IP address conflicts. Should I (or do I have to) let the small business router deal with the NAT and IP assigning (currently the small business router dynamically assigns IP addresses to the 3 computers it is connected to), and if I do that, what commands do I have to put in my 1800 series routers in order to successfully forward traffic to the small business internet router. Should I, instead, just create a Windows 2008 DHCP server? I know this is confusing, but maybe you can help me! |
tl;dr - I need to set up a small network of 14 computers, two layer 2 switches, and 2 Cisco 1800 series routers to connect to a home router in order to get those computers on the! |
Ok I got the packet tracer set up just the way I want it. I think I have figured out, so here is the file: | |
Ok guys, get me to the 'cloud router' (router 3) without using a routing protocol. That is all I have left to figure out my topology. I must not be doing static routes correctly! |
NINJA EDIT: I do not mind if you use RIP, EIGRP, etc to set up the internal, but I need to know how to connect to the 3 router from the first router using a static route. Thanks! |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,True,True,t3_q0d6t,, |
1329831449.0,5,self.ccna,pzac5,Does anyone know if the UK CCNA/ICND exams use imperial or metric units of measurement?,5,0,3,,'I'm not sure whether to learn all the cable lengths etc in meters or miles, the book I'm using has both but I don't want to waste brain space memorising both.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_pzac5,, |
1328533731.0,4,self.ccna,pd4d8,Question regarding learning of iOS,4,0,9,,'Currently I'm looking to get my CCNA, I'm watching the CBTnugget videos and going to read the ICDN1 and ICDN2 books. I've schedule to take the CCENT exam first and the second part to complete the CCNA cert requirements. One part of the CCNA exam that I am concerned about is the technical part of using iOS. I do not have access to any cisco hardware and was wondering if GNS3 is sufficient enough for me to learn iOS to pass the CCNA. Any thoughts/advice would be greatly appreciated. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_pd4d8,, |
1327616368.0,4,,oy7p7,What does r/CCNA think of Exam Force for training?,6,2,0,,False,,t5_2qjhh,False,False,t3_oy7p7,, |
1326242741.0,5,self.ccna,obly7,CCNA in 10 days. Any protips?,5,0,19,,Been studying for a while for this test. Taking it in 10 days. Any advice on what people have had on their past tests? Thanks.,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_obly7,, |
1326214742.0,5,self.ccna,oazuz,What is the best Sub-netting method for INCD1?,5,0,13,,'I have studied the CBT nuggets method, but I was wondering if there was other methods that might be better for the cert. |
Thanks ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_oazuz,, |
1325906933.0,5,self.ccna,o6bll,Can anyone help an unemployed man change his life? Donate any unused Cisco Equipment for studying CCNA? Please? Thank you!,9,4,10,,'I am currently unemployed for 2 years. I am currently enrolled in DeVry University. I am in need of some Cisco Switches an Routers to create a lab. I have no money. Whatever money I can scrape up, goes towards books. Can anyone help a guy in need in North NJ? Thanks..',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_o6bll,, |
1325868314.0,4,self.ccna,o5kj4,Cisco PIX/ASA Books (XPOST from CCNAS),5,1,2,,'So, My new job had me configure a PIX 515e as sort of a task and measure of my knowledge. I'd been working in labs on ASA's so Google was a strong part of my knowledge this time. The 515 command structure was painful. But it got me to wondering what the good books are configuring and maintaining cisco firewall appliances. Any good suggestions?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_o5kj4,, |
1322951977.0,5,self.ccna,mz4ik,'[NAT,DHCP] Can anyone tell me why I cant ping Router 2 interface s0/0/1 or s0/0/0 from R1 ? (Packet Tracer file attached)',5,0,10,,' |
Thanks. |
I probably configured OSPF incorrectly but I'm very new to this so I find it difficult to troubleshoot. |
** privileged exec password is 'class'** |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,True,True,t3_mz4ik,, |
1322330328.0,4,self.ccna,mq0h8,Finally passed 640-802..again.,4,0,6,,'Passed the CCNA exam four years ago, then let it expire because I was too broke to renew it. It's definitely a lot harder now. Wanted to thank the members of this subreddit for the 'Helpful Resources' section, as well as some of the scattered tips found in earlier threads. Thanks! |
edit 1: the Sybex Press book was incredible for catching back up on theory. If you're studying for it now and don't have this book, fix that. There's hardly any difference between sixth and seventh editions, and the sixth can be grabbed used for under $30.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,True,True,t3_mq0h8,, |
1322149046.0,5,self.ccna,mny27,CCNA Boot Camp Recommendations for Week of December 12 (Any City),6,1,6,,'My manager has blocked off this week for me to get my CCNA at a boot camp of my choice. Where it is is not important, so long as it's in the US. They'll fly me wherever. |
Any recommendations for boot camps? Similarly, let me know ones that I should avoid. |
I know there's a little bit of 'omg you don't remember anything after passing the exam' stigma around boot camps, but let's put that aside. Passing the exam (preferably with a guaranteed-to-pass course) is the most important thing here. Five- or seven-day courses are both acceptable. |
In case you can't tell, this is an omg-we-got-a-crapton-of-money-in-our-budget-to-spend-before-the-end-of-the-year thing lol. I live in the DC/Northern Virginia area in the event that you *happen* to know one nearby, but like I said, not a big issue if you know one that isn't here.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_mny27,, |
1321827548.0,5,self.ccna,mjeh0,A question between 640-802 and ICND..,5,0,6,,'I finished the 4 modules of CCNA Exploration 4.0 a year and a half ago, and now that I have time I've been thinking in refreshing that knowledge and doing the final exam. |
As far as I understand, taking ICND1 and ICND2 is the same as taking the 640-802 exam right? If not, what are the differences between these? |
What do you recommend? Also, my idea is to get into CCNP after this. |
Thanks a lot! |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_mjeh0,, |
1321553645.0,4,self.ccna,mfwlf,SemSim Practice Exam value,4,0,0,,'For anybody that has used the SemSim Practice Exam full version: were the tests worth the extra $30? I'm looking to take the test this month and just finished reading through all of the CCNA Exploration books. This was just a refresher since I took the classes a couple years ago. Are the tests easily replaceable with the links provided in the sidebar and the SemSim cram sheets, which I already purchased?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_mfwlf,, |
1320371753.0,3,self.ccna,lzrka,Cisco hardware newb: Where do I learn more? What should I get?,4,1,4,,'First: I need resources on the following: |
* Index of different Cisco switches and routers with prices, features, etc. |
* What equipment to purchase for CCNA/power user home network |
* Where to purchase said equipment |
I'm fairly familiar with networking, but Cisco's product lines are pretty opaque.. help? |
Upvotes for those who are patient enough to answer this question. I've searched and poked around, and can't find any clear, current information on the subject. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_lzrka,, |
1319768128.0,5,self.ccna,lrq4t,CCNA hardware questions. ,5,0,3,,'I currently have two 1841 routers I no longer use. Each router has two serial cards now. They originally came with one serial card, but I needed to multilink two T1 lines a couple years ago and purchased additional cards. I don't remember the model numbers exactly, but the extra cards I purchased were configured a bit differently than the original cards that shipped. Almost like there are sub-interfaces. It's been awhile, so I don't remember the component capabilities. |
I assume these routers would more than work for the CCNA, but I think I read something about having three routers would work best for studying/practicing frame relay. Would an additional, cheaper, router work well in this situation? |
I also would like to purchase a few switches, but I am not very knowledgeable on the models. I think the models suggested were 2950 and 3550. In the end, I would like to have hardware to support CCNP without buying new hardware. |
In addition, I've set up GNS3, linked it to a physical network, and thought I might be able to use this as an additional router with the other physical devices. |
I'm looking for advice, suggestions, etc. on anything above that may or may not work well for my studies. |
Thank you. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_lrq4t,, |
1319099708.0,5,self.ccna,liis5,How can I study for CCNA?,5,0,5,,I am more of a notes taking and then revise notes person. Cisco online materials and the powerpoints that my teacher does are amazingly long and yet still packed with information. Does anyone know of a way I can note some of this stuff?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_liis5,, |
1318277046.0,6,self.ccna,l7ffk,[Hiring] CCNAs and CCNPs,6,0,0,,'I posted in r/forhire a couple of days ago, but I spoke with the mods about posting here as well for increased visibility. |
We are an IT consulting company focused on networking. Occasionally we branch out to other departments, but we mostly stick to providing Network Technicians, Engineers and Administrators. Our business and technical directors are CCIEs for over 15 years so they know exactly what clients are looking for and what the perfect candidate is like for each project. |
We have 3 projects going live within 3-4 weeks with 2 big telecommunications companies and we need CCNA and CCNP certified candidates. |
While my colleagues are raking websites like Dice, monster, and Career Builder and coming up short, I'd like to reach out to this community. Personally, I've been a member for only 1 year, but it has been enough to know that the people are great and I'd like to make use of this through a mutually beneficial relationship. |
Most of the locations are in NJ and NY but we operate nationally so some will be in TX, WA and CA. Contracts are a minimum of 2 years. There is a need for both entry level as well experienced professionals. |
We really do know that the consultants are our bread and butter so we do as much as we can to support our employees throughout the lifetime of the projects and beyond. |
So if you have the certifications and are interested, please PM so we can exhange contact information. I don't have many details right now, but they should be trickling in in the next couple of weeks.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_l7ffk,, |
1317106480.0,4,self.ccna,kspp8,Practice exercise,4,0,2,,'Here is a quick exercise which I was asked in a job interview, perhaps you could provide an answer and help see if I fell down: |
Describe the processes that take place then you enter a domain name into a browser and press enter, your answer should include dns, arp, dhcp, and all TCP/IP interactions. The network includes Host A and web server B and looks like the following: A--switch--router--router--switch--B. The links between the routers is a serial connection.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_kspp8,, |
1315881823.0,4,self.ccna,kdsk1,More frame relay issues :) This board needs more discussion!!,4,0,4,,'Here is my post in the GNS3 forums.. |
thoughts? | |
looks like its a bug,.. doing the lab on my desktop does not give a similar issue |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,True,True,t3_kdsk1,, |
1315062048.0,4,self.ccna,k3jhp,My awesome landlord just gave me a 2600 series Cisco router.,4,0,5,,'What a cool guy. He came over to look at a plumbing problem and we started talking about work and what not, and he offered a router to practice on. Sweet. |
Now if I only had a pc with a serial port. I'll figure out something. Maybe a USB to serial? ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_k3jhp,, |
1315015770.0,4,self.ccna,k34sq,Do Cisco tests allow for entering abbreviated commands,5,1,5,,' like: |
> **en** instead of **enable** |
and |
>**conf t** instead of **configure terminal** |
Rumor has it that the test only counts the full command. Can someone confirm?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_k34sq,, |
1314992158.0,4,self.ccna,k2sex,The prospect of finding a job is scaring the hell out of me.,5,1,7,,'Hey reddit. I have an account but I'd rather not be known right now, so this is a throwaway. |
I've begun a class recently for the CCNA. I've studied for about a day and the professor mentioned that jobs can be found in other parts of my state, but not here. I want to relocate when I get certified but I want to be sure that I have a job lined up for me, so I have a couple of questions and some concerns about all of this. |
I don't have much experience with jobs. I have a little volunteer experience from high school, about a year as a cashier and 4 months as a computer repair guy at a small shop. All I'll have is a CCNA after that and it'll be a year before the class ends, so I have some time to look for a job and work around my weird school schedule. |
I'm very scared of the job market right now. I just went to and there were a total of 7 network admin jobs listed for the place I wanted to relocate to. I went to simplyhired and there were a lot of pages, but also a lot of unrelated jobs as the pages went on. And every network admin job wanted 5 - 7 years of experience. |
I'm really lost, scared and honestly feeling pretty low right now about other things in my life that I don't need to go into. But this CCNA stuff is basically my dream at the moment. The material looks really cool -- I actually think I'm going to like this stuff a lot. The professor even said it's really fun, even if it doesn't look that way. It was surprising, actually. But how can I find a job after getting certified without any networking *work* experience? |
I read another thread here where someone mentioned government contracting jobs, but when I spoke to someone about that they said I might have to move somewhere else. There's a certain city I want to move to and I don't know if I want to work for the government only because it seems a bit limiting and not too secure. |
I'm really lost, guys. I don't have much real world experience. I just need to know how to find work when I'm done. If possible I'd also like to know how to find work *before* relocating, so it's a bit more secure.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_k2sex,, |
1312401574.0,4,self.ccna,j824c,So I'm in a teleconference earlier today ..,4,0,6,,'Our main switching/routing engineer who has a CCNA and a Bachelor’s gets on the line. We inform him that we currently have a multi-mode ATM card installed in our router, and the installers ran single-mode fiber. |
His response? |
“Can we just plug in one of the fibers strands to make it single-mode instead of both strands for multi-mode?” |
I shed a tear for the future of this company. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_j824c,, |
1311937062.0,4,self.ccna,j344x,CCDA Question,5,1,5,,'Greetings! I'm a CCNA currently reading the CCDA book and I have a 'dumb' question. I saw this diagram in the book I'm reading: | |
Now, the question I have is where it indicates the Layer 2/Layer 3 boundary, are they trying to say that the SVIs are in the layer with the boundary, and that above that, they're using Layer 3 point-to-point links between the switches? |
I'm not quite sure what they were trying to imply with this diagram, so any insight would be much appreciated.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_j344x,, |
1310684409.0,3,self.ccna,ipvzn,Equal EIGRP routes.,4,1,4,,' |
Installed? I just took the ICND2 test, and there were a few questions where I felt there were no correct answer. If I don't know an answer, I feel fine taking a guess, but it was like nothing was correct. |
So what does installed mean? There was a questions with EIGRP listed for a route, the costs were equal, but there were two different interfaces listed. I don't think it mentioned the AS numbers, but it might have. By 'not installed' does it mean they wont both show in 'show ip route' because they did.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_ipvzn,, |
1308670639.0,5,self.ccna,i5bob,Looking to get my CCNA,6,1,7,,'I did a CCNA class in high school, but never pursued it. Now I'm heading to a doctor in a month to get a permanent disability rating on a back injury soooooo now I have a major motivation to get certifications and the like to work with computers. Do I seriously have to drop $3000 on a 5day course to get it or can I just study on my own and take the exam? I would much rather do the latter if possible.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_i5bob,, |
1308271619.0,4,self.ccna,i1poi,How does the CCNA Voice exam compare to the CCNA?,4,0,2,,'I recieved my CCNA about 3 months. A job opportunity requires that I also get my CCNA Voice. I had quite of few classes and nice lab equipment to work with to get my CCNA but do not have access to equipment or needed or classes for the Voice exam. I plan on studying from a couple of books. |
Has anyone taken both exams? What helped you more, real world experience with VOIP systems or studying? Know of any good resources for the exam?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_i1poi,, |
1376876157.0,3,self.ccna,1kn0e8,Any suggestions on how to get a job post-CCNA w/o experience?,3,0,9,,'I have about 4 years cumulative of on/off experience in IT, not network. And I also worked on Cisco equipment in the lab during my training. And then I did some freelance work for residential customers setting up their home networks, nothing fancy. |
I want to take the CCNA, but I'm being told at this stage it may be a waste of money because I won't get hired without network engineering experience. They go on to say it may be a better idea to get my Network+ (which I'm told is easier) and get a lower class job to work up to a CCNA level job. |
What do you all think? What steps did you take to get a job after CCNA? Did you have experience? Did you have to call in favors? |
Edit: want to add, the reason they recommend the Network+ is because I can pass it knowing the CCNA stuff, but taking the CCNA will throw red flags for anyone hiring me for a lower class job, like help desk or tech support, they'll think I'll jump ship as soon as a better offer comes along a few months down the road. Which isn't untrue.',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1376876383.0,True,t3_1kn0e8,, |
1376360363.0,3,self.ccna,1k91mo,I don't know how to begin. Well I do. Sort of.,4,1,7,,'I am changing careers and want to get my CCNA coupled with MCSE to start a career path in IT. I'm running into huge obstacles with financing formal training. The courses are expensive and I don't qualify for any kind of financial aid. |
I have been tinkering with PCs since 1996 and have had 1 job in the IT industry in 1999 which didn't end well due to my terrible work ethic at the time. Now, 15 years later, at age 34 with no prospects of a good career in my current line of work, I need to do something soon, or I fear I may end up left behind. As it stands, I am already 15 years behind where I should be in life. |
Is there any sort of free or very inexpensive, yet quality training that will get me in the door of a good place to work so that I can better myself, learn more and get even more certs and move up? I really want to take this path, but I have lost my way when it comes to paying for the proper training. TIA. :)',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1k91mo,, |
1375612924.0,2,self.ccna,1jobfl,Looking for labs for INCD1 100-101,5,3,6,,I have been searching for labs and it seems all of them are for the older 640-*** exams. Does anyone know of some updated ones for the new 100-101 exams that are out?,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jobfl,, |
1375244350.0,1,self.ccna,1jefie,Passed ICND1 today!,5,4,9,,'I passed with a 825! |
Does anyone currently studying want any tips?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1jefie,, |
1374857027.0,0,self.ccna,1j3tmc,'Hello r/CCNA, I have some questions about obtaining my CCNA certification, if you guys could help me out. More inside!',6,6,8,,'I am quitting my job because there is no room for growth and I really just decided that I cannot do it anymore. I am looking for other jobs in the meantime, but I am almost guaranteed a position at a company (through family) if I can get my CCNA in the next 6 months or so (studying very hard of course). |
My questions are, assuming I know little or nothing about this stuff, where is the best place for me to start so that I can be ready to take this exam in about 6 months time? Can you guys give me any advice on books to read, websites to visit, etc? I'm willing to do whatever it takes. |
Thanks r/CCNA!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1j3tmc,, |
1374807699.0,3,self.ccna,1j2nrn,Anybody have any experience with this site?,5,2,2,,'[Site]( |
So my friend and I are going to do a month intensive study session and try and take the ccna on Aug 31. I have a bit of networking experience but he has practically none so I was looking for packet tracer so we could download it and that way if he had a problem I could take a look at it when I found the site above. Is it legit or will the world die a horrible fiery death if I download it and install it, i.e. my computer. I would ask him to set up GNS3 but I'm not sure if we would be able to find an IOS copy to play with. Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1j2nrn,, |
1374608911.0,3,self.ccna,1iwlzk,Quick subnetting question,3,0,2,,'How do you solve the following: |
' What is the last valid host on the subnetwork' |
The answer is, but how do you get to that. I can subnet easier questions but this one is giving me a hard time since there are two octets changing. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1iwlzk,, |
1374160519.0,2,self.ccna,1ik9zs,'ICND1 101 Question - Do the motd banners have to display 'no un-authorized access'?',4,2,12,,'My buddy just took his INCD1 101 and mine is schedule for tomorrow and I would like some calcification. He was curious about two questions regarding security on routers/switch. Basically it had the configs for both displayed and you had to select which items were configured wrong. The banner for the Router was a simple welcome message 'Welcome to Router 1, if you need assistance please contact an administrator' and one of the possible answers were 'Inappropriate Banner on Router 1'. |
Would this be a correct answer? I know best practice is to use a banner prohibiting unauthorized access, but I couldn't find a clear answer if this was required. |
Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ik9zs,, |
1374089633.0,2,self.ccna,1ii93g,I take my ICND2 tomorrow,6,4,7,,'I'm nervous as hell, but I have been studying since March of this year and feel like I've done everything I can. I read Odom's book cover to cover, took notes and practiced. I watched all the CBT Nuggets on ICND2, took notes, and practiced. I downloaded packet tracer, practiced configuring EIGRP, RIP, OSPF, NAT, ACL, etc. |
I can't shake this nervous feeling despite reading that most people found ICND2 easier than ICND1. Any tips for what to do between now and tomorrow at 1pm?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ii93g,, |
1373688135.0,3,self.ccna,1i78e0,[Confused]Can you answer this Subnetting Question?,3,0,3,,'What is the last valid host on the subnetwork |
According to the site, the answer is: |
Answer: |
Is this right?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1i78e0,, |
1373256587.0,5,self.ccna,1hudqw,Question : Can we use RIP in a scenario having more than 15 routers ?,6,1,4,,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1hudqw,, |
1372933445.0,3,self.ccna,1hmkox,Exam Booked for 30 September.. WHAT DO I DO!!!,3,0,5,,'Background: Have done Exploration 1,2,3 & 4 at a Cisco Networking Academy as apart of my Diploma in IT: Networking |
Scored 91% overall for all tests and practical labs.. thanks to yes i advise using these.. but dont just memorize the answers, use these answers as an answer key to debunk how that answer is true and why the others are not, that is the best way! |
we were lucky enough to work on real gear at our College. |
Sat my CCNA Practice Exam and scored 72%.. so i must have learned something right? but 72% is far from 825/1000.. i got some study to do! |
My Study Plan started 30 June (3 Months) 14 Weeks in total |
**------Material--------** |
* **Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching 200-120 Official Cert Guide Library** [link!]( |
--This book was good value for money it came with a pearsonvue testing software and 650 Questions and its all sectioned into chapters, so when you read a chapter of the book you can test yourself on questions relating to that chapter, its also good to use these to see if you need to read a chapter thoroughly or if you can just summarize Key Points |
++if you are considering using braindumps.. dont, buy this book instead..ciscos 650 questions are going to help you study far better than braindumps, braindumps are unorganised and do not help you reinforce your knowledge as good as the pearsonvue testing software does. |
* **Ranet Packet Tracer Labs** [Link!]( read arabic.. neither download [here]( |
-- I found these good despite there being some issues with NAT and DHCP and ACL labs..and the phrasing is a trying not to sound arrogant, ill clear it up can tell whoever wrote it..english is a 2nd language, however still completely understandable. |
I nailed all of the Packet tracer exercises in just under 12 hours..with breaks, I tried to get into GNS3, but well theres no switch emulation right? |
**--------Study Plan---------- ** 52 Chapters in Total |
* **Phase 1** (ICND1) 30 Chapters |
--6 Chapters a Week Finish on 30th of JULY (14 Weeks - 5 Weeks = 9 Weeks/2 Months to GO NOW!) 1 Chapter an Hour 6 hrs of study a week. |
--Summary Weekend Call it ETA 8 Weeks |
++Revision Day and Sit the Practice ICND1 Exam provided by PearsonVUE that came with the Book. |
(anything thats marked incorrect write down the chapter it is covered in the book -- and yes it tells you which chapter you need to refer to :DDDDD ) |
* **Phase 2** (ICND2) 22 Chapters |
--4 Chapters of ICND2 a week Finish on 14th September (2 weeks till Exam) 1 Chapter every 90 Minutes, 6 Hrs of Study a week. |
++14 days to Revise and Sit the CCNA Practise Exam provided by PearsonVUE that comes with the book, same deal mark anything you dont get down and use it to revise. |
September 30 EXAM. |
-------------- |
so thats it! thats my study plan for revising all of the material covered in the CCNA, ill be doing all my study on the weekend as ive decided to have no social life whatsoever untill i get my CCNA.. to make sure i get it first go! |
so i have easily another 5 hours ( 1 hour per weeknight to study) what should i do? |
what else do you recommend highly? |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1372933900.0,True,t3_1hmkox,, |
1372906696.0,3,self.ccna,1hlztt,study group in Northern burbs Chicago,4,1,1,,'I really need to finish my CCNA, at least. Anyone interested in meeting in the Northern burbs, or at least the North side of Chicago, say twice a month?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1hlztt,, |
1371783932.0,3,self.ccna,1grssq,Question about the CCENT and CCNA.,5,2,12,,'Hi first off I was wondering if there is a age limit for taking the CCENT & CCNA. I am 16 years old and I have been studying for the CCNA but I didn't think and check to see if there is a age limit. Also I am a bit confused about the Required Exam's before taking the CCNA, do I need to take the ICND1 and ICND2? If so would the require a whole new concept to study or should I just study for the CCNA and everything I need for the ICND1 and 2 would be talked about. Also any tips or advice would be appreciated. ',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1grssq,, |
1371484038.0,2,self.ccna,1girho,Mixing old CCNA and NEW CCNA,4,2,3,,'I am taking my ICND1 640-822 at the end of July. I realize the new tests will come into effect at the end of September. I was wondering if i pass the old ICND1 and take the new ICND2 200-10, will i still get my CCNA? Can i mix them and still get my CCNA Routing and Switching?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1girho,, |
1371340698.0,3,self.ccna,1gfdby,CCNA Discount Voucher Validity,7,4,3,,'Hi Guys, Just Finnished CCNA: Exploration 1-4 and I am looking to book my CCNA Certification Exam for September 23rd. I managed to get a discount voucher, but unfortunately you cant see how long its valid for untill its been requested. (Cisco says at least 3 Months) |
From what Ive read I will need to sit my exam within this period also, so would that mean I have to wait untill July 1st (12 weeks) to issue my voucher? |
tldr; CCNA Test in September 23rd, Can I book my test now and Apply my discount voucher later? like in a few weeks? |
Thanks Guys',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1gfdby,, |
1370750046.0,2,self.ccna,1fyqi0,Need advice for lab and what series to get,4,2,4,,'I've recently completed my CCNA (640-816), scored a 902! I did all my studying with CBT Nuggets, Cisco Press, and packet tracer. I want to go further, but not without getting a real lab started. |
I found a guy who buys bulk equipment and I plan to head out there and see what all he has. In an email he stated that he has some 1800s, 2600s, and a 3800. Wasn't specific other than what series. So, is there a chart or something I can use to kind of compare everything so when i'm there I can find the best purchase? Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fyqi0,, |
1370616934.0,2,self.ccna,1fv4qy,CCNA home lab and licensing,5,3,6,,'I had some questions regarding setting up a CCNA home lab and licensing that equipment with Cisco.. 1) for a 'typical' 2 router, 2 switch setup - how much does this cost? 2) where would you go get the licenses? 3) do people actually license their gear for study use like this? (no, I don't mean to be 'that guy' when it comes to not paying for stuff/pirated licenses, I'm just curious because I haven't heard of anyone talking about it in reference to a home lab setup.) |
Thanks!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fv4qy,, |
1369865812.0,3,self.ccna,1fapyr,Troubleshooting my home CCNA lab!,6,3,7,,'I don't know whether I'm just being dumb or not seeing the wood for the trees here, but I've tried all day to get this working and I'm just plain stuck! |
Today I've been trying to hook up my home CCNA lab to my internet connection. The first problem I had was my little D-Link router would not let me configure routes so I had to remove the old firmware and put DD-WRT on it. It's a D-Link DIR-615. |
Anyway, I cannot get any hosts from within my lab network to communicate with the outside world (I'm trying to just get web access). I can ping the WAN interface with a connected laptop within my lab. And from my lab with a router having an interface sitting in the same network as my usual home network, I can ping the default gateway for my WAN interface. |
I've put an album here of my current set up and the tests I've been doing: |
I'm convinced its to do with the routing on my home router (RydalHigh) but I just cannot understand what's happening with some of the tracerts on my hosts. They'll trace to my router's WAN interface just fine, but refuse to trace to my WAN default gateway and also seem to take a different route? |
Anyway, if anyone's got the time to take a look at this and give me some pointers that'd be great. Sorry if this seems a bit disjointed but I've been trying to configure this for hours and have quickly put this together! I'm more than happy to provide any further info.. |
In case it matters I'm using three 1760 routers with WIC-2Ts and 2950 switches. |
Cheers!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1fapyr,, |
1369144888.0,3,self.ccna,1eri87,Can I successfully complete the hands on labs using only 1 router and 1 switch?,4,1,5,,'I have access to a 2621xm router and a 3550-48-SMI switch for free. I work full time as a SysSupport II, my wife is disabled, and we have 5 children, so my funds for more equipment is quite limited. If i get certified, i will mean significant increase in pay, as well as open more doors in my career, so I'm really hoping this stuff will work. Someone give me some good news? I realize something like GNS3 could work, but I believe I will benefit more from actual hands-on experience. Thanks in advance!',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1eri87,, |
1369055155.0,3,self.ccna,1eowao,'I've got access to two 877's, an ASA5505, two 3750Q's and a 3560 POE. Needing some lab suggestions',3,0,3,,'Hey guys, |
I've been given some of the above devices, and own a few for myself sop far. |
I'm keen on creating some home labs to mess around with. Anyone have some suggestions what I can do with these devices?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1eowao,, |
1368585923.0,3,self.ccna,1ecxx6,ICND 2 and OSPF Frame Relay Configs,3,0,4,,'I am scheduled to take the ICND2 exam this Saturday (the 'old') one. Do I need to know how to configure/troubleshoot routing protocols over frame relay? I checked the Cisco website, but it doesn't mention anything about WAN+Routing protocols. It mentions troubleshooting OSPF, and WANs, but not in the same area. |
I am having a really hard time understanding the many ways to configure OSPF over frame relay. There doesn't seem to be that much of a difference. |
Thanks in advance. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ecxx6,, |
1367861808.0,2,self.ccna,1dsy4d,I am having trouble with frame-relay.,4,2,16,,While following along with a video from byrant advantage i have ran into some trouble with packet tracer and frame-relay that i can not figure out. I can not ping the router interfaces. Problem 2 i have no idea how or where to upload my pkt file so that maybe someone could review it for me and help me see my mistakes. ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1dsy4d,, |
1367015839.0,3,self.ccna,1d6mdc,Named access list wildcard mask odds problems,3,0,4,,'Doing practice for my final next week and I am having issues with named access lists when it comes to tweaking the wildcard mask to apply the rule to odds or evens. |
the rule should be no odd ip can ping from router 1 to hq |
but when applied to the interface it stops all echos from everywhere. |
so here is my rule. |
**deny icmp echo** |
**permit tcp any any** |
source net dest net |
configs inside..',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1d6mdc,, |
1366300915.0,2,self.ccna,1cm1tx,Are there any good study books out yet for the updated curriculum? Something like the Lammle books.,5,3,5,,I was going to buy the Lammle study books but I don't plan on taking the exam until after September. ,False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1cm1tx,, |
1366275341.0,3,self.ccna,1clgxr,ICND1 100-101 Hardback + eBook,4,1,1,,'I've just bought the new Official cert guide from Amazon in hardback £22, anybody else think it's a bit of a liberty charging £18 for the eBook as well? |
I want the hardback for studying at home, making notes etc. But I spend 3 hours a day commuting on a train and don’t really want to be lugging a huge book around when I have my tablet (nexus 7) |
Cisco press offer a deal for the bundle, but don't ship to the UK without the possibility of adding £££'s in import costs. I don’t know why they don’t have a dedicated UK store too. |
I know people need to make money, but once a torrent becomes available I’ll probably end up downloading that, right or wrong, I don’t feel bad when I could scan every page of the book, that I’ve paid for, and make a pdf for free. |
/rant. |
',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1clgxr,, |
1366164612.0,3,self.ccna,1ci7oq,How Might I tell if a link is ether-channel with the show spanning tree.,3,0,6,,'In one of my practice tests, it asked what type of link an interface was based on the show spanning-tree command output. I could see the link path cost was 4 so I assumed it was a gig link. |
Is there something else I should be looking at or did I just misunderstand something?',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1ci7oq,, |
1366079543.0,6,self.ccna,1cfok6,'I have a chance of getting a CCNA Kit for cheap, need help to make sure i am buying the right stuff',9,3,16,,'It's basically |
2x Cisco 2611xm Routers |
1x Cisco 2950 Switch |
1x Cisco 3570 Switch |
2x WIC-T1-DSU/CSU Card |
1x BRI-U1 Card |
1x Console Cable |
1x Crossover Cable |
2x Patched Cables |
Is there anything else I need? Am I missing cables? Should I be worried about having WIC-T1-DSU/CSU cards instead of the WIC-T1 Serial card? Do I need the BRI card? He is giving me all this for dirt cheap and they all work. He is just a cisco reseller, he isn't certified or anything so he didn't know what to put in the kit. but i need help. thanks! |
Also, i just want something to perform cisco labs :) . nothing crazy also |
update: |
50$ for everything . so i swapped a few things (check the update) |
i got two 2611xm routers w/ 2 WIC-2T's and 2 WIC-1T's |
i got two 3550 switches now instead of the two different ones |
and 4 patched cables, console cable and crossoverethernet. |
still need to buy the DB60 cables and the Smart Serial Cables, he didn't have those',False,self,t5_2qjhh,1366144384.0,True,t3_1cfok6,, |
1365804351.0,3,self.ccna,1c8gu3,A question about the practice exams from the Odom book (DVD),7,4,6,,'I'm looking to take my CCENT exam this coming Wednesday. I have done CBTNuggets, Odom book, practice tests, subnetting site. |
I have been doing a lot of the practice exam questions on the DVD supplied by the Odom book. I was wondering if these questions were harder than the actual exam, the same, not as hard???',False,self,t5_2qjhh,False,True,t3_1c8gu3,, |
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- Business31997
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AD&D - Forgotten Realms - Atlas.pdf. D&D - 3rd Edition - Forgotten Realms - Magic of Faerun.D&D 3.5 Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting. Faith and pantheons pdf viewer.
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- Web Authoring7573
ASP & PHPE-CommerceE-Mail ServersFlash ToolsFTP ServersHTML ToolsJava & JavaScript ..
Image for DOS 2.26 (
Imagefor DOS is a reliable and easy to use drive imaging software package. Completely backup your operating systems, including Windows or Linux. It supports any partition type, including FAT, FAT32, NTFS, EXT2/3, Reiser, and XFS. It also supports USB2, ..
Author: TeraByte Unlimited Size: 1740 K Shareware
Category: System Utilities - File & Disk Management
Image for Windows 2.26a (
Imagefor Windows is an affordable and reliable drive image backup and restore utility that you can use to create a backup of all your hard drive data to other media or external drives (such as USB or 1394) and easily perform a bare-metal restore for ..
Author: TeraByte Unlimited Size: 5642 K Shareware
Cisco Switch Ios Gns3
Category: System Utilities - File & Disk Management
Image for Windows 2.7 (
Imagefor Windows utilizes the technology provided by Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) or PHYLock™, an add-on component included in the Imagefor Windows package. VSS and PHYLock™ allows you to continue using your computer while the backup ..
Released: Jun 17, 2012 Author: TeraByte, Inc. Size: 8151 K Shareware
Category: System Utilities - Backup & Restore
Flip Image for Mac 1.8 (
To build a wonderful digital album for your designed pictures or photos, Flip Imagefor Mac will provide you the easiest way to build animated gallery within a few minutes on Mac. The amazing software can be run on many different versions of Mac devices, ..
Released: Mar 22, 2013 Author: Size: 5898 K Shareware
Category: Business - Accounting & Finance
Image for Linux 2.51a (
Imagefor Linux is a reliable and easy to use drive image backup software package. Completely backup, restore, or copy your operating systems, including Windows or Linux. It supports any partition type, including FAT, FAT32, NTFS, EXT2/3, Reiser, and ..
Released: Mar 4, 2013 Author: TeraByte, Inc. Size: 23499 K Shareware
Category: System Utilities - Backup & Restore
Amacsoft PDF to Image for Mac 2.6.11 (
Amacsoft PDF to Imagefor Mac is an easy-to-use Mac PDF image extractor, created specifically for Mac OS user to extract images from Adobe PDF files and then convert the extracted images to popular image formats includes TIFF, JPG, PNG, GIF and BMP.
Released: Nov 28, 2011 Author: Amacsoft Studio Size: 5948 K Shareware
Category: Business - Office Suites & Support Tools
Resize Image for Email 1.0 Build 2 (
It is a small image resizer application.Resize Imagefor Email is a lightweight applicationthat allows you to resize your images and prepare them for email.Changes:1 Cleaned up the Interface slightly2 Added 2 new options for auto ..
Author: r2 Studios Size: 143 K Freeware
Category: Design - Other design
Switch Plus Edition for Mac 4.98 (
Switch MP3 converter for Mac can convert mp3 files from many sources into wav format. Just add the files you want to convert to the list, select the format you want to use, and then click the convert button. Mac MP3 Converter Features: * Automatically ..
Released: Nov 25, 2016 Author: NCH Software Size: 1748 K Shareware
Category: Multimedia - Multimedia Creation Tools
Image for Windows with IFD GUI 2.97 (
Imagefor Windows is an affordable and reliable drive image backup and restore software package that is used for backing up all of your hard drive data to other media or external drives (such as eSATA, USB or 1394) and allows you to easily perform a bare-metal ..
Released: Jun 14, 2015 Author: TeraByte, Inc. Size: 15096 K Shareware
Category: System Utilities - Backup & Restore
4Videosoft iOS Transfer for Mac 8.2.30 (
4Videosoft iOS Transfer for Mac does well in transferring video, music, photo and many other multimedia files from computer to iOS device such as iPhone 7/7 Plus, iPhone 6S/5C, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3/2 and iPod, etc. Ir can also convert the uncompatible ..
Released: Mar 9, 2017 Author: 4Videosoft Studio Size: 35020 K Shareware
Category: System Utilities - File & Disk Management
4Videosoft iOS Transfer for Mac 8.2.22 (
4Videosoft iOS Transfer for Mac does well in transferring video, music, photo and many other multimedia files from computer to iOS device such as iPhone 7/7 Plus, iPhone 6S/5C, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3/2 and iPod, etc. Ir can also convert the uncompatible ..
Released: Dec 28, 2016 Author: 4Videosoft Studio Size: 35737 K Shareware
Category: Multimedia - Utilities & Plug-Ins
Switch Plus Audio File Converter for Mac 4.57 (
Switch MP3 converter for Mac can convert mp3 files from many sources into wav format. Just add the files you want to convert to the list, select the format you want to use, and then click the convert button. Mac MP3 Converter Features: * Automatically ..
Released: Nov 22, 2013 Author: NCH Software Size: 1400 K Shareware
Category: Multimedia - Audio Players
Cisco Continuous Data Protection for Files 3.1 (
Cisco's Continuous Data Protection for Files offers three levels of insurance for your data's security. The first, Continuous Protection, creates a duplicate backup copy every time a file is saved. With Scheduled Protection, files are designated ..
Released: Apr 12, 2012 Author: CISCO Size: 16281 K Shareware
Category: Security & Privacy - Other
Boson NetSim for CCENT 7.0 (
The Boson NetSim Network Simulator for CCNA is the most powerful and versatile Cisco network simulation software available for IT professionals seeking CCNA certification. NetSim's Virtual Packet Technology sets it apart because it actually simulates ..
Released: Apr 20, 2012 Author: Boson Software, Inc. Size: 35368 K Shareware
Category: Web Authoring - Other
Pass4sure Questions and Answers for Cisco 646-364 Demo 3.0 (
Cisco Express Foundation for Account Managers , also known as 646-364 exam, is a Cisco certification Pass4sure Practice Exams forCisco Cisco Specialist 646-364 are written to the highest standards of technical accuracy, using only certified subject ..
Released: Mar 1, 2012 Author: Pass4sure Size: 1976 K Shareware
Category: Home & Education - Teaching & Training Tools
MobileGo for IOS 3.1.0 (
Want to find a perfect manager to manage your iPhone/iPad/iPod? MobileGo forIOS is the best choose. MobileGo forIOS disigned for those people who have a lot of files on their iPhone 5/4s/4/3gs, iPad, iPod and need to manage, eg: upload/download music ..
Released: Jun 26, 2013 Author: Swesoft Studio Size: 23347 K Shareware
Category: System Utilities - File & Disk Management
Wondershare TunesGo for iOS 4.5.0 (
Want to find a perfect manager to manage your iPhone/iPad/iPod? TunesGo forIOS is the best choose. TunesGo forIOS disigned for those people who have a lot of files on their iPhone 5S/5C/5/4s/4/3gs, iPad, iPod and need to manage, eg: upload/download ..
Released: Aug 1, 2014 Author: Swesoft Studio Size: 27481 K Shareware
Category: System Utilities - File & Disk Management
Acronis True Image 2015 for Mac 1.1 (
Acronis True Imagefor Mac is an advanced, easy-to-use, backup and recovery solution that supports cloud storage and Parallels virtual machines. It protects your files, photos, media library, or your entire system, and keeps your data safe and accessible ..
Released: Sep 16, 2014 Author: Acronis, LLC Size: 39580 K Shareware
Category: System Utilities - Backup & Restore
Net Profile Switch 6.1 (
Switch network settings. For laptop/notebook users who travel from one network location to another. Switch between network configurations (network switcher). Assuming a DHCP-enabled network at your office and a static IP-address at home, every time you ..
Author: JitBit Software Size: 1309 K Shareware
Category: Network & Internet - Networking
Acronis True Image Corporate Workstation 8.0 (
Acronis True Image Corporate Workstation allows to create an exact disk imagefor complete system backup providing organizations with the most reliable and cost effective workstation protection. The disk backup file contains the exact copy of a hard disk, ..
Released: Oct 10, 2012 Author: Acronis Size: 36647 K Shareware
Category: System Utilities - Backup & Restore
Schoenberg Centre for Electronic Text and Image (
At the University of Pennsylvania Library includes a database of scanned texts from the Furness Shakespeare ..
BBC News: Haunting Lennon Image for Sale (
A photo of John Lennon's blood-covered glasses, taken by his widow Yoko Ono after the star was shot, is to be ..
Pro-Imaging - International support for professional image makers (
A web resource for professional image makers. Promotion of photography through image galleries, news and member ..
Eye for Image (
Eye ForImage, we are qualified image consultants who have a natural feel for ..
Integro Personal Image Consultants - Dress for Success (
Feel confident about your appearance for every occasion. Be the best you because when you know you look great you feel ..
Eye for Image (
Eye forImage is an international communications and copywriting agency. Our copywriters and communications specialists from around the globe provide creative concepts, English-language content and communications coaching to leading ..
Designing And Implementing A Neural Network Library For Handwriting Detection, Image Analysis etc.- The BrainNet Library - Full Code, Simplified Theory, Full Illustration, And Examples - CodeProject (
A concise explanation of backward propagation neural networks for handwriting analysis. Beginning functions are given for its 'Brain Net' library in VB.Net.
Cisco buys network switch maker for $5.7 billion (
com: Cisco acquires ArrowPoint Communications. By Sandeep ..
Telconi Terminal for Cisco IOS (
A network management application giving experts a visual configuration editor and specialized terminal emulation for any CiscoIOS based devices, such as routers and ..
Image for Success (
Marin County, California. Accepts donations of women's professional clothing and accessories, to be provided to people entering the workforce. Describes training programs and ..
Cisco 3750 Switch Ios Image For Gns3 Free Downloads - 2000 Shareware periodically updates software information and pricing of Cisco 3750 Switch Ios Image For Gns3 from the publisher, so some information may be slightly out-of-date. You should confirm all information before relying on it. Software piracy is theft, Using Cisco 3750 Switch Ios Image For Gns3 crack, password, registration codes, key generators, serial numbers is illegal.